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H. C. COOPER, JR., & CO.
' While the lives of men and women who undertake the work of opening
up a new country for the peaceful uses of husbandry may contain nothing
that is thrilling and be devoid of romance, yet they contain lessons of forti-
tude and self-denial which are fruitful for those who come after them and
profit by their early endeavors. It is no small sacrifice to leave homes of
comfort in well-settled localities to live the lives of the pioneer on the far
frontier, where comparative isolation is added to the hardships and dis-
comforts due to a lack of even the mere necessities of life, all for the hope
of what the future may have in store as a recompense. The changes in
conditions have been so great during the years which have passed since
Stearns county knew only the tread of the Indian that it is difficult to realize
what a settler's life in those earlier days really meant. It can be only ap-
preciably understood when the facts of pioneers settlement are presented
from the experience of those who took part in it. Unfortunately too often
the gathering of these experiences is postponed to too late a date, until those
who were first on the ground have passed away, their lips closed forever.
Such is the case ^iy',.^ nc present u_ lertaklug. Could the work have been
done ten or even half a dozen years earlier, the results would have been
much more satisfactory. During this interval many of the early settlers
have gone to their last rest — to mention only Capt. J. E. West, H. C. Waite,
J. L. Wilson, Judge L. W. Collins, John Schaefer and Casper Capser — men
who had been the real pioneers in the county, having an intimate personal
knowledge of the very beginning of things, and were themselves the makera
of history.
The aim of this work has been to gather facts, as full and as reliable in
their nature as possible, for permanent preservation. To this end the public
records have been carefully examined, -the files of local papers searched for
matters of interest, a wide correspondence carried on and individual inter-
views sought where general information or personal experiences could be
obtained. I have made free use of such books and publications as contained
suitable material for use in these pages, including the History of the Upper
Mississippi Valley, Minnesota in Three Centuries, Flandrau's History of Min-
nesota, Folsom's Fifty Years in the Northwest, Geological and Natural His-
tory Survey of Minnesota, Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, the Min-
nesota Historical Society's Collections, and the Papers and Proceedings of
the Old Settlers' Association of Stearns and adjoining counties.
'' Acknowledgments are due to many persons who have rendered valuable
assistance and to whom I feel indebted for much of whatever maj'' be of in-
terest in this History. I will first name Mr. Arthur M. Gorman, secretary
to the Hon. C. A. Lindbergh, member of congress from the Sixth district, to
whose persevering efforts are due the securing from the Post Office depart-
ment the statistics from which the full and accurate history of the post offices
of the county has been prepared. To the Commissioner of the General Land
Office; to the Hon. J. A. 0. Preus, state auditor; the Hon. W. J. Smith, state
treasurer; the Hon. C. G. Schulz, superintendent of public instruction; Mr.
Warren Upham, secretary of the Minnesota Historical Society; Dr. H. M.
Bracken, secretary of the state board of health ; Capt. J. R. Howard, superin-
tendent of the Indian agency at "White Earth ; the officials at the general
offices of the Great Northern, Northern Pacific and Soo railway companies;
C. H. Barnes, superintendent of schools at St. Cloud; and the various county
officers of Stearns county — and this by no means completes the list — I would
express my indebtedness for courtesies shown and favors granted during the
progress of this work.
Especial thanks are due the men who have prepared the general chapters.
They have given to the gathering and preparation of the material much valu-
able time, in many instances at the sacrifice of their personal and business
affairs. The results are of exceeding value, representing a wealth of informa-
tion and details which are of present as they will be of still greater future
Acknowledgments are also due the writers of the history of their re-
spective townships and villages, most of which are full, complete and credit-
able. It is to be regretted, however, that in several of the townships and
' villages it was impossible, notwithstanding the most persistent efforts, to
' isecure from p:oi. 'nep+ residents of tl/J loeali^' ■?';■, "f ^v.pposed public spirit
I fesd intelligence, the necessary information for satisfactory sketches, which
iN'ill account for the meager character of those published.
Whatever shortcomings there may be in this History of Stearns county —
and I am fully aware that there are many — may be charged at least in part
to the difficulty of obtaining reliable first-hand information and in part to
the local indifference referred to. I hope, however, that it will not wholly
fail in preserving for years to come the memories of the good and true men
and women who laid the foundation stones upon which Stearns county grew
to be one of the best, most populous and most prosperous counties in the great
state of Minnesota.
Abeles, David C 655
Adams, Julius 658
Adkuis, Dr. Joul F 405
Ahlers, Henry C 658
Ahles, Paul 531
Ahmann, John J 373
Akers, Eev. J. Milton 660
Albrecht, William F., Sr 661
Albrecht, William F., Jr 661
Alden, Thomas Childs 656
Alden, William H 657
Andrews, Christopher C 190
Atwood, Clarence L 347
Atwood, Edwin H 654
Atwood, Erwin W 654
Atwood, Mary Elizabeth 653
Avery, James P 660
Bach, Frank J 700
Bach, John 701
Barnes, Nathan F 315
Bauer, Joseph P 210
Beaty, M. D., James H 382
Beebe, M. D., Warren L 381
Bennett, George H 668
Bensen, J. Andrew 661
Bensen, John N 345
Benzie, James 330
Berg, Charles R 662
Berlin, M. D., T. N 398
Bettenburg, Frank 668
Block, Henry C, Sr 680
Boehm, M. D., John C 390
Bohmer, John 362
Bostrom, Ernest 667
Bowing, Albert E 666
Bowing, Harry C 666
Bowing, Stacy B 666
Bradford, James F 315
Braegelmann, Gerhard 371
Branch, Paul 663
Brick, Edward J 665
Brick, Leo P 665
Brick, Peter 535
Bridgman, Charles 315
Brigham, M. D., Charles F 396
Brigham, M. D., Geo. S 395
Brower, Claud D 369
Brower, Jacob Vradenberg 648
Bruener, Dr. Albert L 405
Bruner, Theodore 531
Buekman, John 666
Buckley, EoUand C 667
Bunnell, Charles S 667
Caughren, J. A 352
Calhoun, David T 528
Callahan, James P 699
Campbell, Donald M 670
Campbell, Eagleston 670
Campbell, Eev. Elay V 89
Campbell, John F 330
Campbell, M. D., Joseph E 388
Campbell, William 330
Carter, Benjamin F 668
Carter, John H. W 700
Carter, Wesley 699
Carver, O. F 315
Chute, Samuel S 671
Clark, Edward E 68
Clark, E. E 68
Clark, Geo. R 68
Clark, Lewis 69
Clark, Wm. T 66
Clarke, Nehemiah P 59
Cleveland, David 669
Cleveland, Mattison J 669
Coates, John 74
Colgrove, James 288
Coburn, M. D., Wm 397
Collins, Loren W 520
Collins, M. D., W. T 406
Cook, Dr. Michael F 405
Couper, M. D., J. E 398
Crever, John C 367
Dam, Freeland H 86
Daniel, Arnold J 313
Davis, C. F. 315
de Marogna, Father Demetrius 252
Donohue, J. 1 535
Du Bois, M. D., Julian A 384
Dunnewold, Gerard H 698
Dunn, M. D., John B 396
Eastman, Aloah 319
Edelbrock, Abbot Alexius 259
Edelbrock, Henry 698
Edelbrock, Joseph 319
Edelbrock, Joseph F 698
Emmel, John M 302
Emmel, Joseph 302
Engel, Abbot Peter 264
Ervin, Jr., Harry C 295
Ervin, Sr., Harry C 295
Evans, Hugh 702
Fandel, Frank 302
Feddema, William H 696
Ferschweider, John 308
Freeman, Ambrose 701
Freeman. Ambrose 319
Freeman, Daniel H 702
Freeman, Willard S 702
Fisher, William M 695
Fritz, Andrew 697
Fritz, Andrew E 697
Fritz, Frank 697
Fritz, John 696
Frost, Joseph 695
Frost, Levi 695
Gale, Robert L 695
Garrison, Oscar E 319
Gilman, M. D., Albert 0 396
Oilman, Charles A 70
Goetten, Andrew P 694
Goetten, John P 694
Goetten, Peter 693
Grandekneyer, Jacob 694
Gray, M. D., Thomas J 398
Grinds, Clinton D 290
Gordon, Hanford L 537
Gorman, Patrick B 532
Gross, Dr. Leon G 405
Gruber, Andrew 694
Haindl, Prior Benedict 255
HaU, Mathew 292
Hamlin, Amos M 289
Hanseom, David J 290
Hanscom, Geo. E 344
Hansen, Hubert 534
Harmon, Chandler 692
Harren, Nicholas J 363
Harris, James A 657
Hasbrouch, Thomas K 692
Hayward, Josiah E 83
Hayward, Mary S 85
Heinen, Nicholas 691
Heinen, Peter 692
Henneman, Andrew 292
Henneman, Gustave J 654
Henneman, Dr. Gustave J 404
Henning, Nels E 693
Herschbach, Henry 691
Hilbert, M. D., Ferdinand 389
Hilbe, Joseph J 293
Himsl, J. B 536
Hoeschen, Moritz 364
Hohmann, Jacob L 690
Hohmann, Louis 690
Holden, Dr. Emmet C 402
Holes, Samuel 331
Holes, William J 331
Holifer, Henry H 357
Hoyt, Dr. Freeland A 402
Huber, J. G 318
Huhn, Rudolph 291
Hunt, Nathaniel K 294
Hunter, Dr. W. R 401
Hunter, M. D., Wm. R 381
Hurrle, Frank 691
Hurrle, John H 691
Hussey, Allen E 318
Hussey, Arthur A 693
Hyde, C. W 318
Jaques, Dr. E. K 402
Jenks, James E 529
Jerrard, James Eeeve 689
Junk, M. D., Geo. A 397
Kaiser, P. E., A. M 652
Kaufmann, John 689
Keough, James 688
Keller, Ernest 293
Kern, M. D., Mai J 395
Kirghis, M. D., A. J 387
Klasen, Albert H 536
Kolb, John 353
Kraemer, Nicholas 374
Kraker, Joseph 354
Kuck, Julius 689
Kuhlmann, M. D., August 386
Kuhn, John W 365
Ladner, Charles F 295
Lahr, Frank M 296
Lahr, Jacob A 297
Lahr, Michael 296
Lahr, Nicholas 76
Lahr, Peter N 300
Lammersen, Bernard F 685
Landwehr, Henry 686
Landwehr, William H 686
Lang, John 688
Lang, John, Sr 688
Lavaque, Geo. N 318
Leonard, Dr. Lawrence P 403
Lethert, Carl 659
Lewis, M. D., C. B 393
Lewis, M. D., E. J 393
Ley, Peter H 685
Levanseler, F. E 318
Limperich, Henry J 687
Locnika, Abbot Bernard 262
Long, Edwin P 686
Lorinser, Frank J 670
Loso, Martin 368
Lueg, Charles 662
McClure, Thomas C 340
McGenty, John M 683
McKelvy, James M 530
McMasters, M. D., J. M 391
Macdonald, Colin F 328
MacGregor, Alexander 301
Mackerell, Samuel 683
Magnuson, George C 664
Marlatt, Silas 318
Marshall, Samuel 290
Marty, Bishop Martin 206
Maurin, Peter P 361
Meagher, Edmund 684
Meagher, Samuel E 684
Metzroth, Charles J 307
Metzroth, John W 306
Metzroth, Otto F 307
Meyer, Rev. Carl 301
Meyer, Ewald F 302
Miller, Stephen 324
Miner, George H 303
Mitchell, Charles S 318
Mitchell, Henry Z 326
Mitchell, WilliP-m B 327
Molitor, Martin 325
Montgomery, Albertis 318
Moore, Edwin F 340
Moosbrugger, Louis A 684
Moos, Dr. Wm. H 405
Mueller, Bertus 301
Mueller, Herman H 301
Muggli, Anton 358
Mund, William 675
Munger, M. D., L. H 398
Murphy, Walter W 297
Naegeii, Franz G 682
Nagl, Edward J 211
Neide, Harold R 681
Niskern, Walter N 680
Niven, Dr. Wm 402
Noel, M. P 320
Nuerenberg, Mathias 682
Olds, Charles 8 679
Olson, Ralph 0 338
Owen, John H 321
Palmer, M. D., Benjamin R 381
Pattison, John B 533
Pattison, Dr. Thomas A 403
Pendergast, Solomou 351
Pierz, Father F. X 196
Pilon, M. D., P. C 396
Pinault, M. D., Herbert A 393
Pitzl, Mathew 375
Post, M. D., H. M 397
Putney, M. D., Geo. E 393
Kamsay, M. D., A. C. L 383
Eau, John P 314
Eeinhard, Bernard 306
Eeis, George 678
Eengel, John 312
Eengel, Peter J 313
Eieder, Joseph 679
Eieland, Frank 366
Eiley, Anthony L 308
Eoeholl, Lorenzo J 663
Eoeser, John A 526
Eosenberger, Balthasar 309
Eosenberger, Henry .T 311
Eosenberger, John M 310
Eosenberger, Joseph B 311
Sotory, Dr. Joseph 404
Schaefer, Geo. M 356
Scherfenberg, George G 676
Scherfenberg, Henry 675
Schilplin, Fred 317
Schilplin, Frederick 315
Sehmid, William 677
Schmitt, Christ 677
Schoener, B. E 678
Schroeder, Fred 321
Schulten, C 322
Sehultz, William E 358
Schwab, Carl D 348
Searle, Dolson B 515
Seberger, Peter 85
Seberger, Peter J 85
Seide:;busch, Abbot Eupert 257
Seidenbusch Bishop Eupert 201
Senkler, M. D., A. E 397
Sherwood, M. D., Geo. E 387
Shield, William 331
Simmers, Alexander M 332
Simonton, M. D., W. B 397
Smith, Joseph G 336
Smith, William W 339
Spaniol, Peter 674
Spicer, David H 321
Sprague, Cassius M 349
Stearns, Charles T 322
Stein, Fred V 360
Stephens, James F 677
Stewart, Geo. W 526
Stock, John 368
Stone, M. D., Wm. T 397
Stratton, William 314
Streitz, Stephen 320
Streitz, William 320
Strobel, Simon 673
Sullivan, John D 533
Sutton, M. D., Charles S 387
Sweet, Milton F 676
Swisshelm, Jane G 61
Taylor, Myrose D 525
Tenwoode, Henry 322
Tenwoode, John W 323
Tenwoode, Stephen 323
Terhaar, Herman J 374
Terwey, Bernard A 671
Thielman, Dr. Henry J 405
Thielman, Leonard 324
Thielman, Peter E 323
Thomey, Nicholas 672
Thomey, Pierre 673
Thompson, Wm. H 325
Tolman, Frank 539
Tolman, M. D., Moody C 394
Trobec, Bishop James 208
Tschumperlin, Alois 672
Tschumperlin, A. J 672
Turrittin, Albert H 377
Upham, Dr. J. A 401
Van Cleve, M. D., Samuel H 398
Volz, Joseph 319
Waite, Henrv C 523
Watson, M. D., Tolbert 395
Weber, M. D., Charles 398
Weber, M. D., Charles S 397
West, Josiah Elam 646
Weyland, Nicholas 370
Wheelock, M. D., J. D 397
Whiting, M. D. Arthur D 391
Whitmaai, Amos T 703
Whitney, Albert G 80
Whitney, A. J 78
Whitney, Ephriam B 79
Whitney, Frederick H 77
Whitney, Geo. E 78
Whitney, Sr., Geo. E 79
Wilson, M. D., Charles 398
Wilson, John L 645
Wilson, Joseph P 323
Wirz, Pior Othmar 256
Wittmann, Father Cornelius 254
Woeken, Bernard J 703
Wocken, John 703
Wren, M. D., J. V 397
Zapp, John 342
Zardetti, Bishop Otto 204
Ahmann, John J 373
Atwood, Clarence L 347
Atwood, Edwin H 654
Beebe, M. D., Warren L. 381
Bensen, John N 345
Block, Henry C, Sr 680
Boehm, M. D., John C 390
Bruener, Theodore 531
Calhoun, David T 529
Campbell, Eev. and Mrs. Elgy V 89
Campbell, M. D., Joseph E 388
Caughren, J. A 353
Clark, Edward E 68
Clark, Lewis 69
Clarke, Nehemiah P 59
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. T 66
Coates, John 74
Colgrove, Mr. and Mrs. James 288
Collins, Loren W 520
Dam, Freeland H 87
Daniel, Arnold J 313
Donohue, J. 1 535
Emmel, John M 302
Fandel, Frank 303
Ferschweiler, John 308
Fink, Rev. Luke 232
Gans, Eev. Leo 239
Oilman, Charles A 70
Gorman, Patrick B 533
Griaols, Clinton D 290
Hall, Mathew 292
Hanseom, Geo. E 344
Harris, James A 657
Hayward, Josiah E 83
HajTvard, Mary 8 85
Hilbe, Joseph J 293
Hunt, Nathaniel K 294
Hurrle, Frank and Family 691
Immaculate Conception Church (New
Munich) 232
Immaculate Conception Church (St.
Cloud) 242
Jenks, James E 530
Kaiser, P. E., A. M 652
Kraemer, Nicholas 374
Kraker, Joseph 354
Kuhlmann, M. D., August 386
Lahr, Mr. and Mrs. Michael 296
Lahr, Nicholas 76
Lethert, Carl 659
McCIure, Thomas C 340
Maedonald, Colin F 328
Magnuson, Geo. G 665
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Peter A 305
Maurin, Peter P 361
Mayer, Rev. Alfred 243
Metzroth, Charles J 307
Metzroth, John W 306
Mitchell, W. B Frontispiece
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Z 327
Muggli, Anton and Family 358
Mund, Mr. and Mrs. William 675
Murphy, Walter W. and Family 297
Olson, Ralph 0 338
Pierz, Father Franics X 195
Pendergast, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon 351
Pinault, M. D., Herbert A 393
Ramsay, M. D., A. C. L 383
Rengel, Mr. and Mrs. John 312
Richter, Rt. Rev. B 231
Rocholl, Lorenzo J 663
Roeser, John A 526
Rosenberger, John M 310
St. Benedict 's College and Academy .... 275
St. Benedict, Order of. Leaders 252
St. Boniface Church 231
St. Boniface School and Rectory 230
St. John 's University 268
St. Mary's Convent and Hall 245
St. Mary 's School 242
Schaefer, Geo. M 356
Scherf enberg, Geo. G 676
Schilplin, Fred 317
Schwab, Carl D 348
Searle, Dolson B 515
Seberger, Peter J 86
Sherwood, M. D., Geo. E 387
Smith, Joseph G 336
Smith, William W 339
Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. David H 321
Sprague, Cassius M 349
Swisshelm, Jane J 61
Taylor, Myron D 525
Tenwoode, John W 323
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H 325
Tolman, Frank 539
Trobec, Rt. Rev. Bishop James 208
Turrittin, Albert H 377
Volz, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 319
Waite, Henry C 523
West, Josiah E 647
Whitney, Albert G 80
Whitney, Frederick H 77
Whitney, Geo. R 78
Wilson, John L 645
Advantages — Situation and Area — Natural Drainage— Lakes — Topog-
raphy— Altitudes — Soil and Timber — Geological Structure — Creta-
ceous Beds — Glacial and Modified Drift — Material Resources —
Waterpowers — Aboriginal Earthworks — Archaean Rocks 1-18
Nature's Paradise — Earliest Human Inhabitants — Era of the Eskimo
— Reign of the Indian — Prehistoric Indians — Indian Tribes —
Dakotas — Ojibways — Ojibway-Dakota Conflict — Social Organi-
zation of the Ojibway — Origin of the Names Saixk and Osakis in
this Region — Winnebagoes — Life of the Indian — By P. M.
Magnusson 18-26
Groseilliers and Radisson — Le Sueur and Charleville — Fur Traders and
Explorers — Zebulon M. Pike — His Account of Passing Stearns
County— Lewis Cass— Expedition of 1832— J. N. Nicollet- Tide
of Civilization Begins — By P. M. Magnixsson 26-31
European Monarchs Who Have Ruled Over Stearns County — State
and County Affiliations — In the Columbian Empire of Spain — In
French Louisiana — Again Spanish — Once More French — Under the
Stars and Stripes — By P. M. Magnusson 31-35
Treatment of the Indian— Treaty of 1785— Dakota Treaty of 1837—
Chippewa Treaty of 1847 — Treaty of Traverse de Sioux — Treaty
of Mendota — Other Indian Treaties — Reign of the Ren Men Ends
and the County of Stearns Is Opened to Settlement — By P. M.
Magnusson 35-38
Sudden Transformation by Which the Arts of the White Took the
Place of Centuries of Aboriginal Life — Stearns County's Share in
the Evolution of Society — Completing Dr. P. M. Magnusson's
Chapters on "The Realm of Stearns County Before Minnesota
Was Minnesota" " 38-39
Minnesota Admitted as a Territory — Ramsey Arrives and Perfects
Preliminary Organization — Stearns County Included in Second
Judicial District — In Sixth and Seventh Covmcil Districts — Terri-
torial Legislature Meets — Original Counties Created — Stearns in
Dakotah and Wahnahta Counties — Attached to Ramsey County —
Stearns in Cass County — Cass Attached to Benton for Judicial Pur-
poses— Other Sessions of the Territorial Legislatures 39-48
Constitutional Convention — Minnesota Admitted as a State — Men Who
Have Represented Stearns County in the Law-Making Bodies of
the State — Congressmen Who Have Represented Stearns County
in Washington— Boundary Lines of Legislative and Congressional
Districts 48-59
Important Incidents in the Lives of Several Men and Women Who
Have Been Prominent in the History of Stearns County — Causes
Which Have Contributed to Their Success — Family Genealogy. . . . 59-90
Stearns County Created — First Commissioners Meet — Election Pre-
cincts Established — Board of Supervisors — Government Again in
Hands of Commissioners — Doings of the Sviccessive Boards to the
Present— Nearly Sixty Years of Official Life 90-158
Early Efforts to Erect a Court House — Main Building Erected in 1864
— Additions and Alterations — Efforts at Securing a More Modern
Building — Bond Issues — County Jail — Old Log Jail — Present Jail
Erected in 1878— Title to Site 158-166
Complete Lists of All Plats Filed with the Register of Deeds — Loca-
tions, Proprietors and Dates — Some Forgotten Names and Places —
Townsite Mania — Indian Names Still Preserved in the Geography
of Stearns County — Significance of Watab and Sauk 166-171
Stearns Distinctly a Democratic County — Important Part Taken in
Moves That Have Created the Government of the State and Nation
— Statistics of the Various Elections — Men Who Have Been Placed
in Office by Stearns County Votes — Interesting Side Lights on
Political Events .' 171-181
General Christopher C. Andrews Tells of Pioneer Times in Minnesota
— Youthful Ventures — Arrival at St. Paul — Stage Trip to Crow
Wing — Settling at St. Cloud — Reminiscences of the Pioneers —
Frontier Experiences — Social Diversions — Recruits Raised for Civil
War— Biography 181-195
The Catholic Pioneers — Noble Work of the Early Fathers — Arrival of
the Benedictines — Diocese of St. Cloud — The Vicariate — The Right
Reverend Bishops — Diocesan Officials — Present Status — Statistics
— Institutions — By Rev. Alexius Hoffmann, 0. S. B 195-217
Story of the Organization, Growth and Progress of the Parishes —
Devout Fathers Who Have Led a Worthy People Into the Higher
Ways of Life — Privation and Sacrifice — Notable Results — Struc-
tures Around Which Have Centered Many of the Activities of the
County— By Rev. Alexius Hofl:'mann, 0. S. B 217-252
The Benedictine Order — Colony Founded in Stearns County — The
Rothkopp Property — Congregations Established — Privations of the
Fathers — Noble Souls Who Have Been in Charge of the Com-
munity— Removal to St. Joseph — Establishment at St. Cloud —
Permanent Location at Collegeville — Help from the Old World —
Erection of the Buildings — Indian Work — Present Status of the
Community— By Rev. Alexius Hoffmann, 0. S. B 252-268
St. John's University— Story of the Struggles Which Made the Present
Success Possible— The New St. John's— Present Courses Estab-
lished— Distinguished Alumni — Student Activities — St. Benedict's
Academy — Ideal Institution Prepared by the Sisters for Girls and
Young Women— By Rev. Alexius Hoffmann, 0. S. B 268-280
Arrival of the Sisters of St. Benedict in Minnesota — Boarding School
Opened — First Convent Erected — Removal to St. Joseph — Colonies
Sent Out — Privations and Denials — Orphanages — Indian Mission
Work — Hospitals Established — Home for the Aged — Present Activ-
ities—By Rev. Alexius Hoffmann, 0. S. B 280-283
Catholics Inaugurate Educational Work in This County — Devoted Work
of the Members of the Order of St. Benedict — Value of Christian
Schooling — History of the Organization, Growth and Success of
the Various Church Schools — By the Right Reverend James Trobec,
Titular Bishop of Lycopolis, Egypt, and Former Bishop of St.
Cloud 283-288
Facts in the Early Career and Later Success of People Who Have
Helped to Make Stearns County — Founders and Patriots — Names
Which Will Live Long in the Memories of the Residents of This
Vicinity — Stories of Well Known Families Who Have Led in Public
Life 288-333
Story of the Organization and Growth of the Financial Institutions of
Stearns County — Lives of the Men Upon Whom the Stability of
These Banking Houses Depends — A Brief History Compiled by
W. W. Smith, Vice-President and Cashier of the First National
Bank of St. Cloud 333-378
The Pioneer Doctor — His Ethics, Work and Influence — Palmer and
Hunter the First to Locate in This County — The Empirics — Medical
Societies — Growth of the Profession — Sketches of the Men Who
Have Practiced in Stearns County— By James H. Beaty, M. D 378-400
Importance of Dentistry — Pioneers in the Profession — First Dental
College Opened— Ideals and Ethics — Anaesthetics — Historical Notes
— Brief Biographies of the Men Who Have Practiced in Stearns
County — By Lawrence P. Leonard, D. D. S 400-406
Early Attempts at Organizing the Pioneers — The Present Administra-
tion— Record of the Officers and an Account of the Meetings —
Thrilling Stories of Frontier Life Told by Those Who Lived
Through the Privations of the Early Days — Reminiscences 406-437
Red River Carts — Pemmican — Transporting Furs and Supplies — Steam-
boats— Stage and Express Lines — Roads — Legislature Establishes
Territorial Thoroughfares — Romantic Adventures of the Surveyors
— County Board Lays Out Roads — Bridges — Ferries — Licenses and
Locations 437-452
Land Grant Roads — Five Million Dollar Loan — William Crooks — James
J. Hill— First Railroad to St. Cloud— Minneapolis & St. Cloud—
St. Cloud & Willmar Branch — Removal of Headquarters — Railroad
Strike — Northern Pacific — Crossing into St. Cloud — Brainerd
Branch — Twin City and St. Cloud Connection — Agents — Statistics
—Station—' ' Soo ' ' Line— Other Proposed Roads 452-478
Location of Deposits — Quality and Availability — Early Efforts at Quar-
rying— Present Quarry Firms — Manufacturers' Association —
Texture and Color — Importance and Possibilities — Opinions of the
Newspapers 453-494
Fourth Judicial District and Its Judges — Seventh Judicial District
and Its Judges — The Probate Court — Municipal Courts — Early
Cases and Lawyers — Bar Association — Leading Cases — Conclusion
—By James B. Jenks 494-540
Unhappy Incidents in the Life of Stearns County — Murder and Suicides —
Accidents Which Have Resulted in Death — Rivers and Lakes Prove
Fatal to Many Youths — Railroads and Unruly Horses Claim Their
Share of Victims — The Tragedies of Nearly Six Decades 540-575
Damage Wrought by the Destroying Element in Stearns County During
Half a Century — Dwellings, Stores, Hotels, Barns and Business
Blocks Reduced to Ashes — Estimate of Damages and Insurance. . .575-599
Cyclone of 1886 — Ruin and Disaster Follov? in Wake of Terrible Storm
— List of Those Killed — Acts of Heroism — Minor Atmospheric Dis-
turbances— Severe Damage Done at Various Times by Wind and
Storm 599-605
Inception of the Outbreak — Agency Attacked — Country Devastated —
Fort Ridgley Attacked — Situation in the Minnesota Valley — Min-
nesota Aroused — Birch Coulie — In Northwestern Settlements —
Anxiety as to Chippewas — Need of Supplies — Sioux Driven from
the State — By C. F. MacDonald — Stearns County Events — Hole-in-
the-Day Murdered — Early Indian Encounters 605-628
Service Rendered the Nation in the Civil and Indian Wars — Early
Debates — Call for Troops — List of Those Who Enlisted from the
Various Townships — Regiments in Which They Served — Other
Items— By J. I. Donohue 628-635
Location Selected — First Board Appointed — Administrations of Super-
intendents Meyers, Lee, Houlton, Randall, Reed, and Scott — Build-
ings, Grounds, and Equipment — Ideals and Inspirations — Daily
Life of the Inmates — System of Parole — Starting Life on a Higher
Plane— By Principal Keeper F. H. Whitney 635-642
Compilation of Statistics, Showing the Wonderful Progress in the
Development of Stearns County — Totals for the County and Indi-
vidual Statements of the Three Cities — Moneys and Credits 642-645
Interesting Facts Gleaned from the Life and Career of Many of the
County's Leading Men — Pioneers Who Helped to Subdue the
Wilderness — Citizens Who Have Come Later and Taken Their
Share in the Growth and Progress of the County — Leading Men . . 645-704
Advantages — Situation and Area — Natural Drainage — Lakes — Topography —
Altitudes — Soil and Timber — Geological Structure — Cretaceous Beds —
Glacial and Modified Drift — Material Resources — Waterpowers — Aborig-
inal Earthworks — Archaean Rocks.
On its splendid course from Itasca to the Gulf, the mighty Mississippi
passes no fairer land than that which it touches in the central part of Minne-
sota, where, drained by the Watab, the Sauk, the Crow and the Clearwater,
Stearns county stretches away in sightly prospects.
A fertile country of rich black soil, its surface divided into hills and roll-
ing land and prairie, beautified by meandering streams and interspersed with
natural and domestic groves, the county has advantages of location and sur-
face which have made it an excellent agricultural and grazing district, and
which have helped make its largest city one of the most important points on
the upper Mississippi.
The elevation of this stretch of land above the sea, its fine drainage and
the drjrness of the atmosphere give it a climate of unusual salubrity and pleas-
antness. Its latitude gives it correspondingly longer days in summer, and
during the growing seasons about one and a half hours more of simshine than
in the latitude of St. Louis. The refreshing breezes and cool nights in sum-
mer prevent the debilitating effect of the heat so often felt in lower latitudes.
The winter climate is also one of the attractive features. Its uniformity and
its dryness, together with the bright sunshine and the electrical condition of
the air, all tend to enhance the personal comfort of the resident, and to make
outdoor life and labor a pleasure.
Embracing, as the county does, so pleasing a prospect to the eye, and so
fruitful a field for successful endeavor, it is natural that the people who from
the earliest days have been attracted here should be the possessors of steady
virtues, ready to toil and to sacrifice, that their labors might be crowned with
the fruits of prosperity and happiness.
St. Cloud, its principal city, is the fifth city in the state, and the other
cities and villages have had their part in the general commercial upbuilding
of the community, furnishing excellent trading and shipping facilities for the
rural districts as well as for their own people.
^ 1
The agricultural neighborhoods are the scenes of peace, prosperity and
contentment. The homes are substantially built, and furnished with the com-
forts and conveniences of modern life ; stock is humanely housed and well
pastured ; the farm land is extensively tilled and productive ; and the churches
and schools which are seen on every side testify to an interest in the higher
things of life by a law-abiding, progressive and prosperous people.
It is indeed in its men and women, rather than in its factories and com-
merce, its grains and vegetables, its live stock and fruits, that Stearns county
takes its greatest pride. From her cities, from her villages and from her
farms have gone forth those who have taken an important part in the activi-
ties of the world, and who, whether in commerce or diplomacy, in the pro-
fessions or in the trades, have maintained that steadfastness of purpose, and
staunchness of character, that mark true Stearns county men and women
wherever they may be found.
Unusually blessed by nature with deep soil and abundant natural re-
sources, and endowed with a wealth of historic and prehistoric lore, the county
is a fitting home for the sturdy people who have here made their dwelling
place. Hard-working, progressive, educated and prosperous, they have ap-
preciated the gifts which nature has spread for them, and have added their
own toil, and the fruit of their intellect, to the work of the elements, making
the county one of the beautiful spots of the earth. On the slopes graze cattle
and sheep, while the tilled lands respond to the efforts of the spring time
sower and planter with a wealth of harvest in the summer and autumn. On
nearly every quarter section is reared a comfortable home and commodioiis
barns, while from the crest of every swell of land are visible the churches and
schools wherein the people worship the Giver of All Gifts and educate their
children. Thus blessed by God and beloved by man, the county, today, stands
for all that is ideal in American life, and is forging ahead to wider influence
and more extended opportunity.
Stearns county, surpassed by few lands in the state for the fertility of
its soil ; its bountiful supply of timber and pure water ; its numerous water
powers ; its diversified surface of hills, valleys and rolling prairies ; and its
adaptation to every variety of agricultural product has furnished to the citi-
zens material wisely improved by them for substantial wealth, good homes and
sound public institutions, economically and prudently administered; where
law and good order, industry and sobriety have always been upheld and ob-
served; where the comforts and provisions for the enjoyment of life are evenly
distributed, and where, in the future, as in the past, "peace and happiness,
truth and justice, religion and piety, will be established throughout all gen-
Situation and Area. Stearns county is situated a short distance south of
the center of Minnesota, on the west side of the Mississippi river. It is the
largest county in the south half of the state. St. Cloud, its largest city, and
county seat, is about sixty and seventy-five miles northwest, respectively, from
Minneapolis and St. Paul. Sauk Centre, the second town in importance, is
forty miles west-northwest from St. Cloud. The length of Stearns county
from east to west, measured from Clearwater to its west line is fifty-two
miles; and its width is from twenty-five to thirty-four miles. Its area is
1,330.07 square miles, of 851,241.36 acres, of which 37,021.27 acres are cov-
ered by water.
Natural Drainage. This county is drained to the Mississippi river by the
following tributaries, arranged in their order from north to south ; the south
branch of Two Rivers, Spunk brook, Watab river, Sauk river, St. Augusta
creek, Clearwater river, and Crow river. The largest of these is the Sauk
river, whose basin includes about half of this county, its principal affluents
being Adley and Getchell creeks from the north, and Silver, Ashley, Stony,
Cole and Mill creeks from the south. The North branch of Crow river drains
the southwest part of the county.
Lakes. Eighty lakes equaling or exceeding a half mile in length appear
on the map, and about a hundred and twenty-five of smaller size. The most
noteworthy are Sauk lake, crossed by the north line of Sauk Centre ; Birch
Bark Fort lake, on the north line of Millwood ; Two River lake, in the south-
west corner of Holding; the Spunk lakes in Avon; Cedar or Big Fish lake in
CoUegeville ; Lake George, CroAv lake, Lake Henry and Eden lake which give
names to townships ; Lake Koronis in the south part of Paynesville ; Grand
lake in Rockville ; Pearl lake in Maine prairie ; and Clearwater lake, through
which the Clearwater river flows a few miles east of Fair Haven.
Topography. Though Stearns county contains numerous rock-outcrops,
these rarely form conspicuous elevations, and the contour is due almost wholly
to the overlying deposits of glacial and modified drift. Glacial drift or till
is spread with a moderately undulating or rolling surface on the area between
the Sauk river and the north branch of the Crow river northwest from Rich-
mond and Paynesville. Its elevations here are 10 to 30 or 40 feet above the
lakes and small streams; but its general height above the rivers on each side
is 75 to 100 feet southeastward, decreasing to 40 or 50 feet in the west part of
the county. Its most rolling portion extends from west to east through Ray-
mond, Getty and Grove townsliips. With this area should be included also
the undulating and rolling till, having similar contour and average height,
on the northeast side of the Sauk river in St. Martin, the western two-thirds
of Farming, Albany, except its eastern edge, the southwest part of Krain,
and the southern half of Millwood and Melrose. The greater part of North
Fork, Crow Lake and Crow River townships, southwest rom the North branch
of the Crow river, are nearly level or only slightly undulating gravel and
sand of the modified drift, 10 to 20 feet above the lakes, sloughs and water-
courses ; but sections 31 to 34 on the southern border of Crow lake are chiefly
kame-like knolls and ridges of gravel and sand 25 to 50 or 75 feet high. The
remainder of this county is greatly diversified with partly undulating and
partly knolly and hilly till, the latter being morainic accumulations, which on
some areas have a very irregularly broken surface, though not rising to much
height, while elsewhere they form hills from 50 to 200 feet high.
Morainic hills, about 100 feet above the adjoining modified drift or 150
above the Mississippi ringer, occur one to three miles south-southwest of St.
Cloud and a mile west of the river. In the southeast part of St. 'Joseph,
about five miles farther west, a series of morainic deposits begins west of
Mud lake, and extends thence along the southeast side of Sauk river to Rock-
ville and Cold Spring. Northeast of Rockville it is separated from the Sauk
river by a tract of nearly level modified drift averaging a half mile wide and
about 25 feet above the river ; and the width of this part of the moraine is about
one mile, with elevations 50 to 75 feet above the adjoining country. Between
Eockville and Cold Spring morainie till borders the Sauk river and occupies
a width of three miles to the south, rising in hills 100 to 200 feet above the
intervening hollows, attaining the greatest elevation, nearly 300 feet above the
river, in section 36, "Wakefield, and section 31, Rockville. Thence a low
morainie belt reaches south through sections 6 and 7, Maine Prairie, and 13,
24 and 25, Luxemburg; next it extends east through Maine Prairie, forming
conspicuous hills, about 150 feet high, in section 27 ; and from a point half-
way between Maine Prairie and Fair Haven it turns northeastward, con-
tinuing through the north part of Fair Haven and into the southeast quarter
of St. Augusta. In the latter portion its elevations are 50 to 75 feet above
the plain of modified drift, six miles wide, which occupies the northeast part
of Maine Prairie and reaches thence northward in a continuous belt, nowhere
less than a mile wide, through the west part of St. Augusta and St. Cloud
to the Mississippi river. On the east it is separated from the Clearwater and
Mississippi rivers by flat or moderately undulating modified drift one to two
miles wide in Fair Haven and Lynden.
West from the high morainie hills in the southeast corner of Wakefield,
a roughly broken belt of morainie till extends through the south edge of
Wakefield and Munson and the north edge of Luxemburg and Eden Lake,
thence southwest diagonally across Paynesville, and averaging one and one-
half miles in width, with elevations 50 to 75 feet above the hollows and 75
to 125 feet above the Sauk river, the North branch of the Crow river, and
Lake Koronis. South of this moraine, most of Luxemburg and Eden lake,
with the southeast edge of Paynesville are moderately undulating or rolling
till ; and on its northwest side a belt of nearly level modified drift, two miles
wide and about 25 feet above the North branch of Crow river, extends from
Roseville in Kandiyohi county northeast by the village of Paynesville to the
head of Cole creek in sections 34 and 35, Zion.
North of the Sauk river, hills of morainie till, 100 to 250 feet high, extend
northwest from a point one mile west of Cold Spring, through sections 21, 16,
17, 18, 7 and 8, Wakefield, and 12, 11, 2 and 3, Munson. They are very con-
spicuously seen from Richmond on the plain of modified drift one to two
miles wide and five miles long, which lies southwest of this moraine between
it and the Sauk river. Near the north line of Munson the moraine changes
its course to the north-northeast, and passes through the east part of Farming
and northwestern Collegeville to the Spunk lakes, forming a roughly hilly
belt two or three miles wide, with elevations 100 to 150 feet above the smoothly
undulating or rolling till on each side. Thence it continues north through the
west part of Avon to Two River lake, consisting of hills and ridges 40 to 100
feet high, and northwesterly through Krain in a low knoUy belt. Farther
west, till with typically morainie contour extends from Birch Bark Fort lake
through the north half of Melrose to Sauk lake. One of the more prominent
elevations of this tract is Cheney hill, about 100 feet high, in the north part
of section 1, Melrose. This moraine continues northward in Todd county.
Morainie till also extends from the Sauk river in the northwest part of
Rockville northward through the west half of Saint Joseph, the east edge of
Collegeville, and southeastern Avon; it occupies the southern third of St.
Wendel, west from the Watab river; and continues northeast in a belt one
or two miles wide from sections 17, 18, and 19, St. "Wendel, to near the
center of Brockway, and thence north to the county line at the east side of
Spunk brook. The elevations in these townships are 50 to 100 feet, or rarely
more, above the adjoining land ; in northwestern Rockville they rise about
150 feet above the Sauk river, and in northern Brockway their height is fully
200 feet above the Mississippi. Nearly all of Holding township, northeastern
Krain, the greater part of Brockway and Le Sauk, and much of the northern
two-thirds of St. Wendel and Avon, are moderately undulating till.
Level gravel and sand of the modified drift forms a belt a half mile to
one and a half miles wide along the Mississippi river through Brockway and
the north part of Le Sauk. Its broad southern portion, some three miles long,
is the Winnebago prairie, about 40 feet above the river, but in the north part
of Brockway its height is 50 or 60 feet. Moderately undidating till borders
the west side of the Mississippi from the mouth of the Watab river to St.
Cloud, soon ascending 40 to 60 feet, and thence maintaining the height west-
ward. From St. Cloud to Clearwater the Mississippi is again bordered by
a plain of modified drift, which increases in this distance from a half mile
to two or three miles in width and from 50 to 75 feet in height above the river.
Along the Sauk river modified drift occupies a width that varies from a
half mile to two miles through Sauk Centre, Melrose, Grove and Oak town-
ships. It is mostly flat, and from 25 to 40 feet above the river ; but one to two
miles south from Sauk Centre, on the west side, it is partly in kame-like knolls
and partly in massive swells, 15 to 40 feet above the hollows and 40 to 60 feet
above the river. The plain of modified drift at Richmond and in the west part
of Wakefield has a height of about 30 feet. East of this the Sauk river
is bordered by morainie till for a short distance about one mile west of Cold
Spring, as also again through nearly three miles, beginning one and a half
miles east of Cold Spring and extending to Rockville.
A very remarkable belt of modified drift reaches from the Sauk river at
Cold Spring northeast and north to the Watab river in section 30, St.
Joseph, and continues thence northeasterly along this stream to the extensive
plain of modified drift in the northeast quarter of St. Joseph and the north-
ern third of St. Cloud. The village of Cold Spring is on valley drift about
20 feet above the river, and some portions of the alluvial bottoms bordering
the river are only 5 or 10 feet above it, being subject to annual overflow. Next
north and west of the village is a terrace of modified drift nearly three miles
long and one-fourth to three-fourths of a mile wide, about 50 feet above the
river, probably formed at the same date with the Richmond plain and the
modified drift in Paynesville and westward along the southwest side of the
North branch of Crow river. A mile north from Cold Spring there is a further
ascent of 40 feet along an escarpment coinciding nearly with the south line
of sections 10 and 11, Wakefield, to a plain which occupies the southeast part
of section 10, and all of section 11, and the northwest part of section 12, ele-
vated 90 feet above the river. This tract, consisting of sand and coarse gravel,
often with a foot or two of clay next to the soil, reaches northeast through the
south part of section 1, Wakefield, and section 6, Rockville, and thence north
two miles, with a width varying from a sixth to a third of a mile, to the
Watab river in the N. E. i/i of section 30, St. Joseph. Onward it has a
width of about a half a mile along the Watab river for three miles northeast
to near St. Joseph village, where it expands into the plain that stretches
east to St. Cloud. Between Cold Spring and St. Joseph this modified
drift, marking a former water-course, is bounded on each side by morainic
till 40 to 60 feet higher. Its descent in these eight miles is about 75 feet, and
the plain of similar modified drift between St. Joseph and St. Cloud, also
eight miles, descends 50 feet, making the whole slope in sixteen miles ajjprox-
imately 125 feet, or an average of nearly eight feet per mile.
Altitudes. The highest land in Stearns county is in its northwest part,
where portions of Millwood, Melrose, Sauk Centre, Ashley, Getty and Ray-
mond are 1,350 to 1,400 feet above the sea-level. The tops of some of the
morainic hills in Farming, northeastern Munson, and the southeast corner
of Wakefield, are about 1,350 feet above the sea, being 150 to 250 feet above
adjoining areas. The lowest land in tlie county is the shore of the Mississippi
river at Clearwater, 938 feet above the sea.
Estimates of the average heights of the townships are as follows : Brock-
way. 1,125 feet; Le Sauk, 1,060; St. Cloud, 1,060; St. Augusta, 1,040;
Lynden, 1,020; Fair Haven, 1,100; St. Wendel, 1,120; St. Joseph, 1,100;
Kockville, 1,120; Maine Prairie, 1,140; Holding, 1,140; Avon, 1,150; CoUege-
ville, 1,175; Wakefield, 1,160; Luxemburg, 1,180; Krain, 1,225; Albany, 1,210;
Farming, 1,200; Munson, 1,175; Eden Lake, 1,180 ; Millwood, 1,275; Oak, 1,210;
St. Martin, 1,180; Zion, 1.210; Paynesville, 1,175; Melrose, 1,275; Grove,
1^40; Spring Hill, 1,240; Lake Henry, 1,260; Sauk Centre, 1,280; Getty, 1,320;
Lake George, 1,300 ; Crow River, 1,225 ; Ashley, 1,340 ; Raymond, 1,340 ; North
Fork, 1,270, and Crow Lake, 1,240. The mean elevation of Stearns- county, de-
rived fi'om these figures, is 1,195 feet above the sea.
Soil and Timber. The black soil is generally one to two feet deep
throughout this county. It is the surface of the glacial or modified drift en-
riched and blackened by the decay of vegetation during many centuries. The
subsoil for the greater part is the pebbly and stony clay called till; but con-
siderable tracts along the Mississippi, Clearwater and Sauk rivers, and south-
west of the North branch of Crow river, as also the northeast part of Maine
Prairie township and adjoi/iing portions of St. Augusta and Rockville, have
a subsoil of gravel and sand. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, corn, sorghum, pota-
toes, other garden vegetables, live stock, and milk, butter and cheese, are the
chief agricultural products. Nineteen twentieths of this county are probably
fitted for cultivation, the exceptions being frequent sloughs, which yield good
hay, the bluffs along creeks and rivers, and roughly knolly or hilly and stony
portions of the morainic belts, which are valuable for pasturage.
About a third of Stearns county is prairie, including most of the area
west of Richmond and southwest of the Sauk river; also, tracts one to two
miles wide along the northeast side of this river ; the greater part of the plains
of modified drift in St. Joseph, St. Cloud and Maine Prairie ; Winnebago
prairie on the Mississippi river in southeastern Brockway and northern Le
Sauk ; and limited areas of the modified drift in St. Augusta, Lynden and
Fair Haven. Most portions of the modified drift which are not prairie bear
only a scanty growth of timber, in which black and bur oaks are the leading
species. Fully half of the county was originally covered by large timber, con-
siderable of which still remains, though much wooded land has been cleared
to make farms. Basswood, and species of oak, elm, maple, ash, birch and pop-
lar, are the principal trees. A grove of white pines occurs on the bins' of the
Mississippi river in St. Cloud ; and both white and jack pines grow on the
plain of modified drift that borders this river in Brockway. Tamarack flour-
ishes in swamps, and supplied the name of the Watab river, and thence of
Watab township in Benton county, this being the name given by the Chippe-
was to the long threads obtained by splitting tamarack roots, used by them
in sewing their birch canoes.
Geological Structure. Outcrops of Archaean rocks, chiefly syenite, occur
in Ashley, Sauk Centre and Melrose in the northwest part of this county ; and
in Wakefield, Rockville, St. Joseph, St. Augusta, St. Cloud, Le Sauk and
Brockway m its eastei'n half. Cretaceous beds, containing thin seams of
lignite, are exposed in the banks of the Sauk river near Richmond in Mun-
son township, and at other localities a few miles from Richmond both to the
north and south. Other portions of this county, and even the greater part of
the county, are covered by the glacial and modified drift, having no exposures
of the underlying formations.
Cretaceous Beds. Before the ice age Cretaceous strata probably covered
the western two-thirds of Minnesota, and on this area the greater part of the
material of the drift is derived from these beds. The remnants of them that
escaped the glacial erosion are now nearly everywhere concealed by the drift.
In Steams county their only exposures are found in the neighborhood of
Mr. Eames observed the following section, horizontally stratified, near
this village, in the banks of the Sauk river: Sand and gravel (modified drift),
40 feet ; blue clay with crystals of selenite, 4 feet ; impure coal (lignitic clay,
including three inches of lignite), 2^2 feet; bituminous limestone, forming the
bed of the river, 10 feet.
This was doubtless at the locality of the drift and shafts mentioned be-
yond; and the report of limestone in place is an error. About half a mile
below this exposure, Eames reports a ferruginous sandstone or conglomerate
four feet thick, seen in the bank of the river along a distance of twelve yards.
Three miles north of Richmond, in the S. E. I/4 of the N. E. 1/4 of section
2, Munson, north of the range of morainic hills, a section noted by Eames in
a ditch dug for drainage consisted of yellow and blue clay with three seams
of lignite from one to six inches thick. The stratification here was irregu-
larly confused and in part vertical, apparently on account of slides. Three
shafts were dug near this place in the hope of discovering workable lignite,
by Theodore Bock. One of these went twenty-five feet, finding a lignitic layer
six inches thick at thirteen feet, enclosed in blue clay, which, by boring twenty-
five feet below the bottom of the shaft, was found to reach a depth of fifty feet,
containing pyrite in some portions but no other lignitic seam. The other
two shafts, forty and thirty feet deep, were wholly in drift. Eames referred
this "coal" to the Cretaceous age, and rightly discouraged further mining for
it, stating that his survey of the lignite-bearing strata on the Sauk and Cot-
tonwood rivers "has demonstrated the fact that the state contains no outcrop
of coal of value, in so far as the counties examined and points coming under
observation are concerned."
Repeated fruitless observations for lignite have been made, however, by
shafts in the Cretaceous beds on the southwest side of the Sauk river in the
N. "W. 1/4 of section 23, Munson, a fourth to a half of a mile west of Richmond.
In 1871, at a point some thirty rods west of the bridge and less than a hun-
dred feet from the river, a shaft was dug and bored to the depth of 120 feet.
Its top is about 25 feet above the river. Black clay or shale with some lig-
nite, which is seen here in the river's bank, was penetrated and found to be
three feet thick. A drift dug in 1865, starting about twenty-five feet farther
northwest and following the lignitic layer sixty feet, found it to dip west-
ward about four feet in this distance. It was said to contain "a seam of lig-
nite four inches thick, which kept increasing in thickness, but remained im-
pure and was considerably mixed with shale." Above and below the lig-
nitic stratum is bluish gray clay or shale containing rarely crystals of selenite
(gypsum) up to three inches long. J. H. Kloos found in the material brought
up from the shaft "several fragments of shale containing scales of cycloid
fishes, which had been met with near the surface." At a depth of 112 feet,
according to Kloos, this boring reached "a hard rock, which proved to be
granite. It was drilled for eight feet, and the fragments brought to light
by the pump consist of feldspar, quartz and pyrites, such as are found in
varieties of pegmatite or graphic granite, which I also found at the nearest
outcropping ridges of the crystalline rocks." Nearly a quarter of a mile west
from this place and about 75 feet above the river, another shaft was dug and
bored in 1871 to the depth of 180 feet. This passed through a considerable
thickness of drift, below which were blue, white and yellowish plastic clays,
and shale. No more lignite was encountered than in the drift and the other
Again, in 1880 and 1881, the Richmond mining company claimed to have
bored to the depth of 125 feet at a point only ten feet distant from the shaft
and boring first described, close to the river. The only lignite found is the
layer seen above the river-level; blue clay, with thin laminae of white and
yellow clay, lies above the lignite ; and bluish or greenish gray clay and shale
extend below to the bottom of this section. No sand nor gravel, nor any hard
rock, were encountered. In respect to these explorations, it must be added that
it seems certain that no valuable deposits of lignite exist in this region, nor
indeed in any portion of this state.
The only fossils known to have been found in these shafts are the fish-
scales before mentioned. A shark's tooth was also found by Mr. Kloos in
the plastic clay that here forms the bank of the Sauk river.
F. B. Meek, to whom these fossils were submitted, wrote Mr. Kloos as
follows: "The specimens consist of Inoeeramus problematicus, im-
pressions apparently of Ammonites percarinatus, scales of fishes and a small
shark tooth allied to Corax or Galeus. Among the drawings also sent by you,
there is one of the inner volutions of Scaphites larviformis, or some nearly
allied form. From these fossils, and the lithological character of the bed in
which they were found, there can be no reasonable doubt, that it belongs to
the Cretaceous system, as well as to the Benton group of the Cretaceous
series as developed in the upper Missouri country. As you have suggested,
the locality at which these specimens were collected, cannot be far from the
eastern limits of the great Cretaceous basin that occupies so much of the coun-
try along the Upper Missouri, and it is very desirable that the eastern boun-
dary of this group of rocks should be traced out as accurately as possible,
through Minnesota. Owing to the heavy deposits of drift there, however,
this will be a difficult task, and can only be done by careful observations of
all that is revealed by deep wells and other excavations. Consequently it is
important that all the facts brought to light in this way should be carefully
noted and published."
Glacial and Modified Drift. Glacial striae observed at Sauk Centre, as
before mentioned, bear S. 40 degrees E., referred to the true meridian, being
at right angles with the striae noted in Sauk Rapids, Benton county, about
forty miles farther east. Nearly all the ledges of Stearns county are planed
and worn to a smooth surface by the ice-sheet; but, excepting at Sauk Cen-
tre, none of them, so far as seen in this survey, retain glacial striae, be-
cause of the slight disintegration wrought upon their surface by rains and
The contour and material of the drift deposits have been stated in
an earlier part of this chapter. The stages in the recession of the ice-sheet
which they indicate are somewhat complex. During the culmination of the
last glacial epoch, an ice-current from Lake Superior and northern Wisconsin
extended over the east half of this county, to a limit in Luxemburg, Wake-
field, northeastern Munson, Farming, Albany, Krain, and northeastern Mill-
wood. In these townships, extending from south-southeast to north-north-
west, the ice-current from the northeast, by which the striae in Sauk Rapids
were made, was confluent with the ice-current from the northwest, which
striated the rock at Sauk Centre. West of this line of confluence boulders
and gravel of limestone abound, derived, like the limestone everywhere pres-
ent in the drift of western Minnesota and of Dakota, from the limestone strata
which have their nearest outcrops in the vicinity of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Fragments of lignite, and very rarely of petrifled wood, are also found in this
western drift. The drift brought by the ice-current from the northeast
is distinguished by the absence of limestone and the presence of boulders
and pebbles of igneous and sedimentary rocks peculiar to the region of Lake
Superior. A difference in color is also observable, the drift from the north-
west and west being dark bluish gray, excepting near the surface, where it
is weathered to a yellowish color; while the drift from the northeast has a
lighter gray color and is more or less tinted with red. These colors are due
to the condition of the iron present, which in its protoxide combinations im-
parts a bluish hue, in the condition of liraonite yellow, and as hematite red.
It exists under the first of these conditions in the Cretaceous clays and shales
which have contributed probably more than half of the material of the west-
ern drift ; and as hematite it colors the red shales and sandstones about Lake
Superior and the drift derived from them. The northeastern drift in Stearns
county, however, does not usually show the reddish tint conspicuously, be-
cause it has become mingled with much material from other rock-formations
in its long transportation. The morainic hills one to six miles west and north-
west from Cold Spring consist of this northwestern drift, and the same forms
the surface thence northeast to St. Cloud and Le Sauk and onward all the
way to Lake Superior.
Remarkable changes took place in the currents of the ice-sheet during
its departure. The ice from the northwest and west becoming relatively
thicker, pushed back that from the northeast upon a large area reaching from
the southeast part of this county east-northeastward to the Snake and St.
Croix rivers, even advancing into the edge of "Wisconsin. After this western
ice-lobe began to retreat, the line at which it first halted or perhaps re-ad-
vanced, is marked by the morainic accumulations, referred to the time of
the fifth or Elysian moraine. The continuation of this morainic series in
Stearns county forms the belt of knolly and hilly till east, south and west of
the plain of modified drift in Maine Prairie. The angle made in the glacial
boundary by the confluence of the western and eastern ice-fields was prob-
ably at or near the southeast corner of Wakefield, where the most prominent
morainic hills in this county are found. On the south margin of the north-
eastern ice at this time was apparently accvimulated the hilly till of Roek-
ville, of the south half of St. Joseph, excepting in sections 31, 30 and 19, and
of the southeast part of St. Cloud, the continuance of this series being through
northern Haven and Palmer in Sherburne county. The gravel and sand form-
ing the plain of Maine Prairie were deposited by the waters that had flowed
down from the slopes of the adjacent ice-fields, which converged toward this
By the next retreat of the waning ice-sheet its boundary was carried back
to the sixth or Waconia moraine, which is represented in southern Stearns
county by the drift hills and knolls on the east and north border of Luxem-
burg, along the line of Eden Lake and Munson, and thence southwest through
Paynesville to Cape Bad Luck in Roseville, Kandiyohi county, accumulated
along the north margin of the western ice-lobe. The south line of the ice
moving from the northeast and north seems to have extended at this time
along the northwest side of the Watab river in St. Wendel and St. Joseph,
and thence westward through Collegeville, Farming, St. Martin and Spring
Hill, Grove, Getty and Raymond. When the recession from the Elysian
moraine began, the outlet of drainage from the confluent ice-fields appears
to have been from Cold Spring northeast to the Watab river and St. Joseph,
along the valley occupied by modified drift which has been before described.
The scarcity of limestone in the gravel along this old water-course indicates
that the glacial melting was then progressing most rapidly on its north side.
At the somewhat later date of the Waconia moraine, the angle of confluence
of the ice from the west and nortlnvest with that from the northeast and north
seems to have been at Glenwood in Pope county. The glacial floods which
there poured down from the converging ice-slopes and thence flowed south-
east along the present course of the north branch of the Crow river to Paynes-
ville and then east-northeast to the Sauk valley at Richmond, eroded a broad
channel into the till of southwestern Stearns county. The northeast limit of
this erosion is the bluff of till 40 to 100 feet high, which rises close on the
northeast side of this river from North Fork to Paynesville, a distance of
twenty miles. From these floods were deposited the extensive beds of modi-
fied drift which reach from eastern Pope county through the southwest part
of Stearns and the northeast of Kandiyohi county to Paynesville and Rich-
When the ice-sheet again retreated, to the line of the seventh or Dovre
moraine, its western lobe was withdrawn from this county, but the ice-fields
flowing from the north appear to have extended to the moraine in Brock-
way, the northwest part of St. Wendel, Avon, northeastern Albany, Krain,
northern Millwood and Melrose, and the northeast corner of Sauk Centre. At
this time, also, the modified drift along the upper part of the Sauk river and
on the Mississipi in Le Sauk and Brockway was deposited.
Boulders are frequent or often abundant in the morainic accumulations
of till; but in the smooth, undulating deposits of till they are usually so few
that they give no trouble in the cultivation of the land. Numerous pieces
of sandstone, up to one or two feet in size, like that outcropping at Hinckley,
in Pine county, were noticed in Le Sauk and in Sauk Rapids on the opposite
side of the Mississippi.
Material Resources. The agricultural capabilities of this county, and its
good supply of timber have already been noticed ; also, the occurrence of thin
seams of lignite in the Cretaceous strata near Richmond, and the futile ex-
plorations for it in workable quantity. Water-powers have been utilized to
a considerable extent. Quarrying is a most important industry. The boulders
from the drift are used by the farmers for various purposes. Lime burning
and brick making have both been important.
Waterpowers. The following report of the waterpowers as they existed
in the county in 1885 is most interesting, though many of these dams and mills
are now only memories of the past.
Ward Brothers ' saw-mill and grist-mill on the south branch of Two Rivers
at Holdingford; head, eight feet, flowing back nearly two miles. M. Ebnet's
saw-mill, in the south part of section 25, Krain, on a tributary of Two River
lake; head, about fifteen feet. William Ross' saw-mill on Spunk brook in the
S. E. % of section 5, Brockway; head, about six feet. J. B. Sartell & Son's
grist-mill on Watab river in section 21, Le Sauk, having fifteen feet head; and
their saw-mill in the same section, a quarter of a mile farther east on this
stream near its mouth, having fourteen feet head. St. Joseph flouring mill,
having eighteen feet head, and saw-mill, having fourteen feet head, on the
south branch of Watab river a quarter of a mile west of St. Joseph village,
both owned by Ferdinand Danzel. The Mississippi river at Sauk Rapids, falls
twenty-two feet in about a mile. Sauk City flouring mills, owned by F. Arn-
old ; on the Sauk river close to its mouth, in the southeast corner of Le Sauk
head, eight feet ; canal thirty rods long. Union flouring mill, J. E. Hayward
on the Sauk river a mile west from the last, in the north edge of St. Cloud
head, ten feet. Rockville flouring mill, O. Tenney; on Mill creek at Rock-
ville, close to its junction with the Sauk river; head, fourteen feet. Cold
Spring flouring mill, H. C. Waite; on the Sauk river at Cold Spring; head,
eight feet; seven run of stone and three crushers. Hiltner & Proneth's flour-
ing mill in the west edge of section 31, Oak ; head, about twelve feet ; canal a
third of a mile long; three run of stone. Melrose flouring mill, Edwin Clark;
on the Sauk river at Melrose ; head, eleven to thirteen feet ; five run of stone
for flour, and one for feed. The mill-pond is a mile long, covering 150 acres.
Sauk Centre flouring mill, T. C. McClure ; on the Sauk river at Sauk Centre ;
head, ten feet; six run of stone. This dam raises the Little and Big Sauk lakes
above their natural level, the latter being four miles long and a half to two-
thirds of a mile wide, mostly in Todd county.
Neenah flouring mill, H. Beumer & Co. ; on St. Augusta creek in the
N. W. 1/4 of section 13, St. Augusta ; head, fourteen feet ; three run of stone for
flour, and one for feed. There were mills formerly on this creek near its
mouth and in th S. W. i/4 of section 27, St. Augusta. On the Clearwater river,
at Clearwater, are three powers, as follows: Thomas ToUington's saw-mill
and fvirniture manufactory; ten or fifteen rods above the mouth of the river;
head, five feet ; can only be used when the Mississippi is at its low-water stage.
Clearwater flouring mills, C. F. Davis & Co.; a short distance above the last;
head, fifteen feet. Upper dam of C. F. Davis & Co. ; one mile above the mouth
of the river; known as the Fremont water-power; formerly, but not now,
used ; head, twelve feet. The mill on the Clearwater river at Fair Haven has
about ten feet head. Crow River flouring mill, J. P. Applegreen ; on the north
branch of the Crow river in the east edge of the village of Paynesville ; head,
fourteen feet; three run of stone. Beckley & Phipps' flouring mill; on the
same stream one and a half miles below the last, in the west edge of section 10,
Paynesville ; head, eight feet ; three run of stone.
Aboriginal Earthworks. Earthworks, like lines of fortifications, three
in number, each twenty rods or more in length, several rods apart and extend-
ing southeasterly, are situated about a mile north of Sauk Centre, on the
southeast side of tlie Little Sauk lake, which is now united with the Big Sauk
lake by the flowage of the Sauk Centre dam.
A natural mound of till, called Fairy Lake mound, rises some fifteen feet
above the general level of the surrounding plain of modified drift on the south
side of the Sauk river, in the S. W. % of the N. E. 14 of section 32, Sauk
Centre, about three miles northwest from the town. This mound is fifteen
rods long and six rods wide, trending from west-northwest to east-southeast.
Its outline seen at a distance is like that of a dome-shaped artificial mound;
but, unlike the aboriginal mounds, it is oblong and composed of the unmodi-
fied glacial drift.
The following notes on the exposed rocks of the townships in Stearns
county are, like the rest of this article, a part of the "Geology of Stearns
County" by Dr. Warren Upham, a distinguished savant, in the "Geological
and Natural History Survey of Minnesota," published in 1888, and embody-
ing research made from the year 1882 to 1885. When this was written the
granite industry in Stearns county was in its infancy, and some of the possi-
bilities of quarrying which are herein discussed have since been realized.
For the development of the granite industry in recent years, the reader is
referred to other chapters of this history.
Ashley. The most northwestern rock-ovitcrops of Stearns county are
found in Ashley township, eight miles west of Sauk Centre. They lie close
south and southwest of a school-house at the south side of Ashley creek, partly
in the S. W. 1/4 of the N. W. 1/4 of section 17, and more in the S. E. 14 of
the N. E. 1/4 of section 18. This rock has numerous exposures, the largest
being about a hundred feet long, upon an area which reaches thirty rods
from east-southeast to west-northwest, their height being from one to five
feet above the general level. It resembles syenite, but contains much of
a light-green mineral (probably epidote), like that found in the rocks out-
cropping thirty and forty-five miles farther north, in Todd and Cass coianties.
This takes the place of hornblende and mica, neither of which can be detected.
Joints occur from one to five or ten feet apart. An schistose or laminated
structure was observed. Veinlike masses of coarsely crystalline orthoclase,
enclosing small amounts of white quartz and of the green mineral, occur in
this rock at many places, often extending ten feet or more, and varying from
one to several feet in width. These ledges may be quarried for coarse masonry.
Sauk Centre. Exposures of rock are found at the southwest side of the
railroad from an eighth to a fourth of a mile southeast from Sauk Centre
station. The largest outcrop is about fifty rods from the depot, and a hundred
feet southwest of the railroad, covering an area about six rods long from the
northwest to southeast by two to three rods wide, and rising only one to two
and a half feet above the general surface. This ledge has several distinct
varieties of rock. The greater part is a reddish feldspathic gneiss, laminated
from northeast to southwest, or a similar syenite where lamination is absent.
Masses a few feet in extent, not definitely separated from the foregoing, are
very coarsely crystalline, flesh-colored feldspar and quartz; the latter con-
stitutes about one-fourth part ; and both occur in crystalline masses one to two
inches long. Portions of this gneiss and syenite are porphyritic with feldspar
crystals up to a half inch, or rarely an inch, in diameter.
The most southern part of this ledge, extending thirty feet from east to
west, and ten feet wide, divided from the last by a width of about two rods
which is covered with drift, is a very hard and compact, dark, granular rock,
perhaps to be called syenite, in which the most abundant mineral is apparently
hornblende. A small space of this, about eight feet long and four feet wide,
shows a vertically laminated structure, curving from a south to a southeast
course. Glacial striae, clearly seen on the west part of this southern outcrop,
bear S. 40 degrees E.
Eight rods west from the last is another exposure of the same hard, dark
rock, about two rods in extent, not rising above the general level. About
fifteen rods west-northwest from the large outcrop first described, another
of similar rock is found, being mainly gneiss, laminated from northeast to
southwest. This ledge is about fifty feet long from west-northwest to east-
southeast, and rises from one to one and a half feet above the general surface.
Again, some twenty-five rods southeast from the first described exposure,
excavations at each side of the railroad, five to fifteen feet below the track,
show the dark, tough hornblendic rock, like its two exposures farther west,
except that here it is more intersected by joints, which are from one to six
feet apart. On the southwest side of the railroad this rock is uncovered for
a length of a hundred feet; but on the northeast side only two or three small
knobs are visible. None of the outcrops are suitable for quarrying.
Melrose. The next exposure of the bed-rock is eight miles east-north-
east from the last, at Clark's mill, in Melrose. This mill, situated on the south
side of Sauk river about ten rods west of the bridge, is founded on a ledge
of very hard, coarse, red syenite, Mdiich also extends some twenty-five feet
from the mill, half-way across the waste-way of the dam.
In the west part of Melrose village, a third or half of a mile west from this
mill, and on the level plain of valley drift, rock has been encountered in
attempts to dig wells. Its depth below the surface is about six feet, and it has
an extent of a hundred feet or more. A well blasted into this rock supplied
the stone for the foundation of the Methodist church near by. It is a dark,
unlaminated, rather coarsely crystalline hornblendic rock, different from any
other found in this district.
Wakefield. Several outcrops of very hard, dark dioryte, and of coarse
syenite occur within a radius of a fourth of a mile about the corner of sections
19, 20, 29 and 30, "Wakefield. This is on the north side of the Sauk river, two
miles east of Richmond, and about twenty miles southeast from Melrose. One
of these knobs rises forty feet above the general level. The abutments of the
Richmond bridge were quarried at this locality.
Aboiit one and a half miles farther east, near the centre of section 21,
a small outcrop of coarse syenite occurs in and close south of the road, its
length being four rods and its height three or four feet. It is intersected by
joints at intervals of two to six feet.
At Cold Spring, one and three-fourths miles farther east, a fine-grained,
reddish, much jointed syenite has abundant outcrops, underlying the mill and
dam, and covering an area on both sides of the Sauk river equal to a quarter
of a mile square, with its highest points 20 to 25 feet above the river. It has
been somewhat quai-ried for local use in foundations, walls, etc.
Rockville. Pour miles farther east, massive outcrops of coarse-grained,
gray granite, containing black mica, which weathers to yellow, occur near
Rockville. The most prominent mass of this rock is at the east side of Mill
creek, a quarter of a mile south of Rockville mill, forming a knob forty or
fifty rods in length and breadth, and fifty feet high. This rock is very free
from joints or seams, being sometimes unbroken for thirty or forty feet.
Otherwise it appears to be well adapted for quarrying, to supply stone for
heavy masonry, as bridge piers and abutments. Two other exposures of this
rock are found a quarter of a mile northeast from this mill. The most southerlj^
of these, situated east of the road, covers some thirty rods square, and rises
about forty feet above the river ; and the second, less than an eighth of a mile
farther noi'th, crossed by the road and lying mostly between the road and the
river, covers an area of 30 by 20 rods in extent and rises 20 to 30 feet above the
river. Both consist of massive, rounded ledges, with few seams or joints, which
are often twenty to thirty feet apart.
St. Joseph. In the N. E. I/4 of section 26 of this township, nearly four
miles northeast from Rockville, massive, coarsegrained, gray syenite or
granite, closely like that of Rockville, is exposed. It forms a rounded outcrop
some twenty rods broad, rising ten feet above the general level, its height
above the Sauk river, three-fourths of a mile to the northwest, being about
35 feet. This ledge has few joints, one space fifty feet square being without
a seam.
One and a half miles west-southwest from the last, an exposure of rock is
reported in section 27, at the east side of the Sauk river, above which it is
said to rise five to ten feet, covering an acre or more.
St. Aug^ta. Granite, containing flesh-colored feldspar and black mica,
is exposed near the middle of section 19, St. Augusta, abovit a fourth of a mile
west of Luxemburg postoffice and St. Wendel's church. This is four miles
east-southeast from Rockwell and eight miles south-southwest from St. Cloud.
It lies on the west side of slough, above which it rises 15 to 20 feet, its extent
being about twenty rods. It is divided by joints three to fifteen feet apart ;
the course of their principal system, nearly vertical, is from northwest to
St. Cloud. This township has many exposures of these rocks, principally
In the N. E. Yi of section 32 a reddish gray syenite or granite, and in the
N. W. 1/4 of section 33 a very dark syenite, containing a large proportion of
hornblende, form quite extensive outcrops, in each case covering an area
equal to a quarter of a mile square. An eighth of a mile west of the road,
these rounded hillocks of rock rise 20 to 25 feet above the general level; and
close east of the road and for an eighth of a mile or more from it, their height
is five to ten feet. About forty rods farther north, the road goes by ledges
of syenite nearly like that of the quarry at Sauk Rapids. These are probably
in the southeast corner of section 29; they lie close west of the road, above
which they rise 15 to 20 feet. The next two miles to the north and north-
west have abundant outcrops of gray and reddish syenite, of which the follow-
ing is a list in part.
On the land of Jacob Streitz, in the N. W. 14 of the N. E. 14 of section 28,
considerable quarrying has been done, forty cords or more of the stone having
been sold for masonry in St. Paul. This is an excellent gray syenite, rising
about ten feet above the general surface, well adapted for supplying dimension
stone. It is near the eastern side of this tract of abundant ledges ; and the
hills one to one and a half miles east and northeast, rising 50 to 75 feet higher
and 125 to 150 feet above the Mississippi river, are morainic drift.
A quarter of a mile west of the last, in the N. % of the N. W. % of section
28, ledges of the same rock as the last cover two or three acres, rising about
five feet above the general level of the surrounding modified drift. Some
quarrying has also been done here.
On land of Ferdinand Ilartmann, in the north edge of the N. E. 14 of
section 29, he has quarried during several years, in two low outcrops of syenite,
selling the stone for $8 per cord at St. Cloud. The southwestern outcrop, six
rods square, is a somewhat coarse-grained, reddish syenite, divided by joints
from one to eight feet apart. The other ledge, fifteen rods north-northeast
from the last, is about ten rods long from west to east by six rods wide. This
is mainly red syenite like the former, but includes a large mass, occupying an
area about four rods square, of finer-grained, bright gray syenite, containing
occasional scales of black mica. At its border a gradual change of color takes
place from the gray to the red.
An area of several acres of reddish syenite, like that of the last localities,
begins thirty or forty rods northwesterly from the last, and reaches a sixth
of a mile or more northward. This is on the S. "W. ^/4 of section 20. It rises
in rounded hills and knolls 30 to 50 feet above the lowland eastward.
About forty rods northwest from the last, in the N. W. i/4 of the S. W. i/4
of this section 20, gray syenite forms a hill which covers six or eight acres and
rises 50 feet above the general surface. It is smoothly glaciated, but retains
no clear striae. This rock has few joints, sometimes none for an extent of
thirty feet. Here and upon many of the ledges of this region a scale of rock,
a fourth to a half of an inch thick, has become separated, or is easily separable
from the surface by weathering. In some places this might be attributed to
forest or prairie fires, which seem often to have produced such scaling; but
here it is notably exhibited on bare ledges six rods or more in extent.
Within a mile westerly are many lower outcrops of this syenite, rising
10 to 20 feet above the average of the vicinity. Good locations for quarrying
are reported on the S. E. Y^ of section 19, and in the Avest half of this section.
The red syenite continues from the ledges in sections 29 and 20 to the
N. W. 14 of the S. W. I/4 of section 17, where excellent quarrying stone is
found. A few years ago a block of this red syenite was obtained for a monu-
ment pedestal, which had been sought but could not be supplied (so reported)
from the famous quarries of similar stone at Aberdeen, Scotland. The size
of this block was 7 feet square by 2I/2 feet high, its weight being ten tons. It
was cut and polished in St. Cloud, and was sold in Chicago for about $800.
This quarry has been operated by the St. Cloud Granite Manufacturing Co.,
L. A. Evans, agent.
Excellent localities for quarrying the same red syenite also occur within
a half mile west and southwest from the last, in the S. E. I/4 of section 18
and in the N. W. Y^ of section 19. Some of these localities also yield gray
syenite and that which is gray, tinted reddish.
Syenite outcrops in the N. W. % of section 17, at the northwest side of
the road. Its extent is about fifteen by ten rods, and its height is some
twenty feet above the adjoining lowlands and river, an eighth of a mile west,
and eight feet above the road. This ledge exhibits some marks of water-
wearing. A system of nearly vertical joints crosses it from north to south,
varying from six inches to four feet apart; and other, less conspicuous and
less numerous, extend from east to west.
The only exposure of rock beside the Mississippi river in this county below
the St. Cloud bridge, is about a half mile south of the State normal school.
It is a coarse gray syenite, with joints ten to twenty feet apart, and forms
small ledges five to ten feet above the river.
Fifteen to twenty rods south from the west end of the Sauk Rapids
bridge, is a ledge of porphyritic, gray syenite, consisting mostly of feldspar,
with about a fourth part of quartz, and including some hornblende and rare
grains of mica. It rises some five feet above the river, and is traversed by
nearly vertical joints one to eight feet apart. It has been slightly quarried.
Le Saiik. In this township, situated next north of St. Cloud, these crystal-
line rocks are exposed upon the lowest mile of Watab river, and at several
places within three miles thence north-northwest. The gristmill and its dam,
owned by J. B. Sartell & Sons, on the Watab river about a third of a mile
above its mouth, are founded on gray syenite. This is exposed to view only
on the south side of the river, under the foundation of the north side of the
mill, rising a few feet above the water of the flume below the dam. It was
quarried for this mill, and is a desirable building stone.
Mr. Sartell owns another quarry a half mile northwest from this mill,
covering several acres and rising twenty feet above the general level. It
is in or near the S. E. ^4 of section 17. This has a more reddish tint. Quarry-
ing has been done here more or less during the past years, perhaps yielding
quarried stone to the value of $1,000 in all, only for use in this vicinity.
A third of a mile east of the last, in the south part of section 16, is another
outcrop of rock, similar to that at the grist mill. This covers about two acres.
It has a low smoothed surface, not much above the general level.
Another ledge of similar syenite or granite is seen at the west side of the
road, east of the north part of Clark lake, in the south half of section 8. This
also covers ten acres or more, its height being about ten feet.
On or near the east line of section 9, a rock-outcrop, said to be coarse-
grained and of iron-rusty color, covers several acres and rises some fifty feet
above the Mississippi river, which is ten or twenty rods farther east.
Reddish fine-grained syenite has been somewhat quarried for local use,
in or near the N. E. 1/4 of the N. E. 14 of section 7. Farther northwest, near
the centre of section 6, similar rock has outcrops at many places along a dis-
tance of about half a mile from east to west, not extending into St. "Wendel
Brockway. A medium-grained, gray granite or syenite, containing
garnets a fourth of an inch in diameter, is exposed on the N. W. I/4 of section
33, in the southeast part of Brockway, about a quarter of a mile west from the
road. It shows only a smooth flat surface, ten by fifteen feet in extent, not
rising above the general level.
Rock is also reported to occur in the west shore of the Mississippi river,
about fifteen rods south from the northeast corner of this section 33. The
rock is exposed also in the east bank and in the channel of the river, but its
outcrops rise only two or three feet above extreme low water. This is about
a mile north of the high hills of rock at the east side of the river Watab.
Nature's Paradise — Earliest Human Inhabitants — Era of the Eskimo — Reign
of the Indian — Prehistoric Indians — Indian Tribes — Dakotas — Ojibways —
Ojibway-Dakota Conflict — Social Organization of the Ojibway — Origin of
the Names Sauk and Osakis in This Region — Winnebagoes — Life of the
Indian — By P. M. Magnusson.
Scientists tell us that in the glacial period this region was covered by the
great ice sheet and then uncovered, not only once but several times. When
for the last time the glacier receded, it left behind what became in a few years
a wonderfully diversified and beautiful region. The realm of Stearns was
and yet is where civilization has not changed it, stretches of gently rolling
prairies in summer covered Avith grass and spangled with flowers ; park -like
oak openings, verdant swells of land studded with a sparse growth of oaks;
dense forests of maple, oak, elm, linden and birch ; poplar thickets and
tamarack swamps, where every tree is of the same age and stands straight,
even and orderly like a well disciplined army ; jungles of underbrush of hazel
and dwarf beech, dwarf hickory, ironwood, alder, kinnikinic, as well as young
trees of larger species, forming in some places almost as inpenetrable a mass
as the famous jungles of the Amazon; and finally even in Stearns, here and
there a little guard of conifers, mainly white pine, outposts of magnificent
forests of evergreens to the northeast. And this varied landscape was flecked
and ribboned and jeweled by many a stream of water and by the matchless
blue and silver lakes of Minnesota. These waters, woods, and prairies fairly
quivered with animal life. The most notable early animal was the mammoth.
From remains found he seems to have been plentiful in Minnesota. Later the
leader in animal life was the American bison, generally known as the buffalo.
A country so bountiful and inviting to man, whether primitive or civilized,
would remain uninhabited only while undiscovered. J. V. Brower, the dis-
tinguished Minnesota archeologist, concludes from the finds he made of quartz
artifacts near Little Falls, that man followed very close on the heels of the
receding glacier.
Most scholars are of the opinion that in all probability the first inhab-
itants of the northern part of the United States were, or were closely related
to, the Eskimo. While the data are very meager they all point that way. The
Eskimos seem to have remained on the Atlantic seaboard as late as the arrival
of the Scandinavian discoverers of the eleventh century, for their description
of the aboringines whom they call "skralingar" (a term of contempt about
equivalent to "ruBts") is much more consonant with the assumption that
these were Eskimos than Indians.
So we shall probably be right if we picture to ourselves the first Stearnites
as a small yellowish-brown skin-clad race, slipping around nimbly and quietly
in our woods and dells, subsisting mainly on fish, but also partly on the chase.
Their homes were doubtless of the simplest description and their culture not
above absolute savagery. Why did the Eskimo leave Minnesota and all
temperate America and withdraw to the frozen fringe of the Arctic ocean?
It can scarcely be maintained that he did it from free choice. Doubtless the
stronger and fiercer Indian elbowed him out of this land of plenty, and to save
himself and his babies from the ruthless war club and scalping knife of the
treacherous red man the peace loving little yellow man withdrew to the barren
but friendly shores of the Arctic seas.
Prehistoric Indians. When the white man first saw Minnesota, the region
of Stearns was inhabited by the Dakotas or Sioux. But there is evidence that
these had had Indian predecessors. From this we may quite confidently con-
clude that preceding the Dakotas there had inhabited Minnesota for long ages
past several tribes of Indians, probably of Algonquin stock.
Indian Tribes. The archeology and anthropology of the American Indian
is still in its infancy. But a few fundamental facts stand out in bold relief.
We are told by scientists that man is of great antiquity in America ; and that
though the aborigines' blood is doubtless mixed with later arrivals in many
localities and tribes, still, barring the Eskimo, the fundamental race character-
istics are the same from Hudson Bay to Patagonia. Hence a common American
ancestry of great antiquity must be predicated of the whole Indian race.
Draw a line east and west through the southern boundary of Virginia.
Except for the northwest corner of British America, the red men in the
territory noi'th of this line and east of the Rocky mountains, including the
larger part of the United States and British America, are and have been for
centuries almost exclusively of just three linguistic stocks : Iroquoian, Siouan,
and Algonquian. The one reason for classing these Indians into three ethnic
stocks is that the vocabularies of their languages do not seem to have a
common origin. Otherwise these Indians are so familiar physically and
psychically that even an expert will at times find it hard to tell from appear-
ance to which stock an individual belongs. These three stocks are in mental,
moral, and physical endowment the peers of any American aborigines, though
in culture they were far behind the Peruvians, Mexicans, and the nations in
the southwestern United States. But their native culture is not so insignificant
as is the popular impression. Except the western bands who subsisted on the
buffalo, they practiced agriculture ; and in many, if not in most tribes, the
products of the chase and fishing supplied less than half their sustenance ;
their moccasins,, tanned skin clothing, bows and arrows, canoes, pottery and
personal ornaments evinced a great amount of skill and not a little artistic
taste. Their houses were not always the conical tipi of bark or skins, but
were often very durable and comparatively comfortable and constructed of
timber or earth or even stone.
The Dakotas. As to how these stocks came originally into this territory,
there is no certain knowledge but much uncertain speculation. Here we shall
be content to start with the relatively late and tolerably probable event of
their living together, in the eastern part of the United States some five
centuries ago. Algonquians lived on the Atlantic slope, the Iroquois perhaps
south of Lake Erie and Ontario, and the Siouans in the upper Ohio valley.
Of the Siouan peoples we are interested in the main division of the Sioux,
more properly the Dakota. Probably because of the pressure of the fierce
and well organized Iroquois, the Sioux, perhaps about 1400 A. D., began
slowly to descend the Ohio valley. Kentucky and the adjacent parts of Ohio,
Indiana and Illinois were certainly at that time a primitive man's paradise,
and the anabasis begun under compulsion was enthusiastically continued from
choice. They reached the confluence of the Ohio and the Mississippi. Prob-
ably here they first encountered the buffalo, or bison, in large numbers. The
spirit of adventure and the pressure of an increasing population sent large
bands up the Mississippi. When the Missouri was reached no doubt some
followed that stream. Those who kept to the Mississippi were rewarded as
they ascended the stream by coming into what was from the viewpoint of
primitive man a richer country. Coming up into Minnesota a forest region
was encountered soon after passing through beautiful Lake Pepin. Soon a
"wakan," a spiritual mystery, blocked the way of the Dakota canoes. St.
Anthony Falls, of which now scarce a remnant is left, thundered over its
ledge among the leafy boskage of banks and islands. Slowly but surely up
the stream pushed the Dakotas. Rum river was reached, and its friendly
banks were doubtless for many seasons dotted with the Dakotas' tipis. But
when the hunter-explorer's eyes first rested on the wide expanse of Mille
Lacs, he rightly felt he had found a primitive paradise. M'dewakan, the lake
of spiritual spell, soon became the site of perhaps the largest parmanent
encampment or "city" of the Dakotas. The territory of Stearns was not
overlooked by the spreading Dakotas. Whoever were their hviman predeces-
sors, they fled before their presence to the north and west. Thus the skin or
bark canoes of the Dakotas were soon the only watercrafts on our lakes and
streams, and their owners were the only hunters on our soil.
Stearns county lies in the western half of what was the most glorious
hunting region in the world. In a zone extending north-northwest we have a
series of beautiful lakes. The most southerly is the M'dewakan of the
Dakotas, Mille Lacs, some twenty miles long, then Gull, Pelican, and White-
fish lakes, each from eight to twelve miles long, magnificent sheets of water,
small only in comparison with such giants as Leech lake, which comes next in
the series. This body of water has as close neighbors, Cass, Winibigoshish,
and Bemidji, lesser but still very large lakes. Continuing in the same direc-
tion, we come to Red lake, the largest body of fresh water entirely in the
United States. Some eighty miles further north we find the largest lake of
the series, the Lake of the Woods. This zone is two or three hundred miles
long and was, and to a great extent yet is, a magnificent natural park and
game preserve. Well watered and with every variety of surface, spangled with
lakes and covered with forests of all kinds and combinations possible in this
climate, with here and there a prairie thrown in for good measure, this indeed
was the land of Seek-no-Further for the Indian. Of this region Stearns formed
a part and a favored part.
In this empire of forest, lake and streams, the Dakotas learned to be
forest dwellers. Let us picture the life of the Dakotas in Stearns as it was,
say at the time when the Pilgrim Fathers landed at Plymouth. The Dakotas
dressed in skins and furs, tanned and prepared by the squaws, and sewed with
bone needle and sinew thread. He lived then in the Stone Age. His arrow
heads, axes, knifes and kelts were made of stone, preferably flint or quartz.
His house in summer was the familiar tipi, and sometimes this was all he
had even in winter. But more substantial houses of wood, stone and earth
were not unknown. Such were often built for several families.
The social structure of the Dakotas was the primitive tribal one, but of
the simplest variety. Though many Siouan tribes have an elaborate tribal
system, as for example the Omaha, the Dakota lived in bands of the loosest
description. Chieftainship devolved on him who could grasp it. Marriage
was prohibited only within close blood relationships. No totem system or
true clan system obtained. War parties were made up by ambitious individ-
uals very much the same as hunting parties are among us.
The religious cult and cosmic notions of the Dakotas were essentially
the same as those of other primitive people. They explained all strange,
mysterious, powerful, beneficent or malevolent beings, objects, or events, by
assuming that a spirit lived and expressed himself in each of them. Every
lake, waterfall, tree, animal, cloud or eliif that excited their wonder, admira-
tion, fear or awe, was "wakan," a term that can scarcely be translated by
any one English word. It means mysterious, elfish, bewitched, spirit-possessed,
having supernatural powers. These spirits-in-thin gs were conceived half as
personal and half as impersonal. Like all primitive men they believed that
these spirits could be controlled by magic. Some spoken formula, some sym-
bolic ceremony, some charm or amulet was supposed to ward off evil influences
or even secure active cooperation of spirit powers.
The Ojibways. By far the most numerous of the Indian stocks referred
to is, and was, the Algonquian. It occupied the Atlantic slope long before the
coming of Columbus. When the French came to Canada they found these
Indians in possession of the St. Lawrence up to Lake Ontario and of an
indefinite region north of the Great Lakes. For centuries the Algonquian
Indians worked their way westward, following the Great Lakes. The van-
guard of the Algonquian host was the large and gifted tribes known as the
Chippewas or Ojibways. Many were the sanguinary conflicts they had with
the Iroquois, the "Nadowe," or "Adders," who possessed the sovith shore of
Lake Erie and other regions. Farther west they came in contact with the
Dakotas, whom they called the "Nadoweisiv" (the French wrote it Nadowes-
sioux, from the last syllable of which we have Sioux) or "Little Adders,"
and some other Indian tribes, both Siouan and Algonquian, like the Sauks,
Foxes, and Winnebagoes. Some three centuries ago we find them in full con-
trol of both the south and north shore of Lake Superior. This is a region rich
in iwr bearing animals, and very early in the seventeenth century the Indian
hunter of the Great Lakes and the white fur trader discovered each other,
and maintained ever afterwards a continuous trade relation. Fire arms, the
iron kettle, the knife and hatchet of steel, and the blanket and calico were
added from the white man's production to the red man's possessions.
Early in the eighteenth century, so scholars believe, the Ojibways were
in possession of even the western shores of Lake Superior, and hunted as far
west as the St. Louis river could serve them as a highway. The Dakotas were
in possession of the wonderful lake-and-river region we have described. The
highway of this region was the Mississippi. Where the Mississippi in its great
SAving eastward comes nearest to Lake Superior we find just east of the river
a beautiful lake, called from its sandy beach, Sandy lake. The Savanna
river empties into this lake, and from this river to the East Savanna river
which empties into the St. Louis river, is the portage between the Mississippi
and the Great lakes; and at Sandy lake, according to tradition, the two
powerful tribes, the Dakota and the Ojibway, first met.
The Ojibway-Dakota Conflict. It was a case of, not love, but hate and
war at first sight. Though the boundless forest could easily have supported
them both, grasping human nature would not permit peace. Still, we must
not imagine that the war was uninterrupted. Periods of peace, or rather,
truce abounded. The two tribes often hunted and gathered rice together.
Yes, they even intermarried. But whenever a member of one tribe injured
or killed a person belonging to the other, the tribal feud law, common among
primitive peoples, and not extinct among the "mountain whites" of our own
day and nation, demanded that the injured man's family and tribe take
vengeance on the offender's kin. Thus two rival tribes found almost constant
cause for war, as there was no lack of degenerate or careless people whose
deeds of violence or guile must be revenged, in addition to tribal jealousy
and rivalry over possession of hunting grounds.
The Ojibways were the stronger. Slowly but surely they expelled the
Dakotas from the great hunting zone of Minnesota. The great Dakota "city"
at Mille Lacs fell into the hands of the Ojibway. J. V. Brower thinks the
date was about 1750. All of the Mississippi region above Brainerd was in
the hands of the Ojibways. Still they pressed southward. Stearns was for
over a century in the frontier between the Dakotas and the Ojibways. An
attempt was made by the treaty of Prairie du Chien in 1825 to stop the age-
long feud between the Dakota and the Ojibway, and the United States, acting
as a friendly conciliating and arbitrating power, got the hostile tribes to
agree to a division of their territory. This "international" boundary line ran
diagonally across Minnesota from the neighborhood of Marine, a few miles
south of Tailors Falls on the St. Croix, in an irregular line to Georgetown on
the Red river, the general direction being northwest. The portion of the
boundary between the Dakota and the Ojibway, extending from Chippewa
river to Otter tail lake, was surveyed in 1835 by S. A. Bean. The line enters
Stearns where the Watab empties into the Mississippi, and according to treaty,
follows this stream to its source ; but by this surveyor, according to Winchell
in "The Aborgines of Minnesota," "the head of the Watab river was assumed
to be a small lake located in the N. E. corner of T. 124 N., R. 30 W., which
is in reality the head of a tributary to that stream, the actual main source of
the river being a number of miles to the southwest." This lake chosen by
the surveyor must be one of the lakes near St. John's college. From here the
line runs almost parallel with the Great Northern main line, diverging, how-
ever, slightly from it, so that the boundary crosses the western edge of the
county some three or four miles from its northwest corner. North of this
line we have Ojibway Stearns and south of it is Dakota Stearns. The Indians
were never known to respect this line to any appreciable extent, but in all
its subsequent treaties with the Indians, the United States government
religiously recognized this line as divding the territorial rights of the "Sioux"
and "Chippewa" "nations."
In these raids of the two hostile tribes, the Mississippi was oftener than
not the highway. Many a savage band of painted warriors have portaged
their canoes through the site of St. Cloud to get past the Sauk rapids. Thus,
about the time of the great French and Indian war, when the English and the
French were killing each other in grand style on three continents, the
Ojibways and the Dakotas imitated their civilized brethren as well as in their
heathen darkness they could, but their slaughter was only a little retail affair
in comparison. However, what they lacked in magnitude of slaughter they
made up in ferocity and truly savage heartless cruelty.
Let us trace briefly one series of attacks. Some time near the middle
the eighteenth century a gay and powerful flotilla of Dakota canoes paddled
up the river, and leaving it at the Crow Wing confluence, went to Leach
lake and began a circuit of murder of women and children in the populous
communities of Ojibways living on the great initial loop of the Mississippi.
The expedition ended disastrously for the assailants, however, for in the battle
of Crow river they were routed by their adversaries. As a result, the
Dakotas thought best to evacuate the Rum river country and move their
villages from that river to the Minnesota river. Doubtless they also left
Stearns, for when a couple of years later Ojibway war parties floated down
the Mississippi, they saw no signs of their hereditary enemy until they
reached the Elk river. Later, however, the Dakotas seem to have returned
to Stearns. But as this region was decidedly in the "Road of War" the
Indian population ever afterwards, was more than ordinarily transitory.
Fierce though the Ojibway certainly was, his reputation for ferocity did
not equal that of the Sioux or Dakota. The Ojibway is credited with more
generosity and less treachery than his hereditary enemy, though it must be
confessed that in their struggles with one another the honors are about equal
in reference to cruelty and treachery. But in their relations to the whites,
while the Ojibways uniformly were friendly to the whites and never engaged
in any war with them, the Dakotas were the most implacable enemy of the
paleface and made no permanent peace with civilized man until they were
utterly crushed.
Social Organization of the Ojibway. The tribal polity of the Ojibway
was somewhat more advanced than that of the Dakota. They had a fully
developed totemie system. The totem was generally that of an animal, as the
bear, crane or wolf. The "spirit" of the animal was supposed to be the
guardian spirit of the clan or phratry of that name. These communal totems
should not be confused with the individual totems which Indians often assume,
generally after a revelation obtained by fasting and prayer. The clan, or
phratry totem, on the other hand, descends among the Ojibway as relation-
ship does with us, in the male line. We may notice that on the contrary it
descends in the female line among the Iroquois. Among the Ojibway when
tribal traditions are strictly observed, persons belonging to the same totemie
phratry are not allowed to intermarry.
The Ojibways have a highly developed mystic and religious lore. The
shamans of the tribe seem to know as much about clairvoyance, telepathy and
trance revelations as civilized man — which, perhaps after all, is not saying
much. The Medawe rite partakes much of the nature of a secret fraternal
society, though the mystic nature is most prominent.
Origin of the Names Sauk and Osakis in This Region. Our principal
"inland" river is named Sauk, the rapids at its confluence with the Mississippi
and the town located by those rapids are called Sauk Rapids, and the lake
from which the river rises is Osakis. This seems very puzzling, as the Sauk
(Sac or Osakis) Indian tribe never dwelt within two hundred miles of
Judge L. W. Collins contributed a paper on this subject to the 1897 meet-
ing of the Stearns County Old Settlers Association, from which the following
is quoted:
"Among the Sioux the tradition is that both river and lake were called
O-za-te, which in their language means the fork of a stream or road. Although
this tradition is not very well authenticated its truth may rest on a solid
foundation, as you will discover when you compare the pronounciation of this
word with that by which the lake and river have always been known to the
Chippewas. Assisted by the late H. P. Beaulieu, one of the best Chippewa
interpreters, I learned from Kay-zhe-aush, Key-she-by-aush and Zhe-bing-o-
goon, patriarchs among the Leach lake band, that the river was never known
to the Chippewas by any other name than the 0-zau-gee, while the lake was
O-zau-gee lake, the fact being that after the Sioux were compelled to
remove their habitation from that part of the Mississippi valley north of the
Rum river, and while the country was still debatable territory as between the
Sioux and the Chippewas and the scene of many a conflict, five Sacs, refugees
from their own tribe on account of murder which they had committed, made
their way up to the lake and settled near the outlet upon the east side. Three
had wives of their own people, but the other two ultimately took wives of the
Fondulac band of Chippewas. The men were great hunters and traded at the
post of the North Western Fur Company, located on the lower Leaf lake, about
six miles east of the eastern extremity of Otter Tail lake. This post was visited
by bands of Sioux and Chippewas, and the traders were frequently entertained
by deadly conflicts among their visitors. * * *
"The Sacs Indians were known to the Chippewas as 0-zau-kees. * * *
"On one of the excursions made by some of the Pillager bands of Chip-
pewas to the asylum of the 0-zau-kees, it was found that all had been killed,
supposedly by the Sioux. * * *"
The Winnebagoes. Another tribe of the Siouan stock was introduced into
the territory of Stearns by the white man — the Winnebagoes. This once
powerful Wisconsin tribe had for some years been knocked from pillar to post
by treaties and sale of land to the Federal government. In 1846 they were
induced to accept a reservation of 800,000 acres in Minnesota west of the
Mississippi between the Long Prairie and Watab rivers. Hence this reserva-
tion covered a considerable part of northern Stearns. With a great deal of
trouble the tribe was finally removed to the reservation in the summer of 1848.
That is, through the instrumentality of Henry M. Rice, who afterwards became
one of the two first United States senators from Minnesota, the greater part
of the tribe was located in the reservation for a few years. Indians and whites
seem to have conspired to antagonize the Winnebagoes against their new home.
Many left the tribe before they arrived here, and many deserted later. In 1855
a new reservation, one in southern Minnesota, was found for the Winnebagoes,
and thither they were removed.
The Life of the Indian. Here may be the proper place to notice the great
and sad change which has come over the life of the Indian since the far-off
days of which we have spoken. The life of the red barbarian before he came
in contact with civilization, and even later when he got no more from the
whites than his gun, knife, kettle, and blanket, was, though primitive, poor
and coarse, still not mean and base. The Indian was healthy and sound in
body and mind, and true and loyal to his standards of morality. To be sure,
his standards were not our standards, and we rightly consider them crude
and low ; but as they were the best the Indian knew, his fidelity to his moral
code is worthy of all honor.
But evil days came for the simple child of the forest, when as scum on
the advancing frontier wave of civilization came the firewater, the vices and
the diseases of civilized man. Neither his physical nor his spiritual organiza-
tion is prepared to withstand these powerful evils of a stronger race, and the
primitive red man has often, perhaps generally, been reduced to a pitiful para-
site on the civilized commiinity, infested with the diseases, the vermin and the
vices of the white man and living in a degradation and squalor that only
civilization can furnish.
Happily, of late there has been a turn for the better. Christian mission-
aries have since the white man first came, been a power for good among the
Indians. They have educated not only the Indians, but also the whites upon
the Indian question. Now substantial improvements testify that the mission-
aries have been heard. Our national policy towards the Indian has almost
always been liberal, but generally in the past shortsighted, and with shame we
must confess that this liberal policy has in the past been — not to use a stronger
word — very indifferently executed. But here the reform has been very
marked. It is probably not too much to say that wisdom and efficiency are
today the almost universal attributes of government administration of Indian
affairs. And the results are encouraging. The census seems to indicate that
the Indian is no longer a vanishing race. Steady and considerable progress
is made in his civilization, and his physical condition is improving.
Groseilliers and Radisson — Le Sueur and Charleville — Fur Traders and
Explorers — Zebulon M. Pike — His Account of Passing Stearns County —
Lewis Cass — Expedition of 1832 — J. N. Nicollet — Tide of Civilization
Begins — By P. M. Magnusson.
Groseilliers and Radisson. The meager accounts which these two explorers
have left of their two expeditions which are supposed to have penetrated into
Minnesota, are capable of more than one interpretation. Prof. Winchell's
interpretation seems to recommend itself best, and according to this, Groseilliers
and Radisson, the first known white explorers of Minnesota, entered it near
the southeast corner, and proceeded up the Mississippi through Lake
Pepin to Prairie Island. Here the French explorers and the Indians that
accompanied them, together with other Indians, spent the year 1655-1656. Thus
when Cromwell ruled Great Britain and Ireland, when the Puritan theocracy
was at the height of its glory in New England, and when the great emigration
of Cavaliers was still going on to Virginia, Minnesota saw its first white man —
unless indeed the Scandinavians visited this region centuries before, as the
Kensington Stone avers.
About New Years, 1660, if we may trust Radisson 's narration and its
interpretation, our two "Frenchmen" are again in Minnesota. Traveling
■with a big band of Indians, they passed a severe January and February, with
attendant famine, probably (according to Prof. Winchell) at Knife lake, Kana-
bec county. According to Hon. J. V. Brower (in his monograph "Kathio,"
1901) the lake was called Knife lake and the Dakota tribe of this region the
Knife tribe (Issanti) because early that spring deputations of Dakotas came
to the encampment and here for the first time procured steel knives from the
white men and from the Indian band that was with them. Until this time the
Stone Age had ruled supreme in the realm of Stearns, but now we may well
'suppose that within a short time many an enterprising brave cherished as his
most precious possession one of these magic knives that cut like a stroke of
lightning. Very soon after meeting these Dakotas at Knife lake, Groseillier
and Radisson went to the great Dakota village at Mille Lacs, and were there
received with every mark of friendship and respect.
Now follows the story of a seven days' trip to the prairie home of the
"nation of the Boefe" (buffalo), that is to say, the Dakotas living farther west
and south. To me this story seems likely to be fiction, but if it is true, there
is a fair chance that it was to Stearns the journey went. This was the nearest
"and most accessible buffalo country from Mille Lacs. So it is possible that
these two Frenchmen were the first white men to tread Stearns' soil. But the
supposition favored by Winchell is that they went due south. However that
may be, it is certain that with Groseillier and Radisson the first glimmer of
European civilization reached Stearns.
Le Sueur and Charleville. Di". Warren Upham, Secretary of the Minnesota
State Historical Society, in a letter to the author says: "Doubtless numerous
French and British fur traders and explorers had voyaged along your part
of the Mississippi many times during more than a century preceding the
expedition of Pike, whose narrative journal is our first detailed record of
travel on that part of our great river. Probably the earliest explorers were
Le Sueur and Charleville, about the year 1690 or earlier. They made a canoe
voyage far up the Mississippi, probably, as Brower and Hill have supposed,
to a northern limit at the outlet of Sandy lake."
In his excellent and monumental work, "Minnesota in Three Centuries,"
in Vol. I., pp. 253-4, Upham says: "Brower and Hill" come to the conclusion
that on the Mississippi at the outlet of Sandy lake ' ' a village of Sioux doubtless
then existed, as it has also been during the last century or longer the site of
an Ojibway village. The estimates noted, that the distance traveled above the
Falls of St. Anthony was about a hundred French leagues, and that an equal
distance of the river's course still separated the voyageurs from its sources,
agree very closely with the accurate measurements now made by exact surveys,
if Le Sueur's journey ended at Sandy lake.
"Very probably Charleville, whose narration of a similar early expedition
of a hundred leagues on the part of the Mississippi above these falls is pre-
served by Du Pratz in his 'History of Louisiana,' was a companion of Le Sueur,
so that the two accounts relate to the same canoe trip. Charleville said that
he was accompanied by two Canadian Frenchmen and two Indians; and it is
remarkable that Charleville, like Le Sueur, was a relative of the brothers
Iberville and Bienville, who afterwards were governors of Louisiana."
Zebulon Montgomery Pike. During the century and a half from 1655 to
1805 Minnesota was explored by a number of white ti*avelers, some of whom
left a record of their wanderings, but besides Le Sueur and Charleville only a
few fur traders seem to have visited Stearns. The Indians here, however,
were steady customers of the white traders, and as a result firearms had partly
taken the place of the bow and arrow, the iron kettle of the earthen pot, the
steel of the stone knife and tomahawk, and the blanket and strouds of the
skin garments.
Immediately after the territory west of the Mississippi was acquired by
the United States, the government took steps to acquaint us with our new
domain. The Lewis and Clark expedition is the most famous of these under-
takings. In 1805 Lieut. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, whom Upham justly calls
"one of the grandest and most beloved heroes in the early history of our
country," was sent to explore the headwaters of the Mississippi. Both in
going and returning. Pike traveled on the river along the boundary of Stearns.
Hon. Warren Upham has furnished us with the following annotated extract
from Lieut. Pike's journal:
9th Oct., Wednesday. Embarked early ; wind ahead ; barrens and prairie.
Killed one deer and four pheasants. Distance 3 miles.
10th Oct., Thursday. Came to large islands and strong water early in the
morning. Passed the place at which Mr. Reinville and Mons. Perlier wintered
in 1797 ; passed a cluster of islands, more than 20 in the course of four miles ;
these I called Beaver islands from the immense signs of those animals, for they
have dams on every island and roads from them every two or three rods.
I w^ould here attempt a description of this animal, and its wonderful system
of architecture, was not the subject already exhausted by the numerous trav-
elers who have written on this subject. Encamped at the foot of the Grand
Rapids. Killed two geese, five ducks, and two pheasants. Distance I6I/2 miles.
11th Oct., Friday. Both boats passed the worst of the rapids by eleven
o'clock, but we were obliged to wade and lift them over rocks, where there
was not a foot of water, when at times the next step would be in water over
our heads. In consequence of this, our boats were frequently in imminent
danger of being bilged on the rocks. About 5 miles above the rapids, our
large boat was discovered to leak so fast as to render it necessary to unload
her, which we did. Stopped the leak and reloaded. Near a war encampment,
I found a painted buckskin and a piece of scarlet cloth, suspended by the
limb of a tree ; this I supposed to be a sacrifice to Matcho Manitou, to render
their enterprise successful; but I took the liberty to invade the rights of his
diabolic majesty, by treating them, as the priests of old have often done, that
is, converting the sacrifice to my own use. Killed only two ducks. Distance
eight miles.
12th Oct., Saturday. Hard ripples in the morning. Passed a narrow,
rocky place, after which we had good water. Our large boat again sprung a
leak, and we were obliged to encamp early and unload. Killed one deer, one
wolf, two geese and two ducks. Distance 12^2 miles.
13th Oct., Sunday. Embarked early and came on well. Passed a hand-
some river on the east which we named Clear river; water good. Killed one
deer, one beaver, two minks, two geese, and one duck. Fair wind. Discovered
the first buffalo signs. Distance 29 miles.
Notes by Mr. Upham:
"In the larger edition of Pike's Journal by Dr. Elliot Coues, in three
volumes, 1895, reprinting the edition of 1810 with addition of many geographic
and other notes, the journal above quoted, for October 9-13, comes on pages
99-102 in Vol. I.
"Dr. Coues identifies the camping place for the night of October 9 as
'between Plum creek and St. Augusta.' The winter trading post of the well-
known French fur trader, Joseph Renville, was between that camp and St.
Cloud's 'Thousand islands,' which Pike named Beaver islands. The Sauk
rapids were called Grand rapids. The 'narrow rocky place' passed October 12
was Watab rapids ; and the stream mentioned on October 13 and named Clear
river by Pike is the Platte river tributary to the Mississippi river from the
east, opposite to the northeast corner of Stearns county.
"On the descent of the Mississippi, in 1806, Pike left his wintering place
near Pike rapids, on the morning of Monday, April 7. He passed by Stearns
county on Monday and Wednesday, having stopped through Tuesday at the
trading post of Dicksom and Paulier, where Renveille and Perlier had traded
in the winter of 1797, as was noted in the journal of October 10. The names
Paulier and Perlier are supposed to refer to the same person, a partner or
agent of the prominent British fur trader, Robert Dickson.
"The part of the journal relating the downward voyage along the
boundary of Stearns county, in pages 89 and 90 of the original edition in 1810,
is as follows :
" '7th April, Monday. Loaded our boats and departed forty minutes past
ten o'clock. At one o'clock arrived at Clear river, where we found my canoe
and men. Although I had partly promised the Fols Avoin (Menomonee)
chief to remain one night, yet time was too precious, and we put off; passed
the Grand rapids and arrived at Mr. Dickson's just before sundown; we were
saluted with three rounds. At night he treated all my men with supper and
dram. Mr. Dickson, Mr. Paulier and myself sat up until four o'clock in the
" '8th April, Tuesday. Were obliged to remain this day on account of
some information to be obtained here. I spent the day in making a rough
chart of St. Peters, making notes on the Sioux, etc., settling the affairs of the
Indian Department with Mr. Dickson, for whose communications, and those
of Mr. Paulier, I am infinitely indebted. Made every necessary preparation
for an early embarkation.
" '9th April, Wednesday. Kose early in the morning and commenced my
arrangements. Having observed two Indians drunk during the night, and
finding upon inquiry that the liquor had been furnished by a Mr. Greignor or
Jennesse, I sent my interpreter to them to request they would not sell any
strong liquor to the Indians, upon which Mr. Jennesse demanded the restric-
tions in writing, which were given to him. On demanding his license, it
amounted to no more than merely a certificate that he had paid the tax
required by a law of the Indian territory, on all retailers of merchandise, but
it was by no means an Indian license. However, I did not think proper to go
into a more close investigation. Last night was* so cold that the water was
covered with floating cakes of ice, of a strong consistence. After receiving
every mark of attention from Messrs. Dickson and Paulier, I took my
departure, at 8 o'clock.' "
What an interesting glimpse this journal gives us into the life of man
and nature in Stearns a hundred and more year ago ! The I'iver we recognize
as very much the same as today, but unfettered by dams. What a hunter's
paradise this region was! Ducks, geese, mink, wolf, beaver, deer, pheasants
were picked up by the voyageurs along the river apparently without going
out of their way. We notice the hospitality of the frontier. Indians and
traders vie with one another in entertaining the traveler and keeping him as
long as possible. Down by the river a few miles below St. Cloud, the gallant
lieutenant, the canny Scotch trader and the affable French frontiersman spent
a companionable evening together, one to be long remembered in each of their
lives. The spring night was almost gone and the east showed ruddy when they
bade each other good night. We may be sure that they all three enjoyed the
prospect of having the whole next day together.
Lewis Cass. While territorial governor of Michigan, Governor Lewis
Cass, who was later to become one of the most noted statesmen of the period
just before the Civil War, went on an expedition of exploration into the
remotest parts of the great domain of which he was governor, in search of
the sources of the Mississippi. On his return from his visit to the lakes near
the source of the Mississippi, he made use of the Mississippi highway and
passed the site of St. Cloud on July 29, 1820. Henry R. Schoolcraft, the
scholarly frontiersman, was in the party. These two, together with about a
dozen more white men and perhaps twice as many Indians, viewed on that
day on their right hand the bosky shores of the Mississippi in Stearns.
The Expedition of 1832. When Cass became Secretary of War, he had
an expedition dispatched to explore further the source country of the Missis-
sippi. In this expedition we find Schoolcraft and the Rev. W. T. Boutwell, a
missionary who acted as interpreter. It was during this trip that Lake Itasca
received its name from the Latin words Veritas and caput, properly decapitated
and "detailed," as we are informed by Mr. Boutwell. This party, too, passed
along Stearns' eastern boundary on its return trip at about the same time of
the year as on the former occasion.
J. N. Nicollet. In his exploration trip in 1838, both on his up and down
trip on the Mississippi, Nicollet passed the realm of Stearns. He drafted,
as a fruit of his expedition, by far the best map that had as yet been produced
of this region. On this map we find the Sauk rapids as "the second rapids"
and Sauk river under the name of Osakis river. The group of islands below
St. Cloud are also indicated, and Clearwater river and Watab creek appear
under these names.
The Frontier of Civilization. Though Stearns borders the greatest water-
way in Minnesota, it was not until relatively late that this rich domain
attracted settlers. This was partly due to the fact that Stearns is west of the
river, and to a surprisingly late date the superstition obtained that the Missis-
sippi ought to be the western boundary of civilization ; bvit mostly to the fact
that though the Mississippi is the greatest natural highway through Minnesota,
historically it played a very secondary part in the white man's coming to
Minnesota. The rich Indian country centering around Leech lake was tapped
by the Lake Superior-Sandy lake route. The outlet of the Mille Lacs region
was the Rum river.
But the tide of civilization was setting hitherward slowly but irresistibly.
At the time our story closes, 1849, the Indian trader, the trapper and the
hunter had discovered and taken possession of the realm of Stearns, and the
agricultural pioneer was ready to transform the region in a decade.
European Monarchs Who Have Ruled Over Stearns County — State and County
Affiliations — In the Columbian Empire of Spain — In French Louisiana —
Again Spanish — Once More French — Under the Stars and Stripes — By
P. M. Magnusson.
In the Columbian Empire of Spain. Stearns, all Minnesota, the whole of
the United States, yes, all of the Western Hemisphere, was included in the
truly imperial domains claimed by the crown (or rather crowns) of Spain by
virtue of the discovery of Columbus. As the then inhabitants of Stearns and
the government of Spain were mutually sublimely unconscious of each other,
a mere mention of the theoretic sovereignty will suffice.
In French Louisiana. The world has never known any more intrepid
and indefatigable explorers and pioneers than the French. When La Salle on
April 9, 1682, at the mouth of the Mississippi took possession for the King of
France of all the territory drained by the great river, Stearns passed tech-
nically from the sovereignty of his Catholic Majesty, the King of Spain, into
the realm of his Most Christian Majesty, Louis XIV, King of France. Stearns
was now part of Louisiana, as this vast Mississippi region was called in honor
of the king. To be sure, the French had already claimed this land under the
proclamation of Sieur de St. Lusson in 1671 at Sault de St. Marie, since there
he claimed for the king not only the region drained by the Great Lakes, but
also "all the countries * * * adjacent thereto * * * bounded by the
seas, north, west, and south. ' ' As Stearns does not drain into the Great Lakes,
it comes under this last clause. But this is rather too sweeping a claim even
to be considered valid by the easy customs of that day. The French did more,
however, than merely take formal possession of it after discovery. At once,
with an energy that is astonishing, they took actual possession of these vast
regions and entered into the life of their newly acquired subjects. As traders,
as explorers, as missionaries, as settlers, they radiated their influence through
the vast wilderness from one end to the other. Unfortunately for them, their
number was altogether inadequate for making French civilization permanent.
But even the wild hunter in Stearns soon felt the influence of the French.
He found a market for his furs, had a steel knife, and the boom of the flintlock
was heard in the land.
Hence the modern inhabitants of Stearns may extract all the nurture for
pride that we can from the fact that we may count le Grand Monarque, Louis
XrV, and Louis XV, "the well beloved," as sovereigns of Stearns.
Again Spanish. In 1762, after just one hundred years of formal posses-
sion, France ceded all of her territory west of the Mississippi by a secret treaty
to Spain. This was probably a precaution to keep it out of the hands of the
English, who were then victorious in the war known to us as the ' ' French and
Indian War" and in European history as the "Seven Years' War." The next
year France ceded practically all of her territory east of the Mississippi to
England. Hence Stearns became Spanish while right across the river, Benton
and Sherburne became English. The Mississippi river became an international
boundary, and divided the territories of His Catholic Majesty, the King of
Spain, from His Britannic Majesty, Defender of the Faith. The main part
of St. Cloud stands on territory tvpice Spanish and twice French, while East
St. Cloud is located on what was once British soil after having been a part of
the dominion of France and earlier of Spain. The Spanish monarchs of Stearns
were Charles III and Charles IV, while across the river ruled George III,
King of Great Britain and Ireland.
However, while the political sovereignty was Spanish, what little civilizing
influences and white man's products came to Stearns were, as before, French,
whether it was blankets, gunpowder, whiskey or Christianity. These things
came, to be sure, mostly from British territory and had the British stamp of
origin, but the traders were the same as before, or their sons, hence French
or French halfbreeds.
Slowly, however, British capital and enterprise began to penetrate Minne-
sota, the eastern part of which was the 'ultima thule" of British North
America. The British fur trader came and after a while these traders in
1787 formed the Northwest Company. Though Stearns was never British soil,
its fur trade went to the British.
Meanwhile, by the treaty of Paris of 1783, the territory east of the
Mississippi was ceded by Great Britain to the United States. Thus in St.
Cloud we are in the original United States when on the east side of the river.
This territory was claimed by the state of Virginia until it was ceded by that
state and became a part of the Northwest Territory in 1787. This territory
was established by the Congress under the Confederation out of land ceded by
several of the states. It was bounded by the Ohio and the Mississippi rivers,
Pennsylvania, the Great Lakes, and the British dominions.
Very little effect did these mighty political mutations have on the life
of the Stearnites of those days. East of the river, Virginia succeeded Great
Britain as the rightful wielder of the police power, and Virginia was followed
by the Northwest Territory; the Continental Congress, or to use the less
common but correct designation, the Congress of the Confederation, followed
George III as chief executive, and Congress was succeeded by Washington and
John Adams, but it is safe to say that of all this the Dakota and Ojibway
inhabitants of Stearns knew nothing. They themselves were engaged in an
internecine war over this very territory and they would doubtless have been
very much surprised to hear that the land was lost to both of them.
The British, in spite of treaties, kept possession of the fur trade practically
unmolested till the day of young Lieutenant Pike. Hence, as far as the dusky
Stearnite was concerned, the only change in his "foreign relations" during
the forty years following the cession to Spain (1762) was that when he went
to Sandy Lake or Prairie du Chien to sell his pelts, buy his powder and lead,
and get his annual spree on firewater, he found towards the end of the period
a greater and greater sprinkling of British traders among the familiar French.
Thus he found a Warren among the Cadottes and he may have chanced upon
Captain Jonathan Carver or one of the Ponds. But even at the end of the
period the "eoureur de bois" were on the whole as French as their name and
as Indian as their complexion — that of "bois brule."
Once More French. By the secret treaty of San Ildefonso, March 13,
1801, Stearns together with the rest of Spanish Louisiana became once more
French. Since 1762 great changes had taken place in France. The monarchy
was overturned, the king and queen executed, and France transformed into
a radical republic by the great revolution. Now the revolution had spent
itself, the rule of the visionary and the lawyer was over, and the dominion
of the Man on Horseback had come. Napoleon, at once the free choice of a
free people and an absolute ruler, sat in France in the seat of the mighty and
ruled as First Consul nominally, but really as the absolute sovereign of France.
American writers, naturally getting their knowledge mostly through the
English language, and hence from English historians, have pretty generally
adopted the English prejudice against Napoleon. It is quite natural, I had
almost said proper, for an Englishman to be prejudiced against Napoleon.
He was the arch enemy of England. But for Americans to follow blindly the
historical prejudices of the English just because they read more English than
anything else, does not show much critical acumen or breadth of mind. One
of their superstitions is that Napoleon "by thinly veiled military coercion"
made himself master of France. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Napoleon was the idol of the French masses from the day he proved to them
his great military genius until his death. This is shown clearly by his return
from Elba. Without any military power he landed on French soil. A thor-
oughly organized government had all the resources of France at its command,
and still he won France without striking a blow. If any government ever
governed "by the consent of those governed" it was that of the First Consul
Bonaparte and Emperor Napoleon. So great, so dear a place had he in the
hearts of the French people that a generation after his death his nephew
was the practically unanimous choice of the French people for emperor,
almost exclusively because of the love and admiration for his great uncle.
It is true that the theorizers and the doctrinaires believed in the revolution
and the republic, but they were a small minority, as we say in mathematics,
a negligible quantity.
It is well to remember that the French Revolution was engineered and
"put throi;gh" by a very few fanatical theorists with the help of the Paris
mob ; and that never for a day even had the republic been favored by the
French millions. Not until the eighteen-eighties was there a truly "stay-so"
republican majority in France.
Far from having his whole career planned when he started his Italian
campaign, as so many historians seem to take for granted, Napoleon, like the
rest of us, had many plans that failed. It scarcely admits of a doubt that his
personal aim with his Egyptian campaign was to outrival Alexander and
found a mighty oriental empire into which, like Alexander, he then was to
introduce European civilization. That dream was doomed to speedy disil-
lusion; but he snatched victory from defeat and made himself First Consul
of France. But even Napoleon could scarcely have dared to hope in 1799 that
it -would be possible to transform revolutionary France into an empire and
an empire that was to dominate Europe. So he made haste and acquired
from Spain territory for an American empire. Louisiana together with Haiti
and perhaps all the rest of the West Indies would, when developed, have made
a splendid empire. Nor need we suppose that he intended to stop with this
territory. The western hemisphere had limitless possibilities for territorial
expansion. But here again he met failure. The Haitian revolution, led by
Touissant L 'Overture, the Negro Washington, was finally quelled by the
French, but it was a bad beginning for empire-building. Besides, he began to
see possibilities looming up in Europe far outshining his American dream.
Therefore, with that swift certainty in execution which marked his genius,
he reversed his plans and when the American envoys asked for New Orleans,
he sold them the whole magnificent empire of Louisiana.
During the Spanish period Stearns had belonged to Upper Louisiana and
had been governed by a lieutenant governor residing in St. Louis. Napoleon
sold Louisiana before he took possession of it, so our connection with the
Napoleonic autocracy is reasonably slim. For one day only, March 10, 1804,
did a representative of Napoleon's government exercise sovereignment over
Upper Louisiana at St. Louis, and that only in order to turn over the country
formally to the United States.
Under the Stars and Stripes. Finally the sovereignty over Stearns had
been settled and settled right and to stay. Stearns was now in the American
territory of Louisiana. In 1805 Stearns became a part of the new territory
of Missouri, which included approximately what had been Upper Louisiana
with the Spaniards. From 1820, when Missouri was admitted to the Union
as a state, to 1834 Steams and all territory north of Missouri and west of the
great river was without any organized government. It was the Indians'
country, -supposed to be valueless for civilization. In 1834 as a makeshift to
provide for the needs of the pioneers that in spite of sage advice from the
wiseacres who knew that the great American desert began just across the
riVer, still persisted in settling there and raising bumper crops, this territory
was annexed for governmental purposes to the territory organized east of the
river, Michigan. Then Stearns was in Crawford county, Michigan. In 1836
Stearns became a part of Crawford coimty, Wisconsin. In 1838 Stearns came
into the territory of Iowa. When Iowa in 1846 was admitted as a state into
the Union, a bill was introduced to organize the territory north of Iowa. The
names Chippewa, Jackson, and Itasca were suggested together with Minesota
and Minnesota as the name of the new territory. We should remember with
thankful admiration the good taste of the Fathers in finally choosing our
present beautiful name — Minnesota. This year the bill failed, however, of
passage, because Congress quite naturally considered it unnecessary to erect
a territorial government for a country that did not contain over 600 white
But two years later a bill was introduced for organizing the territory of
Minnesota. Its western boundary was the Missouri river, so it was almost
twice as large in territory as the state is today. Early in 1849 the bill was
passed and in the spring of the same year our first territorial government was
organized under Governor Ramsey. In the census taken that year by the
territorial government, they were able by careful search and counting the
317 soldiers at Fort Snelling to record 4,780 inhabitants in Minnesota.
It certainly would be hard to find, even in the most historic corners of
Europe, a piece of territory with a political history having more varied muta-
tions of sovereignty than our county of Stearns. Denoting this territory by
the pronoun we, it may be said that we have been twice Spanish, twice French,
and as Americans we have been in Louisiana, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin,
and Iowa before we bore the name of Minnesota. For a long time we were a
mark or "palatinate" country, being situated on an international boundary.
Where I sit now in the city of St. Cloud on the west side of the river, I can
look out of the window and see land across the Mississippi which was English
or United States when we were French or Spanish, and which as American
territory has been Virginia, the Northwest Territory, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan
and Wisconsin.
Before and partly contemporaneously with the white man's rule there
were on both sides of the river the Indian dominions stretching back in an
illimitable vista into the unknown past. Of this history we know only the
tradition of a few generations back, of the rivalry of the mighty Indian tribes,
the Dakota and the Ojibway.
Treatment of the Indian — Treaty of 1785 — Dakota Treaty of 1837 — Chippewa
Treaty of 1847 — Treaty of Traverse de Sioux — Treaty of Mendota — Other
Indian Treaties — Rei^ of the Red Men Ends and the Comity of Steams
Is Opened to Settlement — By P. M. Magnusson.
It is fashionable to be very much scandalized and to stand pharisaically
aghast at the unconscionable way in which the Indian has been treated by our
government. For the record shows that from the purchase of Manhattan
island to our day, the Indian has been induced to sell lands of imperial value
for sums that in comparison are beggarly. But this criticism shows to what
ridiculous lengths an abstract theory may lead the uncritical.
True, the Indian sold lands now worth a hundred dollars per acre, or
even per front foot, for a fraction of a cent per acre ; but consider first how
much the land was Avorth to the Indian. Is it not the white man and his
civilization that have given the land its present value? And what title did
the Indian have to the land ? Why should the Indian be considered the owner
of the land just because he occupied it first? One would judge that by the
highest ethical standards the superior civilization has the right to the land.
But our government wisely and liberally decided to pay the Indian for
his land, and always to secure his formal consent to its occupation by the
whites. Millions of dollars have been paid to the Indians for the land on
which they scalped each other, and it is safe to say that if the Indians had
used wisely what our government has paid them, every man, woman and child
of the race would today be well-to-do.
But, unfortunately, while the theory of our government has been wise
and liberal, its execution, while liberal, has been far from wise. The Indian
has been treated as a contractual equal, and the simple child of nature has
been given fortunes which he could not care for. Many are the stories of
how the day after an apportionment had been received by the Indians, one
could see elegant carriages, furniture fit for a palace, and even pianos moving
into the wilderness accompanied by their dusky owners on the way to their
teepees. And this was the relatively innocent way in which they parted with
their fortune. Much, perhaps most, was spent for firewater, or under its
influence gambled away. Incompetent and dishonest Indian agents also
cheated the Indian and allowed him to be cheated by traders and speculators.
But during the last quarter of the nineteenth century our Indian service
and our methods of dealing with the Indian have been thoroughly reformed,
and today the United States of America can safely challenge the world to show
a more honest, efficient, and liberal treatment of a primitive race than the one
we accord the American aborigines.
Treaty of 1785. The first treaty of the United States with the Indians
that even remotely refers to the territory of Stearns was the treaty of "peace"
which the United States concluded at the above date at Fort Mcintosh on the
Ohio river with the "Wyandott, Delaware, Chippewa, and Ottawa Nations of
Indians." As to that date the Ojibway, or Chippewa, held the northern part
of Stearns, we may say that this territory was at least theoretically affected.
Dakota Treaty of 1837. In that year Agent Taliafero with a delegation
of Sioux (Dakota) chiefs went to Washington and here with Joel R. Poinsett,
Secretary of War, who had been appointed commissioner for that purpose, the
Indians concluded a treaty ceding all the Dakota lands on the east side of the
Mississippi and all islands in the stream. The Dakota rights were supposed
to extend up to Watab. The consideration amounted to $396,000, and in addi-
tion annuities for twenty years amounting annually to $15,000. The only part
of Stearns county affected are some islands in the Mississippi.
Chippewa Treaty of Fond du Lac of Superior, 1847. By this treaty the
Ojibway 's portion of Stearns was ceded to the United States. Parts of Morrison
and Todd were also included in this session. For this the Indians got $34,000
within six months of ratification, and an annuity of $1,000 per annum for
forty-six years. No provision was made in this treaty for the exclusion of
intoxicating liquors.
Treaty of Traverse de Sioux, 1851. At this time the red man in theory
yet possessed all the land west of the great river and south of the Chippewa
boundary in Minnesota. A few years before, the whites had considered this
land worthless for civilization, but now they had sufficiently discovered their
very great mistake. The Northern pioneers were clamorous for a chance to
build civilized communities on these fertile acres. But the slaveholding South
held the balance of political power in the nation at the time, and the South
was not anxious for another state sure to be opposed to slavery. But finally
the pressure became too great and President Fillmore in the spring of 1851
appointed Governor Ramsey and Luke Lee, Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
to arrange for a cession of this territory. The two upper tribes of the Dakotas
lived in the upper part of the Minnesota (or St. Peter) river basin, that is,
from Lake Traverse to Traverse de Sioux, the present St. Peter. The com-
missioners met with these tribes, the Wahpetons and Sissetons, at Traverse
de Sioux and after a month's deliberation and waiting the treaty was finally
drawn up and signed, ceding the immense territory of half Minnesota and
thousands of acres in Iowa and South Dakota. It must be said, however, that
the Indians had not the slightest claim to two-thirds of this territory.
Treaty of Mendota, 1851. The two "Lower" Dakota tribes, the Wapekuta
and M 'dewakanton tribes, were met at Mendota, near St. Paul, and after many
long and wordy conferences in which the wily wisdom and primitive sagacity
of the barbarian was finally outmatched by the bland and canny diplomacy
of civilization, the end desired by the white man was finally achieved. By
these two treaties the red man parted with the remainder of Minnesota,
except the reservations. Included therein was the Dakota part of Stearns
county. The considerations promised the Indian in these two treaties in 1851
amounted to several millions of dollars. Only a very little of this was ever
paid, for after the horrible Indian massacre of 1863, which was perpetrated
by these very Indians, Congress annulled the treaty.
Other Indian Treaties. Having discussed them previously in the text,
we do not here repeat anything about the earlier French treaties and proclama-
tions to the Indians. For the same reason we shall only mention again the
treaty of Prairie du Chien in 1825 in which Minnesota and Stearns were
divided between the Dakota and Ojibway tribes ; and the treaty at Washington
with the Winnebagos in 1848 when they received the reservation between the
Watab and Crow Wing rivers.
Sudden Transformation by Which the Arts of the White Took the Place of
Centuries of Aboriginal Life — Stearns County's Share in the Evolution
of Society — Completing' Dr. P. M. Magnusson's Chapters on "The Realm
of Stearns County Before Minnesota Was Minnesota."
Here endeth the ancient history of Stearns. As we have noted, all but the
last century of the unnumbered aeons of the past are shrouded in the gloom of
unrecorded barbarism. Lying as it does, west of the Mississippi, Stearns was
a full generation behind adjacent lands on the east side of the river in the
white man's exploration and occupation.
In the seventeenth century the white man's knife, hatchet, kettle, and
gun began to replace the utensils and weapons of the Stone Age, and the
blanket appeared Avith the skin and fur ; but yet for two centuries the savage
roamed uncontrolled.
In the chancellories of Europe, the territory of Stearns, with other
American lands, was repeatedly transferred on parchment from one dominion
and majesty to another, but as far as this teritory was concerned, it was a
game of trading "sight unseen." Little effect it had upon the savage who
continued to hunt and scalp as before. Even the trader recognized these
political changes but tardily if at all. These two centuries of twilight came
suddenly to an end. Almost with the swiftness of a tropical sunrise, civiliza-
tion arrived and flooded this region with the light of the white man's culture.
A few years near the middle of the nineteenth century saw this transformation.
The Indian hunter, his teepee, the scalp dance, the trading post vanished and in
half a generation there appeared the cultivated acres, the farmsteads, the
railroads, the schools, and the churches of civilization.
The suddenness of the transformation is well indicated by the fact that it
was not until 1847 that a white man could legally acquire title to any part of
Stearns' soil, except possibly to some islands in the Mississippi; and not until
1851, two years after a territorial government was organized, Avas the southern
and greater part of Stearns opened to civilization ; and yet less than half a
dozen years later the white man's ciAdlization had taken possession with a
complete set of flourishing institutions, schools, churches, ncAvspaper, county,
town, and village government, business houses and farms ; and in the great
struggle for national union which came in the next decade, Stearns did the
share both intellectually and physically of a mature as well as a patriotic
Thus with befitting suddenness the day of doom came to the epic of the
dusky race in Stearns, and began the drama of the paleface. The day of the
Indian, the trader and the explorer were over. Antiquity, the ancient race
and the ancient Avays were at an end. In 1849, Avhere this chapter of the story
ends, Stearns, still a land of savages in the newly created Territory of
Minnesota, faced the sudden morning of civilization with its larger problems,
grander struggles, and nobler blessings.
Minnesota Admitted as a Territory — Ramsey Arrives and Perfects Preliminary
Organization — Stearns County Included in Second Judicial District — In
Sixth and Seventh Council Districts — Territorial Legislature Meets —
Original Counties Created — Steams in Dakotah and Wahnahta Counties
— Attached to Ramsey County — Steams in Cass County — Cass Attached
to Benton for Judicial Purposes — Other Sessions of the Territorial
After Wisconsin had been admitted as a state of the Union May 29, 1848,
steps were taken to have that part of the former territory which was left
outside the state boundaries organized into a new territory to be called
Minnesota. This, however, was not the initial movement in that direction.
The Wisconsin enabling act was passed by congress August 6, 1846. On
December 23 following a bill was introduced in the lower house by Morgan
L. Martin, the delegate from that territory, providing for the organization of
the territory of Minnesota. This bill was referred to the committee on terri-
tories, of which Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, was the chairman, who,
January 20, 1847, reported in favor of the passage of the bill, but with the
name changed to Itasca. When the matter came up again, February 17, there
was much discussion as to the name. Mr. Winthrop, of Massachusetts, pro-
posed Chippewa; J. Thompson, of Mississippi, who didn't care for Indian
names, wanted Jackson ; while Mr. Houston, of Delaware, spoke strongly in
favor of giving recognition to the Father of his Country by calling it Wash-
ington. The matter ended with the retention of the name originally proposed,
Minnesota, this being the name of the largest tributary of the Mississippi
river within the borders of the new territory. It is a composite Sioux Indian
word, and while there is some difference of opinion as to the exact meaning,
that most generally accepted is ' ' sky-tinted-water, ' ' which is a very satisfying
as well as poetical interpretation.
At the so-called "Stillwater convention" held at Stillwater August 26,
1848, at which sixty-one delegates were present, memorials were prepared
addressed to the President of the United States and to congress praying for
the organization of a new territory. It had been assumed that the territorial
government of Wisconsin still existed over that part of the original territory
excluded from the state boundaries, and for this view there was the authority
of a letter from James Buchanan, then secretary of state of the United States.
John Catlin, the territorial secretary of Wisconsin, who had removed to Still-
water, issued a proclamation in his official capacity as acting governor of
Wisconsin (Governor Henry Dodge having been elected United States Senator)
calling an election to be held October 30, to select a delegate to congress.
John H. Tweedy, the territorial delegate from Wisconsin, who was in sympathy
with the movement, resigned and Henry H. Sibley was elected his successor.
Mr. Sibley proceeded to Washington and presented his credentials, but it was
not until the fifteenth of the following January that he was admitted to a seat,
there having been much discussion as to whether excluded territory was
entitled to continued political existence and representation.
Mr. Sibley devoted himself assiduously to securing the passage in the
United States senate of the bill for the creation of the territory of Minnesota
which had been introduced at the previous session and met with gratifying
success. His eiYorts in the house of representatives were less satisfactory,
political questions entering largely into the matter, and it was not until
March 3, 1849, the very last day of the session — and then only with the aid of
Senator Stephen A. Douglas, who having been in the meantime elected to the
United States senate from Illinois, was chairman of the committee on terri-
tories in that body as he had previously been in the house — that he succeeded
in securing the passage of the bill. This was finally done under suspension of
the rules, the previous opposition having been unexpectedly withdrawn. This
being before the days of railroads and telegraphs in the West, the good news
did not reach St. Paul until thirty-seven days afterwards, when it was brought
by the first steamer coming from the lower river.
At the time of the organization of Minnesota as a territory the country
was described as being "little more than a wilderness." That which lay west
of the Mississippi river, from the Iowa line to Lake Itasca, had not yet been
ceded by the Indians and was unoccupied by the whites save in a very few
instances. On the east side, in this more immediate vicinity, were trading
posts with the cabins of a few employes at Sauk Rapids and Crow Wing.
Away up at Pembina was the largest town or settlement within the boundaries
of the new territory, where were nearly a thousand people, a large majority
of whom were "Metis" or mixed bloods, French Crees or French Chippewas.
In "Minnesota in Three Centuries" attention is called to the fact that at
this time the east side of the Mississippi, as far north as Crow Wing, was fast
filling up with settlers who had come to the country when it had been
announced that the territory was organized. The settlers were almost entirely
from the Northern States, many being from New England. The fact that the
state which would succeed the territory would be a free state, without slavery
in any form, made it certain that the first settlers would be non-slaveholders,
with but few people from the Southern States interested in or in sympathy
with the "peculiar institution."
Alexander Ramsey, of Pennsylvania, then only thirty-four years of age,
•was appointed by President Taylor the first governor of the new territory of
Minnesota. His previous public experience had been as a member of the
Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth congresses, in which he had displayed the
sterling qualities and the marked ability which characterized his long after-
career. From the time of his coming to Minnesota until the close of his life
he remained one of its most loyal and honored citizens, filling many important
positions both in the state and the nation. He arrived in St. Paul, May 27,
1849, and the hotels being full to overflowing proceeded with his family to
Mendota, a fur-trading station at the junction of the Mississippi and Minnesota
rivers, where he became the guest of Henry H. Sibley, remaining there until
June 26.
On the first of June he issued a proclamation, said to have been prepared
in a small room in Bass's log tavern which stood on the site now occupied by
the Merchant's Hotel, making official announcement of the organization of
the territory, with the following officers : Governor, Alexander Eamsey, of
Pennsylvania ; secretary, C. K. Smith, of Ohio ; chief justice, Aaron Goodrich,
of Tennessee ; associate justices, David Cooper, of Pennsylvania, and Bradley
B. Meeker, of Kentucky ; United States marshal, Joshua L. Taylor ; United
States attorney, H. L. Moss. Mr. Taylor, having declined to accept the office
of marshal, A. M. Mitchell, of Ohio, a graduate of West Point and colonel of
an Ohio regiment in the Mexican "War, was appointed to the position and
arrived in St. Paul in August.
A second proclamation issued by Governor Eamsey June 11 divided the
territory into three judicial districts, to which the three judges who had been
appointed by the president were assigned. The present Stearns county was
included in the Second district, which comprised the county of La Pointe (a
former "Wisconsin county) and the region north and west of the Mississippi
and north of the Minnesota and on a line running due west from the head-
waters of the Minnesota to the Missouri river, and over this district Judge
Meeker presided.
The census of the territory taken in 1849 by an order of Governor Eamsey
issued June 11, although including the soldiers at the fort and pretty much
every living soul in the territory except the Indians, footed up the disap-
pointing total of 4,764 — of which number 3,058 were males and 1,706 were
females. Additional and revised returns made the population exactly 5,000 —
males, 3,253 ; females, 1,747. Of these Benton county had 249 males and
108 females.
Another proclamation issued July 7, 1849, divided the territory into seven
council districts and ordered an election to be held August 1 to choose one dele-
gate to the house of representatives at Washington, and nine councillors and
eighteen representatives to constitute the legislative assembly of Minnesota.
The election passed off very quietly, politics entering scarcely at all into the
contests, which were wholly personal. In all 682 votes w^ere cast for the dele-
gate to congress, Henry H. Sibley, who was elected without opposition.
The council districts were described in Eamsey 's proclamation as follows:
"No. 1. The St. Croix precinct of St. Croix county, and the settlements on
the west bank of the Mississippi south of Crow village to the Iowa line. 2. The
Stillwater precinct of the county of St. Croix. 3. The St. Paul precinct (ex-
cept Little Canada settlement). 4. Marine Mills, Falls of St. Croix, Eush
Lake, Eice Eiver and Snake Eiver precincts, of St. Croix county and La Pointe
county. 5. The Falls of St. Anthony precinct and the Little Canada settlement.
6. The Sauk Eapids and Crow Wing precincts, of St. Croix county, and all
settlements west of the Mississippi and north of the Osakis river, and a line
thence west to the British line. 7. The country and settlements west of the
Mississippi not included in districts 1 and 6." The area that is now Stearns
count}^ was included in the Sixth and the Seventh districts, that part north of
the Sauk river being in the Sixth district and that part south of the Sauk
river being in the Seventh district.
The first Territorial Legislature — called the Territorial Assembly — met
Monday, September 3, in the Central House, St. Paul, a large log building
weatherboarded, which served both as a state house and a hotel. It stood on
practically the present site of the Mannheimer block. On the first floor of the
main building was the secretary's office and the dining room was occupied
as the Representatives' chamber. As the hour for dinner or supper ap-
proached the House had to adjourn to give the servants an opportunity to
make the necessary preparations for serving the meal. In the ladies' parlor
on the second floor the Council convened for their deliberations. The legis-
lature halls were not to exceed eighteen feet square. Governor Ramsey, dur-
ing his entire term of office, had his executive office in his private residence,
and the supreme court shifted from place to place as rooms could be rented
for its use. Although Congress had appropriated $20,000 for the erection of
a capitol, the money could not be used as "a permanent seat of government"
for the territory had not yet been selected, so the machinery of government
had to be carted around in the most undignified manner.
David Olmsted, of Long Prairie, and William R. Sturges, of Elk River,
were the members of the Council from the Sixth district, which comprised
the territory west of the Mississippi and north of the Osakis river to the
British boundary line. David Olmsted, who was a native of Vermont, came
from Iowa in 1848 to Long Prairie when the Winnebago Indians were trans-
ferred there, and established a trading post which he continued for several
years. He was elected president of the Council at this, the first, session. He
died February 2, 1861, at his old home in Vermont.
William R. Sturges was elected by his constituents to both the Council
and the House, and his election was so certified and proclaimed by the gov-
ernor. He resigned the office of Representative and at a special election Allan
Morrison was chosen in his stead.
The members of the House of Representatives from the Sixth district were
Jeremiah Russell, of Crow Wing; Lorenzo A. Babcock and Thomas A. Holmes,
of Sauk Rapids ; and Allan Morrison, of Crow Wing. Jeremiah Russell was
born in Madison county. New York, February 2, 1809 ; came to Port Snelling
in 1837, and was engaged as clerk and Indian trader in the Minnesota country
for ten years. In 1848 he took charge of Borup & Oakes' trading house at
Crow Wing, and in the fall of 1849 located at Sauk Rapids, opening the first
farm in that section of the territory. He was one of the original proprietors
of Sauk Rapids, and in 1855 established the Sauk Rapids Prontierman, the
sixteenth paper started in Minnesota. He M^as afterwards treasurer of Ben-
ton county several years and county auditor one year. He died June 13, 1885.
Lorenzo A. Babcock was born in Sheldon, Vermont, and came to Minne-
sota from Iowa in 1848, locating at Sauk Rapids. After serving in the legis-
lature he was appointed by Governor Ramsey territorial attorney general,
holding the office for four years, 1849-53. He was secretary of the Republican
wing of the constitutional convention in 1857, and practiced law in St. Paul
until his death.
Thomas A. Holmes was a native of Pennsylvania, born March 4, 1804;
lived a number of years in Ohio; in 1835 built the second house and became
the second permanent settler in the town-site of Milwaukee ; made the first
settlement at Janesville, Wis., and was virtually the founder of that city,
selling his interest there in 1839 for $10,000. In the winter of 1849 he located
at Sauk Rapids and was elected a few months later to the legislature. Two
years afterwards he became the first settler at Shakopee ; and in 1852, before
the Indian title to the site was fully extinguished, he laid out and named the
town. He also surveyed, located and named the town of Chaska. Died at
Culman, Ala., July 2, 1888.
Allan Morrison was a Canadian by birth, having been born June 3, 1803,
and was a brother of William Morrison, an early explorer of Minnesota and
one of the first white men to visit Lake Itasca. Allan Morrison located as a
trader in northeastern Minnesota in 1821, and for more than thirty years was
engaged in the Indian trade, successively at Sandy Lake, Leech Lake, Red
Lake, Mille Lacs and Crow Wing (where he was the first settler), accom-
panying the Indians when they were removed to the White Earth Reser-
vation, where he died and was buried November 28, 1878. His wife was
Charlotte Charbouillier, a mixed-blood Chippewa. The county of Morrison
was named for him, and not for his brother William, as has often been stated.
The Seventh district was represented in the council by Martin McLeod,
of Lac qui Parle ; and in the house by Alexis Bailly, of Mendota, and Gideon
H. Pond, of Oak GroA'e.
When the first Territorial legislature assembled, David Olmsted was
elected president and Joseph R. Brown secretary of the council. In the house
Joseph W. Furber was the speaker and W. D. Phillips clerk. The session
opened with prayer by the Reverend E. D. Neil and Governor Ramsey deliv-
ered his message to the two houses which had assembled in joint convention
in the hotel dining room.
By the act of this legislatuie approved October 27, 1849, the territory
was divided into nine counties : Washington, Ramsey, Benton, Itasca, Wa-
bashaw, Dakotah, Wahnahta, Mahkahto and Pembina. What is now Stearns
county was included in Dakotah and Wahnahta counties. Only the counties
of Washington, Ramsey and Benton were fully organized for all county pur-
poses. The others were created only for the purpose of the appointment of
justices of the peace, constables, and such other judicial and ministerial officers
as might be specially provided for. Each of these unorganized counties were
entitled to "any number of justices of the peace and constables, not exceed-
ing six in number, to be appointed by the governor, and their term of office
was made two years unless sooner removed by the governor," and they were
made conservators of the peace. Dakotah, Wahnahta and Mahkahto counties
were attached to Ramsey county for judicial purposes. Ramsey county, with
these counties attached, was constituted the first judicial district, and Hon.
Aaron Goodrich was assigned as judge thereof. St. Paul was made the seat
of justice of this district, and the term of the district court was appointed
to be held there every year on the second Monday of April and the second
Monday of September.
By act of November 1, 1849, a tax of one mill on the dollar was levied
for the purpose of raising a territorial revenue. Among other provisions it
was ordered that the property in Dakotah and Wahnahta (which would in-
clude the present Stearns county) was to be assessed by a board of three in
each county, appointed by the governor, and that these assessors were to re-
port the results of their findings to the county commissioners of Ramsey county
who would order the collector of Ramsey county to collect the tax.
Dakotah county, as erected by the act of October 27, 1849, embraced a
strip of land bounded on the east by the Mississippi river and on the Avest
by the Missouri river. Its northern boundary was a line due west from the
mouth of the Clearwater river. Its southern boundary was a line drawn due
west from the mouth of the St. Croix river. Thus that part of the present
Stearns county that lies south of a line drawn due west from the mouth of the
Clearwater river was in this original Dakotah county.
"Wahnahta county, as erected by this act, was bounded on the east by
the Mississippi and on the west by the Missouri. On the south it was bounded
by a line drawn due west from the mouth of the Clearwater and on the north
it was bounded by a line drawn due west from the mouth of the Crow Wing
river. Thus that part of the present Stearns county that lies north of a line
drawn due west from the mouth of the Clearwater was included in this original
Wahnahta county.
The seat of justice of Benton county, which lay just across the river
from what is now Stearns county, was much nearer than St. Paul, which was
the seat of justice for what is now Stearns county. This act creating the
counties provided that "the seat of justice of the county of Benton should
be within one-quarter mile of a point on the east side of the Mississippi, di-
rectly opposite the mouth of the Sauk river," in other words, at Sauk Rapids.
Contrary to general belief, Stearns county was never a part of Benton county,
though later it was attached to that county for judicial purposes. Orig-
inally, however, as noted, it was attached to Ramsey county for judicial and
taxation purposes.
No session of the legislature was held in 1850. For the session the follow-
ing year the legislature assembled January 2 in a brick building on west Third
street, which afterwards burned, the site being occupied by the present Metro-
politan hotel. St. Paul was selected as the permanent seat of government and
arrangements were made for the erection of a capitol building on a block of
ground, afterwards known as "Capitol Square," which was donated to the
government for that use by Charles Baziell.
The session assembled January 1 and adjourned March 31. The Sixth
district was represented in the council by David Olmsted and William
R. Sturges; in the house by David Oilman, S. B. Olmsted, W. W. Warren
and D. T. Sloan. The Seventh district was represented in the council by
Martin McLeod, of Lac qui Parle county, and in the house by Alexander Fari-
bault, then of Mendota; and B. H. Randall, then of Fort Snelling.
By the revised statutes passed at this session the territory was re-divided
into nine counties: Benton, Dakota, Itasca, Cass, Pembina, Ramsey, Wash-
ington, Chisago and Wabashaw. What is now Stearns county was included
in Cass county.
The boundaries of Cass county (within which was included the territory
afterwards erected into the county of Stearns) were defined as follows: "Be-
ginning at the mouth of Crow river ; thence up the Mississippi river to Itasca
lake; thence on a direct line to Otter Tail lake; thence on a direct line to
the source of Long Prairie river; thence south to the north boundary of Da-
kota county; thence along said line to the place of beginning." This north
boundary of Dakota county was the Crow river and the north branch thereof.
Cass county, together with the counties of Itasca, Wabasha, Dakota and
Pembina, was declared to be "organized only for the purpose of the appoint-
ment of justices of the peace, constables and such other judicial and minis-
terial officers as may be specially provided for. ' ' Each of these counties was
entitled to any number of justices of the peace, not exceeding six, and to the
same number of constables, the said justices and constables to receive their
appointment from the governor, their term of office to be for two years iinless
sooner removed by the governor.
Cass, Itasca and Pembina counties were attached to the county of Benton
for judicial purposes.
An apportionment bill, based on the census of 1850, was passed by the
legislature March 29, 1851, after a bitter personal discussion. The territory
was divided into seven council districts, of which Benton and Cass counties
constituted the Fifth. The apportionment was denounced as unfair in that
Benton county, with 4,000 acres under cultivation, was given but one-half
the representation given to Pembina county, where there were but seventy
acres under cultivation, more than one-half of which belonged to one indi-
vidual; and for the further reason that, excepting soldiers, at least seven-
eighths of the population were Indians. Seven members of the legislature
opposing the bill resigned their seats, among the number being David Gil-
man, of Benton county.
The legislature of 1852 passed a prohibitory law and submitted it to the
people of the territory, who adopted it by a vote of 853 for to 622 against.
This law was declared to be unconstitutional by Judge Hayner on the ground
that it was a violation of the constitution to submit a law to the vote of the
people. After rendering his decision Judge Hayner resigned his office.
At this session of 1851 a memorial to Congress, adopted March 13, depicts
very vividly the condition of affairs which then existed in this part of the
new territory and how it was proposed to provide for the needs of the people
in the enforcement of law and order. This memorial follows :
To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States in Congress assembled : The Memorial of the Legislative Assembly of
the Territory of Minnesota respectfully represents: That the county of Ben-
ton is situated in the midst of an Indian country and is sparsely settled and
peculiarly exposed to the incursions and depredations of the Indians, espe-
■ ciall}'^ the Winnebagoes and Chippewas ; that a large portion of said county
is excellent farming lands, no portion of which was ever surveyed and made
subject to pre-emption until within a few weeks past ; that this circumstance,
added to the frequent outbreaks and trespasses perpetrated on the inhabitants
here, in the absence of a work house, jail or any other proper place of con-
finement, rendered the administration of the laws comparatively inefficient,
and deterred farmers and settlers from making their residence and fixing
their homes in that otherwise desirable portion of our territory. The few who
have settled in this county are altogether too few in number to afford each
other mutual protection and too destitute of means at present for building a
jail, court house and other necessary county buildings essential to an efficient
execution of the laws in their midst Your memorialists would further state that
the forty thousand dollars so generously placed at the disposal of the governor
and legislature to erect public buildings has been by them ordered for these pur-
poses to be expended in Ramsey and Washington counties, to-wit : at St. Paul
and Stillwater, both at a great distance from the settlements of Benton, whither
it would be very inconvenient and expensive to the county to transport each
petty trespasser, even if it were proper to use a penitentiary for common jail
purposes. Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the fact
that a large portion of the land of said county is unappropriated by sale or
settlement, your memorialists respectfully ask a donation of one township of
land therein in behalf of said county, to be located by the county commission-
ers and placed at their disposal to be by them applied to the speedy erection
of county buildings. Your memorialists are the more urgent in their prayers
as Benton is the only organized county in the territory which has not received
a liberal portion of the public appropriation to Minnesota.
This appeal evidently fell on deaf ears, as Congress failed to make any
grant either of lands or money to meet the necessities of Benton county, so
urgently set forth in this memorial, and no public buildings were erected until
they were built by individuals or by the county itself. The first was a log
jail, a two-story structure, located at Sauk Rapids — the first story being for
the incarceration of offenders and the second story for the use of the jailer
and his family.
The legislature assembled for its third session January 7, 1852, adjourn-
ing March 6. The Fifth district was represented in the Council by Sylvanus
B. Lowry, who then lived at Watab, and in the house by James Beatty and
David Day, the latter then a resident of Long Prairie, but who afterwards
removed to St. Paul, where in much later years he was postmaster and super-
intended the building of the present court house and city hall. The progres-
siveness of the people of Benton county was shown by the early evidences they
gave of their appreciation of the importance of agriculture in the development
of the territory. At this session of the legislature an act approved March 5,
1852, was passed whereby David Gilman, David Olmstead, Baldwin Olmstead,
William Sturgis, Jeremiah Russell, James Beatty, 0. H. Kelly, C. W. Han-
cock, John Depue and Allen Morrison, with their associates, were constituted
a body corporate to be known as the Benton County Agricultural Society. The
objects of the society, as set forth in the act, were to be "the collection and
dissemination of agricultural knowledge and the encouragement and advance-
ment of agricultural pursuits." These objects were certainly most laudable,
but unfortunately all efforts apparently ceased with the passage of the act and
no society was organized. As the act for a Ramsey county agricultural society
was not passed until the following day and for a similar society for Hennepin
county not until a year later, Benton county had the lead, at least so far as
legislation was concerned. Hennepin county was created at this session of the
The fourth session assembled January 5, 1853, and adjourned March 5.
The Fifth district was again represented in the council by Sylvanus B. Lowry ;
and in the house by David Day (who was elected speaker) and J. McGee.
By an act approved March 5, the counties of Cass and Pembina were at-
tached to Benton for judicial purposes, the three to constitute the Third
judicial district of the territory (there being but three) and the Hon. Bradley
B. Meeker, one of the associate justices of the supreme court, or any judge
of the previous session had provided that the terms of the district court should
appointed in his stead, was assigned to be the district judge thereof. An act
be held on the second Monday in June and December of each year.
Franklin Pierce having been elected president of the United States in the
previous November, promptly proceeded after his inauguration, in accordance
with the good old Jaeksonian doctrine, to remove the Whig officeholders and
distribute the spoils among the victors. The new territorial appointees were :
Governor, Willis A. Gorman, of Indiana ; Secretary, J. T. Rosser, of Virginia ;
Chief Justice, W. H. Welch, of Minnesota; Associates, Moses Sherburne, of
Maine ; and A. G. Chatfield, of Wisconsin. Soon after entering on the duties
of his office Governor Gorman concluded a treaty at Watab with the Winne-
bago Indians for an exchange of territory. At the election in October Henry
M. Rice was elected delegate to Congress.
In 1854 the legislature of Minnesota for the first time assembled in a
regular capitol building, its previous sessions having been held haphazard
wherever accommodations could be had. This building, begun in 1851, but
not completed until the summer of 1853, at a cost of something over $40,000,
was totally destroyed by fire on the evening of March 1, 1881, while both
branches of the legislature were in session. Some of the more valuable papers
in the various offices were saved, but the law library and many thousands of
documents and reports were burned. The total loss was about $200,000. The
present "Old Capitol" was erected on the site of the first building. The fifth
session assembled January 4 and adjourned March 4. The Fifth district was
represented in the council by S. B. Olmstead, of Belle Prairie, who was elected
president ; in the house by R. M. Richardson and Peter Roy.
The sixth legislature assembled January 3, 1855, and adjourned March 3.
The Fifth district was represented in the council by S. B. Olmstead; in the
house by James Beatty and Fred Andros. A reapportionment of the territory
was made at this session, the number of districts being increased from seven
to eleven, and the membership to fifteen councilmen and thirty-eight repre-
sentatives. The new Fifth district was composed of the counties of Benton,
Cass, Todd, Stearns (organized at this session) and Wright. An event of
world-wide interest took place when on the afternoon of December 12 a four-
horse vehicle passed through St. Paul bearing the remains of the great Arctic
explorer, Sir John Franklin, which were being taken to Canada. The journey
from Montreal Island, where the precious relics had been found, was begun
August 9 and had continued without interruption from that time.
The seventh legislature assembled January 2, 1856, and adjourned March
1. The Fifth district was represented in the council by Lewis Stone, and in
the house by John L. Wilson (of St. Cloud) and William Sturges.
The eighth and last territorial legislature assembled January 7, 1857, ad-
journing March 7. The Fifth district was represented in the council by Lewis
Stone, and in the house by Samuel B. Abbe, W. W. Kingsbury and John L.
Wilson. At this session was the memorable struggle over the removal of the
capitol from St. Paul to St. Peter, when "Jo" Rolette, the member who had
charge of the removal bill, mysteriously disappeared with that document in
his possession and remained in seclusion until the hour for adjournment ar-
rived, to the great joy and relief of St. Paul, which thereby retained the capitol.
Constitutional Convention — Minnesota Admitted as a State — Men Who Have
Represented Steams County in the Law-Making Bodies of the State —
Congressmen Who Have Represented Steams County in Washington —
Boundary Lines of Legislative and Congressional Districts.
Under the enabling act of Congress, approved March 3, 1857, a constitu-
tional convention of one hundred eight members (each council district to
elect two for each councilman and representative to which it was entitled)
was authorized to meet at the capitol in St. Paul on the second Monday in
July, the 13th, for the purpose of framing a constitution to be submitted to
the people of the territory for their adoption or rejection. Pursuant to a
proclamation issued by Samuel Medary, the territorial governor, an election
was held the first Monday in June, the number of delegates to be chosen be-
ing 108.
In the constitutional convention the Fifth district, consisting of the coun-
ties of Benton, Cass, Todd, Stearns and Wright, was represented by eight
delegates, of whom seven were Democrats, viz., David Gilraan, of Watab, a
resident of Minnesota since 1848 and who had been a member of the territorial
legislature ; William Sturgis, of Little Falls, who also had been a member of
the territorial legislature; W. W. Kingsbury, afterwards (1857-8) a delegate
to Congress; R. H. Barrett, Henry C. Waite, J. C. Shepley and John W.
Tenvoorde, of St. Cloud. Frederick Ayer, the pioneer missionary among the
Chippewas, was the only Republican delegate from this district.
The history of this convention is so graphically given by W. H. C. Folsom,
who was one of its members, in his interesting volume, "Fifty Years in the
Northwest," that we quote it almost entire:
"The state was nearly equally divided between the Republicans and
Democrats, still the question of politics did not enter largely into the contest
except as a question of party supremacy. The people were a unit on the
question of organizing a state government \inder the enabling act and in many
cases there was but a single ticket in the field. It was a matter, therefore, of
some surprise that there should be a separation among the delegates into op-
posing factions, resulting practically in the formation of two conventions, each
claiming to represent the people and each proposing a constitution. The dele-
gates, although but 108 were called, were numbered on the rolls of the two
wings as 59 Republican and 53 Democratic, a discrepancy arising from
some irregularity of enrollment, by which certain memberships were counted
twice. The Republican members, claiming a bare majority, took possession of
the hall at midnight, twelve hours before the legal time for opening the con-
vention, the object being to obtain control of the offices and committees of
the convention, a manifest advantage in the matter of deciding upon con-
tested seats.
"In obedience to the call of the leaders of the party, issued the day be-
fore, the writer, with other Republicans, repaired to the house at the ap-
pointed hour, produced his credentials as a delegate, and was conducted into
the illuminated hall by Hon. John W. North. The delegates were dispersed
variously about the hall, some chatting together, others reading newspapers,
smoking or snoring, as here and there one had fallen asleep in his seat. Oc-
casionally a delegate nervously examined his revolver as if he anticipated
some necessity for its use.
"The Democratic delegates were elsewhere, probably plotting in secret
conclave to capture the hall, and perhaps it might be well enough to be pre-
pared for the worst. Thus the remainder of the night passed and the forenoon
of July 13. As soon as the clock struck twelve the Democratic delegates rushed
tumultuously in, as if with the purpose of capturing the speaker's stand. That,
however, was already occupied by the Republican delegates and the storming
party was obliged to content itself with the lower steps of the stand. Both
parties at the moment the clock ceased striking were yelling "order" vocifer-
ously, and nominating their officers pro tem. Both parties effected a temporary
organization, although in the xiproar and confusion it was difficult to know
what was done.
"The Democratic wing adjourned at once to the senate chamber and there
effected a permanent organization. The Republicans, being left in undis-
turbed possession of the hall, perfected their organization, and the two factions
set themselves diligently to work to frame a constitution, each claiming to
be the legally constituted convention, and expecting recognition as such by
the people of the state and congress. The debates in each were acrimonious.
A few of the more moderate delegates in each recognized the absurdity and
illegality of their position and questioned the propriety of remaining and par-
ticipating in proceedings which they could not sanction.
"The conventions continued their sessions inharmoniously enough. Each
framed a constitution, at the completion of which a joint committee was ap-
pointed to revise and harmonize the two constitutions, but the members of
the committees were as belligerent as the conventions they represented. Mem-
bers grew angry, abusing each other with words and even blows, blood being
drawn in an argument with bludgeons between two of the delegates. An
agreement seemed impossible, when some one whose name has not found its
way into history made the happy suggestion that alternate articles of each
constitution be adopted. When this was done, and the joint production of the
two conventions was in presentable shape, another and almost fatal difficulty
arose, as to which wing should be accorded the honor of signing officially this
remarkable document. One body or the other must acknowledge the paternity
of the hybrid. Ingenuity amounting to genius (it is a pity that the possessor
should be unknown) found a new expedient, namely, to write out two consti-
tutions in full, exact duplicates except as to signatures, the one to be signed
by Democratic officers and members and the other by Republicans. These two
constitutions were filed in the archives of the state and one of them, which one
will probably never be known, was adopted by the people October 13, 1857.
"The question arises in the writer's mind as to the legality of the constitu-
tion of Minnesota. Have we a constitution? If so, which one? The question
of legality, however, has never been raised before the proper tribunals, and it
is perhaps well to leave it thus unquestioned."
Mr. Folsom is slightly in error. The enabling act did not specify any
hour for the meeting of the convention, nor did it designate any definite place
in the capitol where the sessions should be held, both of which omissions con-
tributed to the confusion in organization. W. W. Folwell, in his "History of
Minnesota," narrates the preliminaries as follows: "To make sure of being
on hand the Republican delegates repaired to the capitol late on the Sitnday
night preceding the first Monday in June and remained there, as one of them
phrased it, 'to watch and pray for the Democratic brethren.' These did not
appear till a few moments before twelve o'clock of the appointed day. Im-
mediately upon their entrance in a body into the representatives' hall Charles
R. Chase, secretary of the territory and a delegate, proceeded to the speaker's
desk and called to order. A motion to adjourn was made by Colonel Gorman,
and the question was taken by Chase, who declared it carried. The Demo-
crats left the hall to the Republicans, who proceeded to organize the conven-
tion. Fifty-six delegates presented credentials in proper form and took their
oaths to support the constitution of the United States. At noon of Tuesday
the Democratic delegates assembled about the door of the hall, and finding
it occupied by citizens who refused to give them place, met in the adjacent
council chamber and proceeded to organize the convention. Henry H. Sibley
was made chairman, on motion of Joseph R. Brown, and later became presi-
dent of the body."
After the adjournment of the constitutional convention the Republicans
and Democrats held their party conventions, each nominating a full state
ticket and three candidates for Congress. The Republican candidate for gov-
ernor was Alexander Ramsey and the Democratic candidate Henry H. Sibley.
The election was held October 13, 1857, the constitution being adopted by an
overwhelming vote ; H. H. Sibley was elected governor by a majority of only
240 in a total of 35,240 votes, and the Democrats had a small majority in the
legislature. By the provisions of the new constitution a re-apportionment of
legislative districts vf&s made, the number of districts being 26, with 37 sen-
ators and 80 representatives. The Twentieth district comprised the counties
of Benton, Stearns and Meeker, with one senator and three representatives.
First Legislature — 1857-8. The first Minnesota state legislature assembled
December 2, 1857. There was a serious question, however, as to whether it
was really a state legislature, as Minnesota had not yet been admitted to the
Union. There was a question as to the recognition of Samuel Medary, the
territorial governor, as governor of the state, but by a vote of 59 to 49 he
was so recognized by the legislature, and he, in turn, in his message recog-
nized the law-making body as a state legislature. None of the state officers
could take the oath of office, and the Republican members of the legislature
entered a formal protest against any bxisiness whatever being done until after
the admission of the state as a member of the Union. But the Democrats,
having a majority, decided to hold a joint convention December 19 for the
election of two United States senators. Henry M. Rice was elected for the
long term on the first ballot, but it was not until after several ballotings that
General James Shields won the short term. He was a new comer from Illinois
and his election was a bitter pill for many of the old Democratic war-horses,
such as Sibley, Steele, Brown and Gorman.
As a means of relieving the state from the awkward predicament in which
it was placed the legislature adopted March 1 an amendment to the constitu-
tion authorizing the newly-elected officers to qualify May 1, whether the state
was admitted by that date or not, this amendment to be submitted to the
voters at an election called for April 15. A second amendment, submitted at
the same time, provided for the famous .$5,000,000 railroad bond loan, which
was the cause of great loss and great bitterness to the people. Both amend-
ments were overwhelmingly adopted, but in November, 1860, the bond amend-
ment was expunged from the constitution, after $2,275,000 bonds had been
issued. The legislature, March 25, took a recess until June 2.
In the meantime the steps looking toward the recognition of Minnesota's
statehood by Congress had lagged sadly. For some unknown reason President
Buchanan had delayed until the middle of January, 1858, transmitting to the
United States Senate the constitution adopted by the people. A bill for the
admission of Minnesota as a state was introduced by Stephen A. Douglas,
chairman of the committee on territories. When this bill came up February 1
there was a prolonged discussion, a number of the senators being in opposi-
tion because it would add another to the number of free states, thus disturbing
the "balance of power" between the free and slave states. Among those par-
ticipating in the debate were Senators Douglas, Wilson, Gwin, Hale, Mason,
Green, Brown and Crittenden, the latter being much more moderate in his
expressions than most of his fellow-senators from the South. The debate con-
tinued until April 8, when the English bill, which provided for the admission
of Kansas as a supposed slave state having passed, the opposition ceased, and
Minnesota's bill was adopted by a vote of 49 to 3. The bill then went to the
House, where it met the same kind of objections as had been raised in the
Senate, the English bill standing in the way until May 4, Avhen it was passed.
One week later, May 11, the bill admitting Minnesota passed the House by a
vote of 157 to 38, the following day receiving the approval of the President,
and May 12, 1858, Minnesota obtained full recognition as a state in the Union.
Informal news of the action of Congress reached St. Paul, by telegraphic in-
formation brought from La Crosse, Wisconsin, May 13, but the official notice
was not received until some days later, and May 24 the state officers elected in
October, 1857, took their oaths of office.
The legislature, which had taken a recess until June 2, reassembled on
that day, when Governor Sibley delivered his inaugural address. Among the
many other acts at this session was the establishing of the first of Minnesota's
five state normal schools, that at "Winona. Final adjournment took place
August 12. The senator from the Twentieth district was R. M. Richardson ;
representatives, J. B. Atkins, John L. Young and Joseph B. Carpenter.
Second Legislature — 1859-60. Assembled December 7 ; adjourned March
12. The senator from the Twentieth district was C. C. Andrews; representa-
tives, George W. Sweet, M. C. Tolman and U. S. Wiley. A new apportion-
ment was made at this session of the legislature (1860), the number of dis-
tricts being reduced to 21, with 21 senators and 42 representatives. The Third
district, which became famous as "the district with nineteen counties," was
composed of Stearns, Todd, Cass, Wadena, Otter Tail, Toombs, Breckinridge,
Douglas, Beaker, Polk, Pembina, Morrison, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Itasca, Bu-
chanan, Carlton, St. Louis and Lake counties, with one senator and three repre-
Third Legislature — 1861. Assembled January 8 ; adjourned March 8. The
senator from the Third district was Seth Gibbs ; representatives, Thomas Cath-
cart, Levi Wheeler and P. L. Gregory.
Fourth Legislature — 1862. Assembled January 7 ; adjourned March 7.
The senator from the Third district was Sylvanus B. Lowry; representatives,
R. M. Richardson, Peter Roy and John Whipple. On account of the Indian
outbreak an extra session of the legislature was called by Governor Ramsey,
which assembled September 9 and adjourned September 29.
Fifth Legislature— 1863. Assembled January 6 ; adjourned March 6. The
senator from the Third district was William S. Moore ; representatives, L. R.
Bentley, H. C. Waite and R. M. Richardson.
Sixth Legislature — 1864. Assembled January 5 ; adjourned March 4. The
senator from the Third district was Joseph P. Wilson ; representatives, R. M.
Richardson, W. T. Rigby and Charles A. Ruffee.
Seventh Legislature — 1865. Assembled January 3 ; adjourned March 3.
The senator from the Third district w^as Joseph P. Wilson; representatives,
Oscar Taylor, Louis A. Evans and W. T. Rigby.
Eighth Legislature — 1866. Assembled January 2; adjourned March 2.
The senator from the Third district was R. M. Richardson ; representatives,
Nathan F. Barnes, Thomas Cathcart and Barney Overbeck. The apportion-
ment made at this session of the legislature divided the state into 22 districts,
with 22 senators and 47 representatives. The Third district was unchanged
territorially, but the representation in the house was reduced to tAvo members.
Ninth Legislature — 1867. Assembled January 8; adjourned March 8. The
senator from the Third district was Louis A. Evans; representatives, N. H.
Miner and Nathan Richardson.
Tenth Legislature — 1868. Assembled January 7 ; adjourned March 6. The
senator from the Third district was Charles A. Gilman ; representatives, D. 6.
Pettijohn and N. H. Miner.
Eleventh Legislature — 1869. Assembled January 5; adjourned March 5.
Senator, Charles A. Gilman ; representatives, Ludwig Robbers and William E.
Twelfth Legislature — 1870. Assembled January 4; adjourned March 4.
Senator, Henry C. "Waite ; representatives, John L. Wilson and Isaac Thorson.
Thirteenth Legislature — 1871. Assembled January 8; adjourned March 3.
Senator, Henry C. Waite ; representatives, William S. Moore and Luke Mar-
vin. It is interesting and somewhat surprising to observe how slight repre-
sentation, comparatively, the eastern part of this large district had during
these years, while at no time was Stearns county without a member of the
senate or the house, if not one in each. A new apportionment was made at
this session of the legislature, with 41 senatorial districts, to which were given
106 representatives. Stearns county became the Thirty-first district, with one
senator and four representatives.
Fourteenth Legislature — 1872. Assembled January 2 ; adjourned March 1.
Senator, E. M. Wright, of St. Cloud. Representatives, John M. Rosenberger,
St. Cloud; Randolph Holding, Holding; Martin Greeley, Maine Prairie; Al-
phonso Barto, Sauk Centre.
Fifteenth Legislature — 1873. Assembled January 7; adjourned March 7.
Senator, Henry C. Burbank, St. Cloud. Representatives, Henry Krebs, St.
Augusta; Hubert Rieland, Oak; Bartholomew Pirz, Eden Lake; A. Barto,
Sauk Centre.
Sixteenth Legislature — 1874. Assembled January 6 ; adjourned March 6.
Senator, Henry C. Burbank, St. Cloud. Representatives, Nathan F. Barnes, St.
Cloud ; Hubert Rieland, Oak ; Charles Walker, Sauk Centre ; Joseph Martin,
Fair Haven.
Seventeenth Legislature — 1875. Assembled January 5 ; adjourned March
5. Senator, Joseph Capser, Sauk Centre. Representatives, Charles A. Gil-
man, St. Cloud; W. Mertz, St. Joseph; B. Pirz, Eden Lake; M. A. Taylor,
Eighteenth Legislature — 1876. Assembled January 4; adjourned March
3. Senator, Joseph Capser, Sauk Centre. Representatives, Charles A. Gilman,
St. Cloud ; C. Klosterman, Munson ; W. H. Stinchfield, Maine Prairie ; C. D.
Lamb, Melrose.
Nineteenth Legislature — 1877. Assembled January 2; adjourned March
2. Senator, C. F. Macdonald, St. Cloud. Representatives, Edmund Meagher,
North Fork ; Charles A. Gilman, St. Cloud ; G. Klosterman, Munson ; B. Pirz,
Eden Lake.
Twentieth Legislature — 1878. Assembled January 8 ; adjourned March 8.
Senator, C. F. Macdonald, St. Cloud. Representatives, Charles A. Gilman, St.
Cloud ; D. B. Standley, Maine Prairie ; Henry J. Emmel, Spring Hill ; H. Rie-
land, Oak.
Twenty-first Legislature — 1879. Assembled January 7 ; adjourned March
7. Senator, C. F. Macdonald. Representatives, Charles A. Oilman, St. Cloud;
M. Barrett, St. Wendel ; F. A. Bissell, Wakefield ; A. M. Stiles, Ashley.
Twenty-second Legislature— 1881. Assembled January 4; adjourned
March 4. ("While annual elections were held until 1886, the annual meetings
of the legislature ceased with that of 1879, and beginning with 1881 the ses-
sions have been biennial). Senator, C. F. Macdonald. Representatives, L. W.
Collins, St. Cloud ; Carl Herberger, Albany ; D. J. Hanscom, Eden Lake ; Alex-
ander Moore, Sauk Centre. An extra session of the legislature was called by
Governor Pillsbury for the purpose of considering legislation relating to the
old railroad bond issue, the supreme court having decided that the expunging
amendment of 1860 was in violation of that provision of the constitution of
the United States forbidding states from enacting any law impairing the
obligation of contracts. The bondholders were more than willing to accept
fifty cents on the dollar of the amount due on their bonds, and the legislature
passed an act providing for the issue of $4,253,000 so-called ' ' Minnesota state
railroad adjustment bonds" with which to settle those claims. At the same
time a bill for a constitutional amendment providing for the sale of 500,000
acres of internal improvement lands belonging to the state, the proceeds to
be devoted to the payment of the new issue of bonds, was passed and approved
by the people. The extra session began October 11 and adjourned November
13. By the apportionment of 1881, made at the regular session, the state was
divided into 47 districts with one senator to each and a total of 103 repre-
sentatives. Stearns coimty constituted the Fortieth district, with one senator
and four representatives.
Twenty-third Legislature — 1883. Assembled January 2; adjourned March
2. Senator, Henry C. Waite. Representatives, L. W. Collins, St. Cloud ; Alex-
ander Moore, Sauk Centre ; Alexander Chisholm, Paynesville ; Casper Capser,
St. Joseph.
Twenty-fourth Legislature — 1885. Assembled January 6 ; adjourned
March 6. Senator, Henry C. Waite, St. Cloud. Representatives, B. Rein-
hax'd, St. Cloud ; Casper Capser, St. Joseph ; D. E. Meyers, Maine Prairie ;
J. H. Bruce, Sauk Centre.
Twenty-fifth Legislature — 1887. Assembled January 4; adjourned March
4. Senator, Henry Keller, Sauk Centre. Representatives, Martin Heisler,
Spring Hill ; George Engelhard, Munson ; Daniel H. Freeman, St. Cloud ;
Kettel Halvorson, North Fork.
Twenty-sixth Legislature — 1889. Assembled January 8 ; adjourned April
23. The length of the session was extended to ninety days, exclusive of Sun-
days and holidays. Senator, Henry Keller, Sauk Centre. Representatives,
W. Merz, St. Joseph ; Joseph Capser, Sauk Centre ; Martin F. Greely, Maine
Prairie; Frank E. Searle, St. Cloud. The apportionment of 1889 increased
the number of districts to 54, with one senator to each and 114 representa-
tives. Stearns and Benton counties and the Seventh Ward of the City of St.
Cloud in Sherburne county composed the Forty-fifth district, with one senator
and four representatives.
Twenty-seventh Legislature — 1891. Assembled January 6; adjourned
April 20. Senator, Henry Keller, Sauk Centre. Representatives, Frank E.
Searle, St. Cloud; Joseph Capser, Sauk Centre; J. H. Linneman, St. Joseph;
Joseph H. Coates, Sauk Rapids.
Twenty-eighth Legislature — 1893. Assembled January 3 ; adjourned
April 18. Senator, Henry Keller, Sauk Centre;. Representatives, P. B. Gor-
man, St. Cloud ; J. H. Linneman, St. Joseph ; Frank E. Minette, Sauk Centre ;
C. H. Hunck, Duelm.
Twenty-ninth Legislature — 1895. Assembled January 8 ; adjourned April
23. Senator, Henry Keller, Sauk Centre. Representatives, John J. Boobar,
St. Cloud ; Fred Schroeder, St. Joseph ; Alexander Chisholm, Paynesville ; W.
L. Nieman, Sauk Rapids.
Thirtieth Legislature — 1897. Assembled January 5; adjourned April 21.
Senator, Henry Keller, Sauk Centre. Representatives, J. G. Hayter, Fair
Haven; Fred Schroeder, St. Joseph; Joseph Kraker, Melrose; E. S. Hall,
Minden. A new apportionment made by this legislature created 63 senatorial
districts, with 119 representatives. Stearns county was made a part of two
districts — the Forty-seventh, which comprised Benton county, the Seventh
ward of St. Cloud in Sherburne county, the City of St. Cloud, and the town-
ships of St. Cloud and Le Sauk in Stearns county, with one senator and one
representative ; and the Fifty-fourth district, comprising all of Stearns county
except the City of St. Cloud and the townships of St. Cloud and Le Sauk, with
one senator and two representatives.
Thirty-first Legislature — 1899. Assembled January 3 ; adjourned April
18. Forty-seventh district — Senator, Ripley B. Brower, St. Cloud ; representa-
tive, Oscar Daggett, Sauk Rapids. Fifty-fourth district — Senator, Valentine
Batz, Holding; representatives, Frank Benolken, Oak, and W. F. Donohue,
Thirty-second Legislature — 1901. Assembled January 8; adjourned April
12. Forty-seventh district — Senator, Ripley B. Brower, St. Cloud; repre-
sentative, Oscar Daggett, Sauk Rapids. Fifty-fourth district — Senator, Valen-
tine Batz, Holding; representatives, Frank Benolken, Oak, and Edward C.
Hogan, Sauk Centre. An extra session of the legislature was called by Gov-
ernor Van Sant for the purpose of considering the report of the Tax Commis-
sion created at the regular session. This session convened February 4, 1902,
and adjourned March 11.
Thirty -third Legislature — 1903. Assembled January 6; adjourned April
21. Forty-seventh district — Senator, Ripley B. Brower, St. Cloud ; representa-
tive, J. J. McGregor, Minden. Fifty-fourth district — Senator, Val. Batz, Hold-
ing; representatives, Frank Minette, Sauk Centre, and Chris. H. Block, Fair
Thirty-fourth Legislature — 1905. Assembled January 3 ; adjourned April
18. Forty-seventh district — Senator, Ripley B. Brower, St. Cloud ; repre-
sentative, P. C. Lynch, Glendorado. Fifty-fourth district — Senator, Val. Batz,
Holding; representatives, William J. Stock, Melrose, and H. C. Block, Fair
Thirty-fifth Legislature — 1907. Assembled January 8; adjourned April
24. Forty-seventh district — Senator, John E. C. Robinson, St. Cloud; repre-
sentative, Otis F. Doyle, St. Cloud (Benton county). Fifty-fourth district —
Senator, John J. Ahmann, Munson; representatives, John R. Howard, Sauk
Centre, and Joseph Friedman, Eden Valley.
Thirty-sixth Legislature — 1909. Assembled January 5; adjourned April
22. Forty-seventh district — Senator, John E. C. Robinson, St. Cloud; repre-
sentative, Otis F. Doyle, St. Cloud (Benton county). Fifty-fourth district —
Senator, John F. Ahmann, Munson; representatives, Joseph Friedman, Eden
Valley, and Henry J. Emmel, Melrose.
Thirty-seventh Legislature — 1911. Assembled January 3; adjourned April
19. Forty-seventh district — Senator, John D. Sullivan, St. Cloud ; representa-
tive, L. Wisniewski, Foley. Fifty-fourth district — Senator, John J. Ahmann,
Munson ; representatives, Frank E. Minette, Sauk Centre, and August M.
Utecht, Munson. An extra session of the legislature, called by Governor Eber-
hart, assembled June 4 and adjourned June 18, 1912. This session passed the
so-called state wide primary law, the special object for which it had been con-
vened, but little other legislation being attempted.
Thirty-eighth Legislature — 1913. Assembled January 7 ; adjourned April
24. Forty-seventh district — Senator, John D. Sullivan, St. Cloud; representa-
tive, Joseph H. Coates, Sauk Rapids. Fifty-fourth district — Senator, John J.
Ahmann, Munson; representatives, Frank E. Minette, Sauk Centre, and J. A.
Henry, Albany.
At several successive sessions of the legislature prior to that of 1913 at-
tempts had been made to secure a new apportionment. The last had been in
1897 and a great change in the population had taken place in the meantime
— the northern part of the state having increased while in the southern part
the gain had been slight, in some counties an actual loss having taken place.
But all attempts at a fair and equitable apportionment, based on population,
as required by the plain provisions of the constitution, were frustrated by the
southern senators, who realized that a readjustment of representation on a
constitutional basis would materially reduce their numbers, leaving a bunch
of ambitious politicians to cool their heels at home instead of warming them
in the legislative chambers. But at the last session, after a protracted struggle,
a compromise bill was agreed upon, by which the number of senators was
increased to 67 and the number of representatives to 130, although the legis-
lature was already one of the largest in the United States and altogether out
of proportion to the population. The increase, however, was a sop to the
southern senators, and was necessary in order to secure re-apportionment on
anything even approaching a fair basis.
By the apportionment of 1913 the former Thirty-eighth and Fifty-fourth
senatorial districts became the Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth. These districts are
composed as follows :
Forty-fifth District. The Forty-fifth district shall be composed of the
County of Benton, the Seventh ward of the City of St. Cloud situated in the
County of Sherburne, and the City of St. Cloud and the villages of St. Joseph,
Rockville, Sartell and Waite Park, and the towns of St. Joseph, Brockway,
St. Wendel, Le Sauk, Rockville, St. Cloud, St. Augusta and Lynden situated
in the County of Stearns, and shall be entitled to elect one senator and two
The representative districts shall be divided as follows: The County of
Benton and the Seventh ward of the City of St. Cloud in Sherburne county
shall constitute one district and shall be entitled to elect one representative.
The First, Second, Third, and Fourth wards of the City of St. Cloud and
the villages of St. Joseph, Sartell, Eockville and Waite Park, and the towns of
Brockway, St. Wendel, Le Sauk, St. Joseph, St. Cloud, St. Augusta, Eockville
and Lynden situated in the County of Stearns shall constitute one district and
shall be entitled to elect one representative.
Forty-sixth District. The Forty-sixth district shall be composed of the
villages of Holding, Freeport, Albany, Eden Valley, St. Martin, Cold Spring,
Eichmond, Kimball Prairie, Avon, New Munich, Meire Grove, Brooten, Bel-
grade, Paynesville and Spring Hill, and the towns of Holding, Millwood, Oak,
St. Martin, Krain, Albany, Farming, Munson, Eden Lake, Avon, Collegeville,
Wakefield, Luxemburg, Maine Prairie, Fair Haven, Ashley, Sauk Center, Mel-
rose, Eaymond, Getty, Grove, North Fork, Lake George, Spring Hill, Crow
Lake, Crow Eiver, Lake Henry, Zion and Paynesville, and the cities of Sauk
Centre and Melrose situated in the County of Stearns and shall be entitled to
elect one senator and two representatives.
The representative districts shall be divided as follows : The villages of
Meire Grove, Brooten, Belgrade, Paynesville and Spring Hill, the towns of
Ashley, Sauk Centre, Melrose, Eaymond, Getty, Grove, North Fork, Lake
George, Spring Hill, Crow Lake, Crow Eiver, Lake Henry, Zion and Paynes-
ville, and the cities of Sauk Centre and Melrose shall constitute one district
and shall be entitled to elect one representative.
The villages of Holding, Freeport, Albany, Eden Valley, St. Martin, Cold
Spring, Eichmond, Kimball Prairie, Avon, New Munich and the towns of
Holding, Millwood, Oak, St. Martin, Krain, Albany, Farming, Munson, Eden
Lake, Avon, Collegeville, "Wakefield, Luxemburg, Maine Prairie and Fair
Haven shall constitute one district and shall be entitled to elect one
Thirty-ninth Legislature — 1915. Assembled January 4. Forty-fifth dis-
trict— Senator, John D. Sullivan, St. Cloud; representatives (in Stearns coun-
ty), Charles A. Oilman, St. Cloud; (in Benton county) Edward Indrehuston,
Glendorado, Foley, E. F. D. 4. Forty-sixth district — Senator, P. A. Hilbert,
Melrose ; representatives, Fred Minette, Sauk Centre ; Henry Stoetzel, Mil-
wood, Freeport E. F. D. 3.
During the period of its territorial existence Minnesota was represented
in congress by one delegate, who while entitled to a seat in the house of repre-
sentatives and to take part in debate had no vote, his duties supposedly being
devoted primarily to caring for the interests of his territory. As has been
stated, the first delegate was Henry H. Sibley, whose term extended from
January 15, 1849, to March 4, 1853. He was succeeded by Henry M. Eice, who
served from December 5, 1853, to March 4, 1857. W. W. Kingsbury was the
delegate during the brief succeeding period of territorial existence, from
December 7, 1857, to May 11, 1858.
The state constitution adopted in 1857 provided that for the purposes of
the first election the state should constitute one congressional district and
should elect three members of the house of representatives. This v^as based
on the belief that the population at that time was 250,000. The election was
held October 13, 1857, for state officers and congressmen. The three members
elected were George L. Becker, "William W. Phelps and James M. Cavanaugh.
But the completed census showed the population to be only 150,037, and the
act providing for the admission of Minnesota as a state allowed only two
congressmen. It was agreed among the three gentlemen who had been for
five months on the anxious seat, because they could not get any other, to
decide by lot who should present their credentials. The long straws were
drawn by Messrs. Phelps and Cavanaugh, the ill-fortune of Mr. Becker, who
was generally regarded as the ablest of the three, being generally regretted.
The legislature of 1857-8 divided the state into two congressional dis-
tricts, Stearns county being in the second district, which comprised the more
northern counties. Each district was entitled to elect one representative to
A new apportionment was made in 1872, providing for three congressional
districts, Stearns co^^nty being included in the Third, with Ramsey, Hennepin
and the other counties in the state to the north.
The apportionment of 1881 divided the state into five districts, Stearns
county, with Mille Lacs, Benton, Morrison, Pope, Douglas, Stevens, Big Stone,
Traverse, Grant, Todd, Crow Wing, Aitkin, Carlton, Wadena, Otter Tail,
Wilkin, Cass, Becker, Clay, Polk, Beltrami, Marshall, Hubbard, Kittson, Itasca,
St. Louis, Lake and Cook counties constituting the Fifth district.
The next apportionment, that of 1891, increased the number of districts
to seven, Stearns county being in the Sixth district, with Aitkin, Anoka,
Beltrami, Benton, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Hubbard, Itasca, Lake,
Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, St. Louis, Sherburne, Todd, Wadena and Wright
By the apportionment of 1901 the state was divided into nine congressional
districts, Stearns county remaining in the Sixth district, with the counties of
Benton, Cass, Crow Wing, Douglas, Hubbard, Meeker, Morrison, Sherburne,
Todd, Wadena and Wright.
The national census of 1910 gave Minnesota an additional member of
congress, who was elected at large at the election held November 4, 1912.
The legislature of 1913 divided the state into ten congressional districts.
The Sixth district is composed of the counties of Benton, Sherburne, Stearns,
Morrison, Aitkin, Todd, Crow Wing, Wadena, Hubbard, Cass and Beltrami —
a veritable "shoe-string" district, extending from south of the geographical
center of the state to the extreme northern boundary.
Stearns county has been represented in congress since Minnesota became
a state, as follows:
W. W. Phelps, Democrat (Goodhue county), May 12, 1858, to March 4,
1859. Cyrus Aldrich, Republican (Hennepin county), March 4, 1859, to
Marcli 4, 1863. Ignatius Donnelly, Republican (Dakota county), March 4,
1863, to March 4, 1869. Eugene M. Wilson, Democrat (Hennepin county),
March 4, 1869, to March 4, 1871. John T. Averill, Republican (Ramsey
county), March 4, 1871, to March 4, 1875. William S. King, Republican
(Hennepin county), March 4, 1875, to March 4, 1877. Jacob H. Stewart,
Republican (Ramsey county), March 4, 1877, to March 4, 1879. William D.
Washburn, Republican (Hennepin county), March 4, 1879, to March 4, 1883.
Knute Nelson, Republican (Douglas county), March 4, 1883, to March 4, 1889.
S. G. Comstock, Republican (Clay county), March 4, 1889, to March 4, 1891.
Kittel Halvorson, Alliance (Stearns county), March 4, 1891, to March 4, 1893.
M. R. Baldwin, Democrat (St. Louis county), March 4, 1893, to March 4, 1895.
Charles A. Towne, Republican (St. Louis county), March 4, 1895, to March 4,
1897. Page Morris, Republican (St. Louis county), March 4, 1897, to March 4,
1903. C. B. Buckman, Republican (Morrison county), March 4, 1903, to
March 4, 1907. Charles A. Lindburgh, Republican (Morrison county), March
4, 1907, to March 4, 1915. At the election in November, 1914, Mr. Lindburgh
was re-elected for the term ending March 4, 1917.
Important Incidents in the Lives of Several Men and Women Who Have Been
Prominent in the History of Steams County — Causes Which Have Con-
tributed to Their Success — Family Genealogy.
Nehemiah Parker Clarke. Few men in Minnesota have achieved greater
success along the chosen lines of work than did Nehemiah P. Clarke. A man
of untiring energy, of indomitable perseverance, of keen insight, and of
unusual business acumen, he went into large enterprises with perfect confi-
dence of final success, and success was almost invariably the result of his
efforts. Two fields of endeavor and opportunity claimed practically the sum
of his efforts — business and the raising of the highest grades of stock. In
both he won a place among the foremost, and his reputation as a stock breeder
was national, if not international. Mr. Clarke was born April 8, 1836, at
Hubbardston, Worcester county, Massachusetts. His father. Dr. Shepherd
Clarke, was a practicing physician, but the son, having no desire to follow in
his father's footsteps, early left home, and made his first venture in Kentucky
as a book agent at the age of fourteen. He remained in that state two years
and was so successful that thirty years later the firm wrote urging him to
take up the business again. He was called home by the death of his only
brother, John Flavel Clarke. After attending school for a year and a half at
Westminster, Vermont, he went to Detroit at the age of eighteen, and secured
employment in a wholesale grocery house, where he remained for a year.
In September, 1855, he went to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and worked in Dea-
con's hardware store, by these experiences laying the foundation for
mneli of the active work of his after life. Moving still further westward in
1856, Mr. Clarke came to Minnesota, reaching St. Cloud on July 4, when
he had not yet attained his majority. The few houses which made up the
new-born hamlet were scattered up and down the river and the inducements
for trade seemed meager indeed. But he was full of the life, energy, and busi-
ness sagacity which marked his entire career, and he at once engaged in the
merchandise business. "While at Pond du Lac, Mr. Clarke had formed a close
acquaintance with John H. Proctor, of Athol, Mass., and the two made the
journey further westward together. They took the steamboat on the Missis-
sippi to St. Paul, and went from there to St. Anthony, now Minneapolis, arriv-
ing early in July, 1856. Finding that the stage would not leave for several
days, they walked to St. Cloud, a distance of sixty-five miles, along the west
bank of the Mississippi, taking two days for the trip. By the time they had
reached Monticello, Mr. Proctor, who was the less vigorous of the two, was
thoroughly exhausted, and urged that they wait the coming of the stage. But
as the next day was the Fourth of July, and as Mr. Clarke had set his heart
on spending that day in his new home, he insisted that they proceed.
At times, when his companion had completely given out, he carried
him for a distance on his back, until he could rally sufficiently to
resume his foot-sore journey. At once upon their arrival, they formed
a business partnership, and Mr. Clarke returned to the East, where
he purchased a stock of general merchandise. They occupied the two-story
building which stood on the east side of Fifth avenue. North, just north of
the present Great Northern railroad track. The first floor was used as a store
room, while the proprietors kept "bachelor's hall" up stairs. Next season
they put up a building on the site occupied by the Fifth Avenue Hotel, with a
warehouse in the rear, facing Sixth avenue, to accommodate their largely
increased business. Their stock included nearly everything in the way of
general merchandise, as well as farming implements and hardware. When
the Indian war broke out, Mr. Proctor's family becoming alarmed, he sold his
interest in the business to A. Montgomery, and returned to the East. Soon
afterward, Mr. Clarke disposed of his interest to J. E. "West, and engaged in
the transportation business to tlie far West, where the government posts
were located, using mules and ox teams in the filling of contracts for supplies.
His enterprises, among which was laying out the stage route to the Black
Hills, carried him much of the way through a wholly lausettled country, where
Indians and stage robbers were frequently encountered. He also engaged in
the banking business, first as a member of the firm of Clarke & McClure, and
later taking the business wholly into his own hands and name. He was one
of the leading lumbermen of the state, both as an owner of pine lands and
as a manufactvirer and shipper from Minneapolis and other points. But in
his latter years, the raising of pure bred stock, especially horses and cattle,
became a passion with Mr. Clarke, and he devoted to attaining the highest
results along this line, a great deal of time and large sums of money. He
carried on three good farms. Meadow Lawn of 1,600 acres, Clyde Mains of
1,900 acres, and Nether Hall of 300 acres, all in Stearns county. His Shorthorn
cattle included some of the choicest animals to be found in the coimtry and
they were prize winners wherever shown. The Galloways were equally suc-
cessful. He owned the celebrated Clydesdales, Prince Patrick and Queen Lily,
who won the world's championship prizes at the Columbian Exposition in
Chicago in 1893. Mr. Clarke visited Great Britain and selected the choicest
animals, regardless of cost, for the Stearns county farms. While caring little
or nothing for office, he was much interested in politics, and exerted a potent
influence in the direction of his preferences. While yet a young man, he was
clerk of the district court of the county, his first term being in 1859, the
victory being won by his personal popularity_in the face of a strong adverse
political majority. He was re-elected in 1861. When St. Cloud became a city
he was elected a member of the common council. He was a delegate to the
Republican National Convention held in Cincinnati in 1876, which nominated
Rutherford B. Hayes for the presidency. He was president of the Minnesota
Agricultural Society, of the American Clydesdale Association, and of the
American Galloway Association, and an active member of the American
Shorthorn Association.
No matter how busy he was with other things, Mr. Clarke always found
time to promote the agricultural interests of Minnesota. When president of
the Minnesota State Agricultural Society, he was mainly responsible for the
presentation of the present state fair grounds by Ramsey county to the com-
monwealth. He then went before the legislature and succeeded in getting an
appropriation of $100,000 to equip t?ie grounds. When the buildings were
finished a shortage of about $110,000 was discovered. Mr. Clarke drew his
personal check for the difference and carried the indebtedness until the legis-
lature reimbursed him. He helped the State Agricultural School at St.
Anthony Park in all possible ways, talked to the students at commencement
on practical subjects, and spent much time working for the necessary
He was a member of the Minnesota Territorial Pioneers' Association and
the Old Settlers' Association of Stearns county. Mr. Clarke was a Unitarian
and the son of New England Unitarians. He was one of the founders of
Unity Church, of St. Cloud, and always actively interested in its welfare.
At Roxbury, Mass., September 12, 1860, Mr. Clarke married Caroline E.
Field, who survives him. Three children were born to them: Charlotte E.,
Mary Ann, and Ellen C. Ellen C. became the wife of C. F. de Golyer, who
died in Florida December 6, 1895. Mrs. de Golyer resides in Evanston, Illinois.
Mr. Clarke had been in ill health for several years before his death, which
occurred in St. Cloud, Saturday, June 29, 1912. The work which he began
and so successfvilly carried forward will continue to be of advantage to the
people of Minnesota and its neighboring states for many decades to come.
Mr. Clarke's father, Dr. Shepherd Clarke, was born August 17, 1794, at
Hubbardstown, Massachusetts, and his mother, Mary Ann Dickinson, at
Petersham, Massachusetts, where they were married in January, 1825, making
their home at Hubbardstown, where they died, the father September 24, 1852,
and the mother in 1876. N. P. Clarke was the last survivor of the family,
which included one other son and six daughters.
Jane Grey Swisshelm. It is easily within the limits of a conservative
judgment to say that the influence of Mrs. Jane Grey Swisshelm was more
potent in Minnesota, during the period of its late territorial and early state
history, than that of any other woman. The anti-slavery issue was convulsing
the entire nation, and even on the soil of this far-northern state, the master
asserted his ownership of his slaves. Mrs. Swisshelm had brought with her
to her new home the most intense anti-slavery convictions, and had been
preceded by her reputation as a vigorous and fearless writer. She was also
earnestly devoted to securing legislation which would give to women an
equality of marital, civil and legal rights with those enjoyed by men. In
these two causes she was enlisted heart and soul, giving to them all her
strength and aU her gifts of tongue and pen, and lived to see the complete
triumph of one and a most gratifying measure of success — ^since then also
become complete — of the other.
Her life began December 6, 1815, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, her father
being Thomas Cannon and her mother Mary Scott, both of Scotch-Irish
descent. Her grandmother on the maternal side, Jane Grey, was of that
family which was allied to royalty, having given to England her nine-days'
queen. Lady Jane Grey, in 1553. At the age of fifteen she began teaching
school in the village of Wilkinsburg, a suburb of Pittsburgh, to which hamlet
her father had removed and engaged in business the year following her
birth. She was married November 18, 1836, to James Swisshelm, who lived
on a near-by farm, on which was located a small saw-mill run by the water
of a little stream which dashed into the buckets of an "over-shot" wheel, so
familiar in the small mills of that early day, but now a thing wholly of the
past. During her girlhood, she had developed a taste for painting, but condi-
tions after her married life began were unfavorable for its continuance and
development, to her bitter disappointment. In 1838 her husband moved to
Louisville, Kentucky, where he engaged in business, and where she came into
close contact with human slavery, witnessing its brutality, its horrors, its
wickedness, its degrading influence on whites and blacks alike. Her whole
nature revolted against the wrong and injustice done to an entire race, and
one of the great purposes of her life was then and there formed. Mr.
Swisshelm 's business not proving successful, they left Louisville in 1842 and
returned to the Pennsylvania fann, which Mre. Swisshelm then named Swiss-
vale, the near-by station on the Pennsylvania railway still having that name.
She now began writing stories, rhymes and abolition articles for different
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh papers under the nom de plume of "Jennie
Deans." Later, under her own name, she published a series of letters in a
Pittsburgh paper on the subject of a married woman's right to hold property.
Other women labored in the same cause and with siich success that in the
session of 1847-48 the legislatvire of Pennsylvania passed a bill giving to
women the right to hold property in their own name. These editorial labors
led to the establishing of the Pittsburgh Saturday Visiter, the first number of
which appeared Janiiary 20, 1848, and Mrs. Swisshelm became one of the
early pioneers in the world of journalism for women. While the Visiter had
attractive literary features, its main purpose was to advocate the abolition
of slavery and the securing to women of their just marital and legal rights.
It rapidly gained a wide circulation (having in its second year six thousand
subscribers) and great influence.
In 1850 she paid her first visit to Washington, where she remained for
some time, there meeting Colonel Benton, Henry Clay, Senators Chase and
Hale and others of the Whig and anti-slavery leaders. During this time she
corresponded regularly with Horace Greeley's New York Tribune, and from
Washington wrote a letter to the Visiter regarding the personal habits of
Daniel Webster, then a candidate for the presidency, which attracted much
attention but drew forth no reply.
Women's rights conventions had their beginning in these days. Mrs.
Swisshelm was invited to attend and preside over the second, which was held
in April, 1850, at Salem, Ohio, but declined. She did attend one held at
Akron, Ohio, in May of the following year, but failed to find anything that
was inspiring in its proceedings. She described it as being "so much more
ridiculous than ridicide, so much more absurd than absurdity." The so-called
"bloomer" costume for women, named for a Mrs. Bloomer, editor of a little
paper published at SjTacuse, N. Y., had a limited vogue, receiving, however,
the favor of so wise a woman as Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who believed
that in the matter of dress lay the remedy for all the ills that womankind
was heir to. Mrs. Swisshelm, after giving the costume a brief trial, discarded
it. About the only result from its use she found was to give the opponents of
women's rights the opportunity of saying that what they most wanted was to
"wear the pantaloons." Mrs. Swisshelm was not at that time an advocate
of female suffrage, she thought it Avould- be a hindrance rather than a help
to the end she had most at heart. "The government," she said, "is now
struggling under the ballots of ignorant, irresponsible men," and "must have
gone down under the additional burden of the votes which would have been
throvsm upon it by millions of ignorant, irresponsible women." Her advice
to women was "not to weaken their cause by impracticable demands," to
"take one step at a time, get a good foothold in it and advance carefully,"
and that "suffrage in municipal elections for property holders who could read
and had never been connected with crime was the place to strike for the
baUot. Say nothing about suffrage elsewhere until it is proved successful
here." Her own married experience impressed her with the necessity for a
determined struggle to secure for women a legal recognition of their rights to
a decent if not an equal share in what she had jointly contributed to produce.
In 1859 in a suit brought in a Pittsburgh court by a local tradesman to collect
from her husband a bill for some articles of women's wear sold to her, the
judge charged the jury as follows: "If a wife have no dress and her husband
refuses to provide one she may purchase one — a plain dress — not silk or lace
or any extravagance ; if she have no shoes she may get a pair ; if she be sick
and he refuse to employ a physician she may send for one and get the medicine
he may prescribe ; and for these necessaries the husband is liable, but here his
liability ceases." As the merchant could not testify that at the time Mrs.
Swisshelm made her purchases she "had no dress," he lost his case. It seems
incredible in view of woman's present legal rights that any such condition
as that outlined above could ever have existed in any state in this country,
let alone a state as far along in the march of progress and as high in the scale
of intelligence as Pennsylvania.
Through the inefficiency of its business manager, the Visiter became so
badly involved financially that it was sold to the Pittsburgh Journal and
united with that paper, Mrs. Swisshelm continuing in an editorial capacity.
The conditions of her married life no longer being tolerable, she left Pittsburgh
in the spring of 1857, with her little daughter and only child, arriving at St.
Cloud June 7. Very soon afterwards she became the proprietor of the Minne-
sota Advertiser, which had been established at the beginning of that year, but
had not been financially successful. Her radical anti-slavery utterances
brought her into antagonism with powerful political influences, and on the
night of March 24, 1858, the office in which the newspaper plant was located
was broken into and the type and a part of the press with which the paper
was printed thrown into the Mississippi river. The citizens of the place,
without respect to party, rallied to her support and purchased an entirely new
outfit, which was placed at her disposal and the publication of the paper was
resumed. A suit being brought against the printing company for certain
utterances claimed to be libelous, Mrs. Swisshelm assumed the ownership of
the paper, changed the name from the Visiter to the Democrat and continued
its publication. She was hampered by many difficulties, especially in the
matter of efficient help, and herself did a part of the mechanical work in the
In January, 1863, Mrs. Swisshelm went to Washington City and soon
afterwards became engaged in work in the government hospitals, although
having had no previous experience in nursing. But her good sense, her good
judgment and her sympathy with the sick and wounded soldiers sent in from
the field of battle or from the camp for treatment made her services of great
value, and the sufferers, who came to regard her as a mother as much as a
nurse ministering to them in their need, acquired a deep affection for her.
Taking a very brief vacation in September to return to St. Cloud and com-
plete the sale of her newspaper plant, she continued her hospital service.
Her devotion and success here were the subject of much favorable newspaper
comment. Among many the following extract from the Philadelphia Dial
may be taken as indicative of the others: "Mrs. Jane G. Swisshelm is to the
Washington hospitals what Florence Nightingale was to the Crimea." After
the battle of the Wilderness she went to Fredericksburg, which appeared to be
the scene of the greatest need, and engaged in the care of the wounded there.
Without salary, without reward of any kind, she persisted in remaining in
the hospital work until her strength entirely gave out and for weeks she was
herself on a bed of sickness. When sufficiently recovered she took a position
in the quartermaster's office in Washington, to which she was appointed by
Secretary Stanton, long her personal friend, at a salary of $60 per month, this
being her only means of livelihood at the age of fifty years. Even this was
soon taken from her by direct order of President Andrew Johnson, who
ordered her discharge for "speaking disrespectfully of the president of the
United States."
In the early part of 1866 she established in Washington City a paper
called the Reconstructionist. Mrs. Patterson, the daughter of President
Johnson, was one of its first subscribers in the District of Columbia, although
the paper vigorously opposed the president's reconstruction policy. The paper
was not a financial success, not having sufficient capital to sustain it until it
should become established.
The years between 1866, when she finally left Washington, until her
death, which occurred July 21, 1884, were spent at St. Cloud, at Chicago, and
at Swissvale, with one year in Europe. While living in Chicago she was
the intimate personal friend of the widow of Abraham Lincoln, who was also
then making that city her home. It was also while here that her only daughter,
Zoe Swisshelm, was married to Ernest L. Allen, a prominent young business
man whose home had earlier been in St. Cloud. During this time she was a
contributor to a number of leading papers and lectured occasionally on labor
problems and other questions of current interest. At this time she became
an advocate of woman suffrage, believing that it would be an influence in
doing away with many of the evils of intemperance as well as aid in securing
to women fuller legal rights. She also wrote a book, "Half a Century," in
(vhich was narrated many of the incidents of her eventful life. Some time
before a successful suit at law had given her possession of a valuable property
at Swissvale, a part of the original homestead, so that her later years were
passed in comparative comfort.
The life of Jane Grey Swisshelm was one of absolute self-denial, of unre-
served consecration to the welfare of others, whether it was the poor slave,
her fellow woman deprived of her just personal and property rights, or the
soldier stretched on a bed of suffering. She never stopped to consider the
consequences to herself when a matter of principle was involved or she felt
that a humanitarian demand was made on her. Her life was a continuous
struggle against unjust and oppressive conditions, not only incidentally as
they affected herself but in their larger and wider fields of contact with
human rights.
In her editorial work she was keen, incisive, logical, witty and ready at
repartee. In her earlier career she measured swords with George D. Prentiss,
editor of the Louisville Journal, who had a national reputation as a wit, and
the general verdict was that she by uo means came out second best. She was
At home in almost any field of discussion — moral, social, political or religious —
although caring little for any in which there was not some principle at stake,
and was without doubt the most widely-known woman journalist of her day.
Always radical, she believed that the right time to do the right thing was to
do it now, an attitude of mind which sometimes led her to injudicious lengths,
ds when she criticised President Lincoln for revoking General Fremont's
order, issued in the early days of the war, confiscating the slaves of rebels in
Arms. The unusual vigor of her style and her reputation as a controversialist
led those who did not know her personally to picture her as bold, masculine,
Amazonish, but nothing could be farther from the fact. She was physically
slight, even fragile, of less than medium height, with pleasant face, eyes
beaming with kindliness, soft voice and winning manners. What was mascu-
line was her intellect and her courage. She was aggressive because she was so
terribly in earnest. Her heart was tender to the very core, and her sympathies
led her to make any personal sacrifice for the welfare of others.
In brUlianee of intellect, in the comprehensive grasp of facts, in clear,
logical perception, in unswerving devotion to what she believed to be right,
in willing service to the individual needs of those in distress, Jane Grey
Swisshelm is entitled to a first place in the ranks of woman journalists and
of the representatives of true womanhood.
William T. Clark. The sturdy New Englanders have been the subject of
song and story, and there are few histories of the subduing of the wilderness
in any part of the globe that do not contain the names of the sons of the
descendants of the Puritans. The type of old school New England is rapidly
passing, but the worth of these men will never be forgotten. Courteous of
manner, considerate in bearing, widely informed, and masters of conversa-
tional powers, they left their impress on the lives of whatever community
they bettered with their presence. Born to the advantages which a community
of substantial, educated. God-fearing people affords, many of them risked their
lives, their fortunes, their -health and their peace of mind in the interests of
civilization. Some, pressing gradually westward with the "Star of Empire,"
found their way to Minnesota, and the influence of their coming has moulded
the thought of the more recent influx of population from the countries of
Europe. Among these early New England arrivals may be mentioned William
T. Clark, the lumberman, who lived in St. Cloud nearly fifty-seven years.
William T. Clark was born in Strong, Franklin county, Maine, September
1, 1830, son of Richard and Hannah (True) Clark, the former of whom, after
the death of the latter, came to St. Cloud, and spent his declining years here,
dying at the age of seventy-nine. William T. Clark was reared on the home
farm, attended the district schools, and was nurtured in the faith of his
fathers. Having a mechanical turn of mind, he went to Boston, then the Mecca
for all Yankee boys, and there entered the old Boyer Repair Shop on Merrimac
street. That was before the days of highly specialized work and elaborate
machinery, and yoimg Clark received a thorough insight into all branches of
mechanical construction and operation, paying especial attention to wood-
working and building. But the wanderlust was in his blood. Horace Greeley
was urging young men to go west, Boston was stirred with stories of the
possibilities of the upper Mississippi valley. The young man of whom we are
writing consequently closed up his affairs and started for Chicago. There he
fell in with a group of young railroad men, with whom he went to Aurora.
From there he found his way to Galesburg, so soon to become the scene of
the never-to-be-forgotten Lincoln-Douglas debate. There he met some young
men from Boston. They pooled their interests, and full of youthful enthu-
siasm and vigor, opened a general repair shop. This gave them all a valuable
business experience which stood them in good stead in after life. But Mr.
Clark did not feel that he had yet reached the frontier where his life work
was to be done. In 1857 he went back East, married, and with his bride
started for the Northwest, reaching St. Cloud after a voyage up the Missis-
sippi river. He at once became identified with the woodworking, building and
lumber business. To detail his various connections and activities would be
to relate the every-day life of a busy man. He erected many of the early
houses in the city, he with F. H. Dam had a sash, door and shingle mill. He
was connected with Mr. McClure at one time and with Coleman Bridgeman
at another in the lumber and manufacturing business. He was associated
with N. P. Clarke in various lumber ventures for some twenty years. He had
two lumber yards. In the early nineties, his son, Edward Everett, became his
partner, and in 1900 he took charge of the business. Mr. Clark spent a part
of the year 1879 in Northwood, Iowa, and a part of 1880 in Mandan, N. D.
Aside from this, his activities centered in St. Cloud, though he had extensive
timber interests elsewhere. Mr. Clark was an active member of the school
board for fifteen years. He was a devoted member of the Congregational
church. At the time he furnished the facts for this sketch, though in the last
months of his life, and in his eighty-third year, he was wonderfully well pre-
served, his clean life and his outdoor labors being apparent in his rigorous
constitution. For more than half a century he was one of the most notable
figures in St. Cloud life. Mr. Clark died October 15, 1913, and the people
united in their grief at their loss, and praise of his character. He was widely
known and universally respected. He impressed all with a feeling of his
absolute honesty and uprightness. He was quiet and reserved in manner, but
his convictions were strong and deep and guided by a mature judgment. The
death of such a man leaves the city poorer.
Mr. Clark was married March 1, 1857, to Caroline M. McCleary, born in
Strong, Maine, October 6, 1833, daughter of William and Sally (Hunter)
McCleary. Coming to St. Cloud in 1857, the kindly, gracious presence of
Mrs. Clark has influenced the church and social life of the community. Mr.
and Mrs. Clark were gladdened by the birth of seven children: Hannah A.,
Susan M., George R., Edward E., Carrie C, True "W., and Theodore (deceased).
Susan M. married William Tait, and they have an adopted daughter, Florence.
George R., a St. Cloud jeweler, married Alice Brooks, of Chicago, and they
have three children, Harry B., Carol, and Helen A. Edward Everett, a St.
Cloud lumberman, married Annie Mitchell, and they have one child, Catherine.
Carrie C. married B. F. Carter, a St. Cloud druggist, and they have one
daughter, Helen. True W. married Inis Snow. « They have a son, John, and
live in Los Angeles, California.
The ancestry of Mrs. William T. Clark is most interesting. John Hunter
moved from his home a few miles from Ayr, Scotland, in 1656, and settled in
County Londonderry, in the northern part of Ireland. There he erected a
stone mansion which still remains in the family. Henry Hunter, son of John,
was born in this stone mansion, in 1676, and married Nancy Kennedy. Several
of their descendants became founders of American families, distinguished in
many lines. Henry (2) was the youngest of the children of Henry and Nancy
(Kennedy) Hunter. He was born in the same stone mansion as his father,
and came to America before the French war. For a time he engaged in trade
with his nephew. With his own vessel he carried troops to Quebec when it
was taken by General Wolfe. Once his ship was captured by the British, but
the commander was an old schoolmate, and not only released him and his ship,
but gave him a paper which protected him from seizure in the future. This
Henry Hunter married Sarah Wyer, who came from Londonderry, Ireland.
The ceremony was performed under the Old Elm on Boston Common. Four
years later she died and was buried in the cemetery on Boston Common.
Later, in 1760, he married another lady of the same name, from Londonderry,
New Hampshire. Then he settled in Bristol, Maine. His son, David Hunter,
was a pioneer of Strong, Maine. He died May 7, 1871, at the age of ninety-
eight years. In 1796 he had married Eleanor Fossett, a daughter of Henry
Fossett, of Bristol, Maine. One of the daughters of David and Eleanor
(Fossett) Hunter was Sally Hunter. She married William McCleary, and
their daughter was Caroline M. McCleary, who married "William T. Clark.
Edward Everett Clark, proprietor of the Clark Lumber Company, St.
Cloud, was born in the city where he still resides, June 3, 1864, son of William
T. and Caroline M. (McCleary) Clark, the pioneers. He received his early
education in the schools of his native city, and was graduated in 1884 from
the Minneapolis Business College. Then he became manager and accountant
for Franklin Benner, manufacturer of gas and electric fixtures, at Minneapolis.
At the end of eight years he returned to St. Cloud, and became associated
with his father in the lumber business. Since the death of his father he has
been sole owner. He carries a full line of lumber and other building materials,
and during business hours is always to be found at the store. He is one of the
active and progressive men of the Granite City, and is well adapted to his
chosen line of endeavor. Fraternally he is a member of St. Cloud Lodge,
No. 516, B. P. 0. E. Mr. Clark was united in marriage June 5, 1898, to
Annie J. Mitchell, of Medelia, Minnesota, and they have one daughter,
Catherine M., a student in the St. Cloud High School. Mr. Clark and Iiis
family attend the Presbyterian church. The residence is at 321 Fourth avenue,
George R. Clark, jeweler and optometrist, is one of St. Cloud's busy busi-
ness men. He was born in St. Cloud, August 14, 1861, son of William T. and
Caroline M. (McCleary) Clark, the pioneers. He passed through the com-
mon, the Union and the High schools of St. Cloud, and served four years as an
apprentice watchmaker and jeweler. In May, 1884, he engaged in this line of
business for himself. After ten years of successful endeavor, he took a course
in the Chicago Ophthalmic College. In addition to doing a large business
in jewelry and watches, he makes a specialty of his work as an optometrist,
and is considered one of the best in his line in this part of the state. Mr.
Clark is a member of the Congregational church, but in the absence of a church
of that faith in St. Cloud he attends the Presbyterian church and has been
elected its treasurer. He was married April 29, 1889, to Mary Alice Brookes,
of San Diego, California, daughter of Henry and Harriet N. (Bosworth)
Brookes. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have had five children. Two died in infancy.
Henry B. is a graduate of the medical department of the University of Minne-
sota. Carol H. is a graduate of the St. Cloud High school, and a student in
Carleton College, at Northfield, Minn. Helen A. is a student in the St. Cloud
High school.
Edward E. Clark, for many years intimately connected with the manage-
ment of the public utilities of St. Cloud, was bom at Hudson Falls, New York,
January 26, 1857, son of Guy W. and Deborah (Howland) Clark. He attended
the public schools of his native town, and the Academy at Poughkeepsie, New
York, and received his business training in the store of his father, who was
one of the leading merchants of that place. He came to St. Paul, and remained
for several years, spending in the meantime, a few months as manager of an
orange grove in Florida. It was in the fall of 1883 that he took up. his resi-
dence in St. Cloud, where he became the popular and efficient cashier of the
First National Bank. In 1896, Judge D. B. Searle selected him as receiver
for the old St. Cloud Eailway Co., and in this capacity he gave evidence of
excellent executive ability and a capability for hard work. He took the line
poorly equipped, and put it in good condition and made it pay. Then began
his association with A. G. "Whitney, in whose companies he was an official until
the time of his death. He was superintendent, secretary and treasurer of the
Granite City Public Service Co., and of the St. Cloud "Water Power Co., and
treasurer of the Granite City Railway Co. In these offices he served for many
years. After an heroic fight with ill health, he died at Rockledge, Florida,
March 15, 1914, and was laid to rest in Hudson Falls, New York. At the time
of his death it was said of him : ' ' The success of the public utility companies
of St. Cloud was due in a large degree to the ability of Mr. Clark. He was
a man of keen judgment, commanded the loyal co-operation of his associates,
and held the confidence and good will of the community. The wonderful growth
of the street car company called for hard and strenuous work on the part of
the general manager, and no other man in the city came so close to so large
a number of people. Few men in so trying a position could have maintained
the very friendly relations with all the patrons that Mr. Clark did, and his
popularity grew because he proved to be an absolutely fair man. He looked
after the interests of his companies, and promoted their great development, but
he never forgot that his companies were serving the city and the people, and
to make that service satisfactory was his ambition. He has been in a large
way a part of the history of the city for the past fifth of a century, years
when St. Cloud emerged from a country village to the fifth city in the state.
Personally he was a most delightful citizen, optimistic, hopeful, cheerful and
friendly. . . . He made good. Perhaps no man in the city will be more
sincerely mourned. He had a host of loyal friends in every walk of life.
He was of a most genial disposition, and had faith in his fellow men, a faith
born of his o^vn optimism, and a faith that inspired those associated with him
to do their best. For twenty years he filled a large place in the business inter-
ests of the city and he filled it faithfully." At the time of his death, Mr. Clark
was the oldest member of the local Royal Arcanum. He was also a member
of the Elks, the Knights of Pythias and the Commercial Club.
Mr. Clark married Elizabeth F. Martin, April 25, 1878, a native of New
York state, and there are two children, Guy "W. and Edith M. Edith M. is
a member of the faculty of the St. Cloud Public Schools. Guy "W. is a mid-
shipman at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland.
Lewis Clark. The subject of this mention, now one of the venerable figures
of St. Cloud, has had a notable career, has taken more than the average man's
part in the progress of events, and deserves more than passing notice in the
list of those who have helped to make St. Cloud. Lewis Clark was born in
Auburn, Worcester county, Mass., January 4, 1829, son of John and Sarah
(Rice) Clark, and traces his ancestors back to the earliest Colonial days — the
Clarks to 1695 and the Rices to 1711. He was reared on the home farm, re-
ceived his early schooling in Auburn, and took courses in the Baptist Seminary
at "Worcester. He started to learn the machinist's trade in Whitinsville, Mass.,
and finished his apprenticeship in Worcester, working in numerous shops. For
several years he worked in the railroad shops at Springfield, Mass., qualified
as an expert, and was sent to Canada- West, with the first steam locomotive
ever seen in that part of the country, making his headquarters at Fort Erie. In
1853 he made his first trip to the middle-west portions of the United States. In
1855 he left his employment in Springfield and, upon reaching Minnesota, spent
the first winter in St. Paul. In the spring of 1856 he and Burnham Hanson
erected a saw mill at Watab. It was in the fall of 1856 that he took up his
residence in St. Cloud. At that time the village was a hamlet of log cabins
with one frame house. The succeeding years were filled with the busiest activi-
ties. For a time he sold farm implements. For some years he operated a flour
and feed mill at Clearwater, and a store at St. Cloud, in partnership with C. F.
Davis. When the partnership was dissolved, Mr. Davis took the mill and Mr.
Clark the store. For a time, Mr. Clark had J. E. Wing, as a partner. In 1893,
Mr. Clark retired from some of his more arduous activities, but still occupies
a considerable part of his time in looking after his various intei'ests. He is a
well preserved man in every way. Mr. Clark's personal reminiscences of St.
Cloud are veiy interesting. From a small village of a few houses, three mei'-
ehants and one hotel, he has watched it grow to its present proportions. In
the old township daj^s he was chairman of the board of supervisors, and after
the incorporation he was a member of the city council for a number of years.
Mr. Clark was married March 24, 1859, to Harriett A. Corbett, the marriage
taking place in the first frame house built in St. Cloud. She was bom in Fre-
mont, Ohio, daughter of Appleton and Harriet (Richmond) Corbett. Mr.
and Mrs. Clark had three children, John Lewis, Hattie Frances and Mary
Elizabeth. John Lewis died in infancy. Ilattie Frances, now deceased, mar-
ried Samuel C. Oilman, and is survived by a son, Charles L., of Minneapolis.
Mary Elizabeth died at the age of three years.
Charles A. Oilman. It is not often that a single family contributes so
much to the history of a state or period as does the Oilman family of New
Hampshire. From the time of the first councillor Oilman, who was born in
Hingham, England, in 1624, and settled in Exeter, New Hampshire, about
1648, the political, ecclesiastical, social and financial history of New Hampshire
was more influenced by the Oilman family than by any other, for a centuiy
and a half at least. Other names like that of Wentworth may have been more
prominent for a time, or men with such names as Waldron, Weare, Stark,
Langdon, Sullivan and Seammel, may have performed more conspicuous serv-
ices or undergone more extraordinary trials, but the sturdy phalanx of the Oil-
mans did more to keep up the steady course of the colony, the province and the
state, until 1815, than any two or three other families, always being well repre-
sented in the military service, during the Indian Wars, the French and English
War, the Revolutionary War and the War of the Rebellion. Many prominent
persons in public life of other names have descended from the Gilman family-
through marriage. Among them may be mentioned Hon. Lewis Cass, whose
mother was Molly Gilman, also Frances Folsom, widow of President Grover
Cleveland. These and many others including Daniel Coit Gilman, president of
Johns Hopkins University, have the same ancestor as C. A. Gilman. From the
earliest period of our country's history, the name of Gilman has been con-
spicuous both in state and nation, and has appeared with such titles as governor
and state treasurer; member of the Continental Congress, both bodies of the
United States Congress, United States Constitutional Convention and Commit-
tee of Safety; commissioner under Washington, to adjust the war accounts of
the states; and Federal Judge of the Northwest territory, including all north-
west of the Ohio river. The family was also numerously represented in the
State Legislatures. During Colonial times, the family had numerous grants of
land in New Hampshire, including the town granted and named Gilmanton by
King George; that however was granted to others as well as to twenty-four
persons named Gilman.
Charles Andrew Gilman for many years prominently identified with the
political history of Minnesota, is a lineal descendant of Edward Gilman, who
came from England in 1638, and whose descendants figured so conspicuously
in the chronicles of New England. Edward Gilman was a descendant of Gil-
man troed-dhu, who in 843 was the leader of the "fifteen noble tribes of North
Wales" which battled for hundreds of years from their mountain strongholds
with the people of Britain living on the plains, and later on called the English.
Mr. Gilman, the subject of this record, is the son of Charles and Eliza (Page)
Gibnan. His birth occurred at Gilmanton, New Hampshire, February 9, 1833.
He grew to sturdy, healthy boyhood on his father's farm, gave close atten-
tion to his studies in the district schools, and like all the boys of the better
families in his neighborhood, was sent to the Gilmanton Academy and later to
East Andover, where he received an insight into the liigher branches, and
came in contact with some of the sturdy thought and scholarsliip for which
New England of that period is noted. Like so many young men of his time
and circumstances, he started teaching a school, his first employment being
near Manchester and later near Dover and finally in his home school; and at
odd times he taught in the Academy which he had himself attended. It was
in 1855, when he left the state so intimately associated with his family name
and started for the state which was to bear his own name so conspicuously on
its record. He located at Sauk Rapids, then the largest town in the state north
of the Twin Cities. His worth was apparent to his fellow citizens and even at
that early day he served as register of deeds and county auditor of Benton
county and while so serving, in 1861, President Abraham Lincoln appointed
him receiver of the United States Land Office at St. Cloud, and he moved to
that city. After four years in this position his term expired. In 1865 he
engaged in lumbering in Benton and Morrison counties and continued until the
early nineties, during which period he had built three saw mills. He was
unfortunate during this time to lose his mills including a large quantity of
lumber which was burned all without insurance, involving a great loss. In the
meantime Mr. Oilman had been again appointed to the receivership of St. Cloud
IT. S. Land Office by President Andrew Johnson, in 1866, and as register of
the same office by President U..S. Grant, in 1869. Mr. Oilman, at odd times,
continued his explorations for timber and farming lands, and occasionally for
minerals, not only during those years but nearly up to the present time. The
greater part of his explorations have been in Northern Minnesota, some in On-
tario, and some on the Pacific Coast. After an iiTegular study of the law
for several years he was admitted to the bar in December, 1876. He practiced
but little other than in matters pertaining to his family. By a resolution of the
Minnesota House of Representatives, while he was its speaker, he was made
one of the managers of the prosecution in the famous impeachment trial of
Judge Sherman Page, of Austin, in 1879. In 1867 he was elected, and in 1868
and in 1869 he served, in the upper house of the Minnesota Legislature, for the
Third District which took in a very large area in the northern and central por-
tion of the state. The Senate was then composed of but twenty-two members
of whom none are now understood to be living, except Hon. H. L. Gordon, now
a resident of Los Angeles, Cal., and former Lieutenant Governor Oilman, of
St. Cloud. The latter has evidently satisfied his home people as in 1874, when
vital local as well as more general interests were agitating the people, Mr.
Oilman was elected representative by a constituency two to one Democratic,
while he was a Republican, and he was continuously re-elected four times,
once without opposition and served in the House of Representatives in the
sessions of 1875 to 1879 inclusive, and in 1878 and 1879 was Speaker of the
House. During that five year period occurred a legislative struggle of most
vital interest to St. Cloud and Stearns county, particularly, and in general
to the region northerly to Brainerd and northeasterly to Duluth. In a very
long and hard-fought contest it resulted favorably to St. Cloud, Stearns
county and the adjacent country above named as to their future railway
points and lines. In fact all profited by the legislation, to which now is
largely due the fact that Northern Minnesota is covered with railroads, and
that James J. Hill is properly styled the "Empire Builder," as he might, per-
haps, have been at a much greater cost, without that legislation, in the secur-
ing of which Mr. Oilman was the recognized leader. The proper scope of this
article does not warrant details in this matter.
The Great Northern Line from Duluth southwesterly through St. Cloud
had its foundation laid by a grant of state swamp lands which was increased
and made attractive by this change of from four to ten sections per mile,
by Mr. Oilman while in the Senate in 1869. These things may have had an influ-
ence on the public, when, in 1879, Mr. Oilman was nominated and easily
elected as lieutenant governor over the opposition of powerful political oppo-
nents ; and he was renominated and re-elected in 1881, also in 1883, the last
time for a three year term, so that in all, Mr. Oilman has been presiding officer
in the Legislature nine years, or three years longer than any other person.
At the age of eighty-one. Governor Oilman, in his walk, his feelings and
his daily associations, seems like one of the younger men of St. Cloud, show-
ing no sign of diminution of mental, and very little of his physical powers;
in fact he is vigorous of mind and body, possessed of unusual faculties and
endowed with a wonderful memory. Filled with the ripe wisdom that years
of experience have taught him, he brings to every matter that attracts his in-
terest, powers of accomplishment, that seem almost impossible. He travels
constantly looking after his business in various parts of this state and as far
away as Montana and the Pacific Coast. His beautiful home is pleasantly
situated on a rise of land overlooking three miles of Mississippi river, and
commands a splendid view. At the time of going to press (1914) Mr. Gilman
has once more been eleeted to the state legislature.
Charles A. Gilman was married at Sauk Eapids, January 1, 1857, to
Hester Cronk, of Scotch, English and Dutch descent, daughter of Enoch and
Sarah (Ferguson) Cronk, and a native of Big Island, near Belleville, On-
tario. Of their fourteen children, seven sons and seven daughters, there are
living but six : Helen, John, Beulah, Constance, Hester and Nicholas. Helen
married George S. Eankin, of North Yakima, Washington, and they have three
children. John is an iron land explorer. He mari'ied Ida Wettingel and they
live in St. Paul, and have two children. Beulah is principal of the Wash-
ington school in St. Cloud, and lives at home. Constance married Arthur A.
Ames and they have one child. They live at North Yakima, Washington.
Hester E. married John Cornell, now deceased, and lives at home. Nicholas,
a graduate of the State University, is now city engineer of North Yakima,
Washington. He married Elizabeth McUvaine and they have two daughters.
The oldest son, Samuel Charles, a civil engineer, married Harriet Frances
Clark, of St. Cloud. Both died, leaving one son, Charles Lewis, a graduate
of the State University, who is an author, and, who, with his wife, Wilma
Anderson Gilman, are responsible for Governor Gilman having a great-grand
daughter. Gertrude, his second daughter, married William T. Meigs, of
Lafayette, Indiana, a nephew of Quartermaster-general Montgomery Meigs,
of the U. S. Army, during the Civil War. Both died in 1910, leaving five chil-
dren, three of whom are being educated at Purdue University, Indiana, and
two of whom, John and Jerusha, reside with their grandfather, Governor
Gilman. Jerusha is a graduate of the St. Cloud High School and of the State
Normal School.
Mrs. Gilman was a lady of most lovable presence and character, firm in
her friendships and principles and a model wife and mother. She and her
husband enjoyed greatly the celebration of their golden wedding on January
1, 1907, when their capacious house was thronged with relatives and friends,
some from long distances. Soon afterward, however, she was stricken with
what proved to be a fatal malady and though most patiently and heroically
resisted by her, brought the sad end on March 19, 1910. "A most gracious
lady, a grand good woman, and it is not too much to say that she was the
first lady of the city in the best sense of that term," was the position accorded
her by the appreciative and able editor of the Daily Journal Press in an
editorial of March 19, 1910. During her life in St. Cloud, Mrs. Gilman was
active in all matters of public improvement, she was one of the charter mem-
bers of the Eeading Eoom Society and was honored at different times with all
the offices including that of president of this society. Her death was peaceful,
befitting one whose life had been sweet and blest. Hester Park named in
honor of Mrs. Gilman, has been established by the city government along the
Mississippi river adjacent to the Gilman home, and it is hoped and expected
that it will be a source of much pride and pleasure to the city of St. Cloud.
For a more extended history of the Gilman family in Europe and America,
the "Gilman Genealogy, English Edition 1895," "Gilman Genealogy 1869,"
and the "History of Gilmanton, New Hampshire, 1845," may be consulted.
John Coates, of St. Cloud, an early pioneer of Minnesota, was born in
Lincolnshire, England, December 9, 1844, son of James and Frances (Hardy)
Coates. In 1849 the father, mother and seven children left for America.
The father died three weeks after the vessel left the English port, and it re-
quired ten more weeks for the ship to reach Mobile Bay. During the last
days of the voyage before reaching the "West Indies, drinking water was all
exhausted but the last cask, which the captain gave to the women, and so des-
perate was the thirst of the passengers in the excessively hot weather that
there were many personal encounters in the efforts to get a drink of the life
saving fluid. The brave mother and the fatherless children, landing at Mobile,
went to New Orleans by rail, then embarked on a Mississippi river steamer.
Arriving within sixteen miles of St. Louis, the river was frozen over and the
passengers and baggage had to be transferred to that city by train where the
Coates family remained for three months until the river opened up in the
spring. They then resumed their journey by boat and reached Davenport.
Near that city lived "William Semper, an old English friend and neighbor of
the Coates family in England, who had induced them to come to America.
Mrs. Coates bought some land and built a house, where she and her chil-
dren lived for a year, when Mr. Semper and Mrs. Coates were married. In
June, 1854, they all removed to Minnesota and located on a homestead near
Big Spring, Harmony township, Fillmore county.
In June, 1856, John Coates accompanied his brother-in-law, John H.
Locke, to Benton county in what was known as the York settlement, ten miles
east of Sauk Rapids. Two years later John went back to Fillmore county
and attended school. In 1862 he enlisted in the Second Minnesota Sharp-
shooters, and went with the other recruits to St. Paul, but being only 16
years of age, was not mustered in. Nothing daunted, he came to St. Cloud and
enlisted in Captain Freeman's Cavalry. This was during the days of the
Indian uprising and although less than 17 years of age, he was detailed to
go to St. Paul with an ox team to get guns and ammunition. He left St.
Cloud on a "Wednesday noon and was back at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, rec-
ord breaking time with an ox team. The cavalry had left for the "West be-
fore he returned, and later he joined the First Minnesota Mounted Rangers
in Captain Taylor's Co. D., doing patrol duty between Sauk Centre and Ft.
Abercrombie, and afterwards joining the Sibley expedition, going as far west
as Bismarck and being engaged in several battles with the Indians. The com-
pany was mustered out in the fall of 1863. John returned to St. Cloud and
has been a resident of the city since. For a year he was in charge of the his-
toric "bull train," consisting of a hundred ox teams which did a freighting
business between St. Paul and St. Cloud, as far west and north as Ft. Aber-
crombie and "Winnipeg.
In 1864 he assisted in opening the road from St. Cloud to Alberta,
Benton county, and in hauling the machinery for the Oilman saw mill. Later
he worked in a sawmill for E. M. Tobey and was manager for Coleman Bridg-
man's saw mill and lumber yards for three years. In 1866 he formed a part-
nership with D. H. Freeman and did an extensive business in buying and
selling cattle, horses and other live stock, buying much venison and hides and
furs as a side line. As an evidence of the great amount of wild game in those
days, they shipped, one fall, to NeAV York, Philadelphia and Boston, 3,200
saddles of venison. They supplied several government forts with cattle and
horses, and sold the Canadian government the first horses used by the Mani-
toba mounted police. Later they became interested in the livery and transfer
business, of which Mr. Coates' two sons, Harry and Frank, are now owners.
Coates & Freeman also did an extensive lumber business, Mr. Coates super-
intending the management in the woods and on the river. The partnership
continued for 23 years.
Mr. Coates owns one of the finest farms in this section, just east of the
city in Benton and Sherburne counties, to which he gives much personal at-
tention, although he resides in a very handsome home in the city.
During his long residence in the city Mr. Coates served 23 years as a
member of the city council from the Second Ward, being honored with the
presidency for three years, and he has been prominently identified with the
legislation of the city for nearly a quarter of a century, taking an active
and patriotic interest in the upbuilding of the municipality. He was also
chief of the fire department for three years and is a life member of the
State Fire Association. Mr. Coates is a lover of nature and is an expert
hunter and fisherman. He is considered one of the best game shots in the
state, and has a complete outfit for duck shooting consisting of a good boat
made especially for that purpose and a cart on which he hauls it from one
lake to another, and four dozen wood decoys. John and his brother, J. H.
Coates, killed and retrieved 144 ducks between 11 :20 A. M. and 3 :30 P. M.
one day at the "Big Four" camp at Clearwater lake. He once killed 57
prairie chickens in just four and one-half hours time, between 6 A. M. and
10 :30 P. M. in the vicinity of Mayhew lake. He is also a good judge of horses
and has owned many of the best in Minnesota. He is the third oldest member
of North Star Lodge, No. 23, A. F. and A. M.. of St. Cloud, and is a life
member. He is a charter member of McKelvy Post, G. A. R., a member of
the Elks, Red Men, and has been president of the Stearns County Old Settlers'
Association, and is one of its most active members.
John Coates married Mary O. Hayward, daughter of Josiah E. and Mary
S. (Gray) Hayward, and this union has been blessed Avith six children: Charles
A., Harry S., Frank H., Arthur J., Florence and Lucille. Charles A. was mar-
ried to Emma Hansdorf, deceased. They had one daughter, Dorothy, now
sixteen years old. She is living with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Coates. Charles A. was later married to Isabell Bozart. She was born on
"Whitby Island on the coast of Victoria, and died December 8, 1913. Charles
is now living in Montana. Harry, who with Frank, is interested in the livery
business in St. Cloud, married Sadie Keyes, and they have two children, John
C, and William. Arthur J. married Mercy Miller, has one daughter, Dor-
othy, and lives in Miles City, Mont. Florence married William T. Trauer-
night, has two children, William J. and Richard Avis, and lives in St. Paul.
Lucille is the wife of W. C. Hammerel, of St. Paul.
Nicholas Lahr, one of the early pioneers of St. Cloud, later a resident of
St. Paul, was born August 12, 1829, in Herborn, Luxemburg, Europe. He at-
tended the common school and learned the blacksmithing trade. Having re-
ceived from his widowed mother, coins amounting to $200 in United States
money, he set sail for America, arriving in New York June 22, 1853, and
locating in Aurora, 111., there following his trade and acquiring a thorough
knowledge of plow manufacturing, preparatory to starting a business for
himself in the West. After working-hours he attended night school in order
to learn the English language. In November, 1854, he came up the river
to St. Cloud, then in its earliest infancy, being among the first settlers to
locate here permanently. He immediately built a house and blacksmith shop
and began manufacturing plows which became widely known, found their
way into thousands of homesteads in the Northwest and met with immediate
favor. As they cut and broke a fourteen inch furrow, requiring only two
yokes of oxen for their manipulation, they were seen on nearly every section
in this locality, bringing the wild land under the control of the farmer. Being
of temperate habits and strictly attentive to business, through his honesty
and integrity in his transactions, he became so successful that he required
the assistance of fourteen men in his manufacturing operations. His motto
was "Satisfaction, or no sale." He erected a large brick building on St.
Germain street, known as the Lahr block, which is still occupied as an impor-
tant business center, and owned considerable real estate in and around St.
Cloud. Ill health, due to overwork, caused his retirement from active busi-
ness in 1872. In 1880 he moved to Minneapolis, and three years later to
his long-time home at 178 Bates avenue, St. Paul, where he devoted his time
and attention to the betterment of his interests in real estate, loans, mort-
gages and the like, having been prosperous in his speculations. Quiet and un-
assuming by nature, Mr. Lahr had no ambitions for public life, but lived for
his home and family and was an ideal husband and father. He was a devout
and ardent church member. He was always a great believer in education
and at one time was a member of the school board in St. Cloud. He en-
deavored to give his children a good education. Six daughters are graduates
of the Holy Angels Academy, Minneapolis, Central High school of St. Paul,
and the Visitation Convent, St. Paul, and all are proficient in music and paint-
ing, and have been trained so as to be self supporting in case of emergency.
Although living in St. Paul his heart was in St. Cloud where he received
his start in life.
Nicholas Lahr was married December 28, 1858, to Mary Burden. This
union has been blessed with twelve children of whom there are living eleven:
Anna, Jacob A., Mary, Fanny Marie, Gertrude M., Clementine M., Mamie H.,
Agnes E., Joseph L., Margaret and Eleanor. Anna married Ernest P. Schmitz,
a retired merchant, and they have two daughters, Victorine and Marie Louise.
They reside in Los Angeles, California. Jacob A., clerk of the probate court
at St. Cloud, married Anna De Wenter, of St. Joseph, and they have three
sons, Alfred, Norbert and Clarence. Fanny Marie is the wife of John Leisen,
a prominent merchant of St. Cloud, and they have two sons, Raymond J. F.
and Herbert 0. Gertrude M. is the wife of Louis Luger, president of the
Luger Furniture Co., of St. Paul. They have five children, Renuold, Eldon,
Lorain, Evelyn and Roberta. Clementine M. is the wife of Albert Zachmann,
a St. Paul florist, and they have seven children : Emilia, Leo, Arnold, Calvert,
Victor, Arthur, and Alberta. Mamie H., Agnes E. and Joseph L. live with
their parents in St. Paul. Mary, now Sister M. Walburgme, Margaret, now
Sister M. Eleanor, and Eleanor Lahr are affiliated with the Order of Sisters
De Notre Dame and are stationed respectively in St. Louis, Chicago and Mil-
One of the notable incidents in the life of Mr. Lahr was the celebration
given at the Ryan Hotel, St. Paul, December 28, 1908, in honor of the golden
anniversary of his wedding, all of the children being present. The reception
was attended by some 250 relatives and intimate friends, and Mr. and Mrs.
Lahr received numerous congratulations and good wishes. His death Novem-
ber 14, 1914, was sincerely mourned, and the newspapers were filled with
appreciations of his life and worth.
Frederick H. Whitney, principal keeper of the St. Cloud State Reforma-
tory, was born in Beddington, Washington county, Maine, August 22, 1857 ;
son of George Russell (Sr.) and Martha (Noyes) Whitney. When he was
scarcely more than an infant, the family started for the West, but on the
way, the father died. The mother brought the children to St. Anthony Falls,
this state, and in 1864 to St. Cloud. Here Frederick H. was reared, attending
the graded schools, the High school and the St. Cloud State Normal school.
He studied electrical engineering in Minneapolis, and for several years worked
as an electrical and engineering expert, installing machinery. In 1889, when
the St. Cloud State Reformatory was about to open, D. E. Myers offered Mr.
Whitney the position of chief electrician and engineer, and assistant deputy.
With the exception of short vacations he has since been continuously with the
Reformatory. He received the first prisoners in 1889, and has received almost
all the nearly five thousand that have entered since that date. In 1899 he
was appointed to his present position of principal keeper and disciplinarian.
He has served under D. E. Myers, W. E. Lee, W. H. Houlton, Frank L. Ran-
dall, and C. S. Reed. The "First Friend," published by the Society for the
Friendless, Minneapolis, says of Mr. Whitney : ' ' During these years, Mr.
Whitney has been a constant landmark at the Reformatory, and has proven
his splendid ability as an officer by the fact that during these years he has
maintained the most perfect discipline that could be desired, and at the same
time commanded the universal respect and confidence of the inmates who
have been under his charge." Mr. Whitney has four brothers and one sister.
Judson is dead. Abby is now Mrs. W. H. Thompson, of St. Cloud. Elverton
died in service during the Civil war. George R. is engaged in the real estate
business in St. Cloud. Horace was drowned in the Missouri river. On April
15, 1879, Mr. Whitney was united in marriage to Lissie C. Whitman, and to
them have been born four children. Florence E. died at two years of age;
Edith B. and Grace E. are teachers in the St. Cloiid public schools; and Hazel
E. is teaching at Frazee, Minn. Mr. Whitney is a member of the Blue Lodge,
Chapter and Commandery at St. Cloud, and the Shrine at St. Paul. He is also
a member of the Elks at St. Cloud.
A. J. Whitney, officer of the Civil war, for many years a prominent citi-
zen of Maine Prairie, was born in Maine; son of George R. (Sr.) and Martha
Lyons (Noyes) Whitney. He started with the family and other relatives
to the Northwest. His father died in Boston, and he, then seventeen years of
age, being the oldest of the children, took upon himself the task of assisting
his mother in the responsibility of caring for the family. Right well did he
perform his task. The family lived a year in St. Anthony, then moved to
Fair Haven and then to Maine Prairie, in this county. He was one of the
first to enlist in response to Abraham Lincoln's call for three months' volun-
teers. After serving that time in the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, he
re-enlisted in the Fourth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and served as lieu-
tenant of Company D, until the close of the war. After the war he bought
a farm in Maine Prairie, and settled upon it. Toward the close of his life
he combined the mercantile business with agricultural pursuits. He died in
the early part of June, 1884. His gentlemanly and friendly manner, his hon-
esty and integrity, won the friendship and esteem of all who knew him.
In his death the community mourned the loss of a good citizen, a kind and
affectionate husband, and dutiful and loving son. He married Margaret Ellen
Clark, now of Orange, California. They had four children: Willis M., of
Orange, Cal.; Abbie M. (deceased) ; Maude M., now Mrs. Verner Goodner, of
Kimball, and Effie, now Mrs. Geo. F. Zimmerman, of Orange, CaL
George R. Whitney, engaged in the real estate, loan, and insurance busi-
ness in St. Cloud, was born in Washington county, Maine, June 2.5, 1853 ; son
of George R., Sr., and Martha (Noyes) Whitney. George R., Sr., was a lum-
berman, and spent the span of his years in Washington county, Maine. He
died in Boston, in May, 1857, while making preparations to depart for the
Northwest. In 1859, the subject of this sketch was brought to Stearns county
by his mother. He received his early education in the district schools of
Maine Prairie and in the graded schools of Clearwater, finishing with courses
in the St. Cloud High school. His youth, up to the age of nineteen years,
was spent on the farm. Then, after clerking a short time at Maine Prairie,
he and his older brother, A. J. Whitney, formed a partnership, and engaged
in the mercantile and stock business in the same village. During the con-
tinuation of this partnership, George R. Whitney was postmaster for four
years. Next he went to Rich Prairie (now Pierz) in Mori'ison county, where
he was merchant and postmaster for seven years. After selling out, he came
to St. Cloud, and managed a lumber yard for two years, after which he went
to Sauk Centre, where for seven years he engaged in the real estate, loan and
insurance business. After returning again to St. Cloud he worked one year
for the McCormick Harvester Co., and ten years in the Merchants National
Bank. In 1907 he engaged in his present business. He has wide interests
and maintains splendid offices in the Long block. Mr. Whitney is a member
of the M. W. A., the I. O. R. M. and K. of P.. On June 16, 1884, he married
Typhena C. Jordon, and they have three children: Lucile, stenographer and
bookkeeper; Margaret, an elocutionist of considerable ability; and Rollins J.,
a student at the Minneapolis High school.
George R. Whitney, Sr., the father of a number of well-known Steams
county people, never visited this part of the country, though it was long his
intention to do so, for death cut short his career just after he had started on
the trip. But his influence lives in the county in the daily life of his chil-
dren. He was a lumberman, and spent the span of his years in "Washington
county, Maine. He was married in Beddington, in that county, in August,
1839, to Martha Lyon Noyes, who was born in Jonesboro, in the same county,
February 23, 1821. In 1857, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, and their children, with
her aged father, and Mr. and Mrs. James Jenks (the latter being her sister),
started out for the Northwest. In Boston, Mr. Whitney died. Cherishing his
memory in her heart Mrs. Whitney, for the sake of the children, turned a
courageous face to the world, and with her little ones, pressed on to this state
and found a home at St. Anthony. Most of the old settlers of Minnesota
underwent many hardships but Mrs. Whitney had rather more than her
full share. She was possessed, however, of a cheerful disposition, and an
abiding faith in the goodness of God, and she cheerfully met and conquered
obstacles that would daunt many a woman. After a short time in St. An-
thony, Mrs. Whitney and her family moved with Mr. and Mrs. Jenks to Fair
Haven, and later to Maine Prairie, both in this county. In the latter township
she married D. A. Hoyt. After his death she lived for a while in St. Cloud.
There she married Sylvanius Jenkins, and with him moved to Farmington, in
Dakota county, Minn. Mr. Jenkins Avas one of the early pioneers of Stearns
county, and came to Minnesota in territorial days. After Mr. Jenkins' death,
Mrs. Jenkins returned to St. Cloud, where she made her home with her
daughter, Mrs. W. H. Thompson and her son, Dr. F. A. Hoyt. She died on
the Friday before Thanksgiving day, 1906. At that time it was said of her:
"Mrs. Jenkins was for seventy-one years a devout and most consistent Chris-
tian, having joined the Methodist church in Maine when a girl of but fifteen.
Her nature was a peculiarly cheerful one and notwithstanding all the trials
and hardships which came to her from time to time, her view of life was never
changed. Her last days were spent among her children, and grandchildren,
and her passing away was as peaceful as the falling asleep of a child." Mrs.
Jenkins was the mother of nine children, seven by Mr. Whitney and two by
Mr. Hoyt. One died in infancy; A. J. Whitney was a lieutenant in the Civil
war, and later lived for many years on Maine Prairie ; Alverton, also a veteran
of the Civil war, died of measles during that conflict ; Horace, was lost in the
Missouri floods many years ago; Frederick H. Whitney is principal keeper
and disciplinarian at the St. Cloud State Reformatory; George R. Whitney,
Jr., is in the real estate and loan business in St. Cloud. Mary A. is now Mrs.
W. H. Thompson, of St. Cloud. Charles W. Hoyt is deceased. Dr. Freeland
A. Hoyt is a prominent dentist of St. Cloud.
Ephriam B. Whitney, a pioneer, who, in assisting in the development of
several of the agricultural regions of the Northwest, became a prosperous and
successful farmer and citizen, spent several years of his life in Steams county
in the early days. He was born in Whitneyville, Maine, a town which took
its name from members of his family, who had settled there in Colonial times.
He married Elizabeth N. "Wakefield, of Cherryfield, Maine, and together they
came West about 1854. For a time they lived on a farm in Brooklyn, in
Hennepin county, near Minneapolis, where their four children were born.
Later they moved to a farm near Osseo in the same county. Upon disposing
of this place, they moved to Fair Haven, in Stearns county, from whence
they came to St. Cloud, shortly afterward moving out into the township to
the farm where the Hess & Moog brick yards are now located. In 1866, they
disposed of this farm, and purchased a place three miles south of Clearwater,
in Wright county. Mrs. Whitney died on this farm in 1870, and in 1872, Mr.
Whitney exchanged this property for village holdings in Clearwater, where
he made his home until his death in October, 1900. In the Whitney family
there were four children. Olive died at the age of twenty-six. George H.
also died at the age of twenty-six. Anna is now a resident of New York city.
Albert G. is a leading citizen of St. Cloud.
Albert Gideon Whitney. The desirability of any city as a residence; its
growth ; the comfort, convenience and even health of its inhabitants ; its repu-
tation throughout the country ; its assurance of permanent progress ; and even
its civic spirit ; rest to a large degree upon the character of its public utilities.
When a city progresses, is known far and wide for its advantages, and at-
tracts a substantial law-abiding class of citizens, the reason lies in the work
and character of the men who are willing to toil and sacrifice, to give the
best years of their life and the richest fruit of their brains, and to bear heavy
burdens of care, worry and responsibility. St. Cloud has such a man in
Albert G. Whitney. It is his career that has made possible the most important
of the advantages of daily life in this city. While he is still in the prime of
his activities, with great accomplishments still ahead of him, he has already
done more for his fellow men, attained more of a business success, and ac-
complished more of real achievement than do most men in the full span of
their years, and while the real greatness of his work can not be fully judged
until long after he has completed it, nevertheless, in this history, it is fitting
that his contemporaries should prepare for the perusal of posterity a few of the
details of what he has thus far done. From a farm in central Minnesota he
gained his energy and strength, and with no hereditary fortune, and with
no help save from his own character, integrity and ability, he has become one
of the foremost men of his time in this state. Future generations will number
him as among those who left a real impress on the commercial progress of
the present day. Modest, unassuming, entirely devoted to the cause which
he has espoiised, he has made life more desirable for his fellow man, and has
demonstrated that those M^ho serve the public well and honestly may reap even
greater rewards than those who serve only their own selfish interests.
Albert Gideon Whitney was born on a farm near Robbinsdale, now a
subtirb of Minneapolis; son of Ephriam B. Whitney and Elizabeth N. (Wake-
field) Whitney, and as a boy lived successively in Osseo, Fair Haven, St. Cloud
city, St. Cloud township, Clearwater township and Clearwater village, all in
Minnesota. After the death of his mother in 1870, he went in 1872 to live with
his uncle, Sylvanius Jenkins, at Farmington, Dakota county, also in this
state. While here he attended school in Farmington, and later for a short
period in Minneapolis. Then, in 1874, he returned to Clearwater, and there
attended school until 1879. In the winter of 1878-79 and again in the winter
of 1879-80 he taught school at Silver Creek, in Wright county. In the mean-
time, in 1879, he worked several months in the insurance business. In 1880
he removed to Sauk Centre in Stearns county, where he engaged in the real
estate, loan and insurance business. While there, in 1883 and 1884, he com-
piled a complete set of abstract books for the western third of the county.
This is a service that can scarcely be overestimated. By the use of these
books, thus compiled at so great an expense of time and effort, the people of
the western part of the county are enabled to obtain at Sauk Centre as com-
plete an abstract of their property as could be secured by making the long
and often inconvenient journey to the courthouse at St. Cloud. The work
on the books has been continued to the present time, and the complete set
is now owned and kept by J. F. Cooper, of Sauk Centre. In March, 1887, Mr.
Whitney closed his connection with his offices at Sauk Centre (being succeeded
by Whitney & Cooper), where he had already established the foundations of
his later success, and removed to St. Cloud, where he formed a partnership
with C. Parker McClure, in the real estate, loan and insurance business. This
partnership continued until April, 1891, after which time Mr. Whitney re-
mained in business alone, until 1902, when the enterprise was incorporated as
the A. G. Whitney Land & Loan Co. The business is continued and Mr. Whit-
ney is president, and H. A. McKenzie is secretary and treasurer. In 1897 Mr.
Whitney made some heavy purchases of land in North Dakota, and with
Charles A. Wheelock, his brother-in-law, as a partner, under the firm name
of Whitney & Wheelock, maintained a branch office at Fargo, North Dakota,
and conducted a land business in North Dakota on a most extensive scale.
Aside from this large and significant venture, Mr. Whitney has confined his
interests largely to central and northern Minnesota. No individual has ever
handled as much land in northern Minnesota or in North Dakota as he has, and
probably no man has induced so many families to make this state their abid-
ing place. From South Dakota, Iowa, southern Minnesota, Illinois and other
localities, the sturdy home-makers have come, sharing the development of this
great state, and assisting materially in its growth and progress.
No sooner had Mr. Whitney located permanently in St. Cloud in 1887,
than he made the first of a series of efforts which have placed St. Cloud among
the front rank of the smaller cities in regard to excellence of equipment in
the public utilities. With C. Parker McClure and Frank Tolman as leading
spirits, and with R. L. Gale, 0. W. Baldwin, L. T. Troutman, F. H. Todd, A. T.
Whitman, and others as associates, he perfected the organization of the St.
Cloud Street Railway Co. and built a street car line from the dam to the old
Great Northern station, wh^ch line was operated for some years with horses.
This line passed into the hands of capitalists in St. Paul and eastern cities,
who electrified the road and extended it to Sauk Rapids. In the fall of 1900,
Mr. Whitney commenced his public utility business and purchased the steam
power and heating plant on 5th avenue North, which is now the Central
power station of the Public Service Co., and where the gas plant is now
located, for the distribution of electrical energy for St. Cloud and Sauk
Rapids. He organized that power plant as the Light, Heat, Transit & Public
Service Co. Immediately after purchasing he remodeled and rebuilt the old
steam power and heating plant, which he had purchased in 1900, and in
stalled new and modern machinery, and later converted it into the Central
power station, after the consolidation of the two power companies. In 1902 he
purchased the St. Cloud Gas and Electric Co., owning the plant now on the
canal at the dam and now known as Station No. 2. This company had just
passed from a receivership into the hands of the bondholders, and the pur-
chase was made from them. At the same time he secured control of the street
railway company then in the hands of a receiver, and reorganized it as the
Granite City Street Railway Co., of which he has continued the moving factor.
Under his direction, the line has been greatly extended and improved, and
possibly no town of its size has as complete a street car service as has St.
Cloud. The growth from the small line purchased in 1900 to the extensive
system of the present has been most unusual, and reflects much credit on Mr.
"Whitney's faith in the city, and his liberality as a public-spirited citizen. The
tracks now cover eight and one-half miles. Immediately upon his passing into
the possession of the St. Cloud Gas & Electric Co., he began to consolidate
it with his own company, the Light, Heat, Transit & Public Service Co., and
rebuilt the entire pole line system of the city, equipped the power station at
the dam with all new and modern machinery, and upon the completion of the
work, perfected the consolidation, reorganizing them as the Public Service Co.
In 1906 the gas plant was installed on the same site with the main power
plant. This plant is recognized as one of the best and most efficient gas plants
in the state. In May, 1908, he bought the St. Cloud Water Power Co., owning
the St. Cloud dam and immediately started the construction of the new and
large power house now known as Station No. 1, at the foot of the canal.
Foreseeing the phenomenal growth of the smaller villages of Stearns
county which has come in recent years, he in 1912, commenced the building of
the transmission lines connecting several of the outside towns, and has 'tied"
Waite Park, St. Joseph, Rockville, Cold Spring and Richmond into his St.
Cloud power houses. Aside from furnishing power for these towns, he sup-
plies electric light and power for St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids and the outlying
quarries adjacent to St. Cloud, as well as the polishing plants, the Minne-
sota State Reformatory and the Great Northern shops at Waite Park. The
substitution of electrical power for steam in these various plants has wrought
a revolution in industrial conditions in this locality. The plant of the Public
Service Co., as developed and brought to perfection by Mr. Whitney is con-
sidered one of the finest, largest and best equipped in the state of Minnesota
outside of the Twin Cities and Duluth. No detail has been neglected, and to
guard against any possible interruption of the service, in the fall of 1913 and
winter of 1913-14, Mr. Whitney added to the waterpower plant by building
additional units, and installing a steam plant of 1,000 horse power, as an
Busy as he is in the public service and real estate line, which require an
cJ^ i)^—^Q^ y^>-^,...,■-^J^
expenditure of energy far beyond the capacity of the average man, he has
also found time for other ventures. About 1899 he saw that the interests of
the producers in Stearns county would be best conserved and promoted by
the installation of cold storage facilities. Accordingly he and R. L. Gale or-
ganized the St. Cloud Cold Storage & Produce Co., of which he was made
president, a position which he still retains. This company has met with the
same success that has attained all his efforts. Another venture was the State
Bank of Richmond, which he organized, conducted for several years, and sold
in 1911. For some years past he has been a director in the Merchants Na-
tional Bank, of St. Cloud.
Ultimately Mr. Whitney intends to build a dam similar to the St. Cloud
dam on the site of the Sauk Rapids Water Power Co., which he acquired at the
time when he began to be interested in the electrical plants at St. Cloud, in
1900. Mr. Whitney is an extensive land holder, and owns a large number of
farms scattered throughout central Minnesota. Of these he operates two
and rents the remainder. It is interesting to note as a matter of history,
that one of these farms which he operates is the old homestead of his uncle,
Sylvanius Jenkins in Dakota county, on which Mr. Whitney spent so many
happy hours as a care-free boy.
While Mr. Wliitney has attained success in life such as has been achieved
by few, and though his many interests make almost super-human demands
on his time and energy he is affable and approachable, ever willing to lend
his hand to every good cause. His good fellowship is shown by his member-
ship in the I. O. 0. F. and the B. P. 0. E. No good work is projected that
does not receive his help and eneouragement, no public venture fails to find
in him a supporter, and the fact that he refuses all offices, makes his opinion
and influence on all public questions of all the greater importance. All in all
he is a useful citzen, the extent of what his work has meant to St. Cloud and
the state can never be estimated, the amount of the good he has done will
never be known. His name is inseparably connected with the growth, progress
and standing of the city. Mr. Whitney has been aided and encouraged in all
his stupendous tasks, by a most happy married life. He was married October
13, 1891, to Alice M. Wheelock, of Moscow, N. Y., and they have three chil-
dren, Wheelock, born in 1894, is studying electrical engineering at Yale Uni-
versity ; Lois and Pauline are students at the St. Cloud high school.
Josiah E. Hayward. In the march of civilization, the extending of the
outposts of settlement further and further into the wilderness, and the gradual
subduing of the wild, there are three important factors, transportation, food
and shelter. The early tavern keeper who could furnish accommodations, the
man with ox teams who could transport goods onto far-away claims, the man
with horses who could carry into the interior the people who landed from the
steamboats — these men were of more immediate necessity than the teacher
or the preacher. Among those whose work of this nature helped to make
the conquest of the Northwest possible, may be mentioned the subject of tliis
notice, generous, kindly, jovial and sympathetic "Uncle Josiah."
Josiah E. Hayward was born at Mechanics Falls, Maine, February 2, 1826,
and at the time of his death in St. Cloud, March 13, 1895, had entered his seven-
tieth year. Like other New England boys of his time and circumstances he
attended the schools of his neighborhood, and helped his parents with home
dnties. Maine being then a great lumber state, it was natural that young
Josiah's attention should early be turned to that line of industry. In 1849,
however, he and his brother, Samuel, like hundreds of other hardy sons of the
Pine Tree state, started for the west with the hope of bettering their material
condition. Upon their arrival in Minnesota they found conditions much more
primitive than they had supposed. A few log houses constituted all the evi-
dences there were of what is now the capital city of St. Paul, while many
Indian teepes adorned the site of the present metropolis of Minneapolis. So
the brothers returned to their homes in the East. But Josiah had seen Minne-
sota and could not forget it, so in 1856 he returned. His first intention was
to settle at St. Anthony Falls, but his friends urged him on to Stearns county
as a suitable field for his future endeavors, and accordingly he located in
Winnebago prairie, in what is now Brockway township, and there opened
a farm. It is said that he sent a man to Washington, D. C, to file his claim
to the land on which he had settled. About this time he started lumbering
along the upper Mississippi and its tributaries, a line of endeavor to which he
gave more or less attention nearly all the remainder of his life. In the course
of these operations he purchased a tract in Itasca county which after cutting
off the pines he still retained. On this land is now located the Arcturus iron
mine, in the famous Mesaba range district. When the township of Brockway
was organized in 1858, he was elected chairman of the first board of super-
visors. He soon, however, was convinced that wider opportunities for his
efforts lay in St. Cloud, and when the Indian outbreak came, he moved his
family to that place, living for a time with Dr. Marlett's. April 13, 1863, he
purchased the old Central House standing where the Grand Central Hotel is
now located. This hotel had originally been built of tamarack logs, but at
the time of Mr. Hay ward's purchase it was a frame structure. Later he
rebuilt it, and still later erected the present brick structure, giving it also a
new name. Subsequently Mr. Hayward purchased the West Hotel, a hand-
some structure a block from the original hostelry. The West Hotel was
burned, but the son, Daniel S. Hayward is still operating the Grand Central.
Josiah E. Hayward, in time, purchased a tract of land in St. Cloud township,
which has been developed into the splendid farm now occupied by a son,
Samuel S. Hayward. On this farm, Josiah E. Hayward erected a mill, which
did a large business for several years. The mill was burned in 1880. In the
early days, St. Cloud was one of the outposts of civilization, it was one of the
centers of trade with the Indians, the outfitting point for trips into the wilder-
ness, and the Central House and its proprietor enjoyed a full measure of
prosperity. In his lumber operations which consisted principally in the pur-
chase and sale of pine lands, he showed a keen perception, and a rare judg-
ment as to ultimate values.
Mr. Hayward was a director in the German American Bank and the
Merchants' National Bank, and had other financial interests. At the time of
his death he had practically retired from business, the active management of
the hotel having been placed in the hands of Daniel S. Hayward, and the
lumber and transportation business, with, its horses, oxen, camps and equip-
ment, having been sold to D. H. Freeman. At the time of his death it was
said of Mr. Hay ward " 'Uncle Josiah' had a warm sympathetic nature, quick
to respond to the cry of the helpless and needy. His death removed one of
the pioneers of central Minnesota. His acquaintance was large, and few men
were better known in this part of the state than he."
Josiah E. Hayward was married in 1848, to Mary Stinson Gray. This
union was blessed with eight children, six of whom are living : Mary 0., who
is now Mrs. John Coates ; Daniel S. ; Hortense C, who is now Mrs. Daniel H.
Freeman; Samuel S. ; Elora H., who married Emmet C. Holden, now deceased;
Jean 0., who married C. Parker McClure, now deceased ; William H., a suc-
cessful young biisiness man who died in 1887 ; and John, who died as a boy
in 1875.
Mary Stinson Hayward. A long and useful life closed September 1, 1912,
when, at the well-ripened age of eighty-three years, Mary Stinson Hayward
went to her rest. A widowhood of several years followed the death of her
husband, Josiah E. Hayward, whose helpmeet she had been since they first
joined their fortunes in their native state. Mary Stinson Hayward was born
in Wesley, Maine, January 22, 1829, was married in that state, and in 1856
came to Minnesota, sharing with him the hardships of pioneer life, and aiding
him in laying the foundations for the fortune which came in later years. Her
life was a quiet one, and she mingled little with the outside world. The care
of her family, to which she was most devoted, and the duties of the household
employed her time. While going out but little, she was always pleased to see
her friends, and had for all a kindly greeting. She is remembered especially
by the old settlers, many of whom she assisted in the hours of their need.
Mrs. Hayward had two brothers, Asbury and Frank Gray, both well
known lumbermen and farmers and both now dead. Of her seven sisters six
are living. They are : Luvina, wife of Wesley Day, and Henrietta, wife of
Lorenz Day, both of Minneapolis; Melinda, wife of John Cooper, Laura, wife
of Silas Marlett, and Josephine, wife of Joseph Carrick, all of Riverside,
California ; and Isadora, wife of A. G. Snow, of Minneapolis.
Peter Seberger came to America in 1845 with his parents at the age of ten
years, and was reared a few miles from Chicago. In the fifties he came to St.
Cloud, and located on a farm at what is now Richmond, where he lived some
three years. Then he located in St. Cloud. After engaging for a while in
the brewing business he embarked in a hotel enterprise. He died in May,
1876. His wife survived him until April, 1912.
Peter J. Seberger. In recent years, educators are taking a leading part
in politics of the state and nation. In earlier times in Minnesota, it was not
so common for men to be called from the teacher's desk to a high position in
public life. But when the people's movement came on, things began to change.
The need came for men of brains and training to lead the people's cause, and
these men must come from circles outside of the domination of the financial
and big business interests. This call reached many a teacher, and some, often
at great personal sacrifice listened to the voice of duty and the urgings of
conscience, and laid their all upon the altar of the cause which they believed
represented the progress of mankind. Among these may be mentioned the
subject of these notes.
Peter J. Seberger, serving as first mayor of St. Cloud under the commis-
sion form of government, was born in the city whose executive he now is,
November 10, 1864, son of Peter and Anna M. (Shummer) Seberger, the
pioneers. He attended the parochial and public schools, and graduated from
the St. Cloud State Normal school in 1884, from which time he taught con-
tinuously until June, 1912. More than a quarter of a century of this service
was in the capacity of teacher and principal of the Franklin school, St. Cloud.
His spare hours were not idle ones. In his younger days he worked as a clerk
in various stores, for a time he managed the Berliner Hotel, previously con-
ducted by his father, in the fall of 1888 he compiled a tract index for Stearns
county, and at various intervals he was engaged in construction work. He
has also turned his attention to politics and newspaper work. In 1896 he was
manager and associate editor of the "Representative," published in Minne-
apolis by Ignatius Donnelly. This was the leading Populist paper in the
country, having more than 23,000 subscribers. He was engaged in this work
for one year and six months, when he again accepted the principalship of the
Franklin school. When the People's party was organized Mr. Seberger took
an active part locally, in the state and in the nation. He attended the first
national convention of that party, held in Omaha, in 1892. He attended the
St. Louis convention of that party in St. Louis in 1896, as the chairman of the
delegation from the Sixth Congressional district, and was elected secretary
of the Minnesota contingent. In 1894, he was nominated for Secretary of
State, and in 1898 he ran for Congress at the earnest solicitation of the Popu-
lists of the district.
Mr. Seberger has been president and secretary of the library board. He
was mayor under the old form of city government, was chairman of the com-
mittee of three who drafted the new commission form charter, and in the
spring of 1912 became the first mayor under the new system. As mayor, he
sits as commissioner of public affairs and safety. Mr. Seberger has been
president of the St. Cloud Commercial Club, and is now its secretary. He is
Grand Guide of the Minnesota Grand Lodge, A. 0. W. "W. ; Great Sachem of
the Improved Order of Red Men, of Minnesota; clerk, secretary or recorder
of the local lodges of the Modern Woodmen of America, Woodmen of the
World, the Equitable Fraternal Union and the Court of Honor; president of
the Public Health League ; and a member of the Elks, the United Workmen,
the Degree of Pocahontas, the Degree of Honor and the Royal Neighbors.
Peter J. Seberger married Bertha Mueller, and they have three children :
Bertha, Oswald and Romama.
Freeland H. Dam, the subject of this sketch, was born in Enfield, Penob-
scot County, Maine, April 13, 1835, son of Hercules and Ruth (Straw) Dam.
His ancestors, on the paternal side, were from Holland, coming from Amster-
dam to Manhattan Island in 1640 and settling there for many years. His
great grandfather was born there in the year 1754. He, looking to better
himself financially, started out to explore the forest of what was then a part
of the now state of Massachusetts. The whole country then being in an
exceedingly wild condition. He found a location in what is now Water-
borough, Maine. There in the pine forest he built a house and reared a
family of seven boys and girls. In the meantime, being of a mechanical turn,
he built a mill to convert the pine trees into lumber, and, at the present
writing, the location is known as "Dam's Mill." He laid down the burden
in 1814. Among his boys, Samuel Dam, the grandfather of P. H. Dam, was
there born in the year 1796. He married Miriam Fernald, whose ancestors
were from England. And on both the paternal and maternal sides F. H.
Dam's forebears were of the best and a combination hard to beat. From the
Pine Tree State the family have spread out all over the country, and are now
upright people serving their country well in their various stations, ghowing
that the stock from which they came were such as have made this country the
best on the face of the globe.
In the year 1805 Hercules Dam, the father of F. H. Dam, was born at
Waterborough, Maine. Later the family moved to what is now Enfield, Maine,
where they soon engaged in the lumber and milling business where they for
many years were among the heaviest operators in that section, there F. H.
Dam was born in 1835 in Enfield, Maine. He has said his earliest playmates
were his father's hired men. There, as early as six years old, his manual
training commenced in the blacksmith, carpenter shop and mill. There every-
thing used on' the farm, mill and lumber camp and household was produced.
Sleds, yokes, bows for the oxen, boats, oars, axes and chains were all made at
home. Here he learned to do many useful things, and early imbibed a great
liking for mechanics.
The market for the product of the mill and forest, aside from the local,
was with Bangor and Portland and had to be transported in sailing vessels,
and the subject of this sketch sailored from time to time and added to his
useful knowledge by "getting the hang of the ropes." In 1844 and 1845,
through reverses in the lumber business, his father disposed of his business
and removed to Portland, Maine, where F. H. Dam was placed in the city
schools for a term of three years. At that period in his life, thirteen years old,
his father, to better his condition, was lured by the reports of the golden
sands of California, crossing the Isthmus on foot, where now is the famous
Panama Canal furnishing better transportation. He left F. H. Dam appren-
ticed to one of the largest mills in Portland for five years to learn the milling
and building trade. He also left him the head of the family, a mother and
two sisters, a position he filled with pride and success, and thereby acquired
much useful knowledge by this early and practical training, for besides
attending to his duties as apprentice, he added much to the larder by night
work as newsboy, etc. With six other apprentices he gained such a favorable .
standing with his employer that in less than two years, unsolicited by himself,
he was given a scholarship three months each year, for three years, to a good
business school and all expenses paid, and in the meantime was placed in
charge of the business where he also gained much iiseful knowledge, stored
up for future use.
At the termination of his apprenticeship he went to Calais, Maine, where
he contracted to do mill work on contract, being his first business venture.
There in 1855 and 1856 he made the acquaintance of Emily Whitney, to
whom he was later married. In the spring of 1856 he joined the tide which
was then drifting towards the setting sun. Although urged to remain at
Calais and offered a partnership in a good business, he concluded to become
a western pioneer and arrived at St. Anthony on May 7, 1856. Owing to his
early training, and not yet twenty-one years old, he at once secured a mill
job as foreman in the mill of Rogers, Stimson, Kent & Co., being at that time
the largest in the territory. Back to the farm, then as now, was much in
vogue. He then took possession of land which his father had staked for him
on what became Maine Prairie. His father and mother were the first family
to locate on that prairie, having preceded him there by several weeks. After
locating his claim, which was yet unsurveyed, he started to become a granger,
but the first attempt was not a success as the hoppers descended, and in a few
hours ate every living thing as to crops. Then instead of back to the farm,
it was back to St. Anthony, and, as funds were getting scarce, all these trips
were made on foot, seventy-five miles, as stage fare was $7.50, they were
saving good money.
In the fall of 1857 all mechanical business in the country closed tight.
So then it was back to the farm again, in earnest. That year the family had
saved a little frost-bitten corn which they ground during the evenings in a
coffee-mill, the few neighbors often joining in to make the function social,
and while the mill was kept going the ladies made shoes and mittens from old
clothes, as wardrobes were getting low. But with Betty, the brindle cow,
and a good shotgun, they found game plenty and suffered only in their bank
account. Then the Indians came and bothered the people worse than the
hoppers. There were camped on his claim at one time ninety-five tepees,
which made it lively as there was more or less friction which culminated in
1862 in the Indian War. After serving through that trouble, he, early in
1863, returned to Calais and was married to Emily Whitney, the girl
he left behind him in 1856. They had one son, Edward Winthrop, who died
at the age of nine years.
An early historian of Maine Prairie said this of F. H. Dam : "He took a
claim on Maine Prairie, but spent most of his time, for a number of years,
at his trade in Minneapolis, afterwards establishing himself in business at St.
Cloud. Since then he has been so well known throughout the country that it
is needless to add anything regarding his life. During the Indian outbreak
in 1862, he immediately left his business and came to the Prairie where his
coolness, bravery and knowledge of military tactics were of inestimable value
to the settlers during those perilous times. He was one of the officers and
, drove through to St. Paul, making 150 miles in less than thirty-six hours,
and procured ammunition for those in the fort, where many brave men shrank
from the dangerous undertaking. Soon after the Indian War he formed a
partnership with the late W. T. Clark in the building and furnishing business,
which was terminated in 1865 by his buying the business from his partner.
He then, in 1867, built a new mill and operated it extensively until 1889,
cutting his own pine from land owned by himself, driving the logs to the mills
at St. Cloud, putting the product through his own factory, and taking the
profit from stump to finished houses. The business grew and was profitable.
In the meantime he had perfected a set of tools to build bobsleds, which up to
that time had been made by hand. He was so successful in that venture that
he produced a complete sled, nicely painted, every eighteen minutes, for
months, and had large contracts for the same. In 1890 he built another mill
at Superior, Wisconsin, and operated it until 1910 when it was made into a
stock company, and he retired from active business, but now, at almost eighty
years, he is a very busy man. He has held a few minor offices such as school
board and served many years as alderman. He was one of the first organizers
of the First National Bank, and has been a director for forty-seven years, and
has seen that institution's resources grow to nearly two million dollars. He
has had many positions of value offered him in the mechanical line, but re-
fused them all, rather to play a lone hand. He is a man well informed in many
lines, having traveled every state, British Columbia, and Mexico. He was
always a good citizen and a genial companion and well liked generally. He
had several men constantly in his employ for over thirty years, and it was
said of him to the writer of this: "If every one treated their employees as
F. H. Dam did there would be no strikes. ' ' He had some mottoes, and one was,
he was never satisfied unless he could make two blades of grass grow where
not a spear ever grew before, and he had some others as good which he lived
up to. In early days he was quite active in political matters affecting the
people, but never a partisan, and never an office seeker. He told the writer
once that his politics were of the mixed variety and not hard shell. He was
always prompt in all his promises and dealings of every nature and his word
was gilt-edged in every respect. — (Contributed.)
Elgy Vanvoorhis Campbell, D. D., founder and for nearly fifty years
pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of St. Cloud, was born in Ohio,
March 26, 1836, the son of Robert and Nancy (Mcllvaine) Campbell. He
lost his mother when he was six months old and his father when he was three
years old. Thus left an orphan at an early age, he was reared by his grand-
parents, Robert and Martha Paxton Campbell, in Washington County, Penn-
sylvania. His higher education was obtained in the Academy at Cross Creek,
Pennsylvania, and in the full classical course at the Washington & Jefferson
College, at Washington, Pennsylvania. His theological courses were taken
in the Western Theological Seminary at Allegheny, Pennsylvania. He was
ordained December 27, 1865, at St. Paul. October 21, 1864, he arrived in St.
Cloud, and on November 19, 1864, he founded the Presbyterian church. Hav-
ing a deep interest in the cause of education, he taught school for a while,
and for many years was a member of the school board, being one of those who
founded the present school system of the city.
A recent publication said of him: "Dr. Campbell has a record that is
equalled by few clergymen in the country. He is as much the pastor of the
city as he is of the particular church to which he is assigned. He came to St.
Cloud with his bride, who has done her share of the work. They have raised
a family of children, who have grown to adult years, and have taken up their
life work in other cities. Now in the evening of life, the minister and his
wife are still walking side by side, enjoying the beautiful things of the Creator,
and adding their share of help and happiness to their large circle of friends
and neighbors. Dr. Campbell has shared in the home life of the community,
has been a friend in hours of grief, illness and death, and a comrade in the
happy hours of baptism and marriage."
Dr. Campbell married Mary C. Shane, a native of Pennsylvania, and they
have three children, Paxton G., Jennie E., and Elgy F. Paxton G. is married
and has two children, Blanche and Elgy. They live in Biloxi, Miss. Jennie
E. is the wife of E. G. Williams, of Springfield, Mass. Elgy F. is living in
New York City.
Steams County Created — First Commissioners Meet — Election Precincts
Established — Board of Supervisors — Government Again in Hands of Com-
missioners— Doings of the Successive Boards to the Present — Nearly
Sixty Years of Official Life.
An act of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota ap-
proved February 20, 1855, established the boundaries of twenty-five counties
in the territory, including Benton, Wright, Todd, Goodhue, Freeborn, Mower,
Rice and Olmsted, as well as Stearns. Section 18 reads as follows: "That
so much territory as is embraced in the following boundaries be and the same
is hereby established as the county of Stearns : Beginning at a point in the
main channel of the Mississippi river, opposite the mouth of Platte river,
thence west thirty-six miles to the township line between ranges thirty-five
and thirty-six ; thence south on said township line to the north-west corner of
the county of Keating; thence along the northern boundary of said county
and the county of Wright to the centre of the main channel of the Mississippi
river; thence up the middle of the main channel of said river to the place of
The bill establishing Stearns county, as originally introduced and as it
passed both houses of the Legislative Assembly, gave it the name of Stevens,
in honor of Governor Isaac I. Stevens, of Washington Territory, who had been
prominently identified with early Pacific railroad surveys in the Northwest.
But when the bill was enrolled the name in some manner was changed to
Stearns. Charles T. Stearns was then a resident of St. Anthony Falls and a
member of the Territorial Council, and had taken an active part in securing
the passage of the bill. When the error was discovered it was decided that
the honor had been worthily bestowed and that it would not be wise to make
a change. In later years another county in Northern Minnesota, adjoining
Stearns almost directly to the west, was named for Governor Stevens, so that
both of these sturdy pioneers were properly recognized. The year following
the organization of the county Mr. Stearns removed to St. Cloud and became
prominently identified with the development of the town and county, this
being his home for many years.
The bill establishing the boundaries of the county, which were afterwards
materially changed, was promptly followed by the passage of another provid-
ing for its legal organization. This act is given in full herewith :
An Act to organize the County of Stearns and for other purposes. Be it
«nacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota :
Section 1. That the county of Stearns be and the same is hereby de-
clared to be an organized county and invested with all immunities to which
all organized counties are in this territory entitled by law.
Section 2. That the Governor shall appoint and commission three suit-
able persons, being qualified voters of said county of Stearns, to be a board of
county commissioners of said county, with full power and authority to do
and perform all acts and duties devolving upon the board of county commis-
sioners of any organized coiinty in this territory; and the said board shall
have power to appoint a clerk to execute, fulfill and perform the duties
devolving by law upon the register of deeds and clerk of the board of county
commissioners of any organized county, who shall hold said oiHce until his
successor shall be duly elected and qualified.
Section 3. That the commissioners appointed as aforesaid shall meet on
the second Monday in April, at Saint Cloud, in said county, which shall be
the county seat of said county, and shall proceed to appoint a clerk as afore-
said and to do and perform all other acts relative to said county which the
commissioners of any organized county can do or perform.
Section 4. The county commissioners shall have power to appoint a
suitable person, being a qualified voter of said county, sheriff of said county,
who shall qualify and give bonds according to the requirements of law, who
shall hold said office until his successor shall be elected at the next general
Section 5. The county of Stearns shall be included in the Second
judicial district, and there shall be held in said county, at Saint Cloud, two
terms of the district court, on the fovirth Monday of June and on the third
Monday of December in each year.
Section 6. The counties of Todd, Davis and Cass are hereby attached
to the county of Stearns for judicial purposes.
Section 7. This act to take effect from and after its passage.
Section 8. And be it further enacted. That the county officers of each
organized county shall be required to keep their offices a.t the county seat of
such county, and in case of the refusal or neglect for a period of twenty days
of any such officer or officers to conform to this requirement the Governor of
the territory may, upon the application of thirty legal voters of such county,
declare the office of such person so refusing or neglecting to be vacant, and
shall appoint his successor who shall perform the duties of the office until
his successor is legally elected and qualified. Provided, That the county
officers of the county of Fillmore shall not be required to remove their offices
to Carimona, the county seat of said county, until the fifteenth day of April
next, after w^hich time all county offices shall be kept, and the district courts
held, at that place.
Section 9. The county of Ramsey shall constitute the Second council
district and the county of St. Anthony the Third council district, any law to
the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, The bill authorizing the setting off
of said Saint Anthony county shall become a law.
Approved March 3, 1855. J. S. Norris, Speaker of House of Representa-
tives. Wm. P. Murray, President of Council. W. A. Gorman, Governor.
1855. By virtue of the authority vested in him by the act of March 3,
1855, Governor Gorman appointed David T. Wood, John Ferschweiler and
John L. Wilson commissioners for Stearns county. These gentlemen met
April 9 at the house of John L. Wilson, in the town of St. Cloud, and produc-
ing their certificates of appointment, took the required oath of office before
Robert B. Blake, a justice of the peace for said county. John L. Wilson was
by ballot elected chairman. The board thereupon proceeded to appoint the
following named officers: Charles Ketcham, clerk of the board of commis-
sioners and register of deeds; Robert B. Blake, county treasurer; L. B. Ham-
mond, sheriff; N. N. Smith, judge of probate; Robert B. Blake, surveyor;
Harvey Wiltzheimer, assessor. On the following day the bonds of these
officers were approved, and the county was divided into three elective precincts.
The boundaries of these districts were fixed and officers appointed as
follows :
No. 1, or St. Augusta Precinct — Commencing at a point on the Missis-
sippi river at the mouth of the Clearwater river, running thence up the
Mississippi to a point known as Gravelly Point ; thence west to the western
boundary of Stearns county; thence south to the southern boundary of said
county ; thence east to the place of beginning. Judges of election : John H.
Tibbe, John G. Lodenbeck, Anton Emholt; road supervisor, John H. Tibbe.
No. 2, or St. Cloud Precinct — Commencing at a point on the Mississippi
river at Gravelly Point ; thence vip the Mississippi river to the mouth of
Watab river; thence up Watab river to its head; thence due west to the
county line ; thence south to the north line of Precinct No. 1 ; thence east to
the place of beginning. Judges of election : Joseph Demil, L. B. Hammond,
Battise Arseneau; road overseer, Anton Edelbrock.
No. 3, or Tamarac Precinct — To embrace all that portion of Stearns
county lying north of Watab river and the north line of Precinct No. 2.
Judges of election : Henry Foster, Louis Arnett, John Smith ; road over-
seer, Asa White.
At a subsequent meeting, April 30, a new election precinct was estab-
lished: No. 4, or Farmington Precinct — Commencing at a point five miles
up from the mouth of Watab river; thence up to its head; thence due west
to the county line; thence south on the county line to the north line of Pre-
cinct No. 1 ; thence east to a point which shall be five miles from the Missis-
sippi river; thence north to a point five miles from the mouth of the Watab
river. Judges of election: Henry Lindiman, Jacob Staples, D. T. Wood.
When the commissioners held their next meeting, June 14, 1855, Harvey
Wiltzhimens was appointed sheriff to succeed Luther B. Hammond, resigned.
For the year 1855 the county tax rate was fixed at one per cent, of which
one-fourth was to go for the school fund ; one mille on the dollar for terri-
torial purposes, and the remainder for county purposes. The first liquor
license to be granted was issued to Anton Edelbroek, to sell spirituous, vinous
and fermented liquors at his house in St. Cloud for the term of one year from
July 6, 1855. Mr. Edelbroek gave a bond, which was approved, but there
is no record that he was required to pay any fee for the license.
At a special session held August 15, Henry Linneman's house in the town
of St. Joseph was designated as the place for holding elections in the Farm-
ington Precinct, and M. J. Orth was appointed a judge of election to succeed
Henry Linneman, resigned. The court house in St. Cloud was designated as
the place for holding elections in the St. Cloud Precinct, and Joseph Edel-
broek, Nathan Lamb and Franklin Sisson were appointed judges of election
as successors to Anton Edelbroek, Battise Arseneau and L. B. Hammond,
resigned. The St. Augusta Precinct was vacated and annexed to the St. Cloud
Precinct, which thereupon became Precinct No. 1, while Tamarac Precinct
was No. 2 and Farmington No. 3.
Another special session Avas held August 28, at which it was ordered that
the Chippewa Agency Precinct remain as it was when attached to Benton
county for judicial purposes, with J. D. Crittenden, Truman Warren and D. B.
Harriman judges of election. Also that the Long Prairie Precinct remain
as when it was attached to Benton county for judicial purposes, with Lewis
Stone, Harman Becker and Anson Northrup judges of election. A new elec-
tion precinct in Stearns county was established, called Richmond Precinct, to
include "all that portion of Stearns county lying west of Coldwater Brook."
Lewis Henry Buck, George Humphrey and Lewis Blomer were appointed
judges of election.
At a special session held October 20, the first lists of grand and petit
jurors were prepared to be handed to the clerk of the district court.. Claims
against the county which were allowed for different purposes were issued
in small amounts — a claim for $10.00 being divided into three orders — for the
reason that there being no money in the county treasury to redeem them they
were used as currency in paying bills, at whatever rate of discount might be
agreed upon between buyer and seller. The first county order was dated
July 6, 1855, was for $45.30, and was issued to John L. Wilson — $31.80 being
for books and stationery furnished the county and $13.50 for "services ren-
dered at commissioners court." At an extra session held December 26, 1855,
at which a number of small claims were allowed, it was ordered that county
order No. 1 be canceled and five new orders issued — four for $10.00 each and
one for $5.00, the odd thirty cents evidently being overlooked or else dis-
counted to make bookkeeping easier.
1856. An election having taken place, when the commissioners met
January 7, 1856, the board was composed of Anton Edelbroek, Reuben M.
Richardson and M. J. Orth, the first-named being chosen chairman. Henry
C. Waite was appointed judge of probate, and the bonds of the following
officers were approved : Henry C. Waite, judge of probate ; Charles Ketcham,
register of deeds ; Addison Gilmore, assessor ; Nathan Lamb, justice of the
peace; Joseph Edelbroek, sheriff; J. W. Tenvoorde, treasurer. At the follow-
ing day's session Henry C. Waite was appointed prosecuting attorney in and
for the county of Stearns. It was ordered to pay Harvey Weltzheimer, sheriff,
$6.00, and D. T. Wood $3.00, as fees in the ease of John Rengel, Sr., vs. John
Rengel, Jr.; "the above case being in behalf of the United States the justice
decided that the county pay all costs" — this being the first recorded case
where the costs of a suit were paid from the county treasury. Benjamin
Davenport was appointed constable, and Mathias Schindler road supervisor
for the Farmington Precinct. John W. Tenvoorde was authorized to furnish
an office for the clerk of the commissioners court for one year from January
8, 1856, at $50 per annum.
When the commissioners met at the regular session April 7, 1856, with
all members present, grand and petit jurors for the May term of the district
court were selected, and as these are the first lists of which there is any record
the names are given herewith : Grand jurors — Eli B. King, Charles Anable,
J. W. Tenvoorde, John Johnson, S. B. Lowry, John H. Wilkin, Lawrence
Fisher, Simon Lodimier, Louis Homan, Joseph Dimiel, John Schwartz, John
P. Rengel, N. N. Smith, J. L. Wilson, Nicholas Lahr, John Ball, Thomas
Berch, Peter Neidhart, George Lafond, Joseph Eich, Micah Walker, George
W. Day, Solomon Gillett, John W. Getchell, O. Getchell, David Alexander,
James Staples, Benjamin Davenport, Henry Linneman, Henry Buck, Samuel
Wakefield, H. Bruning, Vincent Schindler. Petit jurors — Addison Gilmore,
John King, J. W. Sanders, John Carew, Michael Hanson, Herbert Hanson,
John Stenger, H. E. Collins, John Moog, Thomas Birch, John Ferschweiler,
H. Welzheimer, Spencer Herbert, Joseph Niehaus, Henry Becker, Peter Eich,
John Hiemens, Philip Spinweaver, Anton Emliolt, David T. Wood, Albert
Evans, H. G. Fillmore, James Keough, George Eich, Peter Kramer, B. Pirz,
Nicholas Jacobs, Polzier Fox, John Loer, William B. Staples, Martin Fitler,
Jr., Michael Langfelt, William Waldorf, John Hanson, George Humphrey,
M. J. Orth, Michael Litz, Robert Shiffman, Joseph Phillipps, Theodore Jacobs,
Lawrence Peffer, William Decker, Nicholas Rossier, Frank Remely, Ivory
Staples, George Laiidenbeck, G. H. Fiebby, Nicholas Gimenau, Fred Coon,
Louis Rothcup, J. Schnidgen, Michael Miller, Nathan Lamb.
Provision was made for the next election by the appointment of judges
and the designation of voting places as follows: St. Cloud Precinct — Joseph
Eich, Sidney C. Raymond and Addison Gilmore, judges; voting place, house
of Anton Edelbrock. Taraarae Precinct — Asa Libby, John L. Young and
Solomon Gillett, judges; voting place, house of John L. Young. Farmington
Precinct — Jacob Staples, Michael Lauerman and Michael Reder, judges;
voting place, house of John H. Linneman. Richmond Precinct — George
Humphrey, Harmon Brunning and Andrew Bon\el, judges; voting place, house
of J. P. Richardson. The St. Augusta Precinct, which liad been attached to
the St. Cloud Precinct, was reinstated, with Jonathan Dallas, L. B. Johnson
and Joseph Tunis, judges ; voting place, the house of L. B. Johnson. Jonathan
Dallas was appointed justice of the peace, C. G. Araable constable, and L. B.
Johnson supervisor for the St. Augusta Precinct; and Leland Cramb, justice
of the peace for the St. Cloud Precinct. At a session held May 10, John H.
Taylor was also appointed justice of the peace for the St. Cloud Precinct.
At the regular session July 7, 1856, after examining and approving the
assessment rolls, the county tax for 1856 was fixed at one per cent, with the
same apportionment as for 1855. Addison Gilmore was allowed $123.50 for
making the assessment and taking the census of the county, this amount
being divided into eight orders, ranging from $5.00 to $25.00 each. As these
orders could be disposed of only at a very considerable discount it cannot
well be charged that Mr. Gilmore was greatly overpaid for his services in
discharging this double duty of county assessor and census taker. Unfortu-
nately there is nothing on record to show what this census was. Evidently
it was believed that no little honor was attached to the office of clerk of the
board, as at the meeting held August 27, he was ordered to furnish a room
suitable for his own use from that date to January 1, 1857, at his own ex-
pense. The prosecuting attorney was instructed to institute suit against
the St. Cloud City Company for non-payment of ferry license.
1857. At the regular annual meeting, held January 5, 1857, J. Orth took
the oath of office as commissioner and was elected chairman of the board. At
this meeting school district No. 2 (district No. 1 having been the St. Cloud
district) was organized, with the following boundaries: "Commencing at the
mouth of Sauk river ; thence running west or nearly west to include the resi-
dence of Nathan Lamb ; thence in a southerly direction to the residence of
John Sniderjohn ; thence easterly to the Mississippi river, at the point be-
tween the claims of Kellison and Brown." License fees for hawkers or
peddlers, whether wholesale or retail, selling goods, wares or merchandise
within the county, were fixed at $20 for any person using a team, whether
one-horse or two-horse ; for foot peddlers, $10. John W. Tenvoorde was paid
$50 for office rent for the year 1856 — of which .$25, as a special favor, was
paid "in money out of the treasury." H. C. Waite received .$200 -for his
services as district attorney for the year 1856.
At the session April 7, 1857, the first motion was one to adjoiirn to Joseph
Edelbrock's store — reason not given. School districts Nos. three and four
were organized, both in the vicinity of St. Cloud. The name of Tamarac
Precinct was changed to Winnebago ; John L. Young, Milo Young and M. C.
Tolman were judges of election for the year 1857, the election to be held at
J. L. Young's house. The election for the St. Cloud Precinct was to be held
at the Willis House, with John L. Wilson, Joseph Edelbrock and Ludwig
Robbers, judges of election. The St. Joseph Precinct election was to be held
at H. Linneman's, with Aures Schroeder, Peter Nierengarten and Michael
Rieder, judges of election. In the Richmond Precinct the judges were
Mathews, Francis Schindler and J. P. Richardson, the election to be
held at R. M. Richardson's house. The election in the St. Augusta Precinct
was to be held in 6. L. Wilson's house, with Charles Wilson, B. Herrick and
George Wisman judges of election. John Seymour was appointed assessor
for all of the St. Augusta Precinct south of Sauk river, and Henry Buck
assessor for the Richmond Precinct. The resignation of J. E. Tenvoorde as
constable for the St. Cloud district was accepted.
At a regular meeting of the board held July 6 and 7, 1857, with all the
members, M. J. Orth, Anton Edelbrock and R. M. Richardson, present, four
new election precincts were erected, as follows :
Clearwater Precinct — Commencing at the mouth of the Clearwater river,
thence following up said river to the southwest corner of township 122, range
27; thence north on the town line to the corner of 13, 24, 18 and 19; thence
west on section lines to the corner of sections 15, 16, 21 and 22; thence north
on section lines to the township line between towns 122 and 123; thence east
on said township line to the corner of towns 122 and 123 of ranges 27 and 28
to the quarter-section post between sections 19 and 24; thence east on the
quarter-section line to the Mississippi river; thence down said river to the
place of beginning. Judges of election : S. A. Clifford, Martin Johnson and
"W. J. Kirk ; place of holding election, the house of S. A. Clifford.
Eockville Precinct — Commencing at a point on Sauk river where the
west line of St. Cloud township crosses Sauk river; thence up Sauk river
opposite Coldwater brook; thence south to the southern boundary of Stearns
county; thence down said river to the east township corner of township 123,
range 27 ; thence on a direct line to the place of beginning on Sauk river,
judges of election: L. P. Gaylord, T. W. Berlin and William Decker; place
of holding election, the house of L. P. Gaylord.
Sauk Ceatre Precinct — All that part of Stearns county west and north
of Maryatta and south to the Pembina trail. Judges of election : Warren
Adley, S. M. Bruce and E. C. Wheeler ; place of holding election, the house
of Warren Adley.
Paynesville Precinct — Commencing at a point opposite the mouth of Cold-
water brook, thence south to the southern boundary of Stearns county ; thence
west to the western boundary ; thence north to the old Red river road ; thence
east to the place of beginning. E. E. Payne, George Lincoln and Martin
Bullard were appointed judges of election; place of holding election, E. E.
Payne's house.
Henry C. Waite was appointed judge of probate in and for Stearns
county. A special session was held September 24, at which another precinct
was erected, to be known as the Marysville and Fair Haven Precinct, with the
following boundaries : Commencing on the section between sections 3 and 4
in township 122, range 28, thence west on said township line to the center of
township 29 ; thence south on the section line between sections 3 and 4 to the
south boundary of Stearns county ; thence east on said boundary line to the
section line between sections 33 and 34 in township 28 ; thence north to the
place of beginning. Judges of election : John Farwell, Hercules Dam and
A. Smith.
1858. When the regular session convened January 4, a change had taken
place in the membership, S. H. Clifford having been elected to succeed R. M.
Richardson; Anton Edelbrock was chosen chairman. H. C. Waite was ap-
pointed district attorney in place of James C. Shepley, absent. The sheriff
having made report of trespassing done on timbered school lands, with the
names of the guilty parties, that officer was instructed to collect from the
offenders $8.00 per thousand for rails, $1.50 for cord wood, and $0.75 apiece
for house logs. Assessment districts were constituted as follows : The Clear-
water, Maine Prairie and St. Augusta Precincts to be the First district; St.
Cloud, St. Joseph and Winnebago Precincts, the Second district; Rockville,
Richmond, Paynesville and Sauk Centre Precincts, the Third district.
The clerk was instructed to "notify the different justices of the peace in
the county to require security in all eases of the party prosecuting, as the
county hereafter will pay no costs incurred from failure of prosecuting and
so forth." It was ordered that a new bond be issued and put on file in the
clerk's office for the sum of five hundred dollars, running to Anton Edelbrock,
payable in four years from date and drawing twelve per cent. The occasion
for the issuance of this bond or the purposes to which it was to be devoted
is not given in the records. The list of grand and petit jurors for the next
term of the district court was selected. The board adjourned January 9;
after allowing a number of bills, and the minutes of this meeting are attested
by Anton Edelbrock, chairman, and Joseph Edelbrock, clerk; none others
having been attested since those of the meeting of January 8, 1857, when
M. J. Orth signed as chairman and Charles Ketcham as clerk. An extra
session was held January 25, at which W. D. Davis was appointed justice of
the peace, Tertius Heaton constable, E. A. Wyatt road supervisor, and Joseph
P. Richardson assessor for Clearwater Precinct. The county treasurer pre-
sented his accounts for settlement, and $373.20 in county orders and $72.68
in cash "were found to be left in the county treasury." H. C. Waite was
allowed $22.00 for nine days attendance on the board as district attorney.
An extra session was held February 22, continuing through February 24, at
which action was taken regarding the building of a court house which is more
fully reported elsewhere. The board voted to "adopt the Greenback seal for
our county seal; a copy thereof is hereunto attached." It is the usual form
of such seals, bears the words, "Official seal of Stearns county, Minnesota
Territory," and is on green gummed paper. As this was long before the days
of greenbacks, just what led the commissioners to adopt it is a matter of
At the regular session beginning April 5, the first item of business was
the appointment of Henry C. Waite, covinty svirveyor, in place of M. P. Noel,
resigned, this appointment indicating that Mr. "Waite was much in demand for
public positions, he having been previously appointed to fill the offices of
judge of probate and county attorney. The sheriff's search for timber cut by
trespassers on school lands had resulted in the collection of $106.28, repre-
sented by promissory notes. The most important business of this session was
the appointing of judges of election for the several election precincts and
designating polling places. This proved to be so much labor lost, as a law
passed by the legislature in the spring of 1858 provided for the government
of counties by a board of supervisors composed of the chairmen of the several
townships. In compliance with the provisions of this act the commissioners
met in extra session May 19, and established eleven townships, the boundaries
of which are given in another place. An extra session held May 26 was
devoted almost exclusively to allowing bills. It was directed that a new
county order for $195 be issued to H. C. Waite to replace one which had been
lost and he was alloAved $21 for services as county surveyor.
At the July session, besides allowing bills, one of which was from C.
Becker, $13, for a pair of hand-cuffs, the only business transaction was the
adoption of an order directing that "notice be given in the St. Cloud Visiter
and St. Paul Pioneer and Democrat cautioning persons from bujring bonds
issued by the county of Stearns bearing date of August 27, 1856, numbered 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, each for one thousand dollars, (court house bonds) said
bonds being supposed lost, but are now known to be in the possession of cer-
tain person or persons." (The natural curiosity of succeeding generations
as to who these "certain person or persons" may have been still remains
The township law went into effect July 12, but it was August 3 before the
new board of supervisors met. There were present Moses Morrison, Asa
Libby, Samuel "Wakefield and George W. Cutter, who organized by electing
Moses Morrison chairman, Joseph Edelbrock still serving as clerk, while
Henry C. Waite was elected counsel. During the session of the board Leander
Gorton was admitted as a member from the township of St. Cloud. Each
member of the board was instructed to have supervision over the school lands
in his township.
When the board met September 14, Thomas C. McClure was elected clerk.
At the meeting held October 5, the name of S. M. Bruce first appears as that
of a member of the board. The clerk was authorized to subscribe for a copy
of the paper publishing the laws of the state, to be kept on file for the benefit
of the county officials. Now the laws are published in every paper in the
state, for the benefit of everybody. "W. G. Butler, S. A. Clifford and W. D.
Davis were appointed judges for a new election precinct established at Clear-
water, and at that time it was decided that no new election precinct should
be established unless the distance from one already established was greater
than seven miles.
After several ineffectual attempts to secure a quorum, the board met
November 2, with Chairman Morrison, S. Wakefield, R. M. Richardson, J. L.
Wilson, G. W. Cutler and Leander Gorton present. A tax of one and one-
fourth per cent was ordered to be levied on the taxable property in the county,
to be divided as follows : FHve mills for state tax, seven mills for county tax
and one-half mill for school tax. J. A. Willis, who had been cutting wood on
school lands, was given the privilege of paying for what he had taken at
seventy-five cents per cord provided he pay for the rest in advance.
1859. The final meeting of the year was held December 31, continuing
daily until January 5, 1859, inclusive. The members present were M. Morrison,
J. L. Wilson, L. Gorton, S. Wakefield, 0. S. Freeman and R. M. Richardson.
As the sessions began at seven o'clock in the morning, with a recess of "one
hour for dinner," and evening meetings, it will be frankly admitted that the
members earned their per diem. Besides this remarkable display of industry,
the board, before adjournment, by a vote of four to two — M. Morrison, L.
Gorton, 0. S. Freeman and R. M. Richardson constituting the majority, while
J. L. Wilson and G. W. Cutler cast the minority votes — decided that its mem-
bers were not entitled to mileage. This record certainly deserves to be
embalmed in history. As a method of correcting errors made in the assess-
ment roll it was decided to issue non-negotiable county orders. An examina-
tion of the county treasurer's account showed county orders to the amount
of $405.80 with $107.68 in cash to be in the treasury, and it was ordered that
all the money then in the treasurer's hands be appropriated for school pur-
poses. The bond of the county auditor was fixed at $10,000, "to be secured
extensively (sic) on real estate free from encumbrance." Licenses to sell
liquor were issued to J. A. Willis, proprietor of the Willis House; Joseph
Edelbrock, to sell in his "Variety Store"'; Gotfried Huber, Wolfgang Eich,
St. Cloud; and to John H. Linneman at St. Joseph, the license fee in each
ease beiag $50.
School superintendents for a number of the townships were appointed as
follows: Corning, T. C. McClure; Maine Prairie, A. H. Staples; Verdale,
J. B. Pease; Munson, J. P. Richardson; St. Joseph, John A. Miller. For the
convenience of the auditor and the expediting of business, rules were adopted
requiring that all motions and resolutions offered by members of the board
should be in writing; that all county orders issued should be in the hand-
writing of the county auditor ; and that every person, on or after that date, in
presenting accounts would be required to sign the same and take an oath
that he believed the bill to be correct and true to the best of his knowledge.
James S. White was appointed coroner, and John McDonald having resigned
as county auditor, J. W. Read was appointed his successor, and thereupon
became the clerk of the board. A large number of bills, for those times were
allowed, including one to W. A. Caruthers, register of the land office, for an
abstract of the lands entered in the county ; Mrs. Jane G. Swisshelm for print-
ing; and to other familiar names of the early days, such as John Farwell,
B. Pirz, Henry Krebs, B. H. Dingman, Frank Kent, Joseph Broker, Joseph
Marthaler, W. T. Rigby, Peter Seberger, S. F. Brown, H. Dam, H. G. Fillmore,
C. T. Stearns, M. D. Cambell, T. H. Bowell, H. G. Kilbourn, J. E. Tenvoorde,
H. Staples, J. S. White, John Payne and W. B. Staples, for services rendered
or material furnished.
The session beginning February 8 found M. Morrison, Leander Gorton,
R. M. Richardson, 0. S. Freeman and G. W. Cutter present. A motion to
admit Seth Gibbs to a seat was for some reason rejected, but the motion was
afterwards reconsidered and he was admitted to membership. The board
was increased by the addition of Samuel Wakefield as a member when it
assembled March 12, and L. B. Johnson was admitted to a seat from the town
of Berlin. An exemption of $200 from the assessment of each taxpayer was
At the session beginning March 25, a resolution addressed to the state
auditor was adopted stating that because of the scarcity of money the col-
lectors had not been able to secure the amount of taxes required and asking
for a further extension of time. The township of St. Cloud, by reason of its
increased population, was voted to be entitled to two members of the board,
(800 being the basis) but when, at a later meeting, Mr. Beaupre made applica-
tion to be admitted, it was decided that the full number of 1600 was necessary
to entitle the township to the additional member.
When the board met May 3 there were present eleven members, from the
following townships : Marion, William Bosworth ; Fair Haven, Albert Mont-
gomery; Lynden, Seth Gibbs ; Verdale, O. S. Freeman; Munson, R. M. Rich-
ardson; Berlin, L. B. Johnson; St. Cloud, Rev. David Lowry; Maine Prairie,
M. Hansen ; St. Joseph, John Lear ; Wakefield, John Schneider. This was the
first occasion on which the townships from which members were accredited
was made a matter of record. The board organiz«d by electing R. M. Rich-
ardson chairman. J. E. Tenvoorde, against whom charges had been filed by
the board with the governor, presented his resignation as sheriff of Stearns
connty, which was accepted and H. G. Fillmore was appointed to fill the
At the meeting beginning September 13, S. M. Bruce was admitted to a
seat from the township of Sauk Centre. H. C. Waite was appointed county
attorney. The members of the board voted themselves a per diem of $1.50
while attending meetings or transacting other county business. The commit-
tee on taxation, having examined the assessment rolls, recommended that the
real estate assessment in Lynden be reduced thirty per cent, and that of St.
Cloud be increased thirty per cent, while in the towns of Maine Prairie,
Fair Haven, Berlin, Verdale and "Wakefield the assessed valuation of the
lands be increased from $1.25 to $1.70 per acre, the valuation of the other
towns to remain as returned, which report was adopted. These figures will
give a fair idea as to the average value of lands in the county at that time, at
least for purposes of taxation. Each town was required to pay its own
assessor. The tax rate for county purposes was fixed at one per cent.
1860. The opening session was held January 3 with the Rev. David
Lowry, Seth Gibbs, L. B. Johnson, John Lear, A. W. Libby, M. Hanson, R. IVl.
Richardson, and Wm. Bosworth present. The bonds of the following newly-
elected officers were presented and approved; M. Lauerman, sheriff; Joseph
Edelbrock, register of deeds ; J. W. Read, county auditor ; James M. McKelvey,
district attorney; Joseph Broker, treasurer. The salary of the district at-
torney was fixed at $600 per year and of the county auditor at $300. "W. J.
Parsons who had acted as district attorney July 6, 1855, presented a bill of $50
for his services, on which there was allowed $10 as payment in full.
This session ended the meetings of the county board of supervisors, that
method of transacting the county business having proved to be unsatisfactory.
An act of the legislature, passed February 21, 1860, provided that each county
elect a board of county commissioners, the counties in which eight hundred
votes or over had been cast at the last general election to have a board of five
members, and all others three members, to hold office for one year. The
first board elected in Stearns county under the provisions of this act con-
sisted of Seth Gibbs, C. T. Stearns, E. E. Abbott, Nicolas Schmit and J. H.
Linneman, which met June 4 and organized by electing C. T. Stearns chairman.
The first business of importance was to divide the county into five com-
missioner's districts, the territory assigned to each being as follows: First
District — The organized township of St. Cloud. Second District — The town-
ships of St. Joseph and Brockway. Third District — The townships of Munson,
Wakefield and Rockville. Fourth District — The townships of Lynden, Berlin,
Fair Haven and Maine Prairie. Fifth District — The townships of Sauk Centre,
Marion, Verdale and all the contiguous unorganized townships on the western
line of said county as then organized.
A contract was made with Joseph Edelbrock that the room at that time
occupied by him as register of deeds should be furnished with wood and
lights when required by the county board for its meetings, the office to be
occupied also by the county auditor, the sheriff, the judge of probate and the
clerk of the district court, a somewhat remarkable concentration of officials —
for which the sum of $75 should be paid as rental for the year 1860.
At the September session the real property assessments were equalized;
the tax levy was fixed, including four mills for state purposes and two and
one-half mills for the support of common schools; and the accounts of the
county auditor and treasurer were examined, which showed $108.40 in cash
belonging to the school fund, $144.65 belonging to the state, $166.70 belonging
to the county and $19.94 belonging to the different towns, in the hands of the
county treasurer. Evidently the liquor license question had been worrying
the board, as a formidable set of resolutions was presented and adopted,
wherein after declaring that the $50 license fee previously adopted was so
high that "nearly all those engaged in selling spirituous liquors in the county
have rendered themselves liable to prosecution for the selling the same with-
out first having obtained a license therefor" — in short, having become "blind
piggers, " a more modern phrase for this particular branch of industry — a
sliding scale of fees, ranging from $10 to $25 for twenty-two persons therein
named. It was further provided that, while all past offenses should be
ignored, those who should offend in the future would be prosecuted according
to law.
1861. Following the general election in November, the new board of
county commissioners met January 1, with H. J. Fowler, R. M. Eichardson,
E. E. Abbott and A. Montgomery present, who organized by electing R. M.
Richardson chairman. Andrew Schroeder, the missing member, reported the
next day. The first business transacted was to allow Mrs. Jane G. Swisshelm
three cents per description additional, amounting to $46.77, on the delinquent
tax list for 1859, published in the St. Cloud Democrat, and the county treas-
urer was appointed a committee of one to contract for the county printing.
The county auditor was directed to prepare an accurate statement of the
financial affairs of the county for the year 1860, to be posted in three different
places in the county and published in the St. Cloud Democrat — this being
the first instance of the posting or publishing of a statement of the county's
financial affairs. The changed temper of the board in the matter of liquor
licenses was manifested when it was voted to restore the fee to $50 for the
year 1861, to prosecute all persons who should sell liquor without a license,
and to make each commissioner a committee of one in his district to see that
the law was complied with. The salary of the county attorney for 186,1 was
fixed at $600, and that of the county auditor at $400. As there were signs
of trouble brewing, by reason of the election of President Abraham Lincoln,
the board at its meeting March 2 allowed the St. Cloud Guards $25 with
which to buy ammunition and "have it ready for use when called for."
Peter Meyer having resigned as county surveyor April 2 the board
appointed James H. Place to succeed him. It was voted to pay Mr. Place the
sum of one dollar for each township and fractional township shown on a
county map on vellum to be prepared by him. The front part of the "Rail
Splitters' Wigwam," a relic of the late presidential campaign, was hired to
be used as an office for the county auditor, sheriff, judge of probate, clerk of
court, county attorney and county surveyor — an arrangement which certainly
merited approval on the score of economy, not taking into too serious con-
sideration the convenience of these officials.
1862. The first annual meeting of the year was held January 7, with
H. J. Fowler, Andrew Schroeder and Henry Krebs present; commissioner
Schroeder being elected chairman. The official bonds of M. Lauerman,
sheriff; James M. McKelvy, county attorney; James H. Place, county sur-
veyor; John Zapp, register of deeds; Barney Overbeck, coroner; and J. H.
Procter, treasurer, were approved. John "W. Tenvoorde gave notice that he
had filed notice of contest against J. H. Procter as county treasurer and gave
the necessary $25,000 bond in ease he should succeed. A contract was made
with B. Rosenberger to furnish two rooms, at a yearly rental of $100, one
for the use of the county auditor and register of deeds, .and the other for the
judge of probate, clerk of the district court, sheriff and county treasurer, the
privilege being given any of these officials to have his office elsewhere "in
any convenient or lawful place in the town of St. Cloud," provided it be
done without any expense to the county. The sheriff was directed to notify
John C. Nole and Joseph Gibson that they had been elected county commis-
sioners and that their presence was desired at a special meeting to be held
January 20. "When the date for the special meeting arrived commissioners
Noll and Gibson were on hand to respond with the others to roll call. L. A.
Evans, the judge of probate, was directed to transcribe into proper books all
papers filed in his office. The county treasurer was notified not to enforce
the collection of taxes on property assessed to the corporation of St. John
Seminary. Commissioner Fowler was appointed a committee of one to accept
bids for all printing and publishing necessary to be done and award the same
to the lowest bidder. An order was directed to be drawn in favor of the
sheriff of Ramsey county for the expense of keeping Anton Edelbroek
(charged with murder) in the jail at St. Paul from January 1 until the first
Monday in April, 1862.
A proposition from Richmond and Co., by John L. Wilson, to furnish
the room known as Wilson's hall (this being the upper floor of the two-
story frame building still standing at the northeast corner of St. Germain
street and Fifth avenue) for the spring and fall terms of the district court,
to heat and furnish the same with seats and attendance, for the sum of $75
"in county orders, to be taken for the sum expressed on their face," was
accepted. The salary of the county attorney was fixed at $600 and the salary
of the county auditor at $500, both to be paid in county orders. A. Schroeder
presented his resignation as a member of the board, which was accepted, and
H. J. Fowler was elected chairman. The judge of probate, county auditor
and register of deeds were requested to select a successor to Commissioner
Schroeder in accordance with law. There is no record of any action they
may have taken in the matter, but as Joseph Capser (of Sauk Centre) is
reported as a member at the meeting held March 5, it is fair to presume that
he was the choice of the officials named. The action of the county attorney
in accepting from Jonathan Wool county orders in settlement of the fine of
$150 imposed on him by the district court was approved.
At the meeting of August 9, 1862, James M. McKelvy presented his
resignation as county attorney, which was accepted and "William S. Moore
appointed his successor. The following preamble and resolutions were unani-
mously adopted by the board: "Whereas, James M. McKelvy, has tendered
us his resignation as county attorney for Stearns county and signified his
determination to join the grand army of the Union : therefore, Resolved,
That in James M. McKelvy, the county has found a faithful, competent and
impartial public officer. Resolved, That while we accept his resignation ten-
dered us aforesaid, and regret the stern necessity of duty which sunders
official as well as private ties, we yet proudly recognize in his resignation
the noble and self-sacrificing spirit which preferring the safety and welfare
of his country to the emoluments of office, has induced him to accept the
higher honor of a service in the defense of our common country." It was
voted to pay to each volunteer from Stearns county after that date a bounty
of $25, with $10 additional if the volunteer had a family. Joseph Edelbrock
was appointed school commissioner for the First district, A. Schroeder for the
Second, John Schneider for the Third, H. Fitzam for the Fourth, and Anton
Vogt for the Fifth.
When the board met December 3, with Commissioners Joseph Capser,
H. Krebs, J. C. Noll and H. J. Fowler present, it was discovered that the clerk
was missing. The board thereupon appointed Edmund D. Atwater clerk
"in place of J. W. Read, who has left the state and is supposed to have left
the United States," and December 15 Mr. Atwater was appointed county
auditor to fill Mr. Read's unexpired terra. At the same time C. Grandelmeyer
was appointed sheriff to fill an unexpired term, and W. S. Moore was allowed
$200 as pay for his services as county attorney.
1863. The annual meeting held January 3 found Joseph Capser, H.
Krebs, J. C. Noll, J. Gibson and Joseph Edelbrock present, and Mr. Edelbrock
was elected chairman. The "official bond of S. B. Pinney was approved," but
for what office is not stated. The board, with change of membership, under-
went a radical change of judgment as to what would be a proper fee for the
sale of spirituous liquors, a reduction being made from $50 to $10.
The board appeared to be pursued by ill fortune in the matter of its
clerk, for when the session of May 11 was called to order the clerk was again
missing. A resolution was adopted declaring the office of county auditor
vacant, for the reason that Edmund D. Atwater, who had been appointed as
successor to the departed J. W. Read, had likewise absconded the county and
state, "leaving no one to attend to the duties of the office by duly appointing
a deputy," and J. P. Wilson was appointed to fill the vacancy. He gave bond
in the sum of $5,000, which was approved. Joseph Edelbrock, having resigned
as school examiner for district No. 1, on motion of Commissioner Noll, H. Z.
Mitchell was appointed school examiner for said district. The county was
divided into twelve military districts, composed as follows: No. 1, St. Cloud;
No. 2, St. Joseph ; No. 3, St. Augusta ; No. 4, Lynden and east half of Fair
Haven ; No. 5, Maine Prairie and west half of Fair Haven ; No. 6, LeSauk
and Brockway ; No. 7, Rockville ; No. 8, Wakefield ; No. 9, Munson and south
half of Verdale ; No. 10, St. Martin and north half of Verdale ; No. 11, Oak ;
No. 12, Sauk Centre. Elections were directed to be held May 30 to select
officers for these districts. Jane G. Swisshelm's bill of $159.54 for printing
was allowed, as was a bill of W. H. Wood, $23.50 (reduced from $42.50),
indicating that both the local papers were officially recognized.
At a subsequent meeting, held June 26, officers were appointed for such
of the newly-constituted military districts as had not held elections May 30.
In district No. 1 the officers appointed were : Captain Henry C. Burbank ;
first lieutenant, Peter Kramer; second lieutenant, Charles Taylor. District
No. 3 — Captain, Henry Vorojohann ; first lieutenant, Arnold Haskamp ; second
lieutenant, Peter Mous. District No. 5 — Captain, Alexander Spaulding; first
lieutenant, A. B. Greeley ; second lieutenant, Edward Benjamin. District No.
6 — Captain, Winslow Libby; first lieutenant, Peter Gardner; second lieu-
tenant, Philip Beaupre. District No. 11 — Captain, William Bohmer; first
lieutenant, G. Stilling; second lieutenant, Henry Hoppe. Twelfth district,
captain, D. Stabler ; first lieutenant, J. Dennis ; second lieutenant, A. C. Davis.
Commissioners for the five school districts were appointed September 2.
For district No. 1, H. Z. Mitchell; No. 2, Andrew Schroeder; No. 3, R. M.
Richardson ; No. 4, Henry Fietsam; No. 5, Herbert Meyer. Meeting as a board
of eqiialization, the county auditor was instructed, in making out the tax
rolls for 1863, to enter no land for a less valuation than $1.25 per acre. The
tax levy was fixed at ten mills on the dollar for county purposes, four and a
half mills for state purposes, "the state and school taxes to be paid in gold
and silver and United States treasury notes." The salaries of the county
attorney and county auditor were fixed at $600 each, and it was voted to
allow all county officers to draw their salaries quarterly.
1864. The annual meeting for January began on the fifth with Joseph
Edelbrock, Joseph Capser, H. Krebs, J. C. Noll and Michael Hansen present.
The board organized by electing Joseph Edelbrock chairman. J. P. Wilson
presented his resignation as county auditor, which was accepted and Barney
Vossberg was elected his successor, his bond being presented and approved.
At the same time the bond of John Zapp as register of deeds was approved,
as were the bonds of W. S. Moore, county attorney, Philip Beaupre, sheriff,
and Andrew Schroeder, treasurer. James H. Place was paid $80 for fifty-
two township plats of the different townships of Stearns county, to be bound
in a book and be for use in the county surveyor's office. H. C. Waite was
appointed school examiner for district No. 1 in place of H. Z. Mitchell, who
declined to serve. Joseph Broker was allowed $45 for the rent of Broker's
hall for a court room, and Joseph Edelbrock was paid $40, in county orders,
for six months rental of offices for the register of deeds and county auditor,
he to "furnish said rooms with a good stove in the office of the register of
William S. Moore, March 3, presented to the board his resignation as
county attorney, which was accepted, and S. B. Pinney was appointed to fill
the vacancy, the salary being $600. The salary of the county auditor was
increased to $900. The re-appearance of Edward D. Atwater, a short-time
county auditor, was evidenced by the presentation of a bill for "a large table
now in the county auditor's office," which was paid, while a bill for "services
as county auditor and doing extra work" failed to appeal to the board and
was rejected. Lewis Clark presented his bond as surveyor general of logs
which was approved. School examiners were appointed September 8 for the
five districts: First district, P. C. Ransom; Second Thomas Schoifen; Third,
Henry Broker ; Fourth, Henry Fietsam ; Fifth, H. B. Meyer.
1865. Joseph Edelbrock, Martin Fiedler, M. Hansen, Alexander Moore
and E. H. Atwood, the latter two being new members, answered to their names
when the roll was called at the annual meeting January 3, Joseph Edelbrock
being re-elected chairman. The bonds of Oscar Taylor, county attorney, and
Barney Vossberg, county auditor, were approved, the salary of the former
being fixed at $400 and the latter at $1,100 for the year 1865. The use of the
court room for social, political and similar purposes began at this time, when
on the petition of Mrs. Tenvoorde and others, permission was granted for its
use for the holding of a two-days fair for the benefit of the Catholic church of
St. Cloud. The Universalist Society, a little later, was granted its use for six
months in which to hold public services, and again, on the petition of T. C.
McClure, and others, the use of the court room by this society was extended
for a year longer. Bernard Overbeck presented his resignation as coroner,
which was accepted, and Thomas C. Alden was appointed his successor.
The real estate transfer books prepared by John Zapp were presented to
the board March 14 and accepted, and he was allowed $350. James H. Place
resigned as county surveyor and George W. Sweet was appointed. The
county tax for 1865 was fixed at twenty-two mills, of which ten mills was
applied to the payment of volunteer bounty orders, and two mills additional
was for the school fund.
1866. Following the proceeding annual election, when the board met
January 2, there was one change in the membership, H. J. Fowler being
elected from the St. Cloud district ; E. H. Atwood was chosen chairman. The
bonds of John Zapp, register of deeds ; M. Mickley, sheriff ; James M. McKelvy,
county attorney, and Andrew Sehroeder, county treasurer, were approved.
The salary of the county attorney was fixed at $500 and the county auditor
at $1,100 for 1866. Alexander Moore tendered his resignation as county
commissioner from the Fifth district, which was accepted, and Martin Fiedler
was appointed commissioner. H. J. Fowler's bond as surveyor general of logs
for the Fourth district was approved. The county attorney was authorized to
receive his pay at the end of each month instead of quarterly as heretofore.
James M. McKelvy, having been elected judge of the newly-constituted
seventh judicial district, resigned his office as county attorney August 2,
his resignation being accepted by the county board September 4. A ballot
being taken for his successor, Wm. S. Moore received three votes, Oscar
Taylor one vote and E. M. Wright one vote, and Wm. S. Moore was declared
elected. R. M. Richardson and B. Pirz were appointed appraisers of school
lands in the county. The tax levy for all county purposes, including a
two-mill school tax, was fixed at twelve mills for the year 1866. W. B.
Mitchell was allowed $172.00 for publishing the auditor's financial state-
ment and Thomas Simonton $414.76 for publishing the delinquent tax list.
1867. The new board met January 1, with E. H. Atwood, H. J. Fowler,
Martin Fiedler, F. W. Lenz and Bartholemew Pirz present — the three last
named being newly elected. H. J. Fowler was chosen chairman. Barney
Vossberg, county auditor; L. W. Collins, county attorney, and G. S. Mat-
toon clerk of the district court filed their bonds, which were approved.
Joseph Howard received the first auctioneer's license granted in the
county, the fee being fixed at $80 and the bond at $1,000, and the second
was granted the same day to P. L. Gregary. Barney Vossberg 's salary as
county auditor was increased to $1,225, and L. W. Collin's salary as county
attorney to $630, both payable monthly. The St. Cloud Times was made
the official paper for the ensuing year, the minutes of the meetings of the
board to be published in both the Times and Journal, provided each would
do the work for half the legal rate. The county attorney was directed to
appeal to the supreme court the case of Joseph Broker and others against
the county of Stearns. At the meeting March 13, the county auditor was
directed to publish the financial statement in the St. Cloud Journal simul-
taneously with the Times and that the same rate of compensation be al-
loAved for its publication. N. F. Barnes, the first county superintendent of
schools, received his appointment from the county board May 8, 1867, with
a salary of $400 per annum, which was afterwards increased to $600.
To meet the serious and pressing needs of new settlers in the western
part of Stearns county and in the adjoining counties of Pope and Monon-
galia for seed grain, it was voted that county orders, to be known as "Relief
Orders," be issued to the mount of $1,000, bearing interest at the rate of
twelve per cent per annum and due two years after date, the proceeds to
be used in the purchase of grain, potatoes, etc., for seed to be distributed
among the needy settlers in the counties named. C. C. Andrews, N. F.
Barnes and L. Gorton were appointed a committee to negotiate the sale of
the orders and purchase and distribute the seed, L. Gorton being the treas-
urer. The persons receiving relief were to give their notes to Stearns county,
payable in one year, with interest at twelve per cent.
H. R. Bigelow, and George L. Becker, president of th St. Paul and Pacific
Railroad Company, appeared before the board September 4 and addressed
it on the subject of taxing railroad lands, apparently without their argu-
ments having the desired result, as "after due consideration the board re-
fused to take any action on the subject." The county tax levy for 1867, for
all purposes (including four mills to be applied to the payment of a new
jail) was fixed at sixteen mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation.
1868. The annual meeting was held January 7, with H. J. Fowler,
Martin Fiedler, B. Pirz, Herman Terhaar and Truman Parcher present, the
two last named being new members. H. J. Fowler was unanimously re-
elected chairman. The official bonds of E. M. Wright, county attorney; M.
Mickley, sheriff; John Zapp, register of deeds; Andrew Schroeder, treasurer;
Nicholas Schmidt, county surveyor; B. Overbeck, coroner; L. A. Evans,
judge of probate, and L. A. Evans, court commissioner, were approved. On
the contesting claims of L. W. Collins for the county attorneyship, the board
having obtained an opinion from Edward 0. Hamlin, decided, in accord-
ance with that opinion, to recognize E. M. Wright as county attorney de
facto until the matter should be finally decided by the proper tribunals. H.
J. Fowler and Martin Fiedler were appointed a committee to negotiate for
a poor farm and report to the board at its next session. (The records do not
show that any report was ever made.) The salary of the county auditor
was fixed at $1,500. The county surveyor was directed to act in conjunc-
tion with the county surveyor of Morrison county to locate and definitely
establish the boundary line between the counties of Stearns and Morrison
as established by law. The meeting of June 9 was largely taken up with
petitions for new school districts or changes in the existing districts, twenty-
six different petitions being acted upon.
At the meeting September 3, the tax levy for county purposes, includ-
ing three mills for the new jail, was fixed at eighteen mills on the assessed
valuation. Upon application of the City Covmcil of St. Cloud, H. J. Fowler,
the chairman of the county board, was authorized and instructed to execute
to the city of St. Cloud a perpetual lease to 25x50 feet of land situated on
the south-east corner of Court House Square (the long way Ijang north and
south), on condition that the city erect thereon a good brick or stone engine
house, the said lease to be void should said house at any time be used for
any other purpose without further action of the board of county commis-
1869. The regular January session began the fifth, with Truman
Parcher, Martin Fiedler, B. Pirz, H. Terhaar and Joseph Edelbroek present,
the latter being the new member and was elected chairman. The session
continued until the ninth, being devoted largely to school, district and road
matters and the allowance of bills. The salary of the superintendent of
schools was fixed at $500 per year; the salary of the county attorney at
$600; the auditor's office was allowed $300 for clerk hire. A. Sutton, D. J.
Pettijohn and others Avere allowed $580 for locating a state road from Sauk
Rapids to a point on the western boundary of the state between Big Stone
lake and Lake Traverse under a special act of the legislature approved
March 5, 1868.
A special session beginning March 9 and continuing until March 11
considered a number of school district petitions. An appropriation of $150
was made for opening and repairing the road from St. Cloud to Rockville.
The payment of $11.83 to Robert Christopher for board and washing for
G. W. Haskel and $97.50 to Dr. A. E. Senkler for medical attendance on the
same person, while M. Lauerman was paid $68.35 for taking John Eich to
the insane hospital, show something of the cost of the county's unfortunates
at this time. Special sessions were held June 28 to 30 and July 26, 27. The
salary of the county superintendent of schools was increased to $750 per
year. An appropriation of $300 was made to the town of Paynesville to
assist in building a bridge across Crow river. Payments of $650 for the
Stewart bridge and $50 for the bridge across Sauk river at New Munich
were ordered. A side-light is thrown on the manners and customs of the
times by the letting of a contract to 0. Tenuy, the lowest bidder, to build
a picket fence around Court House Square.
The regular session beginning September 7 adjourned September 11.
After equalizing the assessed valuation of the county, the tax levy for 1869
was fixed at eleven mills. It was voted to refund to the city of St. Cloud
$400 which had been paid to Major J. H. Donaldson for the apprehension
and delivery to the proper officers of Frank De Forrest, one of the supposed
murderers of Corporal Charles McManus. John J. Dorr was awarded the
contract for filling and grading the court house grounds.
1870. The regular session began January 4 with Joseph Edelbrock,
Truman Parcher, Herman Terhaar, B. Pirz and F. Schroeder present, the
latter two being new members. Joseph Edelbrock was again elected chaii'-
man of the board. Resolutions were adopted protesting to the legislature
against the "useless and extraordinary expense attending the surveying and
laying out of state roads," and asking that a halt be called. The senator
and representative from this district were asked to secure the passage
through the legislature of a bill authorizing the legal voters of the counties
of Stearns, Todd and Morrison to vote on a change of the northern boundary
of Stearns county, to conform to the following: Commencing at the north-
west corner of section 31, township 127, range 35 and running thence east
on the north line of the southern tier of sections in the township 127, ranges
35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30 and 29 to the Mississippi river. Henry Krebs was elected
county superintendent of schools. The county attorney's salary was fixed
at $800. Wm. S. Moore was allowed $300 for professional services in the
case of the First Division S. P. & P. R. R. Co. vs. Stearns county, and E. M.
Wright $200 for extra services as county attorney. Appropriations for
bridges were made as follows : St. Augusta, $100 (afterwards increased
to $150) to assist in building a bridge across the creek on the road from
St. Cloud to Clearwater; Munson, $200 for two bridges on the Paynesville
and Forrest City, and St. Cloud and Fort Abercrombie roads. The board
adjourned January 8.
Special sessions were held March 8 to 10, and June 9 to 11, at both of
which a large number of school district petitions were acted on. A pub-
lished complaint having been made that the poor of the county were not
fairly treated and that fraudulent bills for their care had been allowed,
the board resented the imputations and asked for propositions regarding
the purchase of a poor farm or other methods for the care of the poor. An
appropriation of $400 was made to the town of St. Martin on account of a
bridge across Getchell's creek on the St. Cloud and Fort Abercrombie road;
$100 to Avon for repairing road and bridge on the road from St. Cloud to
Breckenridge ; and $50 each to Rockville and St. Wendel for road and bridge
work. The county auditor was allowed a clerk at $50 per month.
An adjourned meeting was held July 11 for the transaction of routine
business. The regular September session began the seventh, adjourning
the tenth. After equalizing the assessments the tax levy was fixd at twelve
mills. A judgment of $109.04 secured by the S. P. & P. R. R. Co. against
the county was ordered to be paid. At a special session September 17, an
appropriation of $300 was made for opening the St. Cloud and St. Joseph
road ; $25 for opening the road between St. Joseph and Jacob 's Prairie ; and
$75 for grading at the new bridge on the road from Richmond to Sauk Cen-
tre in the town of Munson.
1871. The commissioners present at the meeting January 3 were
Joseph Edelbrock, Fred Schroeder, B. Pirz, Martin Greeley and Almon Sut-
ton, the latter two being new members. Joseph Edelbrock was re-elected chair-
man. The commissioner districts were arranged as follows, based on the
last census: First district — The town of St. Cloud, and the first, second,
third, and fourth wards of the City of St. Cloud. Second district — The towns
of St. Joseph, St. Wendel, Le Sauk, Brockway, Holding, Avon, Albany and
Oak. Third district — The towns of Eden Lake, Munson, Paynesville, Zion,
Lake Henry, Crow Lake, St. Martin and North Fork. Fourth district — The
towns of St. Augusta, Lynden, Fair Haven, Maine Prairie, Rockville, "Wake-
field and Luxemburg. Fifth district — The towns of Ashley, Getty, Grove,
Melrose, Raymond, and Sauk Centre.
The salary of the county attorney was fixed at $800; deupty county
auditor, $600; turnkey at the jail, $600. For corduroying and bridging the
tamarack swamp on the Watab bridge and Avon road $100 was appropriated;
$100 was added to the $300 appropriation for opening the St. Cloud and St.
Joseph road ; $50 was added to the $400 for the town of St. Martin for bridge
over Getchell creek ; $50 to Oak and Albany for Getchell creek bridges ; and
^50 to Munson for bridges over Cold creek on Paynesville and Glencoe road.
Adjourned January 7.
The regular March session began the fourteenth, lasting four days. The
salary of the county superintendent of schools was fixed at $900 per year.
The consideration of school district petitions occupied a large part of the
attention of the board. Road and bridge appropriations were made as fol-
lows: For corduroying the tamarack swamp on the Watab bridge and Avon
road, $100 additional ; for bridge over Weyrauch creek on the St. Cloud and
Clearwater road, $150; for Avon and Holding road in Avon, $50; for work
on Maine Prairie and Forest City road, $150; for Richmond and North Fork
road, $150. A special session was held March 27, continuing for three days.
Jerome J. Getty, who had been appointed to fill a vacancy, took his seat
as commissioner from the Fifth district. An appropriation of $700 was made
for the new St. Cloud and St. Joseph state road, this to include the build-
ing of a bridge over the pond in the southeast quarter of section 9, township
124, range 28.
On call another special session was held June 12. Road appropriations
were made as follows : For the St. Cloud and St. Joseph road, $110 addi-
tional ; to the town of Le Sauk $50 and Brockway $75 for repairing bridges ;
to "Wakefield $125 for the Rockville and Richmond road; $50 for the road
from St. Joseph to New Munich; $125 to the town of Grove for Stewart's
"bridge. A petition for a county road from Sauk Centre to Raymond was
granted. Auctioneer's licenses for the sale of merchandise were fixed at
$40; for the sale of real estate or property other than merchandise, $10. Ad-
journed June 14.
The last session of the year was held September 5 to 9. After meeting
as a board of equalization the tax levy was fixed at eleven mills. The sum
of $134 was refunded to Sheriff Alden, this being the amount paid by him
as a reward for the capture of prisoner Shero. A number of small road and
bridge appropriations were made.
1872. The board met January 2, with B. Pirz, F. Schroeder, Wesley
Carter and J. J. Getty present, the latter two being newly elected. Wesley
Carter was elected chairman. M. C. Tolman was elected county superin-
tendent of schools at a salary of $500 per year. The salary of the county at-
torney was fixed at $800 and of the turnkey at $600. The license for auc-
tioneers of merchandise was reduced to $100. A petition for a county road
between the towns of Maine Prairie and Eden Lake was granted. An appro-
priation of $350 was made to the town of St. Martin to assist in building a
bridge across Sauk river to cost not less than $800, and $125 to the town
of St. Martin for a bridge across Watab river to cost not less than $125.
Adjourned January 6.
The board met for the March session on the nineteenth, with all the
commissioners, including Martin Greeley, present. A petition for a county
road between the towns of Paynesville and Eden Lake was granted. An
appropriation of $100 was made to the town of Grove for bridges; $100 to
the town of Sauk Centre for the road from Sauk Centre to Getty's Grove;
$125 for the road from St. Cloud through Rockville to Cold Spring. The
board adjourned March 23 to March 30. At the adjourned meeting $758
was allowed on claims amounting to $2,814 for loss of property by fire and
storm during the summer and fall of 1871, imder the provisions of an act of
the legislature. There were in all twenty-five claimants, of whom fourteen
resided in the town of Maine Prairie, and the others in Rockville, Eden Lake,
Spring Hill, Avon, Sauk Centre, Oak and Raymond.
A three days special session began June 25. Petitions were granted for
county roads from St. Cloud along the St. Cloud and Le Sauk town line, ter-
minating at S. I. Shepard's; from the Sauk river bridge in the town of St.
Cloud to a point at the intersection of the county road from Woodstock;
and from Maine Prairie to Paynesville. An appropriation of $100 was made
to the town of Getty for road purposes; $100 to the town of Spring Hill for
use on the road from Richmond to North Fork ; and $100 to the town of
Paynesville for "planks on the bottom of Crow river near the residences of
Leroy Elliott and W. P. Bennett." The regular session for September began
the third, continuing until the seventh. After acting as a board of equaliza-
tion, the tax levy was fixed at eleven mills, the same as for preceding years.
M. C. Tolman having resigned as county superintendent of schools, B. Pirz
was elected to fill the vacancy.
1873. The first session for the year began January 7, adjourning Jan-
uary 11, with commissioners Wesley Carter, Martin Greeley, J. J. Getty, Fred
Schroeder and Edward Miller present, the two last named being new mem-
bers. Wesley Carter was re-elected chairman. A resolution was adopted
exonerating L. A. Evans, judge of probate, from all blame for the loss of
the records of the probate court by the fire of November 21, 1872. The salary
of the county superintendent of schools was restored to $900; the salary of
the county attorney was fixed at $800, and the turnkey at $600. An appro-
priation of $100 was made to the town of Albany for the Round Prairie road.
A petition for a county road from Getty to Sauk Centre was granted.
A session beginning March 18, continued until March 21. The license
for merchandise auctioneers was still further reduced to $50. The applica-
tion of Chas. A. Leagle, foreman of the Little Giant Engine Co., for the
use of the court room for the monthly meetings of the company was granted.
Insurance to the amount of $15,000 on the court house and jail was ordered.
An appropriation of $150 was made for the road from St. Cloud to Arnold's
mill. A special session was held June 24. Road and bridge appropriations
were made as follows: $300 to the town of Lynden for bridge over Clear-
water river ; $150 to the town of Melrose ; $250 to St. Wendel for road in
sections 15 and 16, township 125, range 29 ; $125 to St. Augusta for bridge
over mill dam; $500 to Grove for bridge over Sauk river between New
Munich and Melrose ; $150 to town of St. Cloud ; $2,000 for a new bridge over
Sauk river, near Arnold and Stanton's mill, on the road from St. Cloud to
Fort Ripley, to replace the one taken out by high water; provided the town
of Le Sauk appropriated $1,000. Adjourned June 28.
September session, second to sixth. After completing the work of equal-
ization, the tax levy was fixed at five mills for current expenses; two mills
for roads and bridges; two mills for poor fund; two mills for school fund —
total, eleven mills. Applications for county roads from the village of Rich-
mond to the town of Holding; from Albany to St. Martin, and from Maine
Prairie to St. Joseph were granted. St. "Wendel and Avon each were voted
$100 for road purposes. At the several sessions small appropriations were
voted to different towns for road and bridge purposes, and various appro-
priations were made from the poor fund.
1874. The board met January 6, with Wesley Carter, F. Schroeder, Ed-
ward Miller, John P. Hammerel and J. J. Getty, present, the two last named
being new members. "Wesley Carter was again re-elected chairman. The
committee reported the completion of a new bridge across Sauk river at
Arnold and Stanton's mill, and the sum of $200 was appropriated to the
town of Le Sauk on account of this bridge. The following road and bridge
appropriations were made : $100 to Munson for Cold Creek bridge on road
from Paynesville to Richmond ; $100 to Brockway for road No. 2 ; $125 to
Fair Haven for a new bridge over Clearwater river, provided "Wright county
appropriated an equal sum; $100 to Getty for repairing Stewart's bridge over
Sauk river; $150 additional to town of St. Martin. The county attorney's
salary was fixed at $800. The board adjourned January 10.
At the session March 17 to 21, P. E. Kaiser was elected county super-
intendent of schools at a salary of $1,000. J. J. Getty, F. Schroeder and Ed-
ward Miller were appointed a committee to select a poor farm and report
June 15. The county attorney was instructed to begin suit against certain
parties to collect relief notes given the county for seed grain in 1867, amount-
ing to $771.49 without interest. The town of Oak was allowed $300 for
bridges. A special session beginning June 15, adjourned June 17. The com-
mittee on poor farm made a verbal report and asked for further time. Ap-
propriations for roads and bridges were made as follows : $800 to the city of
St. Cloud for bridges in the city: $150 each to the towns of St. Wendel and
St. Cloud; $100 each to Millwood, Crow Lake, St. Joseph and Getty; $100
for a bridge on the county road from Richmond to North Fork, between
North Fork and Lake George. Petitions for new roads between the towns
of Wakefield and Rockville and between Rockville and St. Augusta were
The regular session beginning July 27, adjourned August 1. After the
annual equalizing of property valuations, the tax levy was fixed at nine mills,
being a reduction of one mill each for current expenses and roads and
bridges. J. P. Hammerel was appointed a member of the poor farm com-
mittee to succeed Edward Miller resigned, and the committee was directed
to visit the different places offered and be prepared to report September 2.
An appropriation of $400 was made to the towns of Munson and Avon for
the road from Avon to Richmond.
At the October session, which met on the thirteenth and adjourned on
the fifteenth, Peter Hahn presented his certificate of appointment as com-
missioner from the Third district to succeed Edward Miller resigned. The
tax levy was reduced to eight mills, by taking half a mill each from the
revenue and poor fund. James McKelvy, judge of the district court, was
authorized to employ a short-hand reporter. The report of the committee
on a poor farm was laid on the table. Appropriations were made as follows :
$100 to the town of Fair Haven for the Kingston bridge; $100 to Wake-
field for bridge purposes; $100 to Grove additional for Stewart's bridge; $125
for road work in Brockway. As usual during each session much time was
devoted to the consideration of school district petitions.
1875. The board met January 5, the commissioners present being Fred
Schroeder, J. P. Hammerel, J. J. Getty, John H. Owen and Peter Hahn, the
two last named being new members. Fred Schroeder was elected chairman.
The county attorney's salary was fixed at $800. An appropriation of $400
was made for work on the St. Martin and Albany road and $200 for work
on the Rockville and St. Augusta road. Adjourned January 9.
A three-days' special session began March 22. The salary of the county
superintendent of schools was fixed at $1,200. Insurance to the amount of
$20,000 was ordered to be placed on the court house and jail. H. H. Cleve-
land was allowed $200 and J. H. Staples $110 for damages caused by a change
in the location of the Maine Prairie and St. Joseph county road. Another
special session beginning June 21 and adjourning June 23 was characterized
by a lively contest among the newspapers for the publishing of the delinquent
tax list, "cut-throat" prices ruling. The list was awarded to Frank Smith,
of the St. Cloud Times, at l^/^ cents per description, but as he failed to fur-
nish the necessary bond for $2,000 the work was given to C. R. McKinney
of the St. Cloud Press, at 2 cents per description, he furnishing the required
bond. The highest bid, 9% cents, was that of the St. Cloud Journal. St.
Augusta was given $100 for a bridge over the mill dam, and petitions for
county roads in the towns of Farming and St. Joseph were granted.
A six-days' session began July 26, with a meeting of the board of equaliza-
tion, upon the adjournment of which a levy of $17,500 was made for county
purposes; $5,000 each for roads and bridges and for the poor fund, with one
mill for schools. D. J. Hanscom, of Eden Lake, presented a report and map
of a state road from Litchfield, Meeker county, to Cold Spring, Stearns
county, which were accepted and filed in the register of deeds office. The
county superintendent of schools was instructed not to visit more than two
districts in any one day and if the intervening distance was six miles, not
more than one district. Thus providing against hasty and superficial ex-
The October session, continuing from the fifth to the seventh was de-
voted almost wholly to school district and road and bridge matters. The
following appropriations of $100 and over were made : Avon, $150 for St.
Joseph and Holding road; Getty, $100 for road near Cleveland's and
Veeder's; Oak, $300 for bridge over Getchell's creek; St. Wendel, $125 for
road purposes; Spring Hill, $300 and Grove, $200 for bridges over Sauk
river; Millwood, $100 for road purposes.
1876. The board met January 4, with John H. Owen, J. J. Getty,
J. P. Hammerel, Peter Hahn and Nicholas Keppers present, the latter two
being the new members. Commissioner Owen was elected chairman. P. E.
Kaiser was elected superintendent of schools (receiving three votes to two
votes for T. J. Gray), at a salary of $1,000 per year; the county attorney's
salary was made $800. The license for auctioneers was fixed at $50 and
Frank Fairchild made his appearance as the first applicant. Resolutions
were adopted asking the Stearns county delegation in the legislature to
secure, if possible, the passage of an act requiring the different towns in
the county to support their own poor. Sixty cords of maple wood were
bought for $179.40, being a trifle less than $3.00 per cord, and less by one-
half than the market price for this wood at the date of the publishing of this
history. An appropriation of $200 additional was made for the Cold Spring
bridge ; $100 to Rockville for the Rockville and St. Augusta road ; $250 to
Munson for the Sauk river bottom of the bridge at Richmond, provided the
town expend an equal amount; $100 to Grove for the Stewart's bridge. A
petition for a road through the towns of St. Wendel, Brockway and Hold-
ing was accepted. The St. Cloud Times was made the official paper without
A special session began March 21 and adjourned March 23. The com-
missioners from the First and Fifth districts were instructed to receive pro-
posals from the physicians in their districts for medical treatment of county
paupers in said districts and to employ such physicians as they might deem
proper. "Wakefield was given $440 for repairs to the Sauk river bridge
at Cold Spring. A three-days' special session, beginning June 19, was de-
voted to the consideration of applications for relief from the poor fund,
school district applications and routine business.
At the regular July session, which began on the twenty-fourth, ending
the twenty-ninth, after the work of equalization had been completed, a tax
levy of $15,000 for county purposes, $5,000 for the poor, and one mill for
schools was voted. An extra session beginning September 14 and adjourn-
ing the sixteenth was devoted to routine business. Another extra session
beginning November 30, continued three days. The resignation of George
Geissel as sheriff was accepted and Mathias Mickley elected his successor.
John Schafer was elected turnkey at the jail.
1877. The new board met January 2, with J. H. Owen, N. Keppers,
Peter Hahn, J. P. Hammerel and E. P. Barnum present, the two last named
being new members. J. H. Owens was re-elected chairman. The salary of
the county superintendent of schoods was fixed at $1,000 and the salary of
the county attorney at $800. The Stearns county delegation in the legisla-
ture was again requested to secure the passage of a special act making the
county poor charges of their respective towns.
At a special session, continuing from March 15 to 21, applications for
seed grain from farmers in the northern and western part of the county
were received, of which 82 were allowed and 55 rejected. It was decided
that the seed grain allowed, wheat and peas, be sent to Albany and Mel-
rose. A contract for repairing the Sauk river bridge at Waite's crossing
was let to Peter Schmit, for $1,575, of which $125 was to be paid by the
town of St. Cloud, and the balance by the county. The town of Grove was
allowed $150 toward the cost of a bridge across Sauk river at Stewart's
crossing, and $100 was appropriated to the town of St. Joseph for a bridge
over Sauk river. An extra session beginning June 18 was given to routine
A session was held July 16, largely devoted to equalization matters,
adjournment being taken to August, when the work of equalization was
completed and the tax levy fixed at $15,000 for county purposes and one
mill school tax. The legislature having passed an act requiring the several
towns to provide for their own poor no levy was made for county poor
fund. A special session for routine business was held November 8 and 9.
1878. The first session of the year began January 1, with N. Kep-
pers, Peter Hahn, J. P. Hammerel, E. P. Barnum and B. Reinhard present,
the latter being a new member. Peter Hahn was elected chairman. The
county delegation in the legislature was requested to secure the passage of
a special law extending the time for the payment of taxes in Stearns county
to December 1. The bond of the county treasurer was increased from $75,-
000 to $90,000. The salaries of the county attorney and superintendent of
schools were fixed at $800 and $1,000 respectively. The liquor license was
reduced to $25. Adjourned January 3. A special session was held January
14 and 15, at which the bond of J. A. Moosbrugger, county treasurer, was
approved, and the north half of township 124, range 32 was detached from
commissioner district No. 5 and attached to district No. 3. A special ses-
sion held March 5 and 6 was devoted entirely to considering applications for
seed grain under the provisions of the act of February 13, 1878. The board
reported to the governor that it had approved 388 applications, covering
18,852 acres, for which would be needed 12,689 bushels of wheat and 4,541
bushels of oats.
At the regular March session, from the nineteenth to the twenty-sec-
ond, the distribution of seed grain was made. Bids for the publication of
the annual financial statement were received, ranging from $7.25 to $16.00 —
all absurdly low prices — the contract being awarded to the St. Cloud Jour-
nal as the lowest bidder. An extra session was held April 29 to May 1. An
appropriation of $1,500 was made to the town of Munson for the new bridge
over the Sauk river at Richmond and $150 was appropriated to the town of
St. Joseph for "ice breakers" for the Sauk river bridge at Staples. At an
extra session June 10-12, an additional appropriation of $500 was made for
the new bridge at Richmond; $500 was appropriated to the town of Sauk
Centre for road and bridge purposes; and $5,000 to the city of St. Cloud
to be used in the construction of a free wagon bridge across the Mississippi
river at that city.
The board met as a board of equalization July 15, continuing in session
until the twentieth, adjourning until August 5, at which date it re-con-
vened, completing the work August 10. A three-days' session of the county
board began July 24, at which the tax levy was fixed at $20,000 for county
purposes and one mill for schools. An extra session was held October 14-16,
at which the county treasurer was instructed to visit each town in the
county between the first day of January and the last day of February, 1879,
for the purpose of collecting taxes. An extra session for routine business
was held December 9 and 10.
1879. The regular session met January 7, with B. Reinhard, E. P.
Barnum, Carl Herberger, John Schneider and Michael Hansen, Sr., present,
the three last named being new members. E. P. Barnum was elected chair-
man. The business of the three days was confined to routine matters. At
the regular March session, beginning the eighteenth and adjourning the
twenty-first, a large number of road appropriations were made, the more im-
portant being: $100 each to Melrose, Oak, Paynesville and "Wakefield; $125
to Munson and St. Martin; $150 to Albany, Avon, Farming, Holding, Krain,
Millwood, Rockville and St. Wendel.
The board of equalization met July 21 and after adjourning on the
twenty-sixth to August 11, re-convened on that day, remaining in session
until August 14. The county board met July 28, making the tax levy the
same as for the year past. Road and bridge appropriations were made to
the towns of Albany and St. Cloud, $100 each ; St. Joseph, $150 and Ray-
mond $250. Michael Hoy, the well-known detective, was allowed $163.45
for his services in arresting certain offenders named Morris, Hockenbury
and Marshall. An unimportant special session was held October 21 and
1880. The January session of the board began on the sixth, continuing
until the tenth, with B. Reinhard, Carl Herberger, John Schneider, Michael
Hansen, Sr., and A. 6. Jaques present, the latter two being new members.
B. Reinhard was elected chairman. The salary of the coimty attorney was
fixed at $800; superintendent of. schools $1,000; county auditor $1,500, with
$958 for his deputy.
The March session began on the sixteenth, adjourning on the nineteenth.
Depositories for the county funds, in suras not to exceed $30,000 each, were
designated for the first time — the Bank of St. Cloud, with James A. Bell,
Joseph C. Smith, H. J. Rosenberger, W. B. Mitchell and L. W. Collins as sure-
ties; and the T. C. McClure bank, with H. C. Waite, N. P. Clarke, D. B.
Searle, John Cooper and Frank Arnold as sureties. Twenty-eight liquor
licenses were granted, and the county attorney was instructed to prosecute
all persons known to have sold liquor without a license, provided that, upon
demand, they refused to take out a license. The town of CoUegeville, which
was in the Second, Third and Fourth commissioner districts, was placed en-
tirely in the Second district. The salary of the judge of probate was fixed
at $1,150. The sum of $3,300 was appropriated from the road and bridge
fund to the several commissioner districts as follows: First district, $400;
Second, $1,000; Third, $800; Fourth, $600; Fifth, $500— these amounts to be
expended under the direction of the commissioners of the respective dis-
tricts. It was voted that in the future the expense of laying out or altering
roads should be paid by the towns through which such roads passed.
The board of equalization was in session July 19 to 24, adjourning to
August 2 and completing its work August 6. The board of commissioners
was in session from July 26 to 30. The tax levy for county purposes was
fixed at $16,000, less $6,000 in the treasury, with one mill school tax. The
salary of the county superintendent of schools was increased to $1,200.
Thirty-three liquor licenses were granted.
At an extra session held September 6 to 9, road and bridge appropria-
tions were made as follows: Grove, $200; Oak, $130; Rockville, $175; St.
Joseph, $100 ; St. Wendel, $145 ; road from Melrose to Willmar, $100 ; Holding
and Krain road, $125; Munson and North Fork road, $200; Albany and St.
Martin road, $150; Albany, $275; CoUegeville, $100; Paynesville, $125; St.
Augusta, for St. Cloud and Clearwater road, $125; St. Cloud, for St. Cloiid
and St. Joseph road, $400. Another extra session was held November 22 to
24, at which the following additional road and bridge appropriations were
made : Lynden, $200 ; Long Prairie and Paynesville road, $200 ; Le Sauk, for
St. Cloud and Brockway road, $275; St. Augusta bridge, $100; Holding and
Krain road, $100; Holding and St. Wendel road, $100.
1881. The regular session beginning January 4, adjourned January 6.
The following commissioners were present: John Schneider, Michael Han-
sen, Sr., A. G. Jaques, J. P. Hammerel and Frank Benolken, the two last
named being new members. As the result of the fourth ballot J. P. Hammerel
was elected chairman. Salaries were fixed as follows : Attorney, $800 ; super-
intendent of schools, $1,200 ; judge of probate, $1,150 ; auditor, $1,500, and his
deputy, $1,044. At the March session, fifteenth to seventeeth, besides routine
business an appropriation of $150 was made for a bridge over Hoboken creek,
in the town of Sauk Centre.
The regular May session, of three days, began the twelfth. A notice
received from A. E. Bugbee, town clerk, of Paynesville, that no license for
the sale of liquor be granted to any person in said town for the year end-
ing the second Tuesday of May, 1882, was accepted and filed. An appropria-
tion of $400 was made to the city of St. Cloud to defray one-half the cost
of repairs to the Mississippi river bridge; $150 to Holding for one-half the
cost of bridges in that town ; and $200 to Oak as one-half the cost of a
The board of equalization held a session from July 18 to 22. The county
board met July 25 for a three-days' session. The tax levy was fixed at $22,-
000, less $10,000 in the treasury, for county purposes and one mill for schools.
After the board had voted that liquor licenses could be taken out at a rate of
$2.10 per month, to expire not earlier than the second Tuesday of January,
1882, forty licenses were granted. M. P. Noel tendered his resignation as
county surveyor.
At the regular session beginning September 13, the commissioner dis-
tricts were re-arranged as follows: First district — Lynden, St. Augusta, St.
Cloud, and the first four wards of the city of St. Cloud; Second district —
Albany, Avon, Brockway, Holding, Krain, Le Sauk, Millwood, Oak and St.
Wendel; Third district — Eden Lake, Farming, Lake George, Lake Henry,
Munson, Paynesville, St. Martin, Spring Hill and Zion; Fourth district — Col-
legeville. Fair Haven, Luxemburg, Maine Prairie, Rockville, St. Joseph and
"Wakefield; Fifth district — Ashley, Crow Lake, Crow River, Getty, Grove,
Melrose, North Fork, Raymond and Sauk Centre. Albany was given $100 to
pay one-half the cost of a bridge. Seven more liquor licenses were granted.
Adjourned September 15.
At the regular session November 15 to 17, rules and regulations were
adopted regarding vaccination and quarantine measures to prevent the spread
of small pox in certain infected districts. The town of St. Martin was given
$100 toward a $250 bridge.
The board met December 12 and 13 to consider the small pox situation
and adopted a resolution declaring that the county would not be responsi-
ble for any claims on that account after that date.
1882. The regular session began January 3, with J. P. Hammerel, A. G.
Jaques, N. Keppers and B. Pirz present, the latter two being new members.
J. P. Hammerel was re-elected chairman. The salary of the county attorney
was fixed at $800 and the superintendent of schools at the rate of $10 for
each organized district in the county. Bills amounting to $2,452.55 were al-
lowed to physicians previously designated by the board to be employed in
small pox cases, the larger amounts being: Dr. J. A. DuBois, $591.85; Dr. B.
R. Palmer, $214.50; Dr. J. E. Campbell, $313.50; Dr. H. Schmidt, $328.45;
Dr. C. E. Scoboria, $230.50. For other services and supplies in connection
with the small pox cases, bills were allowed to the amount of $2,036.15, the
largest payment being to Dr. A. G. Jaques for "services and expenses." The
liquor license fee was continued at $25, but it was provided that no license
should be granted for less than the full amount — the monthly basis plan be-
ing discontinued, the commissioners themselves evidently realizing its weak
features. Adjourned January 5. An extra session to consider small pox mat-
ters was held February 20 and 21.
At the March session, held March 21-23, another large number of small
pox bills were presented, on which over $1,700 was allowed, the largest
amounts being paid to Dr. A. G. Jaques, $502; Dr. Henry Schmidt, $381.05,
and Rev. Father Clements Staub, $258, for medical services; while bills to
practically an equal amount were rejected. The following day the commis-
sioners met as a board of health notifying physicians and others that no bills
or claims for services rendered in small pox or other eases would be paid by
the county.
The May session began the ninth, adjourning the eleventh. Road and
bridge appropriations, being in each case half the amount to be expended,
were made as follows : $125 for improving the St. Cloud and St. Joseph road ;
$160 for bridges in Albany; $150 for the Roekville and St. Joseph road; $566
for roofing the Sauk river bridge at Richmond.
The board of equalization held its annual meeting July 17-22, with a
further session July 27. The county board met July 24, for a three-days'
session. Road and bridge appropriations on the basis of one-half being paid
by the several towns were made as follows : St. Martin, for Sauk river bridge,
$250; Wakefield, for bridge over Sauk river on road from Cold Spring to
Eden Lake, $500, the state of Minnesota having also appropriated $400; Mel-
rose, from Sauk river bridge on the road from Melrose to Birehdale, Todd
county, $250; Brockway, for bridge over Christy brook, $150; St. Wendel,
for bridge, $100; Millwood, for bridge, $200. The tax levy was fixed at $20,-
000 for county purposes, and one mill for schools.
A three-days' session, beginning September 12, Avas held, at which an
appropriation of $150 was made to the town of Grove and $100 to Spring
Hill for bridges, these towns having previously voted equal amounts. A
three-days' session for routine business began November 21.
1883. The annual session opened January 2, adjourning January 4;
present, J. P. Hammerel, N. Keppers, B. Pirz and A. A. Whitney, the latter
being a new member. Nicholas Hansen, elected for the Fourth district, hav-
ing failed to qiaalify, W. Merz held over as commissioner. Efforts to increase
the liquor license fee to $100 and to $75 failed, Commissioners Whitney and
Merz voting each time in the affirmative and commissioners Keppers, Pirz and
Hammerel in the negative. It was finally made $50. Bridge appropriations
were made as follows: Crow River and Holding, $100 each; Paynesville,
$150; city of St. Cloud, $275.
The following road and bridge appropriations were made at a session
March 20-22: Brockway, $150 for bridge over Spunk brook; Grove, $400,
for bridge over Sauk river, the town having appropriated $1,000 ; St. Joseph,
$500 for Sauk river bridge on Maine Prairie and St. Joseph road ; St. Mar-
tin, $500 for Sauk river bridge on Albany and St. Martin road; Sauk Cen-
tre, $500 for Sauk river bridge on Sauk Centre and Melrose road; Wake-
field, $300 additional for Sauk river bridge; Lake George, $100.
At the regular session May 8-10, small pox bills which had been laid over
were considered and allowances to the amount of $896.45 were made, while
bills aggregating approximately $3,000 were rejected. An appropriation of
$310 was made to the city of St. Cloud toward the building of a stone cul-
vert across the ravine at Richmond aveniTc, this city having appropriated
$900. John Schafer, of Le Sauk, was granted an auctioneer's license.
The board of equalization was in session July 16-19, and July 26-27. The
county board met July 23 for a three-days' session. A tax levy of one mill
for schools and $27,000 for county purposes, was made, the main items in
the latter being $10,000 for salaries, $4,000 for bridges, $3,000 for district
court, and $2,000 for additional vault room. Sessions held August 1-2 and
September 11-12, were for routine business. At a session December 18-20
auctioneer's licenses were granted to J. W. Tenvoorde and J. N. Gilley.
1884. The first session for the year began January 1, and adjourned
January 3 ; present : J. P. Hammerel, N. Keppers, B. Pirz, Joseph Scheelar
and A. A. "Whitney ; J. P. Hammerel and Joseph Scheelar being new members.
J. P. Hammerel was elected chairman. The salary of the county attorney
was fixed at $800 and the superintendent of schools at $1,240. License fee
for auctioneers, $50 for merchandise and $10 for real estate and household
goods, etc. Forty-five liquor licenses were granted at $50 each.
A two-days' extra session began January 14, at which D. B. Searle
tendered his resignation as county attorney, which was accepted, and F. B.
Searle was elected to render such legal services as the county might require.
Barney Overbeck resigned as coroner and Dr. A. 0. Gilman was elected his
successor. It was voted to have the financial statement and all official notices
published in both the St. Cloud Journal and St. Cloud Times, each paper to
do the work for one-half the legal rate. At a special session held February
4 and 5, J. R. Boyd was granted a merchandise auctioneer's license.
At the session March 18-20, the following bridge appropriations were
made: Collegeville, $100; Grove, bridge over Sauk river on road from Oak
to Melrose; Munson, $225; Oak, $300 for Getchell creek bridge on road from
Oak to St. Joseph; North Fork, $275; Pajoiesville, $400, for bridge across
north branch Crow river, on road from Paynesville to Lake Henry and Zion;
Raymond, $150; city of St. Cloud, $900; St. Wendel, $150. The session be-
ginning May 13, adjourned May 15. The bond of Theodore Bruener, county
attorney-elect, which had been rejected at the January session because of in-
formality, was approved. An appropriation of $237.50 was made to the
township of Fair Haven to assist in building a bridge over the branch of the
Clearwater river on the road from Fair Haven to Kingston and over Three-
mile creek on the road from Fair Haven to Lake George. Auctioneer's
licenses to sell real estate, etc., were granted to B. F. Carr, Wm. Boulton and
Joseph Eder.
After the work of equalization had been completed which occupied
from July 21 to 26 (with one day's session on the thirty -first) the board met
July 28, adjourning the thirtieth. An appropriation of $100 was made to
Melrose for a bridge on the road from Sauk Centre to Birchdale, and $325
to Spring Hill for a bridge across Sauk river. The tax levy was fixed at one
mill for schools and $40,000 for county purposes, which included $3,500 for
a bridge at Cold Spring and $2,500 for a bridge at Arnold's mill across
Sauk river. A routine session was held September 9-11, at the December
session 16-18, a resolution was adopted asking the delegation from Stearns
county to oppose the repeal by the legislature of the bill making paupers a
town charge. The fee for liquor licenses was reduced to $25.
1885. The board met January 6, with J. P. Hammerel, N. Keppers, B.
Pirz, Joseph Scheelar and A. A. "Whitney present, N. Keppers and B. Pirz
being new members. J. P. Hammerel was re-elected chairman. Salaries were
fixed as follows: County attorney, $800; superintendent of schools, $1,500;
clerk of the probate court, $500 ; J. A. DuBois, deputy coroner, $500. A com-
munication addressed to the county attorney requesting his presence at a ses-
sion of the board of county commissioners on the afternoon of January 7
on official business, elicited the following spicy reply, which was ordered to
be recorded in the minutes of the board :
"To the Hon. Board of County Commissioners of Stearns county, Minn.
— In reply to the above communication will say that I have no objection to
be present at the meeting of your Hon. Board, provided the board will
guarantee to me that I shall be treated in a decent and respectful manner,
and that I will not be subjected to the insults of your chairman or any other
member of said board. If this guarantee is made I shall be present as re-
quested. Respectfully yours, Theodore Bruener, Co. Atty." The next day
the board voted that "the letter to the county attorney and the answer to
the board be reconsidered," but not expunged. The first order for the loca-
tion of a public ditch in Stearns county was made at this session, the appUca-
tion, which was signed by George E. Wraner, Joseph Tonjes, "W. F. Fisk and
others interested, having been received July 30, 1884. The viewers were
James Colgrove, Fred Goenner and George Messman, whose report was fav-
orable. The ditch started at B. Meyer's creek in the N. E. % of N. E. ^4, sec-
tion 24, township 123, range 28, running to Plum creek, near the bridge on
the road from Clearwater to St. Cloud, being in length 3.65 miles and lo-
cated in the towns of St. Augusta and Lynden. This was followed by an
application, filed December 15, 1884, and signed by F. Gumtor, F. Heitke,
August Schultz, H. Moede and others, for a ditch to start from the center
of section 35, in the town of Zion, and run to a point of intersection with
Cole creek, on the north line of lot 14, section 19, town of Munson. James
H. Boylon, Peter Hahn and Valentine Engelhard were appointed viewers.
The following bridge appropriations were made : Ashley, $100 ; Farming,
$150; Lake Henry, $300; Munson, $350, for Sauk river bridge at Richmond;
North Fork, $250, for bridge on north branch of Crow river; Paynesville,
$100 for bridge on Crow river; city of St. Cloud, $900 for bridges; St. Mar-
tin, $100. Sixty-six liquor licenses were granted at the reduced rate.
At a special session held February 17-19 bids were received for build-
ing three town bridges across Sauk river at Arnold's mill, St. Joseph and
Cold Spring, according to plans drawn by C. F. Loweth. The contract for
the superstructures was awarded to Horace E. Horton at $2,098.20 for the
Arnold bridge, $3,148.80 for the St. Joseph bridge and $5,247 for the Cold
Spring bridge, being $10,494 for the three. The contract for the substruc-
tures was awarded to W. J. Murphy. The town of Le Sauk having appro-
priated $1,000 for the bridge at Arnold's mill the county added $2,200; St.
Joseph's appropriation of $1,000 was increased by $1,800 in addition to $500
previously appropriated, making a total of $2,300; and $3,000 was added to
the $3,500 appropriated by the town of Wakefield. The St. Cloud Times was
made the official paper under an agreement that the financial statement, pro-
ceedings of the board and all official notices should also be published in Ger-
man in the Nordstern, all for the one legal price, the job printing done locally
to go to the Nordstern. This arrangement continued with but few interrup-
tions until the year 1913.
The regular March session meeting on the nineteenth lasted but one day.
H. E. Horton having refused to sign the bridge contracts because of a clause
providing for liquidated damage in case the bridges were not completed at
the date specified, the contract was awarded to the SchefiEier Bridge Works,
whose bid for the three bridges was $11,350. The claims of the county com-
missioners for services in small pox cases were allowed as follows: A. G.
Jaques, from January 7 to March 12, 1882, $460; B. Pirz, from January 24
to March 18, 1882, $175; N. Keppers, from February 10 to March 12, 1882,
$135. A special session was held March 31 to April 2, at which a contract
was entered into with the SchefQer Bridge Works for the construction of the
three town bridges referred to above. Avon and Fair Haven were each al-
lowed $100 for bridges. A session was held May 12-14, at which a quit-claim
deed, to cover irregularity in a previous conveyance, was ordered to be given
the First Methodist Church of St. Cloud, for lot 1, block G, the old jail lot.
The work of equalization occupied the board July 20-23 and again July
30. At the commissioner's session, July 27-29, the second public ditch, for
which a petition had been filed January 8, was definitely located and assess-
ments made ; length of ditch 2.68 miles. A tax levy was made of one mill for
schools and $38,425 for county purposes, of which $2,000 was for Paynes-
ville, $3,000 for Grove and $3,000 for Clearwater bridges.
September 8-10, routine business. At a special session held November
7, the county attorney was instructed to begin legal proceedings to enjoin
the St. Cloud, Mankato and Austin Railway Company from using, occupying
or obstructing the public highway, leading from St. Cloud to Cold Spring in
the towns of Rockville, Wakefield and Munson. Regular session, December
15 and 16, routine.
1886. The board met for its first session January 5, with J. P. Hammerel,
N. Keppers, B. Pirz, J. Scheelar and A. A. Whitney present; J. P. Hammei'el
was re-elected chairman. The salary of the county attorney was increased
to $1,000 and the salary of the superintendent of schools continued at $1,500.
Bridge appropriations were made as follows : Ashley, $180 for bridge over
Ashley river; Lake Henry, $442; Maine Prairie, $360; North Fork, $200;
Raymond, $135; city of St. Cloud, $900 for a bridge over Jefferson avenue
near High street; St. Wendel, $180 for bridge over Watab creek; Sauk Cen-
tre, $215 for bridge over Sauk river; Sauk Centre and Ashley, $100 for
bridge over Hoboken creek ; Paynesville, $800 for bridge over Crow river ;
Zion, $135. As with previous appropriations these amounts were not to ex-
ceed over one-half the cost of the bridges. Adjourned January 7.
A special meeting was held March 18-20, at which the bids for build-
ing iron bridges at Clearwater, Grove and Paynesville were opened. The con-
tract for the building of the Grove bridge over Sauk river at Stewart's cross-
ing complete was awarded to the Columbia Bridge Company, of Dayton, Ohio,
for $2,868 ; and the superstructure of the Paynesville bridge to the same com-
pany for $2,268, while all bids for the Clearwater bridge were rejected for
the reason that this bridge was not on a county road. J. H. Dennison was
given the contract for building the stone piers for the Paynesville bridge. It
was voted that the county pay two-thirds of the cost of the Grove bridge,
and $1,912 was appropriated, and $484 in addition to $400 appropriated
March 19, 1884, was appropriated for the Paynesville bridge on Crow river.
A three-days' session was held May 11-13. The following bridge appro-
priations were made : Albany, $150 for bridge on Albany and St. Martin
road; CoUegeville, $100, CoUegeville and Munson road; Lake Henry, $442,
Lake Henry and Spring Hill road; Maine Prairie, $225, Clearwater and
Manannah road; "Wakefield, $250, St. Joseph and Wakefield road. It was
ordered that the court room should be used for no other purpose than county
business, the holding of state land sales and county conventions. For 132
cords of maple wood $323.34 was paid.
The board of equalization was in session July 19-21, completing its work
August 11. The county board met July 26-28, and levied a one-mill school
tax and $32,000 for county purposes, the main items in this amount being
$11,300 for salaries and $5,000 for roads and bridges. Appropriations from
this fund were made as follows: Paynesville, $150 for grading approach to
new iron bridge; St. Augusta, $125 for bridge over Johnson's creek; St.
Joseph, $100 for road work ; Maine Prairie, $150 for Fair Haven and Forest
City road; Luxemburg, $247 for roads from Maine Prairie to Paynesville
and from Clearwater to Manannah ; Spring Hill, $600 for bridge across
Getchell creek. The location of public ditch No. 2 was approved and assess-
ments made. The coroner and his deputies were instructed that $8.00 was the
maximum price which could be paid for coffins for paupers. A session for
routine business was held September 14 and 15, as was a session Decem-
ber 21-23.
1887. The January 4 session began with N. Keppers, B. Pirz, P. R.
Griebler, Joseph Scheelar and A. A. Whitney present, the latter three being
newly-elected members. B. Pirz was elected chairman. The Columbia
Bridge Company allowed the county and the town of Paynesville each $100
damages for the Paynesville bridge not being completed on time, any claim
for damages on account of delay in completing the Stewart bridge being
waived. The liquor license was increased to $50, at which rate 71 licenses
were granted, St. Joseph leading with ten and Albany following with eight.
Adjourned January 6.
A three-days' special session began January 13, at which road and bridge
appropriations were made, as follows : Crow river, $100, Crow river and
Lake George road; Lynden, $200, bridge at Plum creek; Millwood, $150 for
bridge over Getchell creek on Millwood and Oak road; Rockville, $300 for
bridges over mill creek and on Maine Prairie and St. Joseph road ; St. Joseph,
$100 for St. Joseph and Avon road; St. Wendel, $150 for bridge on St.
Wendel and St. Joseph road.
Another special session of two days began February 24, at which resolu-
tions were again adopted requesting the Stearns county delegation in the
legislature to oppose the repeal of the special law of 1877 making paupers
a town charge in Stearns county. Theodore Bruener was engaged as special
counsel to assist the county attorney in the continued prosecution of the
case of the County Commissioners of Stearns county against the St. Cloud,
Mankato and Austin R. R. Co., for which service he was later allowed $250.
At the regular session May 10-13 a number of highway petitions were
granted. The application of Paynesville to be incorporated as a village was
granted, an election to be held June 28, at Sherrin and Webb's store, with
R. P. Gilbert, J. P. Richardson and W. M. McCutcheon inspectors. The
appropriation of $500 made January 7, 1886, for a culvert on Jefferson ave-
nue, in the city of St. Cloud, was revoked and the money covered into the
county revenue fund, while the same amount with $1,100 additional was
appropriated for a stone culvert across the ravine at Seventh avenue. The
following appropriations for roads and bridges were granted : Ashley, Farm-
ing, Oak and Zion, $100 each ; Brockway and Raymond, $150 each ; Paynes-
ville, $120; Lake Henry, $200; Melrose, $225; Lake George, $250. The act
of May 8, 1887, for the destruction of gophers and blackbirds was accepted.
A bill of $30.40 for 38 gallons of paint indicated the low price paid at that
time for flaxseed.
The board of equalization occupied three days, from July 18-20. The
county board met July 25 for a three days' session. The tax levy was one
mill for schools and $30,000 for county purposes, of which $9,800 was for
schools and $7,000 for roads and bridges. From this fund $125 was appro-
priated to the town of Munson, and $150 each to Getty and St. Cloud. At
a special session, August 22 and 23, an appropriation of $400 was made for
the Munson and Zion road, leading to Roscoe.
The regular session in September began the thirteenth and adjourned
the foiarteenth. An application of the St. Cloud Motor Line Company for
the use of the St. Cloud and Rockville and St. Cloud and St. Joseph roads,
on which to construct, maintain and operate a motor line railway to be
propelled by steam, electricity, cable or motor power, was read and laid over.
At the session December 20 and 21 the liquor license was raised to $500
as required by the general laws of 1887. An application from the St. Cloud
City Street Car Company for the right to construct, maintain and operate
a single or double-track line of railway on the St. Cloud and St. Joseph and
St. Cloud and Cold Spring county roads was laid over until the next session.
1888. The board met January 3 for three days, with P. R. Griebler,
N. Keppers, B. Pirz, Jos. Scheelar and A. A. "Whitney present, B. Pirz being
re-elected chairman. The applications of the St. Cloud Street Car Company
and St. Cloud Motor Line Company were again laid over. The following
appropriations for road and bridge work were made : Ashley, $175, for Sauk
Centre and Westport road; Farming, $112.50, Albany and St. Martin road;
Luxemburg, $100, Luxemburg and Cold Spring road; Maine Prairie, $300,
Maine Prairie and Rockville road; St. Wendel, $150, St. "Wendel and St.
Cloud road; Spring Hill, $137.50, St. Martin and Oak road. A special ses-
sion, January 26 and 27, was devoted to routine business. A special session
was held March 6 to elect a sheriff as successor to M. Mickley, deceased.
J. P. Hammerel was chosen on the second ballot.
At the regular session March 20-22 an appropriation of $600 was made
for a bridge across Sauk river in "Wakefield on the road from Munson to
Luxemburg. A session was held May 8-10 at which the resolution adopted
May 12, 1887, offering a bounty for the killing of blackbirds and gophers was
rescinded, and an appropriation of $500 was made to Wakefield for a bridge
over Watab river.
The work of the board of equalization was completed July 16-20, and
when the county board met July 23, it fixed a tax levy of one mill for schools
and $40,000 for county purposes, of which $11,830 was for the fees and
salaries of county officers, and $8,000 for roads and bridges. The county
attorney was instructed to bring suit to compel the St. Paul, Minneapolis and
Manitoba R. R. Co. to put into passable condition the Rockville and "Wake-
field county road as per agreement. An appropriation of $200 was made to
Crow River for grading a slough. Adjourned July 25. Bridge appropria-
tions as follows were made at the session September 11 and 12: Lynden
and Spring Hill, $200 each; St. Joseph, $300; "Wakefield, $350; Holding,
$150; St. Martin and Zion, $105 each.
Petitions for the incorporation of two villages, Cold Spring and Albany,
were received and granted at the meeting December 18-20. The election to
vote on the Cold Spring incorporation was set for January 26, 1889, at
Daniel Friedman's store, with Jacob Harriman, John Kiewel, and Jacob
Friedman inspectors. The Albany election was set for the same day, at the
school house in District No. 59, with George Kulzer, John Martin and Mathias
Nett inspectors. A resolution was adopted appointing James Biggerstaff in
the First commissioner district, "William Doty in the Second, D. J. Hanscom
in the Third, J. H. Biler in the Fourth, and H. S. Doty in the Fifth district
as persons whose duty it should be to cause to be decently and honorably
interred the body of any honorably discharged soldier, sailor or marine of
the army or navy of the United States or who served in the campaign against
the Indians in the State of Minnesota in 1862, who shall die without having
sufficient means to defray his funeral expenses; these appointments being
made pursuant to chapter 150 of the general laws of 1887. Twenty-one liquor
licenses were granted during the year at the $500 fee.
1889. The board met January 1, with B. Pirz, P. R. Griebler, N. Keppers,
Joseph Scheelar and A. A. "Whitney present, B. Pirz being re-elected chairman.
The county printing was awarded to the Journal-Press and Nordstern com-
bination, on the same basis as it had been awarded in previous years to the
Times and Nordstern, but this arrangement had but three years continuance.
The St. Cloud, Mankato and Austin and the St. Paul, Minneapolis and
Manitoba railway companies were released from all damages by reason of
the taking of a certain part of a county road in the towns of Rockville and
"Wakefield, the pending suits to be dismissed, conditioned on these companies
paying to the county treasurer $335.54 and to Joseph Scheelar $150 to be
used by him in repairing the St. Cloud and Cold Spring road in the town
of Rockville. A. A. Whitney was appointed a committee to prepare and
have presented to the legislature a bill authorizing the board of county com-
missioners of Stearns coi;nty to contract for the making or purchasing of a
set of abstract books for the use of the county. Adjourned January 3.
A special session was held January 18 and 19 when the following among
other and smaller bridge appropriations were made : Farming, $125 ; Lake
George, $150; St. Augusta, $160; Wakefield, $100. For the first time was
authorized the employment of a janitor for the court house, "to take charge
and care for the public offices and do and perform such other duties as from
time to time may be required," at a compensation not to exceed $30 per
month, which was afterwards increased to $35.
At a special session February 15 and 16 another petition from Albany
for permission to vote on the question of incorporating as a village was
received, and an election set for February 15 at John Wellenstein 's board-
ing house, with George Kulzer, C. Scheibel and John Auer inspectors. A
McBride, John A. Zapp and B. Vossberg were appointed to prepare a tract
index set of books for the register of deeds office, at a compensation not
to exceed two cents per description. A bridge appropriation of $200 was
made to Getty and $140 to Zion.
Another special session was held March 25 and 26, at which the act of
the legislature approved March 23, 1889, authorizing the county board to
have a set of tract indexes made at a cost not to exceed $1,500, was read.
The letting of the contract for the work aroused much discussion, with
criminations and re-criminations, the awarding of the work at the previous
meeting being an object of attack, and attorneys for and against appeared
before the board. The following bids were opened, C. P. McClure, $1,075;
McClure and Whitney, .$1,100; L. T. Troutman, $1,500. All were rejected
and it was ordered that new bids be advertised for. Bridge appropriations
were made to Albany, $200; CoUegeville and Crow River, $100 each; the
village of Melrose $3,000 for a bridge across Sauk river.
The tract index matter was an important feature of the session of May
14 and 16. The bids opened ranged from $1,050 by P. J. Seberger and
W. H. S. Kemp to $3,000 by Jacob Mainzer, the work being awarded to
P. J. Seberger for $1,050, with a protest filed by Messrs. McBride, Zapp and
Vossberg. The contract for building the bridge across Sauk river at Mel-
rose was awarded to the South Park Bolt and Bridge Company of St. Paul.
Bridge appropriations were made as follows: Lake Henry and St. Wendel,
$150 each ; Maine Prairie and Raymond, $100 each ; St. Martin, $175 ; Paynes-
ville, $400; City of St. Cloud, $800 for culvert on Seventh avenue.
The July session, the eighth to the tenth, fixed the annual tax levy at
one mill for schools and $43,500 for county purposes, including $14,000 for
salaries and fees of county officers, $8,000 for roads and bridges and $6,000
for district court expenses. The board of equalization was in session July
15-17. A special session for routine business was held August 1.
A session was held September 10-12 at which Judge of Probate Bruener,
County Attorney Taylor and Commissioner Whitney were appointed to
investigate the facts connected with the death by suicide of Lambert Lenz,
an insane patient from Stearns county, in the St. Peter hospital, it being
represented that this suicidal death was only possible through gross neglect
on the part of the officials at the asylum. St. Joseph received an appropria-
tion of $112.50 for bridges. Among the bills allowed was one of $570.84 to
John F. Jerrard for plumbing at the court house and jail.
At a session beginning December 17 and continuing for three days
a number of petitions for the incorporation of villages were acted on.
January 17, 1890, was the date when, and the Fire Company's building the
place where, the citizens of Eichmond should vote on incorporating, William
Kichner, John Schneider and Nic Cordie being appointed inspectors. The
citizens of St. Joseph were authorized to hold an election on the same date
at S. A. Parish's harness shop to vote for or against incorporating, with
Casper Casper, J. H. Linneman and John M. Walz inspectors. The election
for Albany was set for January 18, at John Wellenstein 's hotel, H. T. Mayer,
Fred Hecklin and Joseph Weitzel being appointed inspectors. Petitions
from J. C. Haines and others for an election to vote on the incorporation of
Paynesville was rejected, as was a petition from A. J. Caswell and others to
attach the townsite of Karonis to the village of Paynesville.
The committee in the matter of the suicide of Lambert Lenz made its
report, which was accepted and on motion a copy was sent to the Governor
of the state for such disposition as to him might seem proper. The substance
of the report was that Lenz had been taken to the asylum the evening of
September 9, 1889, and delivered to Superintendent Bartlett and his assistant.
Dr. Mclntyre ; that he had been put in a room with two other patients and
during the night had committed suicide by hanging himself with a strip torn
from one of the sheets on his bed. Beyond this there was a conflict of
testimony. Superintendent Bartlett informed the committee that he had not
been advised of Lenz's previous efforts to commit suicide, and that if he had
been he would have taken precautions against it. On the other side were
affidavits from the sheriff' and the two assistants who had accompanied him
stating that they had definitely and distinctly advised the superintendent and
his assistant of Lenz's suicidal mania; that when delivered he was securely
strapped and bound for the purpose of preventing his attempts at self-
destruction, and that the reason for this was explained to the asylum officers
who had assisted in removing the straps when they took him in charge.
What action the Governor took, if any, in the matter is not stated.
1890. The board met January 7, adjourned the ninth, with P. R. Griebler,
John Schwinghammer, Joseph Scheelar, B. Pirz and A. A. Whitney present;
B. Pirz being re-elected chairman. The salary of the county attorney was
increased to $1,500 and of the superintendent of schools to $1,600. Road
and bridge appropriations were made as follows : Fair Haven and Luxem-
burg, $150 each; St. Augusta, $175; Munson, $700; Oak, $2,000; Melrose
village, $555; City of Sauk Centre, $4,000 — the latter three being for bridges
over Sauk river. The sum of $35 was appropriated to purchase a flag and
fixtures for the court house.
At a session held March 17-19, the contract between the Wisconsin
Bridge and Iron Company and the town of Oak for the bridge across Sauk
river was approved. A petition for another election to vote for or against
annexing certain territory to the village of Paynesville was granted, the
election to be held April 25 at Dominick Lutgen's hotel in the town-site of
Karonis, with D. Lutgen, John Murphy and R. Kinney inspectors. The
county superintendent of schools was instructed not to issue any more orders
for state text books. At the session May 13-15, a committee consisting of
L. J. Rocholl, county superintendent; B. F. Wright, Melrose; M. K. Nelson,
Maine Prairie; S. S. Parr and 0. F. Carver, St. Cloud; H. F. Mayer, Albany;
Lucas Gertken, Richmond; 0. F. Woodley, Sauk Centre, and Theo. Lobon-
mueller. Farming, was appointed to select suitable text books.
At a special session held May 27 and 28 Public Examiner Kenyon, who
upon request had made an examination of the records in the county auditor's
office, advised the board of commissioners that he would report the condition
of affairs as he found them to the governor, with a recommendation for the
suspension from office of Robert Lutz as county auditor of Stearns county.
The board instructed the deputy auditor, P. J. Gruber, to take charge of the
auditor's office and discharge its duties pro tem, the sureties on Lutz's bond
being notified of the action taken. Another special session was held June
25, at which the resignation of Robert Lutz, dated May 24, 1890, was
received and accepted. On the fifth ballot B. Vossberg was elected to the
vacancy, the other candidates being E. P. Barnum and P. J. Gruber.
At the regular July session of three days, from the fourteenth, the tax
levy was fixed at one mill school tax and $43,000 for county expenses. The
grand jury having censured the board of commissioners for having permitted
the county auditor to conduct his office without first executing a bond and
with having allowed bills contrary to the advice of the county attorney,
resolutions were adopted, declaring that the charges made in this report
were "wholly untrue" and that the jury was presuming to meddle in matters
which were none of its business. The board of equalization met July 21 and
was in session for five days.
The regular September session began the ninth, adjourning the eleventh.
The plat of the incorporated village of St. Joseph was received and ordered
to be filed. A. McBride and F. J. Weisser were employed to check over the
tract indexes made by P. J. Seberger, at salaries of $100 and $75 per month
respectively. An appropriation of $3,797.30 was made to the City of Sauk
Centre for the completed bridge over Sauk river, and a bill of the Wisconsin
Bridge and Iron Company, $1,740.50, for the Sauk river bridge in Oak was
The closing session of the year was held December 16-18. The bond of
the county auditor was fixed at $5,000; treasurer, $100,000; coroner, $1,000.
An appropriation of $500 was made to Paynesville for a bridge over Crow
river. Jenz and Schmaig having paid $50 January 24, 1887, for a license to
sell liquor in the town of Crow River, and the people of the town having
voted "no license," an order to refund the money was passed.
1891. The January session opened on the sixth, the members present
being B. Pirz, John Schwinghammer, Edward Miller, Joseph Scheelar and
David Cleveland, the three last named being new members ; B. Pirz was
again elected chairman. The following road and bridge appropriations were
made : Lake George and Luxemburg, $100 each ; Le Sauk, St. Wendel and
Zion, $200 each ; Wakefield, $250 ; Brockway, $175.
At a three-days' session beginning March 12, road and bridge appro-
priations were made as follows : Albany, $204 ; Ashley, $175 ; Crow Lake
and Getty, $200 each; Melrose, $150; St. Cloud, $125; Sauk Centre, $100;
for opening a judicial road on the line between Stearns and Morrison coun-
ties, ranges 30 and 31, $150, provided Morrison county appropriated an
equal amount. The bonds of Drs. W. L. Beebe, A. 0. Gilman and J. M.
McMasters as deputy coroners were approved. The county auditor was
allowed an additional clerk at $60 per month, and the clerk hire in the county
treasurer's office was fixed at $150 per month. A. McBride reported that
the work of checking over the tract indexes had been completed, and the
books were accepted by the board. As an effort was on foot to have the
law making paupers a town charge repealed, resolutions were adopted asking
the county delegation to oppose the repeal, and County Attorney Taylor was
appointed a committee to attend the legislature and labor for that result.
May 12-14, a session for routine business.
At a meeting July 13-15 the contract for building an iron bridge, with
tubular piers, across Sauk river in the town of St. Martin was awarded to
the Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Company for $7,050, one-half to be paid by
the town and one-half by the county. A tax levy of one mill for schools and
$45,000 for county purposes was made. Among the bills allowed was one
to the Western Granite Company, $737.50 for the granite curbing around
court house square, and another of $1,239 to F. I. Stiles for the tile sidewalk.
Seven of the county banks were designated as depositories for county funds,
the rate of interest being three per cent on any sums up to $20,000 and one
per cent on the excess. An appropriation of $700 was made to the city of
St. Cloud, being one-half the cost of grading on the road from St. Cloud to
St. Augusta, and $4,000 for the St. Martin bridge. The board of equalization
was in session July 20-23. A session of the county board held July 24 and
25 transacted simply routine business, as was the case with a session Sep-
tember 8-10.
At a special session November 9 and 10 a petition from the Northwest
Thomson-Houston Electric Company and from the St. Cloud City Street Car
Company asking the right to run the line along the Rockville road after
leaving the city limits, extending it at present as far as the Willmar branch
of the Great Northern road and extending further along the Rockville road
in the future was received and referred to the countj"- attorney. After full
consideration of the matter the petition was granted, the limit of extension
to be one mile beyond the Willmar branch. A session for routine business
was held December 15-17.
1892. The regular session opened on the fifth, continuing for three days,
with Edward Miller, J. Schwinghammer, B. Pirz, Joseph Scheelar and David
Cleveland present, B. Pirz being re-elected chairman. A petition for an
election to vote for or against incorporating the village of Brooten was
granted, the election to be held February 13 at the school house in district
No. 145, with B. M. Anderson, Peter 0. Roe and H. A. Ellingson inspectors.
A special session was held March 15-17, at which S. S. Chute was engaged
to make copies of 72 maps and plats in the register of deeds' office (to be
afterwards bound) on paper to be furnished by the county, for $325. An
application from the council of Cold Spring to build a court house was
received and placed on file. Road and bridge appropriations were made as
follows : Crow River, $350 ; Fair Haven, for bridge over Three-mile creek,
$315; Luxemburg and Maine Prairie, each $310; Zion, $500; Melrose, $305;
Millwood and Krain road, $305.
The following road and bridge appropriations were made at a session
May 10-12 : Albany, $325 ; Avon, Brockway, Lake Henry, Raymond and St.
Joseph, $305 each; City of St. Cloud (for culverts), $990. At a session held
July 11-13, a levy of one mill for schools and $43,000 for county purposes
was ordered, $15,820 being for salaries and fees of county officers, $9,000
roads and bridges and $7,000 district court expenses. In compliance with a
petition for an election to vote for or against incorporating the village of
Freeport, the date was set for August 18, the voting to be at the school house
in district No. 102, with Joseph Buttweiler, Henry Koopmeiners and Lorenz
A. Thull inspectors. Appropriations of $305 to Holding and $301 to North
Fork were made. The session of the board of equalization continued from
July 18 to July 27. A session given to highway and school petitions and
other routine business was held September 13-17.
At a session held November 17 and 18, Oscar Taylor's resignation as
county attorney was accepted and John D. Sullivan appointed to succeed
him. The bonds of county officers were increased, the auditor's to $10,000,
treasurer's to $125,000 and coroner's to $2,000. A special session was held
November 25 to approve the bond of B. P. Barnum as clerk of the district
«ourt, appointed by the judges November 21, to succeed A. L. Cramb, resigned.
A session for routine business was held December 20 and 21.
1893. The board met January 3, with Edward Miller, Joseph Scheelar,
David Cleveland, Frank Benolken and B. Pirz present; B. Pirz was re-elected
chairman. The salary of the county superintendent of schools was increased
to $1,680. At a special session held February 7-9, a petition for an election
to be held March 20, at Gunness & Opitz's store, to vote on the matter of
incorporating the village of Waite Park was granted, and J. M. Smith, Henry
Buschman and James H. Johnson were appointed inspectors. March 21-23,
routine business session.
At the regular session May 9-11, the following road and bridge appro-
priations were made : Albany and Brockway, $400 each ; Eden Lake, Crow
River, village of Cold Spring, Krain, Melrose, St. Augusta and St. Wendel,
$305 each ; Holding, Lake George and Maine Prairie, $310 each ; Rockville,
$301; Paynesville and Zion, $325 each; Spring Hill, for Sauk river bridge,
$2,500. It was voted to accept the provisions of the act of April 1, 1893,
providing for a wolf bounty, the county to pay one-third of the minimum
sum named in the act.
The July meeting was held July 10-13, at which the contract for the
construction of the Sauk river bridge in the town of Spring Hill was let
to the Gillette-Herzog Manufacturing Company, of Minneapolis, for $3,297,
of which amount one-half was to be paid by the county and one-half by the
town. The tax levy was the usual one mill for schools and $35,000 for
county purposes. This was a reduction of $8,000 from the previous year,
$6,320 of which was in the items of salaries and fees of county officers,
$13,500; roads and bridges, $8,000, and district court expenses, $4,000.
Appropriations of $305 each for roads and bridges were made to the towns
of Crow Lake, Farming, Lynden and Sauk Centre. Sessions for routine
business were held September 12-14, October 31-November 1, and Decem-
ber 19-20.
1894. The board met January 2, with Edward Miller, Frank Benol-
ken, B. Pirz, Joseph Seheelar and David Cleveland present. B. Pirz was
re-elected chairman. After transacting routine business the board adjourned
January 4. A special session was held February 7 and 8. The salaries and
fees of the county officers for the previous year were reported as follows:
B. Vossberg, county auditor, $2,600; B. Mueller, treasurer, $2,711.80; J. M.
Emmel, register of deeds, $3,253; J. P. Hammerel, sheriff, $5,243.41; J. D.
Sullivan, county attorney, $1,500; Theo. Bruener, judge of probate, $2,073;
A. B. Barnum, clerk of court, $2,999.10; L. J. Rocholl, superintendent of
schools, $1,690.50.
At a session held May 8-10, road and bridge appropriations were made
as follows: Avon, Collegeville, Lake Henry, Millwood, North Fork, St. Mar-
tin and Zion, $200 each; Broekway, Grove, Holding, $250 each; Getty, Le
Sauk and St. Joseph, $150 each; Melrose, $350. To the city of St. Cloud,
to aid in building a bridge across the Mississippi river, $7,500 was appro-
priated— Commissioners Miller, Benolken and Pirz voting aye, and Seheelar
and Cleveland no. A petition for an election to vote on detaching certain
territory from the village of Brooten and attaching it to the town of North
Fork was granted, the date of election being June 23, and the place the
village court room at Brooten, with John W. Asp, L. C. Huset and H. P.
Suekstorf inspectors.
The regular July session was held on the ninth to the eleventh, when the
tax levy for the coming year was fixed at one mill for schools and $30,000
for county purposes, of which $10,000 was for salaries of county officers,
$8,000 for roads and bridges, $4,000 for district court expenses, $3,000 for
jail expenses and $2,000 for printing, books and stationery. The following
road and bridge appropriations were made : Albany, $200 ; Ashley, Eden
Lake and Munson, $150 each ; Krain and St. Wendel, $125 each. The board
of equalization was in session July 16-26.
A special session was held August 16 and 17. A telegram was sent to
the governor of the state the first day notifying him that a vacancy existed
in the office of the judge of probate, and asking that an appointment be made
at once so that the bond of the appointee might be approved at the present
session. Alphonso Barto was appointed and his bond approved. Sessions
held September 11-13, November 15-17 and December 18-19 were given to
considering highway matters, school petitions and other routine business.
1895. When the board met in regular session January 8, Edward Miller,
F. Benolken, B. Pirz, Joseph Seheelar and Edward Smith responded to the
roll call, and B. Pirz was re-elected chairman. Salaries were somewhat
increased, that of the county attorney being made $1,600 and the superin-
tendent of schools $1,720. Fritz Lorinser was re-elected janitor at the court
house at $540. H. J. Rosenberger was granted an auctioneer's license. Spe-
cial sessions were held February 7-9 and May 18-20 for the transaction of
routine business.
At the regular meeting May 14-16, Edward Miller was appointed one
of the appraisers of school and state lands in Stearns county. The following
road and bridge appropriations were made : Albany and Lake George, $250
each ; Avon, Brockway, Paynesville and Oak, $200 each ; Crow Lake, St.
Joseph and Sauk Centre, $150 each; Krain, Lake Henry, Raymond and St.
Wendel, $100 each; Maine Prairie and "Wakefield, $125 each; Melrose and
Millwood, $180 each ; St. Cloud, $129.50.
The regular July session began on the ninth. An appropriation of
$1,000 was made to the city of St. Cloud for a culvert across the ravine on
Eighth avenue north, between Fifth and Sixth streets, on condition that the
city appropriate and expend $2,000 on this culvert. An appropriation of
$325 was made to Grove, $250 to Holding and $100 to St. Martin for roads
and bridges. An application from the Great Northern Railway Company
to have a part of the so-called "Abercrombie road" in the town of Melrose,
as necessary for the iise of the company in operating its railway, and accept
in lieu thereof another road, running parallel to the part to be vacated, was
received and granted.
The board of equalization was in session July 15-20. At a special ses-
sion held July 23-24, M. A. Bussen, of Munson, was appointed one of the
appraisers of school and state lands in Stearns county.
The regular September meeting was held from the tenth to the twelfth.
A communication from the St. Cloud Library Association asking for an
appropriation of $500 from the county for the purpose of aiding said associa-
tion in their work of compiling and publishing a history of Stearns county
from its earliest date to the present time was laid over — in other words,
consigned to the graveyard prepared for so many meritorious undertakings
which do not happen to appeal to the constituted authorities. At the session
December 17-19 a petition for an election to vote for or against the incor-
poration of the village of New Munich was granted, the election to be held
January 26, 1896, at Marcus Wieber's house, with H. Terhaar, Joseph L.
Wieber and Mathias Pitzel inspectors.
1896. The board met January 7, with Edward Miller, Frank Benolken,
B. Pirz, Joseph Scheelar and Edward Smith present. On motion of B. Pirz,
Commissioner Miller was elected chairman. Salaries remained unchanged,
except that of the superintendent of schools, which was increased to $1,790.
Special session March 17-19, routine business. At the regular session May
12-14, road and bridge appropriations were made as follows: Albany, Mun-
son, Spring Hill and Zion, $200 each ; Avon, Ashley and Le Sauk, $250 each ;
Collegeville, Krain, Maine Prairie, Millwood and Paynesville, $100 each;
Getty and Lake Henry, $150 each ; Holding, $175 ; Melrose, $400.
The regular July session began on the thirteenth, adjourning on the
fifteenth. The following persons were appointed, in the several commission-
ers' districts, to cause to be decently buried any honorably discharged Union
soldiers or sailors who should thereafter die without having sufficient means
to defray their funeral expenses: R. Zimmerman, Freeport; J. W. Darby,
New Paynesville ; James Kennedy, Kimball ; William Pangburn, Sauk Centre.
A levy of one mill for schools and $30,000 for county purposes was made. A
resolution was adopted providing that June 1 of each year should be the
time fixed for the destruction of the Russian thistle and other noxious weeds,
as required by law. Appropriations of $125 each to Holding and Melrose,
$150 to St. Cloud and $300 to the village of Melrose for road and bridge
purposes were made. The board of equalization was in session July 20-29.
At the regular session September 8, a petition for an election to vote
for or against incorporating the village of Holding was granted, the election
to be held October 20, at Joseph Winkler's house, with Andrew Diedrich,
W. J. Schauble and J. B. Pallanch inspectors. An appropriation of $200
was made to St. Wendel for bridges and grading and $200 additional to the
village of Cold Spring for a culvert across Cold Spring creek. At a special
session November 12 and 13, the bond of the county treasurer was increased
to $160,000. Luxemburg was given $150 for road work. A routine business
session was held December 15-17.
1897. The board met January 5, with Edward Miller, Henry T. Meyer,
George Engelhard, Joseph Scheelar and Edward Smith present; Edward
Miller was re-elected chairman. Citizens of the village of Melrose petitioned
that a time and place be set for an election to vote on the incorporation and
organization of the village as a city. The date of the election was fixed as
February 9, at the village hall.
A special meeting was held February 16, at which the votes cast at the
Melrose election were canvassed and it was found that the proposition for
incorporating as a city had carried. It was thereupon ordered that an elec-
tion to choose the necessary city officers be held March 9, with the fol-
lowing named, persons to act as judges of election : First ward, H. P. Horch-
ing, Frank Collins and John Tiedeman; Second ward, C. A. Yund, James
Donahue and S. Kuhn. An appropriation of $180 was made to Maine Prairie
for road and bridge purposes. Adjourned February 18.
At the session March 10-12, the county auditor was instructed to pay all
bounties for killing wolves as provided by an act of the legislature passed
at the current session. A session was held May 11-13, at which "weed
agents" were appointed for the several towns in accordance with chapter
274 of the general laws of 1895. Road and bridge appropriations were made
as follows : Collegeville, $100 ; Krain, $150 ; Albany, $400 ; Avon, $250 ; Hold-
ing, $250; Paynesville (bridge across Crow river), $700; Brockway, $100;
Lake George, $300 ; Ashley, $400 ; Sauk Centre, $250 ; St. Wendel, $250.
At the regular session July 12-14, additional road and bridge appropria-
tions were made as follows: Ashley, Maine Prairie, Millwood, North Fork
and Spring Hill, $150 each; Fair Haven, $350; Lynden, $277.50; Rockville
and St. Cloud, $125 each; St. Augusta, $340; Zion, $165; Munson, $217.50.
A resolution was adopted instructing the sheriff " to hereafter refuse to
receive into the common jail of the county any drunks or vagrants from the
city of St. Cloud until after same are regularly convicted and thereupon
committed; the purpose of this resolution being to prevent the use of said
jail as a temporary lock-up for city prisoners." A tax levy was made of
one mill for schools and $50,000 for county purposes, the largest item being
$14,800 for salaries and fees of county officers, $10,000 roads and bridges,
$6,300 district court expenses, and $4,500 jail expenses. A levy of one mill
was also laid to pay for the improving and enlarging of the county jail
building. Board of equalization, July 19-24. At the session September 14-16,
road and bridge appropriations were made to Roekville, $125; Luxemburg
and Munson, $100 each; Oak, $200; city of St. Cloud, for repairing streets
and culverts, $800. December 21-23, routine business.
1898. The board met January 4, adjourning January 6 ; present, Edward
Miller, H. F. Meyer, George Engelhard, Joseph Scheelar and Edward Smith;
Edward Miller was re-elected chairman. An appropriation of $600 was made
to the city of St. Cloud to assist in bviilding a culvert on Sixth avenue north.
A regular session was held March 1-3, at which a contract was let to L. H.
Johnson to build an iron bridge across Sauk river at Roekville, for $2,788,
one-half to be paid by the town and one-half by the county. An appro-
priation of $150 was made to Munson for road work. A resolution was again
adopted calling for the destruction of the Russian thistle by all persons
responsible under the law. Bids for medical attendance on county prisoners
were received from several physicians, the contract being awarded to Dr.
F. M. McGuire at $60 per annum, to include medicines and medical
A regular session was held May 10-12, at which a number of appropria-
tions for roads and bridges were made as follows : Albany, $293.50 ; Avon,
Crow River and Maine Prairie, .$200 each ; Brockway, Raymond and St.
Wendel, $300 each ; Collegeville, St. Martin, Spring Hill, Sauk Centre, Wake-
field and Zion, $100 each ; Eden Lake, $250 ; Getty and St. Joseph, $125 each ;
Holding, $425.87; Krain, $150; North Fork, $175; Paynesville, $400; St.
Augusta, $133. A petition for a public ditch in the towns of Paynesville
and Eden Lake was granted, and J. G. Knebel, Frank B. Smith and Andrew
Riehle were appointed viewers. A session was held July 11-13, at which
a tax levy of one mill for schools and $45,000 for county purposes was made.
Appropriations for road and bridge purposes were made to three towns
which had not been included at the previous meeting — Ashley, $140 ; Lake
Henry and Lynden, $100 each. Equalization, July 18-28. Session of board,
August 16-18 ; routine business.
The regular September session opened on the thirteenth, adjourning on
the fifteenth. A petition for a public ditch in the towns of St. Wendel and
Avon was granted, and Paul Sand, John Long and Michael Hirschfeld were
appointed viewers. An appropriation of $175 was made to the village of
Waite Park for roads and culverts. At a session held November 14-16, the
petition and viewers' report for the Paynesville and Eden Lake ditch were
rejected. The report on the St. Wendel and Avon ditch was accepted, and
this ditch established as a public ditch, to be constructed according to law.
An appropriation of $200 was voted to Lake George for road and bridge
purposes. An appropriation of $851.99 for the Sauk river bridge at Cold
Spring was made at a session of the board December 20-22.
1899. The first session of the board opened January 3, with H. F. Meyer,
George Engelhard, Chris Schmitt, Joseph Scheelar and Edward Smith pres-
ent; Henry F. Meyer was elected chairman. Another petition for a public
ditch in the towns of Paynesville and Eden Lake was received, and Frank B.
Smith, A. Riehle and Fred Haitke were appointed viewers. A committee from
the council of the city of St. Cloud appeared before the board at a special
session held February 7-9 and presented for consideration the matter of
establishing a county poor farm. Commissioners Scheelar, Engelhard and
Smith were appointed a committee " to consider the matter in all its bearings
and report at some future meeting." Special session, March 15-17, routine
At the session May 9-11, the Paynesville and Eden Lake ditch matter
came up for a hearing, and notwithstanding opposition on the part of a
number of land owners affected, the ditch was ordered to be established.
Road and bridge appropriations were made as follows: Albany, $351.87
Brockway, $400; Collegeville, $100; Crow Lake, $550; Fair Haven, $127.60
Getty, $120; Holding, $402.98; Maine Prairie, $152.91; Melrose, $312.35
Munson, $212.25; North Fork, $194.54; St. Joseph, .$466.92; St. Martin,
$216.83 ; St. Wendel, $244.53 ; Sauk Centre, $374.47.
Appropriations of $115 to "Wakefield and $300 to Spring Hill for roads
and bridges were made at a session held June 1-3. At a session held July
10-12, the required one-mill school tax was levied and $43,500 for county
purposes. An appropriation of $128.57 was made to Eden Lake and $167.50
to Le Sauk for road and bridge purposes. Board of equalization in session,
July 17-22. A special session was held July 25-27, at which a petition for a
public ditch in the towns of Lake Henry, Zion and Paynesville was presented.
After arguments had been heard for and against, the commissioners voted
unanimously to grant the petition, and Henry Steichen, of Maine Prairie;
Peter Slough, of Holding, and H. C. Maguren, of Melrose, were appointed
viewers. An appropriation of $150 was made to Avon for road and bridge
Evidently bills for postage had been climbing somewhat high, as at a
session September 12-14, a resolution was adopted requiring that in the
future any claim by a county officer for cash paid for postage should be
accompanied by a verifying statement from the postmaster. An appropria-
tion of $125 was made to Farming for road and bridge purposes. Sessions
for routine business were held October 16 and 19 and November 29. A ses-
sion was held December 19-20, at which a petition for an election to vote
on incorporating the village of Avon was received and granted, the election
to be held January 22, 1900, at the postoffice, with W. S. Bartholomew,
B. E. Davis and Nick Rodden inspectors. Road and bridge appropriations
were made to St. Joseph, $150, and to Millwood, $317.50.
1900. The board met January 2, with Chris. Schmitt, H. F. Meyer, Joseph
Scheelar and Edward Smith present ; H. F. Meyer was elected chairman. The
reports of the county officers showed the amounts received by them as salaries
and fees for the year 1899 to have been as follows: P. J. Grueber, county-
auditor, $2,595; J. E. Carver and J. E. Hennemann, deputies, $1,080 each;
Charles Dueber, treasurer, $2,914.43, including $150 for clerk hire; J. M.
Emmel, register of deeds, $2,360.50; E. P. Barnum, clerk of court, $2,213.95;
Fred Schilplin, sheriff, $3,588.72; J. P. Berniek, deputy, $1,893.16; Hubert
Hanson, judge of probate, $2,694.85; Jacob A. Lahr, probate clerk, $600;
Charles M. Weber, county superintendent of schools, $1,814; J. D. Sullivan,
county attorney, $1,600 ; H. A. Pinault, coroner, $178.10 ; J. D. Morgan, county
surveyor, $320.70; county commissioners — Chris. Schmitt, $165.20; H. F.
Meyer, $445.30 ; George Engelhard, $316.50 ; Joseph Scheelar, $409.16 ; Edward
Smith, $437.90. A petition for an election to vote on the incorporation of
the townsite of Spring Hill was granted, the date for the election being
designated as February 7, at the postoffice building, with John Bocek, Leonard
Kruchner and William Kobow inspectors. A road appropriation of $100 was
made to the town of St. Wendel. Adjourned January 4.
At a special session held January 11 and 12, the report of the viewers
on the Lake Henry, Zion and Paynesville ditch, known as ditch No. 5, was
accepted and the ditch established as a public ditch. A special session was
held March 13-14, at which the resignation of Charles Dueber as county
treasurer was tendered and accepted and A. L. Cramb elected his successor.
An appropriation of $1,250 was made to the city of St. Cloud toward making
repairs on the Tenth street Mississippi river bridge. Special session April
14, routine business.
At the regular session May 8-10, John Schafer was appointed agent for
the First commissioner district to arrange for the burial of indigent hon-
orably discharged soldiers. Appropriations for roads and bridges were made
as follows, one-half of the amount actually expended to be paid by the
respective towns and villages : Albany, Maine Prairie, Avon and city of Mel-
rose, $300 each ; Crow River, Getty, Holding and Lake Henry, $200 each ; Col-
legeville and Paynesville, $100 each; Krain and St. Wendel, $400 each;
Brockway, $500; Fair Haven, $207.50; Lake George, $250; Le Sauk, $234;
Luxemburg, $177; Melrose, $150; St. Joseph, $330; Wakefield, $125; Zion,
$330; St. Augusta, $160; city of Sauk Centre, for grading city streets, $300.
A special session was held May 22, at which a petition for a public ditch
in the towns of Albany and Farming was accepted, and Frank Benolken,
Andrew Riehle and Peter N. Lahr were appointed viewers. At a special
session June 5, an appropriation of $250 was made to Farming for road and
bridge purposes.
The regular July session was held from the ninth to the eleventh. A
tax levy of $54,000 was made for county purposes, of which $15,400 was for
salaries and fees of county officers; $11,000 for roads and bridges; $4,100
for county ditches and $6,000 for district court expenses. Road and bridge
appropriations were made as follows: Eden Lake and Munson, $200 each;
Wakefield and Luxemburg, $150 each; Lynden, Rockville, St. Cloud and St.
Wendel, $100 each; Oak, $125; St. Martin, $121. Board of equalization,
July 16-25.
An application for a ditch in the towns of North Fork, Getty, Lake
George and Raymond was accepted at a session held August 10, and George
B. Cleveland, John Winter and Frank Benolken were appointed viewers. At
a special session held August 17, the report of the viewers on the Albany
and Farming county ditch was accepted and the ditch established as No. 6.
An appropriation of $457.25 was made to the town of Oak for road and bridge
purposes. A session held September 11-13 was devoted to routine business.
At a session held November 13-15, on recommendation of the viewers
the petition for the construction of the North Fork, Lake George, Getty and
Raymond ditch was rejected. The bid of L. H. Johnson, $4,668, for building
a steel bridge with stone piers across the Sauk river near the village of
Richmond was accepted, he being the lowest of eight bidders. Appropriations
of $160 to Sauk Centre and $100 to Melrose for road and bridge purposes
were made. The regular meeting held December 18-20, was devoted to
routine business; an appropriation of $263.25 being made to Ashley for road
and bridge purposes.
1901. The first session of the year opened January 8, with H. F. Meyer,
Joseph Scheelar, Ignatius Greven and Edward Smith present; H. F. Meyer
was re-elected chairman. The board authorized the issuing of bonds to meet
the expense of establishing and constructing county ditches. The allowance
for clerk hire in the county treasurer's office was increased to $500 per year,
and in the county auditor's office to $3,800, in accordance with the provisions
of chapter 292, laws of 1895.
At a special session March 12-14, autioneers' licenses were granted to H. J.
Rosenberger, St. Cloud ; E. Benolken, Freeport, and J. N. Gilley, Cold Spring.
The contract with Dr. F. McGuire to render all needed medical and surgical
services, with medicines, required for prisoners in the Stearns county jail,
for $100 per year, was renewed.
Two ditch petitions were received and accepted at a session held May
14-16, one being for a ditch in the towns of North Fork, Getty and Raymond,
to be known as ditch No. 7 ; the other in the town of North Fork, to be known
as ditch No. 8. Frank Benolken, George B. Cleveland and John Winter were
appointed viewers for both. The board resolved to discontinue paying the
county's one-third share of wolf bounties. Road and bridge appropriations
were made as follows: Avon, Collegeville, Rockville and Wakefield, $100
each; Crow River, Le Sauk, Munson and St. Martin, $200 each; Krain, Lake
George, Millwood and Zion, $150 each; Lake Henry and Maine Prairie, $300
each ; Brockway, $500 ; Holding, $347 ; St. Wendel, $250 ; St. Augusta, $112.50.
A special session was held July 6, to take action on a petition for a ditch
running through the towns of Millwood, Krain, Oak, St. Martin and Spring
Hill. Hearing on the petition was adjourned until October 8. At the regular
session July 8-10, a tax levy of one mill for schools and $52,000 for county
purposes was ordered. The following road and bridge appropriations were
made: Ashley and Wakefield, $150 each; Crow Lake and St. Joseph, $100
each ; Eden Lake, $250 ; Luxemburg, $400 ; Millwood, $200 ; Oak, $610. Board
of equalization, July 16-20. Special meeting August 1, routine business.
The regular September session was held from the tenth to the twelfth,
at which an appropriation of $150 was made to the village of Cold Spring
to aid in replanking the bridge across Sauk river. A special session was held
October 14 and 15, at which the report of the viewers on the Raymond and
North Fork ditch was accepted and the ditch established as No. 7. The same
action was taken regarding the North Fork ditch, which was established
as No. 8. An appropriation of $175 was made to Farming or grading
A regular session was held December 17-19, at which bids for building a
new steel bridge across Sauk river in the town of St. Cloud were opened.
The bid of W. S. Hewett & Co., of Minneapolis, Avas $3,628 and that of L. H.
Johnston, of the same city, was $3,432, the contract being awarded to the
latter bidder, the town to pay one-half of the cost of the bridge. Appro-
priations of $182.58 to Oak and $188.08 to Sauk Centre were made for road
and bridge purposes.
1902. The board met January 7, with H. F. Meyer, George Engelhard,
Joseph Scheelar and Edmund Smith present; H. P. Meyer being re-elected
chairman. An appropriation of $240 for road and bridge purposes was made
to the town of Munson. Adjourned January 9. A special session was held
January 14, at which the bond of Herman Mueller, who had been appointed
clerk of the district court to succeed E. P. Barnum, was approved.
Session March 11-13. Frank Benolken, of Freeport; Nick Klein, of
Maine Prairie, and Milo Camp, of Holding, were granted auctioneers' licenses.
A special session was held April 21, at which a petition for a ditch in the
towns of Getty and Grove was accepted, and John D. Morgan was appointed
to make the necessary survey, this ditch to be known as No. 9.
At a session held May 13-15, a number of bills from towns and individ-
uals incurred in connection with the cases of small-pox and other contagious
diseases were paid, the largest being that of A. A. Carpenter, of Belgrade,
$255.90, while a number were rejected, including one for $254.62 from the
board of health of New Paynesville. The usual spring appropriations of road
and bridge funds were made : Albany, Luxemburg, Raymond and Zion receiv-
ing $400 each ; Avon, Holding and St. Wendel, $300 each ; Brockway, Eden
Lake and Krain, $350 each; CoUegeville, Crow River and Rockville, $200
each; Getty, Lake George, Munson and St. Joseph, $150 each; Fair Haven,
$130; Farming, $195; Lake Henry, $275; Le Sauk, $225; St. Augusta, $175;
St. Cloud, $100 ; St. Martin, $600 ; Wakefield, $250.
At the regular July meeting, from the fourteenth to the sixteenth, a levy
of $50,000 for county purposes and the required one mill for schools was
made. More small-pox bills were rejected, including one of $1,694.25 from
the city of St. Cloud and one of $295.02 from the board of health of the village
of New Paynesville. Further appropriations for roads and bridges were
made as follows: Ashley, $132.85; Melrose, $245.07; Millwood, $250; St.
Cloud, $250; Spring Hill, $978.13. The board of equalization was in session
July 21-31.
At a special session held August 14, Herman Ramler, of Farming ; George
B. Cleveland, of Sauk Centre, and John Schwinghammer were appointed
viewers for the Grove and Getty ditch. At the September regular session,
ninth to eleventh, an appropriation of $150 was made to St. Wendel for road
and bridge purposes. A one-day's special session was held October 21 for
routine business, as was a special session November 11 and 12.
The regular December session was held the sixteenth to the eighteenth,
and an appropriation of $642 was made to the town of Oak for a bridge
across Getchell creek and road grading, and $2,500 to the city of Sauk Centre
to aid in the construction and repair of a certain street known as the exten-
sion of Third street, of a road connecting with said street and running east-
erly, and of three bridges on said street and road. During the year seven
liquor licenses were granted, being about the average number since the $500
license fee went into effect, one each to the towns of St. Augusta, Lake
Henry, Lake George, Krain (St. Anthony) and the village of Roseoe and two
to Rockville.
1903. The board met January 6 for a two days' session. Present, J. D.
Kowalkowski, H. F. Meyer, George Engelhard, Ignatius Kremer and J. H.
Canfield ; H. F. Meyer was re-elected chairman. Salaries were fixed as fol-
lows: County attorney, $1,850; superintendent of schools, $1,800; clerk hire
in auditor's offiee, $3,000; in treasurer's offlce, $1,200; assistant county super-
intendent of schools (Anton Rieland appointed), $600; commissioner First
district, $250; court house janitor, $480 and house rent.
A special session was held January 12 and 13, at which the report of the
viewers on the Grove and Getty ditch No. 9 was accepted and an order entered
for the construction of the ditch. Another special session, March 3-5, was
devoted to routine business.
The regular session was held May 12-14. Persons who were selling
liquor without a license — and the limited number of licenses taken out at the
$500 fee would indicate that " blind piggers " were more or less numerous —
were in very mild language invited to either procure a license or cease selling
liquor against the provisions of the law in such case made and provided.
The usual spring distribution of money for road and bridge purposes was
made as follows: Avon, Rockville and St. Wendel, $200 each; Brockway and
Zion, $450 each ; Crow Lake, Getty, Lake George and St. Martin, $100 each ;
Eden Lake, Krain and Millwood, $400 each; Luxemburg and Lynden, $300
each; Crow River, $250; Lake Henry, $150; St. Joseph, $600; city of St.
Cloud, $600. The board adopted a resolution adding $2.50 to the state bounty
of $7.50 for full-grown wolves and $1 to the bounty of $4 for cubs. Among
the bills allowed was one of $1,280 for one-half the cost of a steel bridge
over the Sauk river at the city of Sauk Centre.
At a special session held June 9, a petition for an election to vote on
the incorporation of the village of Rockville was received, and the election
ordered for July 10, at Weisman Brothers' store, with John Weisman, Ben
Garding and Henry Heck inspectors. The regular July session was from
the tenth to the fifteenth. Road and bridge appropriations were made to
Albany, $500; Ashley, $232.63; Collegeville, $300; Farming, $250; Grove,
$112; Holding, $400; Lake George, $100; Melrose, $400; Raymond, $195; St.
Augusta, $174.89; St. Martin, $200; Sauk Centre, $649.35. A tax levy of
$66,400 for county purposes and one mill for schools was made. The levy
for county purposes included $20,000 for salaries of county officers, $15,000
for roads and bridges, $6,100 for district court expenses, and $4,000 for
small-pox cases. Board of equalization in session July 20-30.
A meeting was held September 8-10, at which the issuing of bonds to the
amount of $3,660.40 to pay the cost of constructing ditch No. 9 was authorized.
On the recommendation of the state public examiner, an additional allowance
of $300 per year was made for clerk hire in the county auditor's office. Road
and bridge appropriations of $130.50 for Maine Prairie and $200 for Wake-
field were made. Appropriations of $570.25 to Oak and $500 to St. Wendel
for road and bridge purposes were made at a special meeting held November
3-4. At a regular session held December 15-17, a number of bills were allowed
for the control of contagious diseases. A special session was held, at which
a petition received for a public ditch in the town of Lynden, to be known
as ditch No. 10, was accepted and Arthur E. Morgan appointed to make a
1904. The board met January 5, with H. F. Meyer, George Engelhard,
J. H. Canfield, J. D. Kowalkowski and Ignatius Kremer present. H. P. Meyer
was elected chairman and J. D. Kowalkowski vice-chairman. Adjourned
January 7. At a special session January 26, a petition from the St. Cloud
Public Library Board, proposing in consideration of an appropriation of
$150 (to be used in the part payment of the salary of an assistant librarian)
to extend the privileges of the library, including the drawing of books, to
residents of the county outside the city of St. Cloud, was laid on the table.
A petition for a public ditch in the towns of Sauk Centre and Melrose, to
be known as ditch No. 11, was accepted and George Ingram was appointed
to make the necessary survey. Special sessions were held January 30 and
March 1 for routine business.
A special session was held March 8-10, at which Dr. R. I. Hubert was
elected county physician, at a salary of $200 per year, to succeed Dr. P.
McGuire, resigned. A request from the St. Cloud Library Board for an
appropriation of $300, on terms similar to the one which had preceded it,
met with the response that " a proposition of this kind could not be enter-
tained. " At a special session held March 12, an order was issued establishing
ditch No. 10. Another special session was held three days later at which
John Schaefer, H. C. Block and Herman Ramler were appointed viewers for
ditch No. 11. A special session held May 3 was devoted to routine business.
Appropriations for roads and bridges were made as follows at the regular
session May 10-12 : Ashley, $350 ; Crow River, $375 ; Eden Lake, $250 ; Farm-
ing, Getty and Munson, $150 each ; Luxemburg, Maine Prairie, St. Joseph,
Rockville and St. Martin, $300 each; St. Wendel and Holding, $400 each;
city of Melrose, $250 ; North Pork, $200. Special sessions were held May 28,
May 31 and June 18 for routine business. At a special session held June
25, an order was adopted establishing the Brockway and St. Wendel county
The regular July session met on the eleventh, adjourning the thirteenth.
Appropriations for roads and bridges gave Albany, Avon, Krain and Mel-
rose $400 each; Brockway, $600; Crow Lake and Grove, $200 each; Le Sauk,
$675; Lynden, Millwood, St. Cloud and Sauk Centre, $300 each; Paynesville,
$147.37; St. Augusta, $250; Spring Hill, $345; Zion, $168; village of Eden
Valley, $400. The claims of a number of towns and villages for the suppres-
sion of contagious diseases were allowed. A levy of a one-mill tax for schools
and $65,500 for county purposes was made. A special session was held July
16, at which W. S. Bartholomew, John Neutzling and James M. Barrett were
appointed viewers for ditch No. 13. Board of equalization, July 18-28. Spe-
cial sessions were held July 30, August 10, August 20 and August 30, for
the consideration of ditch matters.
The regular September meeting was held on the thirteenth, continuing
two days. A petition for the holding of an election to vote on the annexing
of lands in the original town of Paynesville, Gilbert's addition to Paynesville
and Gilbert's second addtion to Paynesville to the village of New Paynesville
was granted, said election to be held October 20 at J. G. Jackson's paint shop,
with James H. Boylan, F. W. Phillips and J. G. Nehring inspectors. Road
and bridge appropriations were made to Eden Lake, $138 ; Raymond, $139.17,
and Sauk Centre, $250. Special sessions were held October 22, 25 and 29;
November 15 and 16, and December 3 and 6, for the transaction of routine
At the regular session, December 20-22, the county auditor was instructed
to check over all the tax records from January 1, 1903, to date, covering the
period during which Charles A. Berniek was deputy county treasurer, all to
be done under the direction of the state public examiner.
1905. The board met in regular session January 3, with J. D. Kowal-
kowski, H. F. Meyer, Jacob "Weber, George Engelhard, Ignatius Kremer and
J. H. Canfield present — Messrs. Weber and Engelhard both claiming the elec-
tion from the Third district. Theodore Bruener appeared as attorney for
Mr. Engelhard and protested against the seating of Mr. Weber on the ground
of ineligibility. H. F. Meyer was re-elected chairman and J. D. Kowal-
kowski vice-chairman. An appropriation of $25 was made to the St. Cloud
Humane Society to assist in the work of the society outside the city. Ad-
journed January 5. Special sessions held February 4, 7, 10 and 25 were
devoted mainly to the consideration of ditch matters. At a special session held
March 7-9, the issuing of bonds was authorized in the sum of $1,606.42 to
pay for the construction of ditch No. 10; $5,265.10 for ditch No. 12, and
$1,260.62 for ditch No. 13. Frank Benolken was appointed appraiser of
school lands in Stearns county.
March and April were devoted mainly to the consideration of ditch
matters, no fewer than fourteen special sessions being held during those two
months— on March 11, 14, 16-17, 18, 21, 25, 29 and 30, and April 1, 4, 8, 11,
15 and 22 — for the reception of petitions for public ditches and the appoint-
ment of engineers or viewers. There appeared to be a sort of ditch boom,
affecting all parts of the county. A special session for routine biisiness was
held May 6.
The regular May session began the ninth, adjourning the following day.
The distribution of funds for roads and bridges was made to the several
towns as follows : Albany, Brockway and Krain, $500 each ; Ashley and St.
Martin, $350 each; Eden Lake, Farming and St. Augusta, $250 each; Getty,
Maine Prairie, Millwood, Roekville, St. Cloud, St. Joseph and Spring Hill,
$300 each ; Lake George, Lake Henry and Melrose, $200 each ; CoUegeville, $240 ;
Crow Lake, $100; Crow River, $150; Grove, $750; Holding, $450; Luxem-
burg, $600; Munson, $1,800; North Fork, $175; Paynesville, $342.50; St.
Wendel, $400 ; Zion, $400 ; city of St. Cloud, $300. The ditch season re-opened
in May with a series of special sessions held. May 13, 20, 23 and 27, June 14
and 17, and July 1 and 8, devoted almost wholly to ditch matters. The ditch
occupying attention at the last session being No. 25.
The regular July session was held the tenth to the twelfth. In addition
to the levy of one mill for schools a tax levy of $51,000 was made for county
purposes. The following supplemental road and bridge appropriations were
made : Avon and Wakefield, $250 each ; Oak and Raymond, $300 each ; Eden
Lake, $100; Fair Haven, $900; Lynden, $175; Sauk Centre, $500. Board of
equalization in session July 17-27. Sessions were held July 29 and August
8 for the consideration of matters relating to ditches Nos. 26 and 27 and for
routine business.
At a session held September 12-14, the issuing of bonds to pay for the
construction of the following ditches was authorized : No. 11, $2,668.31 ; No.
15, $8,775.89; No. 16, $2,868.31; No. 17, $7,742.62; No. 18, $3,593; No. 19,
$1,620.90; No. 21, $4,831.90; No. 22, $3,710.50. This money was secured from
the State University and School fund at 3 per cent interest Road and bridge
appropriations were made to St. Joseph, $350 ; Sauk Centre, $1,290.71 ; Spring
Hill, $318.16. Special sessions were held October 31 and November 1 and
November 28 for routine business, at the latter meeting $200 being appro-
priated to St. Joseph and $200 to Holding for roads and bridges.
Special session for routine bvisiness were held December 4 and 5, and
December 19-21, appropriations of $111.50 to Eden Lake and $275.90 to
Paynesville being made for roads and bridges. Ten saloon licenses were
issued during the year, one each in the towns of Getty, Luxemburg, Lake
George, Lake Henry, St. Augusta, Krain, Zion and St. "Wendel and two in
1906. The board met January 2 and 3, with Joseph Kowalkowski, H. P.
Meyer, George Engelhard, Ignatius Kremer and J. H. Canfield present ; H. F.
Meyer being re-elected chairman and J. D. Kowalkowski vice-chairman. The
issuing of bonds to the amount of $2,488.66 for the construction of ditch No.
24 was authorized. Special sessions January 15 and 18-19 were mainly occu-
pied with ditch matters.
At a special session March 13 and 14 report was made as follows of the
salaries and fees received by county officers dviring the preceding year : J. C.
Crever, auditor, $4,655.80 ; Chris. Schmitt, treasurer, $3,260.38 ; Herman
Mueller, clerk of district court, $3,029.72; John M. Emmel, register of deeds,
$3,562.10; Hubert Hansen, probate judge, $3,139.93; Paul Ahles, comity super-
intendent, $1,800 ; J. B. Himsel, county attorney, $1,994.63 ; J. P. Bernick,
sheriff, $5,335.97 ; J. D. Morgan, county surveyor, $10 ; J. B. Dunn, coroner,
$54.30 ; county commissioners — J. D. Kowalkowski, $680.66 ; H. F. Meyer,
$1,170.80; Jacob Weber, $721.10; George Engelhard, $34.40; Ignatius Kremer,
$756.90; J. H. Canfield, $983.20. A special session was held in April to con-
sider a petition for ditch No. 28, for which B. Kost, J. Ferschweiler and N.
Mueller were appointed viewers.
At a special session held May 8 and 9, appropriations for roads and
bridges were made to Ashley, Collegeville, Le Sauk, Raymond, St. Martin
and St. Wendel, $300 each; Maine Prairie and St. Joseph, $400 each; Crow
River, $425 ; Fair Haven, $1,000 ; Lake Henry, $150 ; Luxemburg, $900 ; Rock-
ville, $200. A petition for ditch No. 29 was granted, and Julius Payne, John
Schaefer and John Schwinghammer were appointed viewers. Special session
June 23, routine business.
At a special session held July 9-11, additional road and bridge appropria-
tions were made as follows : Crow Lake, $100 ; Eden Lake and Paynesville,
$600 each ; Getty and Millwood, $300 each ; Lynden, $200 ; North Fork, $320 ;
Zicn, $442.25 ; village of Paynesville, $575 ; city of Sauk Centre, $210.65. The
first road designated for improvement under the general laws of 1905 was
that part of the St. Clovid and Breckenridge state road which lies between the
city of St. Cloud and the village of St. Joseph. The tax levy for county
purposes was $48,000, for schools one mill, and for roads and bridges one mill.
Board of equalization in session July 16-26. At a session held September 7,
a final order was issued establishing ditch No. 28 in the towns of Albany,
Krain and Holding. A special session was held October 19, at which a final
order was issued establishing ditch No. 29 in towns of Crow Lake and Crow
River. Auctioneers' licenses were issued to J. N. Gilley, Nick Klein, J. Beste,
John Schaefer and F. C. Minette.
At a special session held November 12 and 13, road and bridge appro-
priations were made to Grove, $823.60; Oak, $499.78; Lake George, $400;
Spring Hill, $312.62. E. N. Erickson and P. F. Benolken were added to the
list of licensed auctioneers. The final session of the year was held December
18 and 19. A transfer of $10,000 was made from the revenue fund to the
ditch fund, to be returned as soon as money was realized from the sale of
ditch bonds. A number of bills for digging ditches were allowed, among
others being $5,440.43 to 0. F. Doyle and $1,257.86 to Simon Kutzman.
1907. The board met January 8, with H. F. Meyer, J. D. Kowalkowski,
George Engelhard, Ignatius Kremer and J. H. Caufield present ; the organiza-
tion being the same as for the previous year. Dr. R. I. Hubert, H. F. Meyer
and J. D. Kowalkowski were appointed members of the county board of
health, with compensation at $5 per day. Anton Rieland was appointed
assistant county superintendent of schools at a salary of $600 per year;
Ignatius Greven, janitor at the court house at $45 per month and house rent,
and Dr. R. I. Hubert, county physician at $200 per year. Adjourned January
10. At a special session held March 5 and 6, it was voted to issue bonds in
the sum of $2,488.66 at 4 per cent interest, to pay for the construction of
ditch No. 24. Special session March 19 for routine business.
At a session May 14-15, road and bridge appropriations were made as
follows : Avon and Holding, $250 each ; Collegeville, Eden, Lake, Fair Haven,
Luxemburg, Melrose, Raymond, St. Joseph, St. Martin and Wakefield, $300
each ; Crow Lake, Lake Henry and St. Cloud, $200 each ; Holding, $250 ;
Maine Prairie, $400 ; Oak, $121 ; Rockville and St. Augusta, $100 each ; Spring
Hill, $139 ; city of St. Cloud, $800. S. S. Chute was appointed superintendent
of highways, at $5 per day and expenses while actually employed. Commit-
tees as follows were appointed for the several commissioner districts for the
surveying, building or improving of any road or street in any incorporated
city or village or any bridge or culvert on any public road or highway : First
district. Commissioners Kowalkowski, Meyer and Canfield ; Second district,
Commissioners Meyer, Canfield and Kowalkowski; Third district, Commis-
sioners Engelhard, Meyer and Kremer; Fourth district, Commissioners Kre-
mer, Engelhard and Meyer; Fifth district. Commissioners Canfield, Meyer
and Kowalkowski. The plans and specifications of state highway No. 1, pre-
pared by the county superintendent of highways, were accepted. The
appointment of Charles Schmidt as assistant county superintendent of schools
was approved. A special session for routine business was held June 21.
o At the regular July session, meeting on the eighth and adjourning on
the ninth, appropriations for roads and bridges were made as follows : Ash-
ley, $515; Albany, $250; Avon, $200; Brockway, $100; Farming, Getty, Le
Sauk, Lynden and Zion, $300 each ; Krain, $350 ; Millwood, $200 ; North Fork,
$257.50; Spring Hill, $475; village of Cold Spring, $100. A tax levy of
$46,000 for county purposes and one mill for roads and bridges was ordered.
Board of equalization was in session July 15-25.
A special session held July 31 authorized the issuing of bonds to pay for
the construction of ditch No. 26, $34,566 ; No. 28, $8,446 ; No. 29, $14,136, the
loans being made from the State University and School fund at 4 per cent.
Special session August 13, routine business.
At a special session held September 10 and 11, a petition was received
for an election to incorporate as a village certain territory in the town of
Le Sauk, in Stearns county, and in the town of Sauk Rapids, Benton county,
the larger part being in the county of Stearns. The petition was granted,
the date for the election being October 5, and the place the office of the
Sartell Bros. Company, with William L. Sartell, A. L. Smitten and Anton
Smudde inspectors. Road and bridge appropriations were made to Grove,
$225; Munson, $296.63; St. Wendel, $350; village of Albany, $150. The
issuing of $2,124 in bonds to pay for ditch No. 25 was authorized. A special
session was held October 21 and 22, at which $100 was appropriated to Lake
George, $1,000 to St. Augusta, $400 to Brockway and $505 to Paynesville for
road and bridge purposes. The closing session of the year was held December
17 and 18, at which further road and bridge appropriations were made as
follows : Crow River and Luxemburg, $300 each ; Eden Lake, $144.25 ; Hold-
ing, $172.50 ; Lake Henry, $479.50 ; Millwood, $100 ; Sauk Centre, $359.64.
1908. The regular January session opened the seventh, with J. D.
Kowalkowski, H. F. Meyer, Ignatius Kremer, George Engelhard and J. H.
Canfield present, the organization of the past year being continued. It was
voted to supplement the state bounty of $7.50 for full-grown wolves and
$3 for cub wolves with an addition of $2.50 and $2 respectively for all such
wolves killed in Stearns county. The road from Rockville to Cold Spring
was designated as State Highway No. 2 and the road from St. Joseph to
Albany as State Highway No. 3. There was a lively " scrap " over the
county printing, the first occasion on which the serene surface of the patronage
waters had been disturbed in many years. The St. Cloud Times made an offer
to publish the financial statement, proceedings of the county board and all
official notices for one-half the legal rate, this offer to include publication in
the daily and weekly Times and the Nordstern, and the delinquent tax list
at nine cents per description. The St. Cloud Journal-Press, for itself and a
combination of outside weekly papers, made a bid to do the work for one-half
the price offered by the Times Publishing Company. The offer of the Times
was accepted as " the lowest that has been received by the board, in com-
parison to their value as mediums to bring the news before the taxpayers of
the county." The town of Paynesville was given $175 for roads and bridges
at a special session held March 3-4. Special session April 10, routine business.
At a special session May 12 and 13, a number of appropriations were made
for roads and bridges, Ashley, Eden Lake, Luxemburg, Raymond, St. Augusta
and Sauk Centre receiving $400 each ; CoUegeville, Farming, Getty, Grove,
Lake George, Lake Henry, St. Martin and St. Wendel, $300 each ; Fair Haven,
$450 ; Maine Prairie, $500 ; Melrose, $126 ; Rockville, $125 ; Spring Hill, $313.07.
The county surveyor was directed to set the section corners in a number of
towns. The committee on roads in the different commissioner districts were
re-appointed for the coming year.
A special session was held May 26, at which a number of bills were
allowed in connection with the location of judicial ditch No. 1 in Pope and
Stearns counties. The regular July session, beginning the thirteenth, con-
tinued for three days. Appropriations for roads and bridges were made to
Brockway, $200 ; Holding, Krain and Lynden, $300 each ; Crow River, $445 ;
Lake George, $250; Le Sauk and Millwood, $350 each; Melrose, $400; North
Fork, $150. A levy of $44,000 for county purposes and one mill for roads and
bridges was made. Board of equalization in session, July 20-30. At a special
session, August 6, the contract for the digging for state road No. 1 was let to
C. A. Langdon for 19 cents per cubic yard. The Tri-State Land Company's
plat of Elrosa was accepted and ordered to be filed, at a special session,
August 11.
At a special session held September 22 and 23, resolutions were adopted
rescinding the resolution adopted September 10, 1907, for the issuing of
$2,124 in bonds to pay for the construction of ditch No. 25, and the resolution
of July 31, 1907, providing for $8,446 in bonds to pay for ditch No. 28; and
new resolutions providing similar issues of bonds for the ditches were
adopted, the previous resolutions having apparently been irregular or
defective. Additional ditch bonds were provided for at a special session held
October 30 and 31, $3,122 being for ditch No. 27 and $2,896 for ditch No. 14.
The following appropriations were made for roads and bridges : Rockville,
$600; St. Joseph, $833.05; Wakefield, $400; Crow River, $164.26; village of
Sartell, $100. At the regular session December 15-17, the plats of Hober-
mann's addition and Schulte's first addition to Albany were accepted and
approved. The bond of the county treasurer was fixed at $225,000 and of the
county auditor at $10,000. A new state highway was established from the
east line of the town of Albany to the city of Sauk Centre. Appropriations
for roads and bridges were made to Munson, $183.01; Spring Hill, $575;
Paynesville, $592.44; Maine Prairie and Luxemburg, $100 each.
1909. The regular opening session met January 5, adjourning January
6. The commissioners present were J. D. Kowalkowski, Ignatius Kremer,
J. H. Canfield, Val. Herman and Jacob "Weber. J. D. Kowalkowski was elected
chairman and J. H. Canfield vice-chairman. The clerk hire for the auditor's
office was fixed at $3,900 and for the treasurer's office at $1,300 for the year.
An appropriation of $125 was made to the town of Avon for road and bridge
purposes, and the same amount to the town of St. Wendel. Another state
highway, from the village of Melrose to the village of Albany, was estab-
lished. An appropriation of $25 was made to the St. Cloud Humane Society
to be used in the traveling expenses of the executive agent in investigating
cases of cruelty within the county.
January 27, special session for routine business. At a special session
March 2 and 3, Dr. R. I. Hubert was re-elected county physician at $200
annual salary. B. Kost was appointed an appraiser of school lands in Stearns
county. March 30, special session for routine business.
A special session was held May 4 and 5, at which applications for loans
from the state of Minnesota for ditches Nos. 25 and 28 were accepted. The
commissioner district road and bridge committees were re-appointed, Val-
entine Herman succeeding H. F. Meyer and Jacob Weber succeeding George
Engelhard. Appropriations for roads and bridges were made as follows:
Albany, $275; Avon, Brockway, CoUegeville, Eden Lake, Fair Haven, Farm-
ing, Getty, Lake George, Lake Henry, Luxemburg, Paynesville, St. Martin
and "Wakefield, $300 each; Holding, Millwood and St. Cloud, $250 each;
Krain, $437.50; Maine Prairie, $400; Raymond, $500; St. "Wendel, $125.50.
A special meeting was held June 2, under instructions from the office of
the attorney general, to revoke the liql^or licenses of Jacob "Weber and Nick
Ganzer & Co. in the townsite of Roscoe, for the reason that their saloons were
less than 1,500 feet (actually less than 800 feet) from the schoolhouse. The
licenses were revoked and the license fees refunded. A special session was
held June 18, at which ditch No. 30 was established and the plat of Pelican
Lake Park in the township of Avon was accepted and approved.
The regular July session opened the twelfth, adjourning the fourteenth.
Road and bridge appropriations were made as follows: Ashley, North Fork,
Sauk Centre and Zion, $300 each; Grove, $109.84; Holding, $435.28; Paynes-
ville, $377.50; St. Augi;sta, Le Sauk and St. "Wendel, $250 each; village of
St. Joseph, $100. A levy of $60,000 for county expenses and one mill for
road and bridge purposes was made. The public examiner having reported
that overcharges had been made by several of the county officials, the county
attorney was instructed to investigate the matter and take such action as
the case might require. The plat of Park addition to Holding was accepted.
Board of equalization in session July 19-28. Special session July 19, routine
At a special session August 21, a loan of $15,789.96 to pay for judicial
ditch No. 1 of Stearns and Pope counties was made from John Eapp at six
per cent interest. Appropriations of $150 to Lynden, $350 to the city of
Melrose and $230 to the city of Sauk Centre for road and bridge purposes
were made. Road and bridge appropriations were made to Grove, $200;
Krain, $400, and St. Wendel, $886.80, at a special session October 5. At a
special session held December 14-17, the state highway from St. Joseph to
Avon, which had been known as No. 1, was changed to No. 3 to conform to
the number adopted by the State Highway Commission. Applications for
loans from the state of Minnesota for county ditches Nos. 14 and 27 were
accepted. The following road and bridge appropriations were made: Avon,
$100; Brockway, $150; Luxemburg, $262.72; St. Joseph, $394.06; Spring
Hill, $325 ; Zion, $200.
1910. The board met in regular session January 4 for one day, with
Commissioners J. D. Kowalkowski, Ignatius Kremer, Jacob Weber and J. H.
Canfield present. Commissioner Val. Herman being absent. J. D. Kowalkowski
was elected chairman and J. H. Canfield vice-chairman. Theodore Schmitz
was elected court house janitor, and an appropriation of $147.91 was made
to Munson for roads and bridges. At a special session January 25, the sum of
$15,000 was transferred from the county ditch fund, which had a large sur-
plus, to the county reserve fund. An appropriation of $280 was made to the
town of St. Martin for road and bridge purposes.
A special session was held March 4, at which road and bridge appropria-
tions were made to Grove, $175; Oak, $379.50; Lynden, $100; and an appro-
priation of $25 was made to the county agricultural society to be used in
making an exhibit during the month of March in St. Paul. April 12, session
for routine business.
A special session was held May 6, at which the road committees of the
several commissioner districts were re-appointed for the coming year. Road
and bridge appropriations were made as follows: City of St. Cloud, $4,700;
town of Albany, $250 ; Ashley, CoUegeville, Crow River, Eden Lake, Pair
Haven, Getty, Holding, Krain, Lake George, Lake Henry, Le Sauk, Luxem-
burg, Millwood, St. Cloud, St. Joseph, St. Wendel, St. Martin, Spring Hill,
Wakefield and Zion, $300 each; Crow Lake, $200; Fair Haven, $388.50;
Maine Prairie, $400; Raymond, $500; Rockville, $150. Dr. M. J. Kern was
appointed county physician at a salary of $200 per year.
The following additional road and bridge appropriations were made at
a special session June 7 : Brockway, Lynden, Munson and St. Augusta, $300
each ; Oak, $250 ; Paynesville, $500. The regular July session was held from
the eleventh to the thirteenth. For county purposes a tax levy of $60,000
was made, with one and a half mills for roads and bridges. Appropriations
from this fund were made to Holding, $750 ; Grove, $125 ; North Fork, $300.
Board of equalization in session, July 18-28.
A special session was held August 16, at which the road extending from
the city of St. Cloud to the village of Kimball was made state highway No.
6. Road and bridge appropriations were made to Avon, Kimball and the
village of Brooten, $300 each; Paynesville, $764.50. A special session was
held August 26, at which the only item of business transacted was the grant-
ing to W. J. Weyrauch, of Raymond, license to sell intoxicating liquors.
Special sessions were held October 4 and November 29 for routine business.
A special session was held December 15-17, at which, besides the transacting
of routine business, the following road and bridge appropriations were made :
Maine Prairie, $100 ; Melrose, $300 ; Oak, $400 ; Sauk Centre, $247 ; Wakefield,
$640 ; village of Sartell, $106.87.
1911. The regular January session met on the third, adjourning the fol-
lowing day; present. Commissioners J. D. Kowalkowski, V. Herman, Jacob
"Weber, Nicholas Thomey and J. H. Canfield. J. D. Kowalkowski was unani-
mously elected chairman and J. H. Canfield vice-chairman. The St. Cloud
Times was elected the official paper for the ensuing year and was also desig-
nated as the paper in which the delinquent tax list should be published. An
appropriation of $500 was made as a contingent fund for the county attorney.
Dr. M. J. Kern, J. D. Kowalkowski and N. Thomey were appointed members
of the county board of health, with a compensation of $5 per day. Salaries
were fixed as follows : County superintendent of schools, $1,800 ; deputy,
$720; clerk hire for county auditor's office, $4,260; treasurer's office, $1,450;
janitor of the court house (Theodore Schmitz), $45 per month and house rent.
A communication having been received from the attorney general regarding
the distance between John Lutgen's saloon at St. Nicholas and the school-
house, the county surveyor was instructed to make the necessary survey and
report to the board at its next meeting. The compensation of the county
surveyor was fixed at $5 per day for all coianty work performed. An appro-
priation of $25 was made to the St. Cloud Humane Society, for outside work
by the agent.
A special session was held February 7-8, with commissioners Kowalkow-
ski, Weber, Thomey and Canfield present. The report of the county sur-
veyor showing that John Lutgen's saloon was within the legally prohibited
distance from the school house, his license was revoked and the license
money ordered to be refunded. A petition having been received for an elec-
tion to vote on the incorporation of the village of Roscoe, comprising territory
in the townships of Munson and Zion, March 3, 1911, was designated as the
day for holding such election at Clemens Kost's store, with Clemens Kost,
Thomas Sauer and Joseph Wais inspectors. At a special session held March
3, the application of P. F. Dudley and others for the establishing of ditch
No. 31 in the township of Lynden was granted, and Benjamin Kost, Michael
Loso and Peter Sojka were appointed viewers, with M. J. Cleveland engineer.
Another one-day special session was held March 7. The result of the
election at Roscoe having been in favor of incorporation, commissioner Jacob
Weber with the inspectors originally designated were appointed a commit-
tee to give notice of an election for village organization. Road and bridge
appropriations were made as follows: Avon, $100; Eden Lake, $250; Fair
Haven, $547.25 ; Grove, $120 ; Holding, Krain and Raymond, $500 each ; Lake
George, $150; Le Sauk, $125; Luxemburg, $342.89; Rockville, $106.65; St.
Cloud, $300.
A special session was held May 2, adjourning that day, with all mem-
bers present. A petition for the incorporation of the village of St. Anthony,
in the township of Krain, was granted, and May 26th, at Joe Maders' ma-
chine shed, was designated as the time and place for holding the election.
with Ben Blume, Julius Bachel and Casper Ricker inspectors. A delega-
tion of citizens and representatives of the St. Cloud Commercial Club, con-
sisting of Theodore Bruener, J. D. Sullivan, C. D. Grinols, Alvah Eastman,
C. F. MacDonald, P. R. Thielman and M. Nueremberg, appeared before the
board and urged the necessity for the purchase of a site and the erection
of a new court house thereon. Nicholas Thomey, J. H. Canfield and J. D.
Kowalkowski were appointed a committee to investigate the matter of secur-
ing a site. Road and bridge appropriations were made as follows: Albany,
$264; Avon, Collegeville, Crow River, Getty and Lake George, $300 each;
Brockway, Eden Lake, Luxemburg and St. Joseph, $400 each; Crow Lake,
$125; Farming, $350; Grove and Maine Prairie, $500 each; Holding, .$325;
Lynden, $270; North Fork, $113.10; city of Melrose, $1,347.32; city of St.
Cloud, $4,500. The proceedings in the matter of ditch No. 31 were approved
at a special session, May 26.
At a special session June 22, a petition was received from B. W. Veede
and others, asking that an examination of the affairs and accounts of the
township of Getty be made by the state public examiner. It was voted that
the town of Getty be required to give a bond to the county of Stearns pro-
viding for the payment of the costs of the examination in case no discrepan-
cies or irregularities were found, the costs otherwise to be paid by the county.
A petition for a county ditch in the town of Raymond, Getty, North Fork and
Lake George, signed by K. N. Dunham and others, was received and notice
of hearing ordered to be given. Road appropriations were made to the fol-
lowing townships: Lake Henry and "Wakefield, $400 each; Lynden, Melrose,
Rockville, St. Augusta and Sauk Centre, $300 each; St. Cloud, $200; St.
Martin, $350; Zion, $595.
A regular session was held July 10-12, with all members present. Appli-
cations were received from the Co-operative Farmers' Club of St. Cloud for
an appropriation of $500 to be used in making a display of Stearns county
agricultural products at the state fair and from the Steams County Fair As-
sociation for an appropriation of $500 for the county fair to be held at Sauk
Centre ; both applications were denied. Road and bridge appropriations were
made to Ashley, $300; Krain, $200; Fair Haven, $125; Le Sauk, $1,189.25;
Millwood, $300 ; Munson, $325 ; Oak, $400 ; Spring Hill, $348.90. A tax levy
of $60,000 was made for the year 1911, and in addition one mill for road and
bridge purposes.
Upon request of the Commercial Club of the village of Richmond and a
petition signed by twenty citizens, the so-called Wakefield and Luxemburg
county road was designated as state highway No. 8. The county board of
equalization was in session July 17-24. A special session was held July 28,
for routine business. At a special session August 4, with all members present,
on a petition from N. H. Dunham and others, M. J. Cleveland was appointed
engineer to survey the line for a proposed county ditch, No. 32, and Ben
Kost, Frank Wagner and Fred Borgmann were appointed viewers.
A special session was held September 5, at which the main traveled road
from Cold Spring to Paynesville was designated as state road No. 9, and a
certain section of county road in the township of Maine Prairie was designated
as state road No. 10. A road and bridge appropriation of $545 was made to
the township of Lynden. A special session was held October 13, at which
three liquor licenses were granted, no other business being transacted.
A special session was held December 15-16, at which the county road
from the city of Sauk Centre to the village of Brooten was designated as
state highway No. 11. An application from the Northern Minnesota Devel-
opment Association for an appropriation of $50 was laid over. Road and
bridge apropriations were made to Paynesville, $100; Lake George, $110;
North Fork, $150; Oak, $574.40; Paynesville, $250; St. Augusta, $200; St.
Joseph, $372 ; St. Wendel, $640.35 ; village of Brooten, $150.
1912. The board convened in regular session, January 2, Commissioners J.
D. Kowalkowski, Valentine Herman, Jacob "Weber, Nicholas Thomey and J. H.
Canfield being present. J. D. Kowalkowski and J. H. Canfield were elected
chairman and vice-chairman respectively. The St. Cloud Times was elected
the official paper of the county and the stationery printing was awarded to
the Nordstern. Dr. M. J. Kern was appointed county physician at a salary of
$200 per year. An appropriation of $132 was made to the township of Wake-
field for road and bridge purposes. In accordance with the provisions of
chapter 109 of the general laws of 1911 an appropriation of $175 was made
to the city of St. Cloud and $125 to the city of Sauk Centre to be used in the
observance of Memorial day by the G. A. R. posts in these cities. Adjourned
January 3.
At a special session February 6, with all members present, appropriations
of $125 for Avon ; $200 to Farming and $282 to Zion were made for road and
bridge purposes. The salary of the deputy register of deeds was fixed at
$300 per year. An appropriation of $400 was made to the Stearns County
Agricultural Society, of which $215 was to be used in purchasing seed, corn
and potatoes to be distributed proportionately among the 210 schools, in the
county, not to exceed $1 worth of seed to be given to any one school, and
County Superintendent William A. Boerger to act as distributing agent of the
A special session was held April 2, at which a road running from the city
of Sauk Centre to an intersection with state road No. 11, in section 20, town-
ship of North Fork, was designated as state highway No. 12 ; and a road run-
ning from the village of Richmond to the south line of Stearns county in the
town of Eden Lake was designated as state road No. 13.
State highway No. 14, being composed of a road running from the village
of Cold Spring to the south line of the county in the town of Luxemburg, was
designated at a special meeting held May 7. The following named towns
received appropriation for road and bridge purposes : Ashley, Collegeville,
Crow River, Fair Haven, Getty, Krain, Lake George, Luxemburg, St. Joseph
and Zion, $300 each; Maine Prairie, $450; St. Cloud, $150; St. Martin, $600;
city of Sauk Centre, $262.72. A large number of school petitions were acted
on. At a special session June 18, further road and bridge appropriations were
made, Brockway, Lake Henry, Lynden, Millwood, Raymond, Rockville and
St. Augusta receiving $300 each. The plat of the townsite of St. Nicholas
was approved.
The regular July session began on the eighth, adjourning the tenth, with
all members present. A large number of applications for new roads and
changes in established roads were acted on. M. J. Cleveland having resigned
as engineer of ditch No. 32, S. S. Chute was appointed to complete the work.
A levy of $59,000 was made for county purposes for the year 1912, and in
addition $25,000 for road and bridge purposes. Appropriations from the road
and bridge fund were made to Grove, $300 ; Paynesville, $2,883 ; St. Wendel,
$500; village of Holding, $250. An appropriation of $500 was made to the
Agricultural Society of Sauk Centre for use in the county fair to be held in
September. The county board of equalization held a session July 15-25.
A committee, representing the Sunshine Society of St. Cloud, appeared
before the board at a special session July 26 and asked that it appropriate a
certain sum of money for the erection of a coimty sanitarium for tubercular
patients. It was decided to take the matter under advisement for a later
decision. Road and bridge appropriations were made to Avon, $300; Sauk
Centre, $300; Holding, $500. An application of the St. Cloud Water Power
company for the right to construct and maintain a line of poles and wires
along the state and county roads of Stearns county for the transmission of
electrical light and power to the different villages and other parts of the
county, was granted for a period of twenty-five years, it being provided that
such poles shall be erected so as not to interfere with ordinary travel, and
that the company assumes all liability for any damages which may result
from the construction or maintenance of such lines.
A special meeting held September 11, designated that part of the so-called
"River road" along the west side of the Mississippi river to the line between
Stearns and Morrison counties, excluding that part lying within the village of
Sartell, as state road No. 15. A special session October 8, was devoted to
road and routine business. J. H. Canfield was appointed to represent Stearns
county at the annual meeting of the State Association of County Commis-
sioners to be held at Austin, October 24-27.
At a special session December 17-18 resolutions from a number of societies
and organizations favoring the establishing of a Stearns county tuberculosis
sanatorium were read, and the matter was laid over. The plat of Pearl Lake
Park was approved. An appropriation of $300 was made to the town of
Wakefield for road and bridge purposes. Bonds of county officers were ap-
proved as follows: Chris. Schmitt, county treasurer, $250,000; John P. Rau,
county auditor, $10,000; John Lang, register of deeds, $5,000; B. E. Schoener,
sheriff, $5,000; Paul Ahles, county attorney, $1,000; H. A. Pinault, coroner,
$3.000 ; Cary Diehl, court commissioner, $2,000.
1913. The board met in regular session January 7, adjourning January
8, with J. D. Kowalkowski, Valentine Herman, Jacob Weber, Nicholas Thomey
and J. H. Canfield present. J. D. Kowalkowski was unanimously elected chair-
man and J. H. Canfield vice-chairman. County Auditor Rau presented the
annual financial statement of the county, Avhich was accepted and ordered to
be published. The matter of the county printing coming up, the board first
went into executive session, and afterwards proceeded to take action on the
two bids received, the one being from the St. Cloud Times and the other from
the Sauk Centre Herald ; the latter was accepted as being the lowest. It
provided for the publishing of all county official matters in the Sauk Centre
Herald, Albany Enterprise, Belgrade Tribune, Brooten Review, Cold Spring
Record, Freeport Informant, Holdingford Advertiser, Kimball Kodak, Mel-
rose Beacon, Paynesville Press and Richmond Standard, at the rate of sixty
cents per folio for the first insertion and thirty cents for each subsequent
insertion ; also, to cause to be sent by mail copies of the financial statement to
taxpayers as follows : St. Cloud, 500 ; Waite Park, 25 ; St. Joseph, 25 ; Avon,
25; Sartell, 25; Collegeville, 25. The publishing of the delinquent tax list at
the rate of ten cents per description, was also let to the Sauk Centre Herald,
on the same conditions as in the matter of county printing, that being declared
to be the lowest offer received. The printing of all office stationery was
awarded to the Nordstern Publishing Company. The sum of $500 was appro-
priated as a contingent fund for the county attorney. The bounty of $2.50
each for full-grown and $2.00 for cub wolves, additional to the state bounty,
was continued. An appropriation of $225 was made to enable the county treas-
urer to prepare duplicate tax lists to be used in collecting taxes in various
parts of the county, as provided by law. The following-named commissioners
were appointed as committees for the several commissioner districts to super-
vise the expenditure of moneys on roads : First district. Commissioners Kowal-
kowski, Herman and Canfield ; Second district. Commissioners Herman, Canfield
and Kowalkowski ; Third district ; Commissioners "Weber, Thomey and Kowal-
kowski ; Fourth district. Commissioners Thomey, Weber and Kowalkowski ;
Fifth district. Commissioners Canfield, Kowalkowski and Herman. Dr. M. J.
Kern was re-elected county physician at a salary of $200 per year ; and Dr.
M. J. Kern, J. D. Kowalkowski and Nicholas Thomey were appointed members
of the county board of health. Ignatius Luckeroth was appointed custodian
of the court house at a salary of $52.50 per month, and William Holucok,
janitor at $42.50 per month. The salary of the county superintendent of
schools was fixed at $2,200; assistant, $840; clerk hire for auditor's office,
$4,320; treasurer's office, $1,440; register of deed's office, $300; extra help in
treasurer's office, $200; county surveyor, $5.00 per day for county work.
At a special session held March 4, road and bridge appropriations were
made as follows : Albany, $405 ; Brockway, $154 ; Lake George, $150 ; Le Sauk,
$112 ; Maine Prairie, $309.55 ; Melrose, $344.75 ; Munson, $311.97 ; Oak, $102.85 ;
St. Joseph, $247.50; St. Martin, $418; village of Eden Valley, $350, city of
Sauk Centre, $240.22. An appropriation of $500 was made to the County
Agricultural Society of Stearns county to aid in the conducting of a fair at
Sauk Centre in September. An appropriation of $100 was made to the city
of St. Cloud and $75 to the city of Sauk Centre for the observance of Memo-
rial day. A contract was made with the Northwestern Telephone Company for
the rent of ten telephones for the use of the different county officers at $2.00
each per month. The following reports of amounts of fees received during the
year 1912 were made : J. P. Ran, county auditor, $3,620 ; Chris. Schraitt, treas-
urer, $3,311.75; A. H. Klasen, probate judge, $2,747.70; J. B. Hemsl, attorney,
$2,500; John Long, register of deeds, $3,201.50; H. J. Limperieh, clerk of
court, $3,590.42; B. J. Moritz, sheriff, $5,019.95; J. D. Morgan, surveyor.
$165.51 ; H. A. Pinault, coroner, $60.30 ; county commissioners, J. D. Kowal-
kowski, $1,115.70; Valentine Herman, $1,352.30; Jacob Weber, $926.80; N.
Thomey, $990.80; J. H. Canfield, $1,172.69.
A special meeting was held April 8, at which Michael Loso was appointed
appraiser of state lands. W. A. Boerger, county superintendent of schools,
reported that fees amounting to $2,000 had been received by him during the
year 1912. A communication was received from the State Highway Commis-
sion advising the board that $5,000 had been alloted to Stearns county for
the state road and bridge fund.
A petition of Frank Lippameyer and nine others for a drainage ditch in
the town of Melrose was presented, as was a remonstrance signed by John
Moening and twenty-three others, at a special meeting held April 15. After
consideration the petition was granted, the ditch to be known as No. 33, with
S. S. Chute engineer to make a survey, and W. E. Murphy, John Neutzling and
Fred Borgmann to act as viewers.
Another special session was held May 6, at which a resolution was adopted
authorizing the borrowing, from Zapp's state bank, St. Cloud, of the sum of
$18,278.27, to defray the cost of the construction of judicial ditch No. 1 of
Pope and Stearns counties, said loan to bear interest at the rate of six per
cent and be payable in ten annual installments. A special session was held
May 16, for the purpose of giving a new notice of hearing in the matter of
ditch No. 32, the previous notice having been defective.
A number of appropriations were made from the road and bridge fund
at a special meeting held June 10, as follows: Albany, CoUegeville, Crow
River, Getty, Grove, Holding, Krain, Lake George, Lake Henry, Luxemburg,
Melrose, Millwood, Munson, North Fork, Raymond, Rockville, St. Cloud, St.
Joseph, St. Martin, St. Wendel, Sauk Centre and Zion, $300 each ; Eden Lake,
$600; Fair Haven, $500; Maine Prairie, $450; Wakefield, $500; village of
Rockville, $700. A resolution was adopted providing for a half holiday on
the Saturday afternoon of each week, for the county officers, deputies and
clerks, from June 10 to October 11, 1913. The final hearing in the matter of
ditch No. 32 was held at a special session June 21, when a resolution was
adopted making a number of amendments to the viewers' report and fixing
July 1, 1915, as the time for the completion of the ditch.
The regular July session opened the fourteenth, with all members present,
adjourning the fifteenth. The tax levy for the year 1913 was fixed at $60,000
of which $23,000 was for salaries of county officers, $8,000 for district court
expenses, $4,000 for jail and court house expenses, $3,000 for justice and
municipal court expenses and $5,000 for salaries and mileage of county com-
missioners. There was also levied $30,000 for road and bridge purposes, and
in addition one mill for a Dragging fund, in each town outside of incorporated
cities and villages, in accordance with section 41, chapter 235, general laws of
1913. The board having decided that the mileage of state roads in the county
was too great for their proper care and maintenance by the county alone,
adopted a resolution revoking all previous action designating state roads. Sub-
sequently resolutions were adopted designating four state roads to be com-
posed as follows :
No. 1 — All of state roads Nos. 1 and 3, that portion of No. 4 lying between
the township of Avon and the city of Melrose and that portion of No. 5 begin-
ning at the west line of the city of Melrose and running thence to the east
line of the city of Sauk Centre.
No. 2 — Beginning at the S. E. corner of section 9, township of St. Cloud,
running thence west between sections 9-16, 8-17 to Sauk river; thence in a
southwesterly direction over sections 17-18 to the west line of said town ; thence
in the township of St. Joseph southwesterly over 13, 24, 23, 26, 27, 34 to the
south line of said town, thence in the township of Rockville southwesterly
over sections 3, 4, 9, to the east limits of the village of Rockville ; from the
west line of the village of Rockville the road to be that heretofore designated
as state roads 2 and 9.
No. 3 — The roads heretofore designated as state roads Nos. 6 and 10.
No. 4 — The road heretofore designated as state road No. 7.
This action was taken in accordance with section 18, chapter 235, general
laws of 1913. Road and bridge appropriations were made to Grove, $179;
Le Sauk, $255.20 ; Paynesville, $300.
The county board of equalization was in session July 21-30.
At a special session August 1, final action was taken in the matter of
ditch No. 33, the reports of the viewers and engineer being accepted and the
ditch established.
A special session was held August 5, at which the county attorney was
authorized to take an appeal from the order of the probate court in the matter
of the Donley children for the purpose of testing the question in the higher
courts. A resolution was adopted directing the county surveyor to make a
survey of Grand Lake, in the township of Rockville, with a view to estab-
lishing a level at which the water of the lake should be maintained, "in order
to improve navigation and to improve the public health," and to "report
the description of any land which may be required upon which the erection
of a dam at the outlet of Grand Lake necessary to cause the maintenance of
said level, may be required, and a sketch of the said dam necessary to be built
to maintain said level and an estimate of the cost of said land and dam."
A. M. Welles having sold the Sauk Centre Herald, the official paper for the
county, to A. M. Wallace, the latter filed a new contract and bond. An appeal
having been taken to the district court from the order of the board estab-
lishing ditch No. 32 the county surveyor was instructed to proceed to the line
of said ditch with three assistants and inspect same with the adjacent lands
60 as to be qualified to act as witnesses when said appeal comes up for trial.
An appropriation of $100 was made to the village of Waite Park from the road
and bridge fund.
At a special session held September 2, the report of S. S. Chute, civil
engineer, in the matter of raising the waters of Grand Lake was presented and
after consideration the matter was laid over. A petition having been received
for the incorporation as a village of certain territory in the township of Lake
Henry, to be known as the village of Lake Henry, it was ordered that an elec-
tion to vote on the question of incorporation be held September 27, at the
J. C. Meyer hall, with J. C. Meyer, H. B. Gelting and Jacob Kraemer inspectors.
A special session, October 2, was devoted to routine business.
A special session, occasioned by the sudden death of J. P. Rau, county
auditor, was held October 21, at which appropriate resolutions were adopted
and Louis C. Deuber was appointed temporary custodian of the office of county
auditor. On the following day the board proceeded by ballot to elect a county
auditor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of J. P. Rau, and Nicholas
Thomey, who had previously resigned his office as county commissioner, re-
ceived four votes, being all that were cast and was declared to be unanimously
elected. His bond in the sum of $10,000 was presented and approved.
When the board met in special session November 12 to act on the petition
for the removal of the county seat from St. Cloud to Albany, it first received
the report of the board of appointment, which had met at the county auditor's
office October 31, in accordance with the provisions of law, to choose a successor
to Nicholas Thomey, commissioner from the Fourth district, who had resigned.
The report showed that on the first five ballots Ignatius Kremer received 2
votes, Michael Loso 3 votes, Peter Taufer 2 votes and E. F. Mielke 5 votes ; that
on the sixth ballot E. F. Mielke received 5 votes, I. Kremer 1 vote, M. Loso
3 votes and Peter Taufer 2 votes; that on the seventh and final ballot E. F.
Mielke received 5 votes and Michael Loso 6 votes, with one blank, whereupon
Michael Loso was declared the appointee. The board then took up the matter
of the proposed county seat removal, the counting of the names on the different
papers and the general discussion occupying the time until November 18,
when the board adopted the following preamble and resolution, on motion of
Jacob "Weber seconded by Michael Loso.
"Whereas, A petition has been presented to the board of county commis-
sioners of the county of Stearns asking for a removal of the county seat of
said county from the city of St. Cloud, the present seat thereof, to the village
of Albany, in said county.
And Whereas, After notice of hearing given thereon this board, pursuant
to said notice, met at the room of the county commissioners at the court house
in the city of St. Cloud on Wednesday, the twelfth day of November, 1913, at
ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of examining said petition and inquiring as
to the sufficiency thereof, and for the purpose of hearing any other matters
pertinent thereto, as provided by law ;
And Whereas, Adjournments from day to day have been taken to this day
to complete investigation as to said petition and the matters pertaining
thereto ;
And Whereas, It appears that said petition as originally filed contained
the names of 4,175 signers ;
And Whereas, It further appears, after due examination by this board,
that of the signers of said original petition 1,194 thereof have duly revoked
and canceled their signatures and have requested this board to strike their
names from said petition, as appears from the duly acknowledged and attested
revocations, coupled with a power of attorney, which have been filed with this
board ;
And Whereas, It further appears to this board that certain of said signers
who requested their names to be removed from said petition have duly re-
quested that their names He reinstated thereon, the number of said signers so
requesting a reinstatement of the names being to the net number of 408 ;
And Whereas, It further appears to this board, after an examination of
said petition, said revocations and said reinstatements that the number of
signers remaining upon said petition is only 3,929, which number of signers is
less than sixty per cent of the whole number of voters voting in said county
of Stearns at the last preceding general election ;
Now, therefore, be it resolved, That said petition aforesaid for the removal
of said county seat be and the same is hereby rejected, because of the insuffi-
cient number of signatures thereto and remaining thereon as herein set forth.
The resolution was signed and voted for by Commissioners Kowalkowski,
Weber, Loso and Canfield, Commissioner Herman not voting.
At a special session held December 16 and 17 it was ordered that work be
-done on certain parts of the state roads in the county as follows : No. 1, turn-
piking from St. Cloud to St. Joseph ; turnpiking and grading from Avon to
Albany and from Melrose to Sauk Centre. No. 2, turnpiking about five miles
between St. Cloud and Rockville ; constructing road over so-called Cold Springs
hill between Cold Springs and Richmond; grading about five miles between
Richmond and Roscoe. No. 3, grading, turnpiking and graveling from the
Luxemburg church to Maine Prairie Corners so-called ; completing state road
south of Kimball. No. 4, necessary repairs and the construction of bridge
No. 1,088.
In the matter of ditch No. 32, R. B. Brower, who had appeared for the
petitioners, was authorized and directed to defend against the appeals which
had been made from the final order of the board. Donohue & Stevens,
attorneys for the petitioners in the matter of ditch No. 33, were similarly
Road and bridge appropriations were made as follows : Eden Lake,
$649.11 ; Luxemburg, $114.79 ; Lynden, $800 ; St. Wendel, $510.72 ; Spring Hill,
$300; Zion, $348.60; Holding, $459.76; St. Cloud (town), 141.13; village of
Eoscoe, $211.38.
1914. The board met January 6, with J. D. Kowalkowski, Valentine Her-
man, Jacob Weber, Michael Loso and J. H. Canfield present. J. D. Kowalkow-
ski was unanimously re-elected chairman and J. H. Canfield vice-chairman for
the ensuing year. The St. Cloud Times was made the official paper of the
county for the ensuing year by a vote of 3 to 2 for the Sauk Centre Herald :
the proceedings and financial statement to be published also in Der Nordstern,
all for the legal rate. The publishing of the delinquent tax list was awarded
to the Times at the statute rate of 15 cents per description. The miscellaneous
job printing was awarded to Der Nordstern Publishing Company, at prices
stated. The usual committees of three each were appointed to supervise the
expenditure of road and bridge appropriations for the five districts. Dr.
M. J. Kern was appointed county physician at a salary of $200 per year.
The salaries of county officials were fixed as follows for the year 1914 :
■County superintendent of schools, $2,400; assistant superintendent of schools,
$1,080; deputy register of deeds, $400; clerk hire in county auditor's office,
$5,520; clerk hire in county treasurer's office, $1,800; extra help in county
treasurer's office, $200; Ignatz Luckeroth, custodian court house, per month,
$55 ; Ignatz Greven, janitor court house, per month, $50 ; county surveyor, per
day, $5.
An examination of the funds in the hands of the county treasurer showed
the total to be $80,684.53. A communication from the State Association of
County Commissioners asking this board to pass a resolution favoring the
change of the Inebriate hospital at Willmar to an Old Polks home was rejected.
Appropriations for roads and bridges were granted as follows: Lake
Henry, $300; Maine Prairie, $511.01; Raymond, $322.17; Rockville, $112.82;
St. Joseph, $165 ; Wakefield, $731.61 ; Paynesville, village, $156.95.
The following appropriations were made for state road work to be done
under the directions of the state highway commission: From St. Cloud city
to St. Joseph village, 5.8 miles, $3,000; between Avon and Albany, $2,000;
from the west line of the city of Melrose to the east line of the city of Sauk
Centre, 8 miles, $5,000; from town line between St. Cloud and St. Joseph to
the east line of the village of Rockville, 7 miles, $3,000 ; repairing Cold Spring
hill, 5 miles, $1,500; from Richmond to Roscoe, 5 miles, $3,000; from Luxem-
burg church to Maine Prairie corners, 6.5 miles, $5,000; building bridge No.
1,088, $1,000 ; work on state road No. 4, $500.
Reports of fees and emoluments received during the year 1913 were made
by the following county officers: Nicholas Thomey, county auditor, $706.40;
Christ. Schmitt, county treasurer, $3,310.77 ; William A. Boerger, superintend-
ent of schools, $2,200; B. E. Schoener, sheriff, $3,091.17; John Lang, register
of deeds, $3,413.10; S. S. Chute, surveyor, $262.26; H. A. Pinault, coroner,
$130.70; J. D. Kowalkowski, county commissioner, $1,764.72; Valentine Her-
man, county commissioner, $1,909.80; Jacob Weber, county commissioner,
$1,530.17; Nicholas Thomey, county commissioner, $1,384.30; Michael Loso,
county commissioner, $145.60; J. H. Canfield, county commissioner, $1,689.40.
Adjourned January 7.
Special session, February 3. Appropriations to assist in defraying Memo-
rial day expenses were made : Paynesville, $25 ; Melrose, $25 ; Sauk Centre,
$75 ; St. Cloud, $100. A re-survey of the towns of Raymond and Collegeville
was ordered. Road and bridge appropriations were ma-de to Albany, $187.20 ;
Fair Haven, $579.56 ; Farming, $300 ; Paynesville, $310.80 ; St. Wendel, $178.33 ;
Special session, April 7 — An order of the district court was received estab-
lishing a judicial road in the town of Luxemburg, Stearns county, and the
town of Forest Prairie, Meeker county, and the necessary steps were taken for
its opening in the town of Luxemburg.
A petition having been received for the incorporation of the village of
St. Stephens in the town of Brockway, it was ordered that an election be held
May 2, in Frank Vovik's hall, with Frank Vouk, James Justin and George
Justin inspectors, to vote on such incorporation. The several state roads of
the county were separated into eight divisions for the purpose of maintenance,
a man and team to be employed on each from April 15 to Nov. 1, 1914, at
$90 per month. A re-survey of the towns of North Fork and St. Joseph was
Road and bridge appropriations were made to: Crow River, $182.66;
Munson, $150; Oak, $158.10; Paynesville village, $160.75; Melrose city,
$236.12 ; for repairing the road from the western limits of the city of St. Cloud
to the Willmar branch of the Great Northern right of way on the easterly
line of the village of Waite Park, $1,500. The board purchased nine Glide
graders and nine Slip scrapers. Special session. May 5 — A new state road to
be known as State Road No. 5 was designated, to be built under the juris-
diction of the state highAvay commission. Paul Ahles, county attorney, re-
ported having received $2,500, and A. H. Klasen, judge of probate, $2,816.55,
as fees and emoluments during the year 1913. Special session, June 2 — Rou-
tine business.
Special session, June 29 — Provision made for the issuance of $9,396 in
bonds to meet the cost of Ditch No. 33. Another special session was held
July 3 for the purpose of providing for the issuance of $25,000 in bonds to
defray the cost of construction of Ditch No. 32. At a third ditch session held
July 8 both series of bonds were sold to Zapp's State Bank, St. Cloud, at par
with six per cent interest.
Regular session, July 13 and 14 — A tax levy for the year 1914, for county
purposes, amounting to $66,500 was made. In addition, a levy of two mills on
the dollar was made for road and bridge purposes, one mill for a dragging
fund in each town outside the incorporated villages and cities and one mill
to create a sinking fund to be used for court house building purposes only.
The plats of Bock's addition to Albany and Loehr's addition to Elrosa were
approved. Appropriations for road and bridge work were made : Luxemburg,
$279.80 ; Rockville, $160 ; St. Nicholas village, $182.95. The board of equaliza-
tion was in session from July 20 to July 30 inclusive. Special session, August
11 — The plats of the townsite of Fair View to Paynesville and of Rien's addi-
tion to Elrosa were approved.
J. D. Kowalkowski and J. H. Canfield were appointed delegates to attend
the annual conference of the Minnesota State board of charities and correc-
tions to be held at Bemidji, September 26-28, 1914. An appropriation of $500
was made to the Agricultural Society of Stearns county at Sauk Centre to
aid in conducting a county fair during the month of September. An appro-
priation of $2,600 was made to the city of Melrose from the road and bridge
Special session, September 22 — Acting upon the advice of the Public
Examiner that the tax levies for certain purposes made at the session of July
13 be made for specific amounts, the board adopted a resolution making the
appropriation for roads and bridges $42,000 and for a sinking fund to be used
for court house building purposes and to be a part of the revenue fund of the
county, $21,000. The session was largely devoted to considering road and
school petitions. Special session, October 2 — Ditch No. 33 was accepted and a
final payment in the sum of $2,323 ordered to be made to the Guy N. Potter
Dredging Company.
Early Efforts to Erect a Court House — Main Building' Erected in 1864 — Addi-
tions and Alterations — Efforts at Securing a More Modem Building —
Bond Issues — County Jail — Old Log Jail — Present Jail Erected in 1878 —
Title to Site.
In order to give the "Commissioners' Court" — as the county board while
in session is described in the official records — the district court and the county
officers a suitable and permanent home, steps were taken at the meeting of the
board held July 8, 1856, to secure the erection of a court house ; but eighteen
years of changes, failure of plans and delays of contractors intervened before
these efforts produced material results. In the meantime the county officers
and records were housed in rented rooms and the terms of court held in a
hall here and a hall there as accommodations in anywise suitable could be ob-
tained. At the meeting referred to it was voted to issue bonds to the amount
of $6,000, bearing interest at the rate of twelve per cent and to run for seven
years, to erect in St. Cloud a building of the following description and di-
mensions: "40x64 feet on the ground; 26 foot posts; basement story 9 feet
high, to be built of stone, with two cells at one end, walls 2 feet thick, the
remainder of the basement to be finished into rooms suitable to be lived in.
First floor for offices and jury rooms; second floor for court room, with hall
off the end." Bids would be received until August 11, plans for the buildings
to accompany each proposal. At the same time bids would be received for
the county bonds (for the issuance of which a vote by the people was not re-
quired) ; the offer made by the highest bidder to be accepted, but the bonds
were not to be sold "for less than their face." The board met August 14 in
extra session just long enough to adopt the plans for a court house submitted
by John L. Wilson. At an adjourned meeting held August 26 the bids for the
erection of the court house were opened and that of Joseph Niehaus being the
lowest the contract was awarded to him. The commissioners at the same time
voted to pay over the $6,000 Avorth of bonds immediately to purchase the
materials for same. This was carried by the votes of Commissioners Orth
and Edelbrock, Commissioner Richardson opposing the order and entering
his protest against it. To protect the county from loss Niehaus was required
to give bonds to the amount of $13,000 for the completion of the court house,
"the security for the above to be sworn security." It was ordered that the
first money received into the county treasury, not appropriated for terri-
torial purposes or school tax, be used to pay the interest on the court house
bonds. At a meeting held August 27 it was ordered that "the bonds be de-
livered over to Joseph Niehaus." The board, at a session on April 8, 1857,
extended for one year from the date specified in the contract the time for
the completion of the court house. An offer made by John L. Wilson to fur-
nish, free of rent, a room in which terms of court could be held until such
time as the court bouse should be completed, was accepted.
Nothing more appears of record regarding the proposed county build-
ing until at an extra session held February 23, 1858, Joseph Niehaus made
application to be released from his contract, agreeing to give a good and
sufficient bond to protect the county from any liability or damage arising
from the issuing of the $7,000 county bonds. The application was granted,
subject to the stated condition as to an indemnifying bond, which was ac-
cepted and filed February 24, whereupon the contract was cancelled, and
the project was just where it had been at the beginning.
The county board then proceeded to enter into a contract with John
L. Wilson for the erection of a court house according to the plans and speci-
fications then on file, the price to be $7,000, for which bonds payable seven
years after May 1, 1858, with interest at twelve per cent per annum, should
be issued and delivered to said "Wilson. At the first meeting of the county
board of town supervisors, held August 3, 1858, Leander Gorton and George
W. Cutler were appointed a committee to confer with Wilson with a view
to obtaining additional security for the erection of the new building. The
committee reported at an adjourned meeting August 20, at which time Mr.
Wilson tendered a deed to certain real estate, with the condition that if any
of the land should be sold the proceeds should be placed to his credit on his
contract. The clerk of the board was directed December 4 to "open a cor-
respondence with H. M. Rice making him a proposition to take Prairie du
Chien property and pay on the Stearns county court house bonds negotiated
by him." The records are silent as to the result of this correspondence, but
a fairly correct surmise as to what it was would not involve the possession of
any great degree of insight.
Practically three years elapsed after the signing of this contract with
John L. Wilson with nothing whatever being done toward the erection of
the court house. At a meeting of the board of county commissioners held
January 8, 1861, an agreement was signed whereby, in consideration of be-
ing released from all liability under his contract, Wilson conveyed to the
board the tract of land designated on the map of the town of St. Cloud as
"Columbia Square," a further condition being that within ten months from
that date he should remove from the title to this land certain clouds which
rested on it. In case the title was cleared so that the county should have
an estate in fee simple in the property, it was proposed to deed the tract
(less two acres) to any person who would accept it as payment in full for a
court house building to be constructed in accordance with the original con-
Nothing further was done until January 9, 1863, when "after consider-
able discussion," a resolution was adopted authorizing the county auditor
to advertise for bids, to be opened January 26, "for the erection of a court
house fifty feet square, walls twenty-eight feet high, two stories, with shin-
gle roof, the first floor to be divided into suitable rooms for offices, the sec-
ond floor to be finished for a court room, the building to be either of wood on
a stone foundation or of brick, with one double fire-proof vault in the first
story; the building to be completed by January 1, 1864; bidders to submit
plans; payment to be made in real estate situated on Columbia Square and
the contract to be awarded to the bidder willing to accept the least amount
of said real estate." Bids were received at a meeting held September 26
from J. W. Tenvoorde, N. P. Clarke and Thomas C. McClure, and on the
following day the bid of John W. Tenvoorde, with plans and specifications
drawn by James H. Place, was accepted. The court house was to be erected
on a lot in Columbia Square designated on the plans as being 200x220 feet,
with a street 66 feet wide all around the lot — and also a street leading from
the outside of Columbia Square to the center of the lot, the property consid-
eration to be deeded to the successful bidder lapon the completion and ac-
ceptance of the building, he giving security in the sum of $5,000 for the com-
pletion of the contract according to the plans and specifications. The chair-
man of the board of county commissioners and the county auditor were made
a building committee. By resolution of the board July 12, 1864, the court
house was accepted and it was ordered that Joseph Edelbrock, as chairman
of the board, execute to Joseph Broker, as assignee of John W. Tenvoorde,
the contractor, a warranty deed to the land described in the agreement of
February 18, 1863, viz: Lots 2, 3, 6 and 7, block 18, and lots 4 and 5, block
47, and all of Columbia Square, located in the town of St. Cloud, reserving
the tract in the center thereof, 200 feet fronting toward St. Germain street
by 220 feet fronting toward "Washington avenue, on which the court house
stood, with the streets previously described.
Thus nine years after the county was organized and eight years after
the first steps were taken for the erection of a county building, the central
part of the present court house was completed. It is of red brick with a
stone foundation and in its day and generation was doubtless creditable
enough and served the purpose for which it was constructed. But that day
has long since passed. From time to time additions and changes have been
made to meet as far as possible, in this make-shift fashion, the more press-
ing needs of the county resulting from its greatly increased population. In
1871, March 27, a contract was awarded to Schmit and Volz to construct
four vaults in the court room at a cost of $1,375 and $1,060 was paid for
the four vault doors. Three years later, March 17, 1874, A. Montgomery
was awarded a contract for an addition to the building, the cost of which
was $5,425. After the lapse of ten years more, February 2, 1884, a con-
tract for a further addition was given to Peter Schmit for $2,750. The final
addition was erected March 11, 1897, by Carl Krapp, whose contract price
was $9,922, with $535.30 for extra work on the court house and jail. The
heating plant put in at this time by F. E. Kreatz, cost $2,066, and the plumb-
ing done by J. P. Besinius, $928. No improvements to the building of any
extent have been made since. Metallic vault furniture has been installed
from time to time, one contract having been for $1,535.
The unsatisfactory condition of the court house, its insufficient accom-
modations for the proper transaction of the public business, and the utter
hopelessness of accomplishing any sufficient results through additions to the
present structure have been generally recognized for the past twenty years,
but from a feeling of timidity and false spirit of economy on the part of the
commissioners and from local jealousies nothing has been done. At a session
of the county board held September 10, 1891, a report from the grand jury
— similar to many which had proceeded it — was read, wherein the attention
of the board was called to the insufficient accommodations provided by the
present court house for the transaction of the county business, and advis-
ing against the further expenditure of public money on these buildings. The
board "recognizing the urgent necessity for more spacious, convenient and
secure accommodations and buildings for the county" appointed a commit-
tee consisting of B. Pirz, Edward Miller, John Schwinghammer, Joseph
Scheelar and David Cleveland — being in fact the full membership of the
board itself — to make inquiry and report on the following matters:
1 — Do the public interests require a new court house and jail?
2 — Can the present court house and jail be utilized by alteration or ex-
3 — What tract should be selected as a permanent site for the public
buildings of this county?
4 — For what amount can title to suitable tract of land be obtained
whereon to build a court house and jail?
5 — Within what time should new court house and jail be completed?
6 — What sum or amount should be expended for such purpose?
7 — How should the necessary sum or amount be raised?
8 — Is it for the public interest to have the court house and jail build-
ings upon one site or tract?
9 — Can the county of Stearns and the city of St. Cloud unite or combine
in the construction of a new court house and jail or either?
This little spurt on the part of the commissioners fell still-born, noth-
ing further being heard of it.
A petition from the Trades and Labor Assembly asking that immediate
steps be taken toward the erection of a good substantial court house and
jail to be completed during the years 1895 and 1896, presented to the board
at a meeting held March 19, 1895, was laid on the table.
Five years after the adoption of the resolutions and the appointment of
the committee given above, during which interval the building of a new
court house was a subject of wide discussion, the board of commissioners
yielded to the public pressure sufficiently to adopt the following resolution
at a meeting held January 8, 1896 :
Whereas, A petition signed by more than one Tiundred legal voters of
this county, who are freeholders therein, has been duly presented to this
board setting forth that it is the desire of said petitioners that the county
of Stearns, Minnesota, shall erect and construct a court house at the county
seat of said county, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of $75,000; now
therefore it is hereby
"Resolved, That the question of building and erecting said court house
be submitted to the legal voters of said county of Stearns at the next general
election to be held in and for said county on Tuesday, November 3, 1896."
This resolution found its resting place in the graveyard which held so
many of its predecessors, nothing further being heard of or from it, and
Stearns county, one of the most populous and wealthy counties in the state,
has for the transaction of its public business one of the most ill-constructed,
ill-looking and inconvenient court houses to be found in the state. This
should not be permitted much longer to continue.
There is considerable uncertainty as to the amount of bonds issued
and actually paid by the county for the court house. The early records were
poorly kept and are much confused. As has been noted, the first issue of
bonds authorized was for $6,000 at the meeting of July 7, 1856. It is said
that these bonds were put into the hands of an agent to be negotiated in
New York, that they were lost, and that only two, of $1,000 each, were
recovered. A later bond issue of $7,000 was provided for. The St. Cloud
Democrat of January 10, 1861, makes the direct charge that the county
authorities had "issued two separate sets of bonds for $7,000 each which
were delivered to John L. Wilson on his contract to build a court house for
$7,000. He disposed of both sets of bonds, made a hole in the ground, in-
tended for a cellar, and then suspended operations. The holders of these
$14,000 bonds are clamorous for payment." While the action of the county
board at the July meeting referred to only authorized the issuing of $6,000
it would subsequently appear that the actual issue was $7,000. The court
house was completed and accepted in 1864, being built from the proceeds
of land deeded to the county by Mr. Wilson. The published financial state-
ment of Stearns county for the period from January 1, 1866, to February
28, 1867, contains among the liabilities: "Amount of outstanding bonds (in-
terest not included), $7,190." As no bonds had been authorized or issued
save those for court house purposes, it is a fair inference that this amount
represented what was outstanding at that time of the court house bonds
and there is no record covering any previous period as to bond obligations.
A paragraph in the St. Cloud Journal of July 8, 1869, throws a ray of
light on the subject: "All the old court house bonds have been redeemed
except $2,600, not due until 1872. The county jail has all been paid for. The
relief fund has also been liquidated, and Stearns county is in a good condi-
tion financially."
As during the years following its organization Stearns county had no
court house, it likewise had no jail. Ordinarily culprits were confined in
the town lock-up, while those whose offenses against the majesty of the law
were more serious, were sent to the Ramsey county jail for confinement.
This proved to be both inconvenient and expensive. Finally March 2, 1861,
the county board purchased the jail building, a log structure, which had been
built by the town of St. Cloud on the lot now occupied by the Methodist
church. B. Overbeck was allowed $15 in county orders for labor performed
on it, and the sum of $150 in county orders was appropriated "for the re-
newal and erection of a county jail." Commissioner Fowler was appointed
a committee of one to draw the plans and specifications and take charge of
the work. He reported April 2 that the jail had been completed and it was
accepted by the board and he was paid $12 for his services as superintend-
ent. Instead of there having been any "removal" or "erection" the old-
building was enlarged and put into somewhat better condition for the pur-
pose for which it was intended and let go at that. Soon afterwards, June 4,
the county board directed that the jail be ' ' properly ventilated by putting at
least one good grated window in the front room and grated windows in the
cell doors," and further that "the said jail be properly cleaned at least twice
each week during the summer season and while prisoners are confined there."
The sheriff was authorized to employ a guard for the jail, to be paid $1.25
per day while on duty.
When the board of commissioners met January 3, 1865, a crisp little
missive from the district court, reading as follows, was presented for its
consideration: "We the grand jurors have examined the Stearns county
jail and we pronounce it a perfect nuisance." This evidently took the
breath away from the commissioners, rendering them incapable of prompt
action, and on motion the communication was laid over until the next meet-
ing— nuisance or no nuisance.
A full year passed before the matter had any further consideration from
the county board, although the commissioners readily admitted that it was
"unfit" for use and had been "so reported by each grand jury of said county
for many years last past." After this confession, placed on record at the
meeting held January 4, 1866, and sundry reasons given why it would be
economical as it was desirable to build a new jail, which should be of brick,
the board directed that the matter be submitted to the people of the county
at an election to be held the first Tuesday in April. Very evidently the neces-
sity for a new jail did not appeal to the voters of the county generally, as
the proposition was defeated by a vote of 360 for to 385 against. Just what
affected public sentiment in the different localities it would be difficult at this
date to determine, as in some of the towns the vote was solidly in favor of
a new jail, while in others closely adjoining it was solidly in opposition.
While St. Cloud gave 202 votes for and only 9 against, Brockway straight
13 favorable and Lynden 20 to 1, St. Augusta, a neighboring town, gave only
4 favorable votes to 55 in opposition; Le Sauk, adjoining St. Cloud, cast her
entire 25 votes in the negative, as did Oak her 51 votes, while the vote of
Sauk Centre was 8 to 43, Munson, 3 to 34 and Maine Prairie 4 to 40. Al-
though the margin was a narrow one it left the "perfect nuisance" the only
thing available for jail purposes.
Another year passed without any improvement in the situation until at
a session held May 7, 1867, the board resolved that the jail was "unfit for
the purpose" intended and that it was "expedient to erect a good and sub-
stantial jail without delay," nothing being said this time about submitting
the matter to a vote of the people. Commissioners E. H. Atwood, H. J.
Fowler and B. Pirz were appointed a committee to decide on a proper loca-
tion for a jail building and receive bids for its erection, report to be made
at the county board Jnue 17. The committee at that time reported having
received three bids: W. T. Clark, $5,900; John R. Clark, $7,900; Wolfgang
Eich, $8,150 — each bidder stipulating for cash payments. These bids not
being regarded as satisfactory were all rejected and the committee was
given further time. The next attempt, July 30, was even less successful, only
two bids being received, one from John R. Clark for $9,900, and one from
Wolfgang Eich for $9,200, whereupon the board resolved to postpone further
action until the September session. A final conclusion was reached Septem-
ber 5, when it was decided to accept the "Wolfgang Eich bid of $9,200 as be-
ing "the lowest and best bid," the building to be completed by August 1,
1868, payment to be made in cash with the exception of one bond for $2,000,
bearing twelve per cent interest and due March 1, 1869. The jail was ac-
cepted September 4, 1868, Eich being allowed $275 for extra work. It was
built of red brick against the west wall of the court house, the two forming
practically one building
A contract was awarded September 10, 1889, to the Champion Iron
Works of Kenton, Ohio, for eight cells, to be constructed on the bar and
plate system, at a cost of $5,120. March 2, 1898, a contract for eight Bessemer
steel cells, costing $1,135, was awarded to the St. Cloud Iron Works. Four
of these cells are on the second floor, for the use of female prisoners on the
rare occasions when any are needed. On this floor are also the living rooms
for the sheriff and his family, the office rooms being on the first floor.
While the jail is far from being what it should be yet its deficiencies
are much less in evidence than are those of the court house. When a new
building is erected it will doubtless include a jail as well as a court house.
As the manner in which the county obtained title to the property on
which the court house and jail were built, has been a matter of frequent
discussion, with varying statements as to the facts in the case, we give here-
with the claim of title taken from the records in the county auditor's and
register of deeds' offices.
The first instrument is a quit-claim deed, bearing date August 21, 1856,
from John L. Wilson to the County Commissioners of Stearns county, Min-
nesota territory, by which, for a consideration of $100, a certain tract is
conveyed to the county, with conditions as follows : "To have and to hold
so long as the same shall be used and occupied as a court house, for the said
county of Stearns, or the county in which said building is situated, but
whenever the following described piece or parcel of land shall cease to be
used and occupied as a court house for the said county of Stearns, or the
county in which the said building may hereafter be located, the within and
following described piece or parcel of land shall revert back to the said John
L. Wilson, party of the first part, his heirs or assigns, and shall no longer
be the property or under the control of the said county of Stearns in the
territory aforesaid, and described as follows, to-wit : Commencing at a point
eight rods north, 47 degrees east of the center of Columbia Square; thence
north 43 degrees, west ten rods; thence at right angles with said line west-
erly sixteen rods; thence at right angles with said line south 43 degrees east
twenty rods; thence at right angles with said line north 47 degrees east
sixteen rods ; thence at right angles with said line north 43 degrees west ten
rods to the place of beginning, containing two acres "xxx" provided that
said commissioners shall have the right and privilege of disposing of said
court house at a fair appraisal or the highest bidder whenever they cease to
occupy the same as above specified."
Then followed a quit-claim deed dated August 21, 1858, whereby for a
consideration of $2,500, John L. Wilson deeded to the Board of Supervisors
of Stearns county, Minnesota, block R; also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10,
block 61; lots 2, 3, 6 and 7, block 18; lot 1, block G; lot 5, block 46, in the
town of St. Cloud (Middle Town).
Under date of January 8, 1861, for a consideration of $300, John L.
Wilson by quit-claim deed conveyed to the Board of County Commissioners
of Stearns county, Minnesota, lot 1, block G ; lots 2, 3, 6 and 7, block 18 ; and
lots 4 and 5, block 47, in the town of St. Cloud, for the use of said Stearns
On the fifteenth day of November, 1860, under the provisions of an act
of congress passed May 23, 1844, the town of St. Cloud entered at the St.
Cloud land office certain lands, which included Wilson's survey, "in trust
for the several use and benefit of the occupants thereof, according to their re-
spective interests." By warranty deed dated March 12, 1861, James C.
Shepley, president, and James Broker, as recorder, of the town of St. Cloud
for a consideration of $16.80, conveyed to the county of Stearns lot 1, block
G; lots 2, 3, 6 and 7, block 18; and lots 4 and 5, block 47, all in the town of
St. Cloud according to the plat and survey thereof made by John L. Wilson
and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of said county, "for the
use and benefit of said county."
John L. Wilson and wife, January 8, 1861, by warranty deed, for a con-
sideration of $7,000 (being the amount of an issue of court house bonds)
conveyed to the Board of County Commissioners of the county of Stearns,
Minnesta, Columbia Square, ten acres, "for the use of Stearns county and
assigns forever."
By a second warranty deed, dated January 24, 1863, for a consideration
of $155.75, the town of St. Cloud deeded to the Board of County Commission-
ers of Stearns county, Minnesota, lots 2, 3, 6 and 7, block 18; lots 4 and 5,
block 47 ; lot 1, block G, and all of Columbia Square, excepting therefrom
a small part of lot 2, block 18, lying over into Lowry's addition in said town.
John L. Wilson's original plat of the town of St. Cloud, filed Septem-
ber 1, 1855, did not have the blocks divided into lots; a supplementary plat,
acknowledged April 23, 1857, was filed on which the separate lots were
shown. Columbia Square was given as being 726x608 feet. It was sub-
divided by James H. Place in 1863, into the court house square with the four
surrounding blocks subdivided into lots.
Complete Lists of all Plats Filed with the Register of Deeds — Locations, Pro-
prietors and Dates — Some Forgotten Names and Places — Townsite Mania
— Indian Names Still Preserved in the Geography of Stearns County —
Significance of Watab and Sauk.
The following is a complete list of the plats which have been filed in
the office of the register of deeds of Stearns county since its organization in
1855, arranged alphabetically, with the year of filing and recording:
City of St. Cloud. A. A. Brown's addition, 1864; Auditor's sub-division,
No. 8, 1903; Bell and Smith's addition, 1883; Bell and Smith's second addi-
tion, 1894; Benson's re-subdivision, block 5, Metzroth's addition, 1909; Bowe's
(James) addition, 1865; Broramenschenkel's addition, 1895; Brommenschen-
kel's second addition, 1912; Brott and Smith's addition, 1867; Brown's sub-
addition, S. E. %, N. W. 14, Sec. 14, T. 124, R. 28, 1866 ; Central Park addi-
tion, 1887; Coates, Cooper and Freeman's addition, 1883; College and Ham-
merel townsite, south St. Cloud, 1887; Collins' addition, 1883; Collins' sec-
ond addition, 1889; Columbia Square addition, Wilson's, 1864; Cottage Place
addition, 1894; Crarab's addition, 1866; Cramb's second addition, 1883; Cur-
tis' T. A., survey, 1855; Edelbrock's addition, 1858; Edelbrock's first and sec-
ond addition, 1855; Edelbrock's third addition, 1885; Empire block. Park block
6, Wilson's survey, 1870; Etna block. Park block 6, Wilson's survey, 1870;
Pair "View addition, 1897; Forest addition, 1887; Gans' addition, 1892; Gar-
field's addition, 1884; Improvement No. 112, city of St. Cloud, block 88 and
89, Lowry's addition, 1903; Kloepper's addition, 1907; Lake Park addition,
1888; Long and Brinkman's re-subdivision, block 4, Betzroth's addition, 1910;
Lowry's addition, 1856; Metzroth's addition, 1892; McClure and Whitney's-
addition, 1887; McClure and Whitney's second addition, 1890; Normal Park
addition, 1888; Ortmann's addition, 1890; Plattes' addition, 1882; Plattes'
second addition, 1888; Prospect addition, 1887; Reichert's addition, 1889;
Rengel's addition, 1883; Robertson's addition, 1888; Rosenberger's addition,
1886; Rotkopf 's addition, 1856; St. Cloud town, Wilson survey,' 1855; St. Cloud
town, Wilson and Blake survey, 1857; St. Cloud city, Blake survey, 1855;
St. Cloud Water-Power and Mill Co.'s mill site, 1887; South Side Park, 1887;
Stearns addition, 1858; Steckling's addition, 1886; Steckling's second addi-
tion, 1889; Syndicate addition, 1887; Tenvoord's addition, 1887; Tenvoord's
second addition, 1889; Thielman's addition, 1906; Waite's addition, 1883;
West and Hoyt's subdivision, block 32, Edelbrock's addition, 1884; West and
Searle's addition, 1883; West Side addition, 1888; Wilson's subdivision, block
26, Wilson's survey, 1858; Wilson's subdivision, block 30, Wilson's survey,
1858; Wilson's subdivision, block 10, Wilson's survey, 1858; Wilson's sub-
division, block 31, Curtis' survey, 1858; Wissing's addit»3n, 1895; Zapp &
Moosbrugger's addition, sub division, block 31, Edelbrock's addition, 1893.
St. Joseph. Auditor's subdivision, No. 4, 1902; Auditor's subdivision,
No. 9, 1910; Bruno, Loso and Fox's addition, 1858; Loso's addition, 1912;
Loso's (Peter) addition, 1873; Loso's first addition, 1905; Loso's second ad-
dition, 1907; Loso's third addition, 1907; Loso's subdivision, block 2, first ad-
dition, 1910; St. Joseph, town site, 1855.
Sauk Centre. Auditor's subdivision, N. 1/2, section 15, township 126,
range 34, 1896 ; Auditor 's subdivision, W. 1/2, section 10 and N. E. i/4, N. E. i/4,
section 9, township 126, range 34, 1896; Auditor's subdivision, S. y^-, N. 1/2,
S. 1/2, section 9, township 126, range 34, 1896; Barto's subdivision, lot 9,
Moore's addition, out lots, 1906; Houghton's addition, 1904; Houghton's sec-
ond addition, 1905; Houghton's third addition, 1905; James' addition, 1864;
Jones' addition, 1905; Lake View addition, 1882; Merry and Dennis' addition,
1882; Moore's (R.) addition, out lots, 1858; Robbin's and Mendenhall's addi-
tion, 1874; Rosenberger and Keller's addition, 1882; Sauk Centre town site,
1857; Sauk Centre (city cemetery), 1880.
Sauk City. Sauk City town site, 1856; Beaupre's subdivision, 1859;
Becker's addition, 1857.
Melrose. Auditor's subdivision, section 34, township 126, range 33, 1889;
Ayer's & Clark's addition, 1873; Bohmer's re-arrangement, lots 2 and 3, block
4, 1900; Borgerding's addition, 1889; Clark's addition, 1874; Clark's subdi-
vision. Will block, Clark's addition, 1889; Clark's W. H. & L. P. subdivision,
lot 6, Auditor's subdivision, section 34, 1898; Dederick's addition, 1896; Ded-
erick's subdivision, out lot 1, Ayer's & Clark's addition, 1896; Fair View ad-
dition, 1898; Freeman's addition, 1873; Great Northern addition, 1896; Grove
Cemetery, Melrose, 1873; Haskamp's, H. J., addition, 1896; Haskamp's sub-
division, lot 16, Auditor's subdivision, section 34, 1889; Hilt and Borget's ad-
dition, 1896; Hoeschen's subdivision. Park Mill block, Clark's addition, 1896;
Kraker's re-arrangement. Part Clark's addition, 1896; Original plat of town-
site, 1871 ; Melrose cemetery, 1880 ; Melrose and Grove cemetery, 1873 ; Mc-
Pennison's addition, Melrose, 1896; Re-arrangement Melrose cemetery, 1911.
Albany. Albany townsite, 1872; Auditor's subdivision. No. 3, section
15, 16, 21, 22, township 125, range 31, 1902; Auer's addition, 1905; Haber-
man's first addition, 1908; Schulte's first addition, 1908; Stuhl's addition,
1911; Theisen's first addition, 1895; Theisen's second addition, 1901; Theisen's
third addition, 1902; Theisen's fourth addition, 1911; Theisen's addition, out
lots, 1905.
Avon. Avon townsite, 1874; Immerf all's addition, 1902.
CoUegeville. Collegeville townsite, 1880.
Freeport. Auditor's subdivision. No. 5, 1902; Beste's addition, 1902;
Freeport townsite, 1894; John Hoeschen's block, 1892; Joseph Hoeschen's
block, 1889; Schoener's addition, 1912.
Holdingford (Holding & Wardville). Baker's addition to Wardville,
1892; Batz's addition to Holding, 1908; Batz's second addition to Holding,
1908; Batze's and Herman's addition. Holding, 1907; Holdingford townsite,
1879; Kapfer's subdivision, S. 1/2, S. W. 1/4, section 9, 1900; Park addition.
Holding, 1909; Soo addition, Holdingford, 1907; Wardville townsite, 1882;
Ward's addition, Wardville, 1893.
St. Anthony. St. Anthony townsite, 1898 ; Pelican Lake Park, 1909.
Sartell. Sartell townsite, 1905; Sartell's re-arrangement block 7 and lot
F, 1910; Sartell's sub-division block F, 1907.
New Munich. Author's sub-division, 1889; Munich, 1858; Pitzl's sub-
division, lots 14 and 22, auditor's sub-division, 1895; Friekler's addition, 1911.
Connaught. Plat, 1905; Himsl and Schraid's addition, 1905.
Meire Grove. Meire Grove, 1891; Imdieker's addition, 1891.
Padua village, 1900 ; Ashley Cemetery, N.W. i/4, N.W. i^, section 2, town-
ship 126, range 35, 1885 ; Lake Side Park, 1887.
St. Martin. Auditor's sub-division No. 7, 1902; St. Martin townsite,
Spring HUl. Daniel's addition, 1904; townsite, 1883.
Brooten. Anderson and Roe's addition, 1897; Bloom's 1st addition, 1907;
Brooten townsite, 1887; Halvorsen's addition, 1908; Illes' addition, 1908;
Lien's addition, 1892, Park addition, 1906.
Belgrade. Borgerding's addition, 1890; First Swedish Methodist Epis-
copal Church Society Cemetery, 1891; Belgrade townsite, 1887; Kalkman's
addition, 1890; Quistberg's addition, 1887; Railway addition, 1893; sub-divi-
sion block E, Quistberg's addition, 1893; sub-division block B, Quistberg's
addition, 1905.
Georgeville tovrasite, 1900 ; Lake Henry original, 1857 ; Lake Henry town-
site, 1902; Kraemer's addition, 1902.
Paynesville, Baitinger's addition, 1894; Gilbert's addition, 1886; Gil-
bert's second addition, 1887; Gilbert's new addition, 1887; Gilbert's fourth ad-
dition, 1890; Gilbert's fifth addition, 1893; Haines' addition, 1887; Koronis
S.E. 14 N.W. 14 section 8, township 122, range 32, 1886 ; Oak Park addition,
1888 ; Paynesville townsite, 1857 ; Paynesville cemetery, 1904 ; Riverside Park
addition, 1894; Robbins' first addition, 1909; sub-division lot 9, Robbins' first
addition, 1911.
Roscoe. Roscoe townsite, 1887; Kost's addition, 1898; Park addition,
1899 ; South Side addition, 1898.
Richmond. Richmond townsite, 1856; Brauning's addition, 1858.
Cold Spring. Cold Springs City townsite, 1861; Friedman's addition,
1909; Maurin's sub-division, blocks 24-25 and 27, 1892; Maurin's re-sub-divi-
sion, blocks 24-25 and 27, 1895; Muggli's sub-division block 14, 1909.
Rockville. Rockville townsite, 1856; Garding's addition, 1911.
Eden Valley. Auditor's sub-division No. 1, S.W. % S.W. 14? section 35,
township 122, range 31, 1893; Auditor's sub-division No. 6, lot 8, Auditor's
sub-division No. 1, 1902 ; Eden Valley Cemetery, N.E. % N.B. %, section 34,
township 122, range 31, 1905; Smith and Sias' adidtion to out lots, 1894;
Smith's addition to out lots, 1891 ; Tomper's addition to out lots, 1906.
Kimball Prairie (also Kimball). Brower's addition to Kimball, 1910;
Brower's second addition to Kimball, 1911; Kimball Cemetery, 1895; Kimball
Prairie, 1887; Patten's first addition, 1890.
Fair Haven, 1857 ; Fair Haven Cemetery, 1866 ; Clearwater, 1857 ; Accacia
Cemetery, Clearwater, 1867; Breckenridge, Toombs county, Minn., 1865; Bur-
lington, 1857; Cobbaconse, 1855; Desota, 1857; Detroit, 1857; Elrosa, 1908;
Eslarn, 1907; Park addition, 1907; Fremont City, 1857; Grand Rapids, 1857;
Hartford, 1857; Lourissaville, 1857; Linden Hill, Marysville, 1856; Minnewawa,
1856 ; Grand Lake Park, 1906 ; Moritz Park, 1908 ; Nenah, 1856 ; North Star
Cemetery, 1864, Oakland Cemtery, 1873 ; Oleon, 1855-56 ; Otter Tail City, 1856 ;
Pearl Lake Park, 1912; Perseverance City, 1857; St. Nicholas, 1912; St. Steph-
ens, 1907 ; Spring Park, 1908 ; Staples Cemetery, 1878 ; Sunny Side, 1905 ; Wa-
dena, 1857; Waite Park, 1890; Winnebago, 1856; Woodstock, 1857; Yarmouth,
In the early days the mania for laying out townsites with the buoyant
expectation of getting rich quick from the sale of town lots was very preva-
lent. New towns, or lands for new towns, were platted almost regardless of
any possible opportunity for their development. Scarcely any township in
the county was left without having planted within its borders the seed for a
coming city. Comparatively few of these seeds germinated, and the land
which had been taken for lots was soon devoted to the more wise and profitable
use of raising grain and grazing cattle. To most of the present generation
even the names of these early toAvnsites are wholly unknown, as the subjoined
list compiled from the county records will show :
Neenah was platted in section 13, township of St. Augusta, on Johnson's
creek and southerly of present hamlet of St. Augusta.
Fremont City was situated south and southwesterly of and adjoining the
present townsite of Clearwater.
Leedstone was a townsite platted in section 35, township of St. Martin, on
the present site of the village of St. Martin.
Stony-Brook Crossing was never platted as a townsite, name derived from
the crossing of Stony creek. This was the first stopping place for Spring Hill
for stages at F. W. Lenz's Hotel which was also the postoffice.
Grand Rapids, surveyed by George N. Propper, July 24, 1857, and as
nearly as can be ascertained was situated on both sides of Sauk river where
the railroad and wagon bridges now cross in the township of St. Cloud near
Waite 's farm.
Hartford, surveyed by M. P. Noel, January 31, 1857, and as nearly as can
be ascertained was situated on the north side of Sauk river nearly opposite
the present site of the village of Rockville.
Munich, surveyed by Sebastian Wimmer, March, 1858, was situated in
section 7, township of Oak, surrounding Starnberger's (now Frevel's) lake
and just northerly of the present site of New Munich.
Perseverance City, surveyed by M. P. Noel, December, 1857, was situated
in section 35, township of St. Joseph, and on the northerly side of Pleasant
Sauk City, surveyed by J. H. Place, June, 1850, and situated in the south-
east corner of the town of Le Sauk.
Minnewawa, surveyed by T. B. Titus, April 28, 1857, situated in section 17
and 20, township 123, range 27, being in the towns of St. Augusta and Lynden.
A levee was located at this place on the Mississippi.
Winnebago, surveyed by William Dwelley, November, 1856, situated in
the town of Le Sauk and directly north of the present site of the village of
Woodstock, surveyed by I. M. Lackey, July 1, 1857, situated on and around
the bend in Sauk river at Waite Park. This townsite took in a part of the pres-
ent village of Waite Park.
Yarmouth, surveyed by M. P. Noel, February 10, 1858, situated in section
3, town of Maine Prairie, between Otter Tail (now Grand) lake and Pearl lake,
being on the northwesterly shore of Pearl lake.
Laurissaville, surveyed by R. H. C. Noel, May 18, 1857. As nearly as can
be ascertained this townsite was located in the Sauk river valley about 40
miles from St. Cloud near what was known as the "Yankee Settlement." This
was at the point of junction of Hughes creek (believed to be what is now
called Hoboken creek) with Sauk river about five miles southeasterly of the
city of Sauk Centre. This was a stopping place at a hotel conducted by one
Stewart. The bridge crossing said creek is still known as Stewart's bridge.
Burlington, 1857, situated at the junction of Pine river with the Mississippi
river, Cass county; Cabbanonse, situated on the present site of Little Falls,
Morrison county; De Soto, 1857, now known as Little Sauk, situated on the
north side of Sauk lake, Todd county; Detroit, 1857, situated at the junction
of Otter Tail river with Detroit lake; Marysville, 1856, situated in Wright
county near Monticello ; Oleon, 1856, situated on the west bank of the Mis-
sissippi river, at the mouth of Swan river, Cass county; Otter Tail City, 1856,
situated at the junction of the Otter Tail river with Otter Tail lake ; Wadena,
1857, situated on Crow Wing river, between Partridge and Leaf rivers; all
of foregoing townsites were filed in the register of deeds office of Stearns
county, presumably because these counties were attached to Stearns for ju-
dicial and record purposes.
The following hamlets and villages were formerly post office stations but
have been discontinued on account of the establishing of rural routes; Isabel,
town of Millwood ; Arban, town of Holding ; Opole, town of Brockway ; Brock-
way, town of Brockway ; St. Anna, town of Avon ; Lake George, town of
Lake George ; Lake Henry, town of Lake Henry ; Gates, town of Krain ; Maine
Prairie, town of Maine Prairie ; St. Augusta, town of St. Augusta ; Tyrol, town
of Raymond ; St. Wendall, town of St. Wendel ; Unity, town of Getty ; Farming,
town of Farming ; Georgeville, town of Crow River ; Meire Grove Village, town
of Grove ; and Spring Hill Village, town of Spring Hill.
"Minnesota in Three Centuries" contains a chapter on "Names of Indian
Derivation, ' ' by Warren Upham, secretary of the Minnesota Historical Society,
in which are the following paragraphs having a local bearing:
"One of oiir most interesting Indian names is that of the Watab river,
tributary to the Mississippi from the west about five miles north of St. Cloud.
This is the Ojibway word for the long and very slender roots of both the tama-
rack and jack pine, which were dug by the Indians, split and used as threads
in sewing their birch bark canoes. Both these coniferous trees grow on or
near the lower part of the Watab.
"The same name has also an historical interest from the former Watab
trading post, about two miles and a half north from the mouth of the Watab
river and on the opposite or eastern side of the Mississippi. During about ten
years next following its establishment in 1848, Watab was the most important
commercial place in Minnesota territory northwestward from St. Paul, but
later, it was superseded by Sauk Rapids and St. Cloud, and before 1880 the
village entirely disappeared.
' ' In the same part of this state, the Sauk river, Sauk Rapids, Sauk Centre,
the Sauk lakes and also Lake Osakis preserve a record of the former presence
of Sauk or Sac Indians there."
Steams Distinctly a Democratic County — Important Part Taken in Moves
That Have Created the Government of the State and Nation — Statistics
of the Various Elections — Men Who Have Been Placed in Office by Stearns
County Votes — Interesting Side Lights on Political Events.
From the days of its first organization, with but two or three exceptions,
Stearns county has held its place consistently in the Democratic column, usu-
ally rolling up large majorities. The Germans who make vip a great part of
the citizenship are firmly rooted and grounded in the Democratic faith and
usually stand by the ticket from top to bottom. The first election in the county
of which there are any published returns (1858) was somewhat mixed, there
being no political question at issue, and the result turned on the personal
popularity of the candidates. W. H. Wood (Democrat), of Benton county;
T. C. McClure (Independent Democrat), of Stearns county; and A. P. Whitney
(Republican), of Meeker county, were elected to the lower house of the state
legislature, but as no session was held they were not given an opportunity to
serve. N. P. Clarke (Republican), was elected clerk of the district court over
L. A. Evans (Democrat) by a vote of 450 to 284; John McDonald (Republican)
for county auditor had 385 votes to 384 cast for Joseph Broker (Democrat) ;
while J. H. Linneman was elected treasurer and Nicholas Smith surveyor with-
out opposition.
C. T. Stearns, H. Z. Mitchell and L. Gorton were delegates from Stearns
county to the Republican State Convention held in St. Paul, July 20, 1859,
which nominated Alexander Ramsey for governor, Ignatius Donnelly for lieu-
tenant governor, J. H. Baker for secretary of state, Chas. Schaffer for state
treasurer, Gordon E. Cole for attorney general, Cyrus Aldrich and William
Windom for congress, and C. E. Vanderburgh for judge of the Fourth Judicial
George L. Becker, of Ramsey county, was the Democratic candidate for
governor and Sylvanus B. Lowry, of Stearns county, the candidate for lieu-
tenant governor, and as this contest was along political lines the Democrats
came out on top, their candidate for governor having 660 votes to 375 for
the Republican nominee ; C. C. Andrews, for senator, receiving 628 votes to
387 cast for Henry Swisshelm, his Republican opponent. The full Democratic
county ticket was elected, except J. M. McKelvy, county attorney (Republican)
who had no opposition.
Among the speakers of national prominence who were heard in St. Cloud
during this campaign was the Hon. Carl Schurz, of Wisconsin, who addressed
a large meeting at "Wilson's hall, October 4, speaking in the interest of the
Republican party, in both English and German.
At the Republican state convention held in St. Paul February 22, 1860,
Stephen Miller, of Stearns coimty, was elected to head the delegation to the
Republican national convention to be held in Chicago May 16. The delegation
was unanimous for William H. Seward, while Abraham Lincoln was nominated.
In this campaign, which preceded the outbreak of the Civil War, Stearns
county was represented on both the electoral tickets — Stephen Miller for the
Republican and C. C. Andrews the Douglas-Democratic ticket. A series of
joint debates was held by these two gentlemen in Stearns and adjoining coun-
ties where both were personally well known. They were greatly dissimilar in
their styles of oratory, the former having a great fund of anecdotes and
speaking with much readiness, while the latter was careful and studied, never
indulging in levity. Other speakers were William Windom (afterwards United
States senator from Minnesota and secretary of the treasury) ; United States
Senator Morton S. Wilkinson, Governor Alexander Ramsey and Lieutenant
Governor Ignatius Donnelly. At the election Abraham Lincoln received 439
votes, Stephen A. Douglas 482 and John C. Breckinridge 12. Seth Gibs, the
Republican candidate for state senator, had 460 votes to 449 cast for William
S. Moore, the Democratic candidate, while the Democratic candidates for the
house of representatives had an average majority of 51.
In the election of 1861 E. O. Hamlin, the Democratic candidate for gov-
ernor, received 655 votes to 411 cast for Alexander Ramsey — the former's
plurality as a prominent citizen of Stearns county adding to the natural polit-
ical majority. At this election John Zapp, who ran as an independent candi-
date for register of deeds, won his first election to an office which he held
continuously for twenty -seven years. His opponents were J. W. Reed (Dem.)
and O. S. Freeman (Rep.), the former receiving 313 votes and the latter 362,
while Mr. Zapp had 382. For senator S. B. Lowry (Dem.) had 651 and Seth
Gibs (Rep.) 405 votes. For representatives, the Democratic candidates re-
ceived votes as follows : R. M. Richardson 634, Peter Roy 657, John Whipple
660; the Republican candidates, Levi Wheeler 410, S. B. Cowdrey 420, W. E.
Wright 397. The vote on sheriff stood : M. Lauerman (Dem.) 579 ; T. C. Alden
(Rep.) 467. For treasurer, J. W. Tenvoorde (Dem.) 506, J. H. Proctor (Rep.)
516. For county attorney, J. C. Shepley (Dem.) 489, J. M. McKelvy (Rep.)
555. For judge of probate, L. A. Evans (Dem.) 684, S. B. Pinney (Rep.) 350.
For coroner, B. Overbeck (Dem.) 651, W. T. Clark (Rep.) 401. For surveyoi*,
J. H. Place (Dem.) 662, T. H. Barrett (Rep.) 396.
While Mr. Proctor received a majority of the votes cast for county treas-
urer, yet the office was given to Mr. Tenvoorde. In order that a number of
unlisted men at Maine Prairie might vote before going to Fort Snelling to
join their regiment the polls were opened at an hour prior to that fixed by
law, which the district court (Judge Vanderburg) held rendered these votes
invalid and when they were thrown out the office went to the minority candi-
date, which seemed to be rather hard on the men who were making every
sacrifice to serve their country — but the letter of the law left the court no
option in the matter. Two acts were submitted to voters at this election, one
providing for new boundaries between Wright and Stearns counties and the
■other to define the boundaries of Meeker county (adjoining Stearns), the for-
mer receiving 713 votes for to 37 against, and the latter 549 for to 3 against.
In the election of 1862 the Democratic and Republican tickets were headed
by William J. Cullen and Ignatius Donnelly respectively, candidates for con-
gress, the former receiving 573 and the latter 285 votes.
A gubernatorial election was held the following year, the candidates being
Henry T. Welles (Dem.) of Minneapolis, and Stephen Miller (Rep.) of St.
Cloud, the vote standing 630 to 319.
At the presidential election in 1864, George B. McClellan received 917
and Abraham Lincoln 427 votes.
In 1865 H. M. Rice was the Democratic and William R. Marshall the Re-
publican candidate for governor, the former receiving 812 and the latter 335
The election in 1866 was for a member of congress, William Colville, the
Democratic candidate, receiving 943 votes to 580 for Ignatius Donnelly, Re-
At the election in 1867 C. E. Flandrau, the Democratic candidate for gov-
ernor, received 1,336 votes and William R. Marshall, the Republican candi-
date, 794. At this election the payment of the old railroad bonds was sub-
mitted to a vote of the people, the result in Stearns county being 12 for and
2,031 against, and the proposition was overwhelmingly voted down in the
state at large. At the same time the question of giving the right of suffrage
to negroes was submitted, the vote being 662 for to 1,384 against. It is a
matter worthy of notice that at this election the total vote cast in St. Louis
county was only 41 — of which 28 were Republican and 11 Democratic.
In January, 1868, "Grant Club No. 1 of Minnesota" was organized in St.
Cloud for the declared purpose of "securing the nomination of General U. S.
Grant for the presidency at the convention to be held in Chicago in May next,
and when nominated, his election in November." General Grant was nomi-
nated, his Democratic opponent being Horatio Seymour, the former receiving
1,029 votes and the latter 1,524. It was at this election that the three-cornered
congressional fight took place, as a result of the bitter attack made in the
halls of congress by Ignatius Donnelly on Elihu Washburn, whose brother,
William D. Washburn, was an active competitor of Mr. Donnelly's in the dis-
trict. The candidates were E. M. Wilson (Dem.), Ignatius Donnelly (Rep.)
and C. C. Andrews (Ind. Rep.). The division of the Republican vote in the
district resulted in the election of Captain Wilson. The vote in this county
was : Wilson, 1,484 ; Donnelly, 576 ; Andrews, 476.
The election in 1869 was for governor, the Democratic candidate, George
L. Otis, receiving 1,430 votes- and Horace Austin, Republican, 612. At this
election the first temperance votes were cast in the county, Daniel Cobb, for
governor, receiving 31 votes, of which 16 were cast at Maine Prairie, 7 at
Fair Haven and 5 in St. Cloud city.
In 1870 Ignatius Donnelly and John T. Averill were the opposing candi-
dates for member of congress, the former as the Democratic candidate re-
ceiving 1,238 and the latter, the Republican candidate, 569 votes.
In 1871 Winthrop Young, the Democratic candidate for governor, re-
ceived 1,728 votes to 523 for Horace Austin, his Republican opponent.
The presidential year of 1872 increased the vote but reduced the Demo-
cratic majority. The vote given Horace Greeley, who was not regarded as
a very good Democrat, was 1,926, while 1,127 were cast for U. S. Grant.
In 1873, A. Barton, for governor, on the Democratic ticket, received 1,564
votes to 733 for C. K. Davis, the Repiiblican candidate. Samuel Mayall (Pro-
hibition) received a total of 35 votes — 16 at Maine Prairie, 12 at St. Cloud,
and 5 at Fair Haven.
The following year the tickets were headed by W. Wilkin and S. J. R.
McMillan, candidates for the supreme court, the former receiving 1,993
and the latter 915 votes.
In 1875, D. L. Buell, for governor, received 1,885 votes and John S. Pills-
bury 677. The temperance vote this year fell off to 19.
The Tilden-Hayes election in 1876 brought out a large vote, the former
being given 2,413 votes to 1,116 for the latter. There were a number of towns
in the county in these years which were very lonesome places for Republi-
cans. Out of 76 votes in Albany but two were Republican; Grove, two out
of 83 ; Luxemberg, two out of 66 ; Munson, 6 out of 129, while Farming cast
52, Krain 31 and Millwood 33 straight Democratic votes. The Republican
strongholds were Maine Prairie, North Fork and Sauk Centre.
In 1877 W. L. Banning was the Democratic and J. S. Pillsbury the Re-
publican candidate for governor, receiving 2,041 to 1,051 votes respectively.
Six votes were cast at Eden Lake for the Greenback ticket, the total in the
For state auditor in 1878 M. Black received 2,214 votes to 856 for 0. P.
The candidates for governor in 1879 were E. Rice and J. S. Pillsbury,
whose votes were 2,270 and 913 respectively.
For president in 1880 W. S. Hancock received 2,469 votes to 1,415 cast
for James A. Garfield. Weaver, the Greenback candidate, received 24 votes
at Eden Lake and 6 at Melrose.
R. W. Johnson was the Democratic and L. F. Hubbard (both old soldiers)
the Republican candidate for governor in 1881, the votes being 2,211 to 914.
The Nelson-Kindred fight for congress was the event in the election of
1882. The Republican county convention was held at the court house July
5. The Nelson men being largely in the majority, the Kindred delegates bolted
and adjourned to the "West House, where they elected W. F. Markus (then
proprietor of the hotel), J. H. Taylor, C. W. Hogeborn and William McAllis-
ter delegates to the district convention to be held at Detroit. The delegates
elected by the regular convention were H. C. Waite, F. H. Dam, A. Barto and
A. L. Elliott. After a bitter struggle at Detroit Knute Nelson received the
Republican nomination, when C. F. Kindred ran as an independent candidate.
The Democratic candidate for congress was E. P. Barnum, of Stearns county.
The vote stood: Barnum 2,123, Nelson 1,359, Kindred 903 — the latter receiv-
ing a number of Democratic votes.
In 1883, A. Bierman, for governor, received 2,542 votes to 1,107 cast for
L. F. Hubbard. Chas. E. Holt, the Prohibition candidate, received 143 votes,
of which 63 were cast at Fair Haven, 22 at Maine Prairie, and 37 at St. Cloud.
At the presidential election in 1884, 3,070 votes were cast for Grover
Cleveland and 1,380 for James G. Blaine. The People's party became active
in local politics this year. A legislative convention held at St. Augusta, Sep-
tember 27, nominated James Colgrove, of Lynden, as a candidate for the legis-
lature from the First district. The convention was composed largely of
farmers. The convention for the Second district met at Paynesville, but ad-
journed without making a nomination, the two candidates being D. E. Myers,
of Maine Prairie, and Alexander Chisholm, of Paynesville. J. Hi. Bowen, of
Sauk Centre, was nominated for the Fourth district.
In 1886, A. A. Ames, for governor, received 3,869 votes and A. R. McGill
1,361. The Stearns County Farmers' Alliance completed a permanent organ-
ization at a meeting held at Spring Hill, July 10, with David Cleveland, of
Getty, president; Kittle Halvorson, of North Fork, vice-president; E. H. At-
wood, of Maine Prairie, secretary; J. H. Boylan, of Paynesville, treasurer.
The resolutions adopted at the Brainerd Republican congressional convention,
shorn of their partisan features, were adopted.
A very exciting congressional contest in the Republican ranks in the
Fifth district marked the year 1888. The district convention was held in St.
Cloud June 12 and 13. The candidates for the nomination were A. Barto, of
Stearns county; C. B. Buckman, of Morrison; S. G. Comstock, of Clay; E. E.
Corliss, of Otter Tail ; 0. P. Stearns, of St. Louis. The first ballot stood :
Barto, 26 ; Stearns, 27 ; Comstock, 18 ; Buckman, 15 ; Corliss, 13. Twenty -five
ballots were taken the first day with but little change, except as to Judge
Stearns, whose vote on the last ballot had dropped to 15. The following day
Barton had his 26 votes, which he held until the 39th ballot ; Comstock had 27 ;
Buckman 15, and Corliss 15. On the 28th ballot C. H. Graves, of Duluth,
appeared with one vote, which later increased to 15. Judge Stearns dropped
out after the 31st ballot. On the 45th ballot S. G. Comstock received 50 votes,
which gave him the nomination, the other candidates standing : Barto, 19 ;
Corliss, 15 ; Graves, 14. At the election in November, this being a presiden-
tial year, Grover Cleveland received 4,747 votes and Benjamin Harrison 2,174.
In 1890 E. M. Wilson received 3,915 votes for governor and William R.
Merriam 1,245. S. M. Owen, the Alliance candidate, received 889 votes, of
which 135 were cast at North Fork, 75 at Holding, 72 at Crow River, 64 at
Fair Haven, 53 at Crow Lake, and 169 at St. Cloud. J. P. Pinkham, Prohibi-
tion, had 69 votes. The candidates for congress were Alonzo J. Whiteman,
of St. Louis county, Democrat, who received 3,947 votes; S. G. Comstoek, of
Clay county, Republican, 1,339 ; Kittle Halvorson, of Stearns county, Alliance,
902. Mr. Halvorson was the successful candidate, and thus far has been the
only member of congress to go from Stearns county. A Prohibition county
convention was held at Paynesville May 31 of this year, at which W. A.
Shoemaker, the Reverend C. W. Lawson, R. P. Gilbert and C. F. Farup were
elected delegates to the state convention.
In 1892 at the Republican convention for the Sixth district held at Duluth
July 20, D. B. Searle, of St. Cloud, was nominated for congress. At the Novem-
ber election for president the nine candidates for election on the Democratic-
Fusion ticket were divided, five being Democratic and four Fusion. The
vote was 4,461 for the Grover Cleveland electors and 4,446 for the Fusion,
while Benjamin Harrison, the Republican candidate, received 1,624 votes.
The vote for congressman stood: M. R. Baldwin (Dem.), 4,154; D. B. Searle
(Rep.), 1,963; A. C. Parsons (People's), 546.
At the 1894 election, the tickets being headed by the candidates for
governor, George L. Becker received 3,657 votes, Knute Nelson 2,032, and
Sidney M. Owen (People's party), 1,479. In the congressional race M. R.
Baldwin, who was the candidate for re-election, received 4,239 votes ; Charles
A. Towne, who at this time entered on his first term as a Republican, 1,918,
and Kittel Halvorson, 989.
The presidential campaign of 1896 was one of the most exciting in the
political history of the country. It introduced the 16-to-l free coinage of sil-
ver issue, which split the ranks of both the great parties. At the Republican
national convention held in St. Louis, June 18, the platform adopted declared
in favor of maintaining the gold standard and opposing the free coinage of
silver except by international agreement. Senators Teller of Colorado, Petti-
grew of South Dakota, and Cannon of Utah, with other delegates favoring free
silver, withdrew from the convention amid the most intense excitement. Wil-
liam McKinley, of Ohio, was nominated for president, and A. J. Hobart, of
New Jersey, for vice-president.
The Democratic national convention met at Chicago and on July 10, on
the fifth ballot, nominated William J. Bryan, of Nebraska, for president,
following his speech declaring that "you shall not crucify the Democratic
party on a cross of gold." Arthur J. Sewall, of Maryland, was nominated
July 13 on the fifth ballot for vice-president. The platform declared in favor
of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. The Gold
Democrats bolted the convention.
At St. Louis, July 25, the Populist national convention nominated W. J.
Bryan for president on the first ballot, with Thomas F. Watson, of Georgia,
for vice-president, Mr. Sewall, the Democratic candidate, not being accept-
able. The platform contained a free silver plank.
The Gold Democrats held a national convention at Indianapolis, Ind.,
September 3, placing John M. Palmer, United States senator from Illinois, in
nomination for president, and General Simon Boliver, of Kentucky, for vice-
president, on a platform declaring for the single gold standard. The party
was known as the National Democratic party.
Stearns county was represented in all three of the national conventions —
in the Republican by C. F. Hendryx, of Sauk Centre; in the Democratic by
"W. P. Remer, of St. Cloud; and in the Populist by P. J. Seberger and J. V.
Mayhew, of St. Cloud.
Charles A. Towne, of Duluth, elected to congress from the Sixth district
on the Republican ticket, at once severed his connection with the party and
became an ardent and one of the most effective champions of free silver.
Other leading Republicans in the state who renounced their allegiance to the
party on this issue were John Lind, S. M. Owen, Frank Day, F. M. Nye and
John Day Smith. The Democratic party was also badly rent, among the se-
ceders being Judge Charles E. Flandrau, Judge Thomas Wilson, D. W. Law-
ler and other party leaders.
The Republican Sixth district convention met in St. Cloud July 16 and
unanimously nominated Judge Page Morris, of Duluth, for congress, W. E.
Culkin, of Wright county, who had been a candidate, withdrawing and being
made chairman of the convention. A ratification meeting held July 24 was
addressed by Judge Morris and Congressman J. T. MeCleary.
The Populist district convention held in St. Cloud August 25 placed
Charles A. Towne in nomination by acclamation, the vote being unanimous.
Two days later the Democratic district convention at St. Cloud also nom-
inated Mr. Towne, who, with John Lind, the Democratic candidate for gov-
ernor, addressed a ratification meeting that evening.
The local campaign was hard fought on both sides, which equally had de-
fections. The Republicans who joined the free silver ranks included H. C.
Waite, Dr. W. T. Stone, A. Barto, A. F. Robertson and H. S. Locke, while
among the Democrats who affiliated with the National Democratic party were
D. T. Calhoun, Theodore Bruener, P. B. Gorman, Henry Keller, John Zapp
and B. W. How. Many voted the Republican ticket in November to give more
certain effect to their opposition to free silver. The local committee issued
an address September 16, and established headquarters in charge of B. Rein-
hard. The Republicans secured a monster tent, capable of seating eighteen
hundred people, in which to hold their meetings, while the Democrats and
Populists fitted up the Fibreware building for that purpose. Sound money
clubs and free silver clubs were organized throughout the county, each party
sending out speakers to carry forAvard their respective propagandas. Among
the speakers of national prominence who were heard in St. Cloud were, Wil-
liam J. Bryan and Congressman Towne, who came in a special train October
13 and spoke at Empire Park, Mr. Bryan being accompanied by Mrs. Bryan
and members of the Democratic national committee, and W. H. Harvey ("Coin
Harvey") who spoke for that party. The Republicans had a large repre-
sentation, including General 0. 0. Howard, General Alger, General Steward,
General Daniel E. Sickles, Corporal Tanner and A. C. Rankin, of Pennsylvania,
the "Molder Orator." The national Democratic cause was advocated by
General Buckner, Ex-Governor Roswell P. Flower, of New York, and others.
The campaign brought a number of speakers of only less extended reputation,
and there were the usual processions and out-door demonstrations.
At the election November 3, W. J. Bryan received 4,911 votes, William
McKinley 2,873 and John M. Palmer 142. For governor John Lind had 5,185
and D. M. Clough 2,675 votes. For congressman C. A. Towne received 5,266
and Page Morris 2,991, the latter being elected by a majority of 740 in the
district. It is a noteworthy fact that of the Republicans of state prominence
who left their party at this time, a large majority continued to be members
of the Democratic party, while of the Democrats who bolted Mr. Bryan prac-
tically all returned to the fold.
At this election a proposition to issue bonds for a new county court
house was defeated by a vote of 1,988 to 5,285.
In 1898 the Democrats elected their first governor since the days of
Henry H. Sibley, the first governor after the organization of Minnesota as
a state in 1858. The candidates were John Lind and W. H. Eustis, Stearns
county giving Mr. Lind, the successful candidate, 4,031 votes to 1,900 for
Mr. Eustis. Kittel Halvorson, of Stearns county, was the People's party can-
didate for lieutenant-governor. The contest for member of congress at this
election was very close. Page Morris, the Republican candidate, being elected
by a majority of 463 in the district over Charles A. Towne, who had the
Democratic-Populist nomination. The vote in Stearns county was 3,671 for
Towne to 2,456 for Morris.
In 1900 the People's party congressional convention for the Sixth dis-
trict was held in St. Cloud September 4 and nominated Henry Truelson, of
Duluth, as its candidate for congress. At Aitkin the following day he received
also the Democratic nomination, this over the protest of the St. Louis county
delegation, whose candidate was C. 0. Baldwin. P. J. Seberger, of St. Cloud,
became by petition the congressional candidate of the Middle-of-the-Road
Populists. This was again a presidential year, W. J. Bryan receiving 4,244
votes and "William McKinley 2,460. The gubernatorial contest was between
John Lind and Samuel R. VanSant, the former receiving 4,552 and the latter
2,190, defeating Mr. Lind in the state at large. The vote on congressman was :
Henry Truelson, 4,522 ; Page Morris, the Republican candidate, 2,677 ; Peter
J. Seberger, 122.
In 1902, for governor, L. A. Rosing had 3,492 votes and S. R. VanSant
2,350; Meighen (Populist), 46; Scanlon (Prohibition), 49; VanLear (Social-
ist Labor), 20.
In 1904, Stearns county, on national issues, gave a Republican majority
of 224 to Theodore Roosevelt over Alton B. Parker, the Democratic candidate,
the vote in the county being 2,849 for Roosevelt to 2,625 for Parker. At the
same time the average Democratic majority in the county was 1,388. This
was the year of the Johnson-Dunn gubernatorial contest, following the bitter
fight between Judge L. W. Collins and R. C. Dunn for the Republican nomina-
tion, when the Democrats of Minnesota again elected their candidate for gov-
ernor. The vote in the county was 4,303 for John Johnson to 1,469 for R. C.
Governor Johnson was re-elected in 1906, Stearns county giving him
4,158 votes to 1,247 for Albert L. Cole. In this campaign P. M. Magnusson,
of St. Cloud, was the Democratic candidate for secretary of state.
William J. Bryan for president in 1908 received 3,835 votes, while 2,614
were cast for William H. Taft. Governor Johnson, as a successful third-term
candidate for governor, received 4,879 votes as against 1,881 for Jacob Jacob-
son, the Republican candidate.
The year 1910 saw Stearns county again going Republican, giving A. 0.
Eberhart 3,124 votes to 2,297 for James A. Gray, the Democratic candidate.
This result was due to the fact that the latter was running on a county option
platform, which was not popular with the party in this county.
In 1912 the vote on president was divided among three candidates —
Woodrow Wilson, 3,378 ; W. H. Taft, 1,155 ; Theodore Roosevelt, 1,762. The
vote for governor was : Peter U. Ringdahl, 3,137 ; A. 0. Eberhard, 1,759 ; P. V.
Collins (Progressive), 600.
The six gubernatorial candidates in the field in 1914 received votes as fol-
lows: Winfield S. Hammond, Democrat, 5,280; William E. Lee, Republican,
1,811; Tom J. Lewis, Socialist, 149; Willis C. Calderwood, Prohibition, 226;
Hugh T. Halbert; Progressive, 40; Herbert Johnson, Industrial Labor, 96.
The vote on congressman was : J. A. DuBois, Democrat, 4,777 ; Chas. A. Lind-
bergh, Republican, 2,029; Thomas Sharkey, Progressive, 303; O. M. Thoma-
son. Socialist, 234.
The total vote in Stearns county in 1858, when the county was divided
into nine towns, was 734. The following table shows the votes cast during
the succeeding years by the two leading parties, with the total vote and the
majority :
Year Democratic Republican Total Majority
1859 660 375 1035 285
1860 494 438 932 56
1861 655 411 1066 244
1862 573 285 858 288
1863 630 319 949 311
1864 917 427 1344 490
1865 812 335 1147 477
1866 925 600 1525 325
1867 1336 794 2130 542
1868 1524 1030 2554 494
1869 1430 612 2042 818
1870 1238 560 1798 678
1871 1728 523 2251 1205
1872 1924 1127 3051 797
1873 1564 733 2297 831
1874 1993 915 2908 1078
1875 1885 677 2562 1208
1876 2413 1117 3530 1296
1877 2041 1051 3092 990
1878 2214 856 3070 1358
Year Democratic Republican Total Majority
1879 2270 913 3183 1357
1880 2469 1415 3884 1054
1881 2211 914 3125 1297
*1882 2123 2262 3385 —139
1883 2542 1107 3649 1435
1884 3072 1381 4453 1691
1886 3869 1361 5230 2508
1888 4747 2173 6920 2574
1890 3915 1245 5160 2670
1892 4461 1624 6085 2837
1894 3657 2032 5689 1625
1896 4911 2873 7784 2038
1898 4061 1900 5961 2161
1900 4244 2460 6704 1784
1902 3492 2350 5842 1142
1904 2625 2849 5474 —224
1906 4158 1247 5405 2911
1908 3835 2614 6449 1421
1910 2297 3124 5421 —827
1912 3137 1759 4996 1378
1914 5280 1811 7091 3469
*The Republican total includes the votes cast for both Knute Nelson
(1,359) and C. F. Kindred (902).
The first political meeting held in St. Cloud of which there is any avail-
able record, was on April 8, 1858, at Wilson's hall. John L. Wilson was
president and L. A. Evans, secretary. The great issue at the time was the
admission of Kansas, with or without slavery. An act of congress had been
passed repealing the Missouri compromise which prohibited slavery within
the territorial limits occupied by Kansas and Nebraska. A constitution had
been adopted by a convention held at Lecompton, Kansas, permitting slavery
within the state, and at the various elections preceding and subsequent to this
there were many bloody encounters between the free-state and pro-slavery
parties, the latter including large numbers of men heavily armed, who crossed
the border from Missouri. This meeting was called an "administration meet-
ing." Resolutions were introduced by J. C. Shepley expressing "unswerv-
ing confidence in the honesty and capacity of James Buchanan, the chief
magistrate of the United States," and favoring the admission of Kansas
under the provisions of the bill, which would permit slavery to be intro-
duced. Speeches were made by Mr. Shepley, W. A. Caruthers, register of
the United States land ofSce, at Sauk Rapids, and John L. Wilson in support
of the resolutions, which were adopted.
General Christopher C. Andrews Tells of Pioneer Times in Minnesota — Youth-
ful Ventures — Arrival at St. Paul — Stage Trip to Crow Wing — Settling
at St. Cloud — Reminiscences of the Pioneers — Frontier Experiences —
Social Diversions — Recruits Raised for Civil War — Biography.
I shall not relate as much of my experience previous to reaching Minne-
sota as ^neas did of his wanderings before arriving at Italy, but I may be
allowed a few words.
When the bill passed Congress early in 1854, organizing the territories
of Kansas and Nebraska, I was, at the age of twenty-four, earning my living
in the practice of law in Boston. I, however, felt the spell of the great West,
and drove my stake as a settler in Kansas as early as June, 1854, my library
following by way of the Great Lakes. At the first public opportunity, I de-
clared I would vote to make Kansas a free state. I had always held the pre-
vailing conservative views of northern people on slavery, — non-interference
and non-agitation of slavery in the states where it existed, but opposition to
its extension, and my position on it in Kansas was respected even by pro-
slavery people. There were so few settlers I could not earn a living by my
profession and I spent much of my time writing letters on the resources of
Kansas to northern papers to encourage free-state immigration.
In December I went to Washington, intending to stay only during the
short session of Congress, but immediately became ill there with typhoid fever
and was not able to work till March. This so reduced my finances that I had
to seek employment in the public service, and through the kindness of Presi-
dent Pierce, who was a native of the same town as myself and had known me
from boyhood, I obtained a clerkship at $1,400 a year in the office of the solici-
tor of the treasury, finally being assigned to duty as acting law clerk. It was
through a friend I had made in Kansas (a son of General Hamer, of Ohio),
that I learned of a vacancy. Two years passed; and though I enjoyed my
position and had good prospects of promotion, I longed for western life.
Kansas was full of turmoil. I could not afford to go back there. I there-
fore came to Minnesota the fall of 1856 to take a look at the country, intend-
ing, if I liked it, to resign and remove here the following spring.
Among the passengers on the steamboat, Lady Franklin, which brought
me to St. Paul, October 3, 1856, was Sylvanus B. Lowry, a resident of St.
Cloud and proprietor of the upper part of the town, commonly called Lowry 's
addition, and whose acquaintance I made. He was a native of Tennessee.
His father, Rev. David Lowry, had, for several years, been a Cumberland
Presbyterian missionary to the Winnebago Indians and he himself had been
a trader to the Winnebagos. He was a man of medium height, but a little
above medium weight, was about thirty-five years of age, had an uncommonly
fine intellectual forehead, light blue eyes, wore his hair somewhat long in
the then southern style, and brushed behind his ears, was very intelligent,
bright and kindly and dignified in his manners. He had served in the terri-
torial council of Minnesota, had the rank of general in the territorial militia,
and was commonly known as General Lowry. He introduced me in St. Paul
to several people, and among them to Governor Ramsey and Earle S. Good-
rich, then editor of the Pioneer and Democrat.
I stopped at the Fuller House, a very fine new hotel, which had just been
opened, from Friday morning till Monday morning. There were a number
of guests from the South. At the Sunday dinner, many of the guests had
champagne. The waiters wore dress coats with gilt buttons. I was surprised,
during my stay in the city, at the general appearance of prosperous times
and abundance of money. A real estate boom in Minnesota was then on.
During these days I took a look at Minneapolis and St. Anthony Falls.
The longest stage line out of St. Paul at that time was to Crow Wing
and which I selected, as it would give me a chance to look at St. Cloud. At
five o'clock the morning of October 6, in St. Paul, I boarded a six-horse stage
that was due at Watab the same evening. The weather being quite warm
and the stage crowded, it did not arrive there on time. Among the passen-
gers were General Lowry and William A. Carruthers, of Tennessee, afterwards
register of the U. S. land office at Sauk Rapids and St. Cloud. We had a late
breakfast at St. Anthony and dinner at Big Lake. It was eleven o 'clock when
we reached Sauk Rapids and many of the people, including Charles A. Gil-
man, were at the postoffice waiting for the mail. It was midnight when the
stage reached Watab. In the little hotel, kept by David Oilman, there was
neither vacant room nor bed, and I slept down stairs on a lounge with ray
overcoat buttoned up. Some new frame buildings were being erected at
Watab, and affairs seemed to be going with a rush. Parker H. French was
one of the residents.
The next morning I was off in good season on the two-horse stage for
Crow Wing, with a young German driver. I had been impressed by several
of the enterprising villages, including Anoka, and was so with Little Falls,
which already had a wooden-ware mill of which Mr. Fergus, for whom Fergus
Falls was named, was one of the proprietors. At Fort Ripley was a company
of U. S. infantry, and we crossed over to it with the mail on a ferry boat.
Crow Wing was a small village with many Chippewa Indians in the vicinity,
on the east bank of the Mississippi, opposite the mouth of Crow Wing river,
and I stayed there till Friday morning at Allen Morrison's, the only public
house. Stores were kept by C. H. Beaulieu, J. D. Crittenden and Fairbanks
brothers, whose acquaintance I made. Mr. Crittenden was afterwards colonel
and assistant quartermaster of volunteers in the Civil War. I went on horse
back six miles beyond Crow Wing to the agency ; also two miles further and
visited the Chippewa chief, Hole-in-the-day, who, at that time, like very many
other Indians, under the infiuence of the then commissioner of Indian affairs,
George W. Manypenny, was showing real zeal in farming. When I got to his
place, Hole-in-the-day was just coming out of his cornfield, — it was an unusu-
ally warm autumn — which was well matured and of good size. He did not
appear himself to have been at work, for he had on broadcloth trousers. I
accepted his invitation to go into his house and had a talk with him through
his interpreter. There were two Indian women working in the room. He
invited me to stop to dinner, but I had to decline. On this horseback trip, I
was for the first time in the pine woods of Minnesota.
On my homeward trip, from Crow Wing, I reached Watab at seven p. m.,
October 10, and there found the carriage and driver of General Lowry with an
invitation to come down and spend the night at liis house in St. Cloud. This
I gladly accepted, and had a pleasant visit. W. A. Carruthers and another
young man, from Tennessee, were his guests at the time. General Lowry 's
residence fronted and pleasantly overlooked the Mississippi, just below the
Sauk rapids. After breakfast the next morning, he drove with me down into
the middle part of St. Cloud, so as to give me a good view of the town, and
then took me over the river on the ferry so that I could take the stage for
St. Paul. Two of the things that favorably impressed me with St. Cloud was
its fine elevation of about sixty feet above the river and its handsome belt of
hardwood timber bordering the river. But perhaps the fact of there being a
United States land office near by, which would afford business in my profes-
sion, was what mostly induced me to finally locate there. St. Cloud, at that
time, was supposed to have a population of 500.
I wrote some letters descriptive of what I saw on this trip, which were
printed in the Boston Post, and which I revised and had published in book
form in 1857. A second edition of a thousand copies with a new map was
published in 1858. I obtained considerable information for my revised letters
from Henry M. Rice, the territorial delegate in Congress from Minnesota.
I assisted Mr. Rice a little in Washington in passing the bill by Congress,
granting several million acres of land to Minnesota for railroads. I wrote
and had printed as an editorial in the Washington Union, — the administration
paper — an article in favor of the grant. When the bill was under considera-
tion, I was at his side and in some sense his adjutant, going and coming be-
tween the House and Senate with messages to different members.
The spring of 1857 came, and with it my fixed purpose to resign my clerk-
ship and locate in Minnesota. It was in the month of May that I took my
letter of resignation to Howell Cobb, secretary of the treasury; and as the
good people of Stearns county elected me to the Senate within two and a half
years after I settled there, they will not object to my saying that Mr. Cobb
expressed regret at my resigning and voluntarily said that as a mark of con-
fidence he would retain me as attorney in a case pending in Minnesota, which
he did, although the fee was not large.
I went and said good-bye to President Buchanan, and told him where I
was going. He shook my hand kindly and said, "God bless you."
On reaching St. Paul, May, 1857, I went by boat for the purpose of see-
ing more of the territory, up the Minnesota river to Mankato, and by team
out on different directions from that place.
I went from St. Anthony Falls to St. Cloud by steamboat, landed at the
lower town and stopped for some days at the Stearns House, kept by C. T.
Stearns for whom Stearns county was named. Afterwards I took a room and
board at the hotel kept by Mr. Willis, in the middle part of the town. There
was a part of Lowry 's addition I liked very much as a site for the office build-
ing I intended to erect, because it afforded a good view of the Mississippi
river. So I bought a lot there and contracted in writing for the putting up
of the building. "When the work was progressing, I was greatly surprised to
see the carpenters nailing clapboards on the bare scantling, without first hav-
ing nailed boards on, and remonstrated against it. They turned to the con-
tract, which read, that the walls of the building should be "sided." I knew
that siding meant clapboarding, but supposed it implied that the clapboards
should be put upon boards. They said, "The way we are doing is the way
buildings are erected here." Although my office building was to be lathed
and plastered inside, I felt sure it would not be warm enough without being
boarded, but as the work was so far advanced and to avoid dispute, I let it
go on. The ceiling of my office room was unusually high, and although I had
a good-sized box-shaped stove, I suffered, the ensuing winter, considerable
inconvenience from cold. The next season I had the walls of the building
filled with sawdust, a drum put on my stove, and was much more comfortable.
In the rear of my office room was a good sized bedroom where I slept, and in
front, a porch. As I sat at my office table, I could look upon the Mississippi
river distant, as I recollect, about four hundred yards.
In mentioning, as I will now try to do, the names of some of the people
then living in St. Cloud, I shall reluctantly omit some excellent persons whose
faces I remember but whose names I cannot recall.
At that time, General S. B. Lowry had gone to Paris, accompanied by
Dr. B. R. Palmer, and as I have supposed, to consult the best medical author-
ity. He once told he he felt a ringing in his head which may have been the
forerunner of the unfortunate malady that later afflicted him. I saw him in
September immediately after his return, but he did not look strong. At his
house were living his father and mother, their daughter and her husband. Rev.
Thomas Calhoun, parents of an only son, who later became a most respected
citizen and mayor of St. Cloud. Rev. Thomas Calhoun was active, carrying
on the Lowry farm and occasionally assisted his father-in-law in conducting
religious services held at first in a hall on the upper levee, and where I heard
Mr. Eggleston, of Indiana, then a mere boy, later an author, once preach.
The saddest thing that occurred at St. Cloud the winter of 1857-58, was the
tragic death of Rev. Thomas Calhoun. The bridge over the ravine between
middle and lower town, had but a slight railing, and as Mr. Calhoun and his
wife were driving across it, their horse shied and with the sleigh suddenly
went over it, instantly killing Mr. Calhoun and injuring Mrs. Calhoun sO that
she was a very long time recovering.
Mr. Jones, Mrs. Lowry 's brother, was then living with the family. He was
a stout man, weighing over 200 pounds, fifty years old, wore his hair and
beard long, and if not unbalanced in mind, was at least eccentric, though in-
offensive. He managed to speak at about every public meeting and was often
witty and always taking the side of the poor and treating with sarcasm those
who thought themselves too important. Sometimes, for an interlude when
speaking, he would pause and resting his hands on the table before him, would
jump up and down a few times, which was pretty sure to prove a diversion.
He had left St. Cloud some time before the Civil War, and I was surprised
one forenoon about the first year of the war, when the Third Minnesota was
on the march either in Kentucky or Tennessee and had halted a few minutes
to rest, to see him. "We had but a minute to talk. He looked very serious,
shook his head and pointed to the soldiers in a way which indicated that he
thought we ought not to be down there.
John L. "Wilson, who had platted middle St. Cloud, was one of its active
residents. The two principal traders were Joseph Edelbrock and John "W.
Tenvoorde, competitors in business and in politics. Mr. Tenvoorde's clerks
were Ludwig Robbers and Chris Grandelrayer. A year or so later a larger
store was opened by Henry C. Burbank, on the upper levee. Proctor &
Clarke's hardware store was at the upper part of middle town, and their
clerks then or soon after were Andrew Larson — of late years a banker at Will-
mar — and John Zapp. Mr. Hartshorn had a store, his clerks being P. Lamb
and William Blagrore. There were the Broker brothers, who had a store.
Also, I think Louis A. Evans then had a stock of salt meat supplies. Nicholas
Lahr, who had settled there in 1853 (and who is still living at the age of 83),
was a plow manufacturer. Messrs. Kindler, Metzroth and Rosenberger were
separately in business as tailors. Mr. Marlatt was the druggist. Mr. Cram
and Mr. Brown, occupying considerable land, were living on the west shore
of Lake George. Henry C. Waite, who had come first, and James C. Shepley,
were the attorneys. A few months later George Barstow, brother-in-law of
Mr. Shepley, and who had been prominent in New Hampshire, came and went
into partnership with him. Mr. Barstow afterwards became speaker of the
California House of Representatives. He was a short man, but had a fine-
looking head and was an unusually eloquent orator. He and I drove to Little
Falls together the following autumn and addressed a Democratic meeting.
H. Z. Mitchell, J. E. West and partner, and the Taylor brothers, had gen-
eral stores of merchandise in the lower town and with them and their families
I early became acquainted. In the family of Mr. Mitchell, I first made the
acquaintance of Mrs. Jane G. Swisshelm. Henry Swisshelm, her brother-in-
law, established a general store during that or the following year, and Stephen
Miller subsequently became his partner. There were quite a number of enter-
prising young men then in the lower town, who I thought had come through
the influence of George F. Brott, one of the principal owners of lower St.
Cloud. Among these were Mr. Bradley, afterwards a wealthy lumberman in
Wisconsin, and Charles F. Powell.
Maine Prairie was already a thriving settlement, and among the settlers
there whose names I remember were George W. Cutter and Mr. Greely.
Joseph H. Linneman was the first trader in St. Joseph. Reuben M. Rich-
ardson, who was elected to the state senate in 1857, lived at Richmond
at the big bend of Sauk river. Mr. Lindberg was then, or soon after, a set-
tler at Melrose. At Winnebago Prairie, twelve miles north of St. Cloud, were
a number of thriving settlers, among them J. E. Hayward and the Libby
" 'All aboard for Puget Sound!' That is what conductors on a railroad
passing through St. Cloud will call out in a few years." This is what I heard
George F. Brott say at an outdoor public meeting in front of the Willis Hotel,
St. Cloud, Governor Ramsey being present, in 1857 or 1858. His prediction
literally came true not many years afterward. Mr. Brott was then a little
over thirty years old, of medium size, had black eyes and black curly hair,
and was a good-looking, generous and enthusiastic man. He was interested
in a number of town sites, including Breckenridge. That following winter,
1857-58, Theodore H. Barrett was making a plat of the town of Breckenridge
for Mr. Brott, and one day when I happened to be present with them, Mr.
Brott turned to Barrett and said, "Name one of the streets for Andrews."
That accounts for Andrews avenue in Breckenridge, which I am glad to say is
a nice street, having on it many pleasant residences. Mr. Barrett's plat, which
was handsome work, will be found hanging in one of the county offices at
Breckenridge today.
The first school-house built in St. Cloud was finished about the first of
July. At my suggestion, it was named after Edward Everett, and was dedi-
cated in the presence of as large an auditnce as the building could hold on
July 4. I delivered an address which was printed in full in the St. Cloud
paper and which was nicely reviewed by the Boston Daily Advertiser. I sent
a copy of the address with a letter to Mr. Everett, to which he kindly replied
and stated that he had directed that two hundred dollars worth of books be
selected and sent as a library for the school. These books were duly received,
and formed, as I believe, the nucleus of the St. Cloud public library.
The first extensive trip I made from Stearns county was in the early
part of September, 1857, a son-in-law of Rev. Thomas E. Inman (his name I
cannot recall), being my driver. I went via Paynesville and Meeker and
Wright counties, and was very favorably impressed by the fertility of the
soil and handsomely diversified appearance of the surface, there being consid-
erable hardwood timber as well as prairie. I was struck with the fact that
fine fields of corn still stood green. My experience as a boy on a farm for sev-
eral years, where I had done all kinds of farm work and watched the growth
of different crops, enabled me, of course, to judge of the quality of the soil,
which is something only a practical farmer can do. On this trip I returned
by way of Anoka, where I delivered a political address.
I had considerable land office practice that summer in preemption con-
tests, but I was not a prompt collector for myself. The worst hard times I
ever knew came in the early part of that winter. Money all at once seemed
to disappear and I found it about impossible to collect much of anything that
was due me. These hard times improved but very little until the time of the
Civil War.
We had, in the winter of 1857-58, severe and changeable weather. By
about November 18, the temperature fell a good deal below zero. The Missis-
sippi froze. Then in December there was a warm spell. The river opened and
a gorge of broken ice formed, raising the water many feet, overflowing the
upper town levee, and strewing the bluff sides with cakes of ice a foot or two
thick. I remember that warm spell seeing one Sunday a cage of canary birds
hanging out of the hotel window. The following spring was the most remark-
able I have known. By the middle of March it was like summer. The glass
was green, and at midday people sat out of doors. A steamboat arrived at
St. Cloud from St. Anthony, March 26. I spaded up some of the ground on
my lot and had radishes up in April. A fall of moist snow then came that
month and covered them, but without doing any injury. That winter Mr.
Hayes, receiver of the land office (and who had once been a member of Con-
gress from Virginia), was enterprising enough to ship from his grist mill at
the mouth of Sauk river, ten sled loads of flour to Superior, via Little Falls and
the road north of Mille Lacs lake, connecting with the so-called Government
road from St. Paul to Superior.
I enjoyed the winter very much for I was busy. Before leaving Wash-
ington, I had contracted with Messrs. Little & Brown, law publishers of Bos-
ton, to write and compile a practical treatise on the revenue laws of the United
States, and T was occupied on that work, sometimes being up till eleven o'clock
at night. I had in my library a complete set of Curtis 's edition of the United
States Supreme Court decisions, all the decisions of the United States Circuit
Courts, the United States Statvites and all the circulars of instructions that
had been issued on the revenue laws by the Treasury Department. The
preparation of my digest of the opinions of the Attorneys General of the
United States, which had been previously published in Washington, had given
me experience in such work. My treatise on the revenue laws was duly com-
pleted and was published by Little & Brown the following June.
In May, 1858, I made a trip to Long Prairie, jvist to see the county, with
Mathias Mickley for driver. We went by the way of the beautiful Sauk
valley, fording the river near the home of a lame German, about where Mel-
rose now is. I first waded across the river which was about five feet deep,
and we took the horse and buggy over separately. At Long Prairie we staid
over night at the home of Horatio P. Van Cleve, who was in charge of build-
ings which had been purchased at public sale by some Ohio people at the time
the Winnebago Indians were removed from Long Prairie to Blue Earth county.
Mr. Van Cleve was a graduate of West Point Academy, had resigned from
the army as lieutenant several years previously, and became, as is well known,
colonel of the Second Minnesota Regiment of Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, and
brigadier and brevet major general. We returned via Swan river, passing
through a country mostly covered with hardwood timber, thence down the
east side of the Mississippi.
In the last half of July, I made a trip to the Red River of the North
with a party of young men, among whom was William F. Mason, afterwards
for many years a St. Paul business man, Alexander Kinkaid, and three others
besides the driver whose names I cannot now recall, though one- was the son
of one of the publishers of the New York Jovirnal of Commerce and who fur-
nished one or two illustrated articles on his trip for Harper's Magazine.
Our team consisted of three Indian pony horses and a wagon covered with
white cloth, furnished by George F. Brott, and a young employe of his from
Connecticut as driver. Our objective point was Mr. Brott 's townsite of Breck-
enridge. We had favorable weather and the trip on the whole was pleasant
and instructive. One of our party was a young man from Indiana who had
a violin, and towards noon of our second day out, when he was playing on
it and we were feeling quite happy, we struck a big overflow of Getchell's
brook in Sauk valley. The brook, which in ordinary stage is probably only
twenty feet wide, was overflowed to a width of two hundred feet or more.
The current was strong and as we undertook to ford it, our team was wrecked.
We were about two hours getting our team and efl'eets together and across on
dry land. A fine navy revolver, which I had borrowed for the trip, sank, and
when we had about finished our salvage work and I was getting across on
a log with some of my clothing on my arm, my watch and an antique gold
seal which I valued much, slipped out of my vest pocket into the stream.
I hired a settler to dive for the articles, but he recovered only the revolver.
Sauk Centre then had but two buildings. "We staid a day at a townsite
called Kandotta, four or five miles west of Sauk Centre. After that we were
on a trackless prairie. Mr. Kinkaid was our guide and several miles before
reaching Alexandria, we turned southwesterly and approached Alexandria
from the south. There were then only two log buildings on the site where the
city of Alexandria now stands, and only eleven people living in the vicinity.
We staid there a day or two as guests of Alexander and William Kinkaid,
visiting, during the time. Long Prairie river, two miles distant, and a few of
the beautiful lakes in the vicinity, and which were abundantly stocked with
black bass. From thence on our party was reduced to only three, including
the driver and myself. We first went south to strike the old Red river trail,
and camped at a point where we had a view of White Bear lake. Thence
our course was northwesterly, via Elbow lake. We crossed the upper fork
of Red river over a bridge that had just been built by Mathew Wright, and
staid over night at his house. He had come from Wisconsin and settled
there the previous spring, and called his place Waseata. He brought his
family there the following summer. He made valuable improvements, but
was financially ruined by the Sioux Indian War in which he also lost a son.
Breckenridge then had but one building, which was of logs. The soil
all around looked very fertile. Some breaking was being done on the nearby
prairie, and I had the pleasure of holding the plow for a few furrows. We
had another young man for driver on the return trip — am sorry I cannot recall
his name — the one who came with us having engaged to remain at Brecken-
ridge. We returned by the old Red river trail. Somewhere east of Lake
George, in crossing a slough, one of our Indian ponies sank down almost out
of sight. We tried in vain both to pull and to pry him out. Finally we gave
him a copious drink of none too good whiskey, which we happened to have
along in case of accident, and in a few minutes, under the effect of the stimu-
lant, he got out himself in good condition.
Previous to this trip, I had habitually shaved my face, but of course
did not take a razor along. My beard had now gotten such a start in course
of two weeks that I discontinued shaving.
The undulating surface of the new country I had seen, the black soil,
the abundance of grass and variety of prairie flowers, the lakes skirted with
timber and many fine bodies of hardwood timber, most favorably and strongly
impressed me. I wrote letters descriptive of the country which were printed in
the Boston Post. It may be that some letters were sent to the New York
Evening Post, of which paper I was also later a correspondent ; as I also was
for a year of the New York World under Manton Marble's management.
Theodore H. Barrett, assisted, if I remember correctly, by William B.
Mitchell and one of the Kinkaids, surveyed a state road from St. Cloud to
Breckenridge, and which shortened the route very much. One winter after
that I raised by subscription a small amount with which to purchase supplies
and pay for labor in cutting out a portion at least of the roadway through the
big timber immediately west of St. Joseph, and I employed Ephraim Curtis
to do the cutting. I made one trip in a sleigh alone to where they were
We had a course of lectures every winter, and one of the best lectures of
the first course was delivered by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Sauk Rapids, on the Chip-
pewa Indians, and which he did at my solicitation. Mr. Hall had come from
Andover Seminary in 1831 to be missionary among the Chippewas. He said
the old men and chiefs received him in a friendly manner, promising him a
comfortable home and security; that they told him he might try and teach
the young, but for themselves they would have to spend their time in hunting,
as the traders would not take religion or education as pay for provisions.
We had a little music occasionally for diversion. Louis A. Evans and
James H. Place were good players on the violin. P. Lamb played on the
flute, Mr. Tuttle of the lower town on the piano, and there was a man at
Watab who played either on a clarionet or bugle. I had the pleasure of being
a guest frequently when they met to play at different places, sometimes at
Mr. Tuttle 's home, and the music was certainly very good.
Up to 1851, the Sioux Indians had for centuries owned and occupied the
country including Stearns county. They received only a meagre sum for the
vast and fertile domain they sold, and as had been their habit for years, some
of them continued frequently to visit and hunt in different parts of Stearns
county. They were indeed rather too frequent visitors of some of the settlers,
as they generally wanted to be fed. Once during the hard times when a big
Sioux Indian called on George W. Cutter of Maine Prairie and wished some
flour, Mr. Cutter took him into his pantry where he had an ampty flour barrel,
and removing the cover pointed into it. The Indian looked down into the
empty barrel and gave an utterance of sympathy. In November of 1859,
a large party of Sioux, engaged in hunting deer, established their camp a
little south of Cold Spring. They were slaughtering the deer in all direc-
tions. The settlers sent in to St. Cloud, requesting that Gen. S. B. Lowry and
myself would go out to their camp and try to have them leave. This we did,
arriving at their camp just before dusk. There were a good many large tepees
and a number of wagons and ponies. A number of little Indian boys were
practising target firing with bows and arrows. They laughed on seeing us as
if they were accustomed to seeing white people. We were taken in to one of
the tepees where some fire was burning in the center, a few fresh deer skins
lying about, and had a talk with some of the older Indians, General Lowry
being able to converse with them in their own dialect. They were told of
the settlers' feelings in regard to their presence, and they in a friendly manner
promised to leave in a day or two, which they did.
In 1860, Stephen Miller and I were candidates for presidential elector, he
on the Republican ticket and I on the Douglas-Democratic ticket. At his
invitation, I held with him over thirty joint political discussion in as many
different places in the state, we both riding together in a one-horse buggy.
In these discussion I argued that the Northern Democrats were as much op-
posed to the extension of slavery as the Republicans, and were more patriotic
in refraining from agitating the subject and thus creating bad feeling between
the two sections of the country. Mr. Miller was a very impassioned and enter-
taining speaker, and diversified his arguments with amusing anecdotes. He
and I always remained good friends. I went into the war as a Democrat, but
voted for Mr. Ramsey in 1861 for Governor; I also voted for Mr. Lincoln for
President in 1864. It was in my tent in Texas in the summer of 1865, after
reading a letter from the Chairman of the National Democratic Committee,
recommending that all the negroes in the South be transported to Africa,
that I decided to quit the Democratic party.
Immediately after the President's first call for volunteers in April, 1861,
a public meeting was held in St. Cloud to promote enlistments, at which after
a few remarks I subscribed my name as a volunteer. My six months resi-
dence at Fort Leavenworth gave me some acquaintance with military disci-
pline and drill, but in May, with a view to perfect myself in the manual of
arms, — manner of handling the musket — I asked and received the permission
of Captain Nelson H. Davis of the regular army, commanding at Fort Ripley,
to visit that post and receive some instruction. Accompanied by Theodore
H. Barrett, I went and spent about a week there in May. Captain Davis was
kind enough to treat us as his guests. He put us in charge of a bright Irish
corporal, and we were drilled in handling the musket several hours a day. We
also saw Captain Davis repeatedly drill his fine infantry company. Captain
Davis became Inspector General of the army in the Civil War. With a view
to raising a company, I had from the time of subscribing as a volunteer, en-
deavored to raise recruits. Owing to the country being sparsely settled, it
was slow work. Some of my recruits were mustered into the First Minnesota
Regiment. Later in the summer, accompanied sometimes by James M. Mc-
Kelvey, Damon Greenleaf or George W. Sweet, I travelled as far west as Lake
Osakis and about to the eastern boundary of Benton county to obtain men
who were willing to go to war. The following are the names of the young men
who, in the early part of October, accompanied me from St. Cloud to Fort
Snelling, and who with me were mustered into the service, October 11, and
who with a larger squad from LeSueur county were the nucleus of the com-
pany in the Third Minnesota Regiment which I subsequently commanded :
James Coates, Harry Collins, John O. Crummet, Edwin H. Garlington, Damon
Greenleaf, Frank S. Green, William H. Gripman, David Hooper, Orlando W.
James, Charles D. Lamb, Frank J. Markling, James E. Masterson, John Moore,
William F. Morse, Frederick Schilplin, Orrin E. Spear, Charles H. Thoms and
John L. Thompson.
Christopher C. Andrews was born at Hillsboro, Upper Village, New Hamp-
shire, October 27, 1829. His parents were Luther and Nabby (Beard) Andrews
and he was the youngest of four children. Attended the district school and
worked on his father's farm, and in his fourteenth year went to work in a
store, in Boston, of which his eldest brother was part owner, and there con-
tinued three years, attending meantime three terms at the Francestown, N. H.,
Academy. June 17, 1843, he heard Daniel Webster deliver his oration at the
completion of the Bunker Hill monument. He was a member of the Mercantile
Library Association of Boston and took part in its literary exercises. Studied
law in the offices of Mr. Ayer in Hillsboro, Brigham and Loring in Boston, at
the Harvard law school, and was admitted to the bar in 1850. Practised law
at Newton Lower Falls and in Boston. At the age of twenty-three, was elected
one of the Superintending School Committee of Newton, Mass., his name being
on both the Democratic and "Whig tickets. January, 1854, he was junior counsel
in a capital case before the supreme court in Boston, in which Rufus Choate
appeared as attorney general, and by whom his opening address to the jury
was complimented.
He removed to Kansas, June, 1854, and at a public meeting a few weeks
later declared that he would vote to make Kansas a free state. He was the
regular correspondent of the Boston Post and wrote without pay a number of
letters which were printed in other northern papers on the resources of Kansas,
to encourage free state immigration. Offered by Governor Reeder office of
secretary to the Governor, which he declined. In the winter he went to Wash-
ington, intending to stay only during the short session of Congress, but was im-
mediately taken ill with typhoid fever and was unable to work till March.
This so reduced his finances that he obtained through President Pierce, his
former townsman, an appointment as clerk, at $1,400 a year, in the treasury
Wishing still to settle in the West, and troubles in Kansas preventing his
returning there, he in October, 1856, visited Minnesota to see the territory. His
letters in the Boston Post, descriptive of the trip, were later published in book
form, entitled "Minnesota and Dakota." While in Washington, by his writ-
ings, he assisted in passing the bill by Congress granting lands to Minnesota
for railroads. In the spring of 1857, he voluntarily resigned his clerkship and
began the practice of law at St. Cloud, Minnesota. He made a trip to the
Red river of the North in the summer of 1858, and his letters descriptive of
what he saw were published in the Boston Post. He later became a regular
correspondent of the New York Evening Post and of the New York World.
Was elected to the state senate as a Douglas-Democrat in 1859. Was candidate
for presidential elector, 1860, and held thirty joint discussion with Stephen
Miller, Republican candidate.
At a public meeting at St. Cloud, April, 1861, he inscribed his name as a
volunteer and helped to raise recruits. Appointed Captain of Company I,
Third Minnesota Regiment, in November, and spent the winter guarding rail-
roads in Kentucky. Marched over the Cumberland mountains in June; in
action at Murfreesboro, July 13, and was one of three to earnestly oppose the
surrender of the regiment. This later led to his promotion. Prisoner of war
at Madison, Ga., and Libby prison three months, during which he wrote "Hints
to Company Officers, ' ' published by Van Nostrand. Appointed lieutenant col-
onel of his regiment in December and was with it at Vicksburg. Promoted
to be colonel and commanded his regiment in the campaign of Arkansas and
battle of Little Rock, September, 1863. Commanded the post of Little Rock
seven months and received a note of thanks from the free state constitutional
convention of Arkansas. Appointed brigadier general January 1864. In
battle of Fitzhugh's "Woods, April 1, 1864, he led a decisive charge, his horse
being killed under him. In command of second division seventh corps, with
headquarters at Devall's Bluff July to December. In the battle of the Prairies,
August 24, his forces defeated those of General J. Shelby. Commanded second
division thirteenth corps in campaign of Mobile. Appointed by President
Lincoln major general by brevet in March; in the storming of Fort
Blakely, April 9, 1865, two of his brigades, numbering 5,200 men, captured
three-quarters of a mile of Confederate breastworks and 1,400 prisoners in half
an hour, losing 200 in killed and wounded. Was for some weeks in command
of the districts of Mobile and Selma. In July, he was placed in command of
a large district in Texas with headquarters at Houston. Honorably mustered
out of the service, January, 1866. Same year he wrote the history of the
campaign of Mobile, which was published by D. Van Nostrand. While at
Washington finishing that history he was urged by the Congressional Com-
mittee of Mr. Donnelly's district to come to Minnesota and make some ad-
dresses in aid of his re-election as a Republican, which he did.
In 1867, he resumed the practice of law at St. Cloud, but devoted consid-
erable of his time to public matters. He accompanied Edwin F. Johnson,
Chief Engineer of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, on a trip through
northwestern Minnesota, the Red river valley and a part of Dakota. He took
part in political campaigns, advocating hard money and the reconstruction
measures of Congress. He was president of the Grant Club at St. Cloud and
was delegate to the National Republican Convention at Chicago, which nomi-
nated Grant for President. He was the regular Republican candidate for
Congress in the Second district in 1868, receiving after a short canvass 8,598
votes. Mr. Donnelly, classed in Greeley's Tribune Almanac as the "irregular"
Republican candidate, also ran, and Eugene M. Wilson, Democrat, was
December, 1868, General Andrews was married at Central City, Colo-
rado, to Mary Frances Baxter, daughter of Hon. Enos K. Baxter, formerly of
Cambridge, Mass. The following year he was appointed United States Min-
ister Resident to Norway and Sweden, and entered upon his duties at Stock-
holm, July, 1869. He remained in that capacity eight and a half years, or till
about December, 1877. He negotiated treaties for the reduction of postage and
for the better protection of emigrants on shipboard. He made many studies
and reports to his government on important subjects, including agriculture,
education, commerce, manufactures, forestry, civil service, labor, etc., etc.,
which were printed by the Department of State. Separate editions of some
of these reports, including forestry, have been printed. His salary was $7,500
a year, the greater part of which he expended for house rent and living ex-
penses. When ex-President Grant visited Sweden in 1878, King Oscar said
to him that General Andrews was the best representative the United States
had ever sent there. General Andrews naturally wished to retain his position.
but had to yield to the policy of political party patronage — a policy that has
been obsolete in European countries for a century.
Beginning in 1880 he was for about a year editor and principal owner of
the St. Paul Dispatch, and during that time advocated the settlement of the
Minnesota State railroad bonds, the election of Garfield as President, the re-
election of Senator McMillan, the appointment of Senator Windora as Secre-
tary of the United States Treasury, and the erection of St. Paul's first high
school building. The subscription list of the Dispatch, while under his charge,
increased twenty-five per cent.
He prepared for the United States Commissioner of Agriculture a report
on spring wheat culture in the Northwest, visiting many leading farmers for
information, which report was printed and extensively circulated. He at-
tended as a delegate the American Forestry Congress at Cincinnati, May, 1882,
and contributed a paper for it. Having been appointed by President Arthur,
Consul General to Brazil, he in July, 1882, with his wife and daughter, their
only child, sailed for Rio de Janeiro via Europe. During the three years he
served there, 2,000 American seamen arrived at the port. One of his consular
duties was to hear and after writing down the testimony, decide the disputes
between shipmasters and seamen. His reports and efforts to increase American
trade were highly commended by leading American commercial journals and
periodicals. He was recalled by President Cleveland the summer of 1885, and
was succeeded by General H. C. Armstrong of Alabama. His book, "Brazil,
Its Condition and Prospects," was published by D. Appleton & Co. in 1887.
Two later editions, the last one after the change in form of govei'nment in
Brazil, were issued.
In 1887, he wrote a pamphlet advocating Civil Service reform, which he
had printed with the title "Administrative Reform as an issue in the next
Presidential canvass," and which was very favorably noticed by the press.
He suggested the plan for the official history of Minnesota troops in the Civil
and Indian Wars and was its editor. The state had the work printed and a
copy given to each Minnesota soldier. The historian Lossing pronounced it
"a model of excellence" for other states to follow. He was the first to advo-
cate the building of a State Soldier's Home ; and by first getting the ex-soldiers
in Minneapolis and St. Paul to agree in respect to its site, he was principally
influential in securing its location near the Twin Cities. He was for several
years a member of the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, was chairman of its
committee on the Mississippi river, attended waterways conventions at Quincy,
111., and Superior, "Wis. ; also advocated the construction of a canal from Lake
Superior to the Mississippi, via the St. Croix river. His wife died in 1893.
Previous to the Hinckley forest fire of 1894, in which 418 persons perished.
General Andrews had contributed articles to the press virging greater pre-
cautions and additional legislation for preventing such fires. The Minnesota
legislature of 1895 enacted a law, many provisions of which, including the
making of town supervisors fire wardens, were copied from the New York
law, and he was appointed by State Auditor Dunn Chief Fire Warden to
enforce it, his title in 1905 being changed to Forestry Commissioner. He
served continuously sixteen years and was active in stimulating the zeal of
local fire wardens in preventing and extinguishing fires, and in habituating
them to promptitude and precision in making their reports. Though his field
of work covered over 20,000,000 acres, the average annual damage done by
forest fires reported during the thirteen years and up to 1908 was only $29,819,
and by prairie fires only $16,397. With increased settlements, logging and
railroads, the danger of fires increased. The year 1908 was exceptionally dry
and fire set by fishermen ten miles away and driven by a gale September 4,
destroyed most of the village of Chisholm, its leading citizens being at the
time absent at the State Fair. For that year, as for previous years, the total
amount appropriated to carry on his work was only $11,000. The legislature
of 1909 increased the amount to $21,000, though he asked for more. The
year 1910 was the driest Minnesota ever had. All the rangers, 26 in number,
had to quit work September 1 for want of money, and on October 7 following,
the Baudette fire occurred in which thirty persons lost their lives and about
a million dollars damage was done. He was required to make an annual report
to include important facts relating to forest interests, and four thousand copies
were annually published and gratuitously distributed. He made many trips
through the forest regions, one, in 1900, being by rowboat from the source
of the Big Fork river to its mouth. He delivered many addresses on forestry
before commercial associations, clubs and high schools. He visited the pine
forest at Cass lake, August, 1898, and his recommendation then made that
it be set apart for public purposes finally resulted in the establishment of
the Minnesota National Forest of about 200,000 acres. It was his recommen-
dation of May 10, 1902, to the Commissioner of the General Land Office that
led to the creation of the Superior National Forest of upward of a million
acres. He first suggested the project and drew the bill introduced by Sen-
ator Nelson, which was passed by Congress April 28, 1904, granting to Min-
nesota 20,000 acres of land for forestry purposes. He helped to select the
lands in the vicinity of Burntside lake. They are known as Burntside Forest.
The proposed amendment to the Constitution for a tax for reforestation by
the state, which he drew and which was submitted by the legislature in
amended form, received over a hundred thousand votes at the election in
1910, though not enough for its adoption. His salary, at first $1,200 a year,
was raised in 1905 to $1,500. Beginning in 1899 he served as Secretary of
the Forestry Board several years without pay and then was allowed $600
a year for such service, making his total pay annually $2,100. The legislature
of 1911, following the Baudette fire, abolished the office of Forestry Com-
missioner, reorganized the Forestry Board, gave it supervision of the forest
service, authority to appoint a trained forester at a salary of $4,000 a year,
and a secretary of the board at a salary of $1,800. General Andrews was
retained as secretary. The legislature appropriated $75,000 a year to defray
the expense of the forest service.
His articles on the Indian Tribes and the Public Lands were printed in
the North American Review for January, 1860, and July, 1861, respectively.
His article on Cuba will be found in the Atlantic Monthly for July, 1879. He
was a member of the. three commissions for building a state monument at
Camp Release, Vicksburg and Shiloh.
The Catholic Pioneers — Noble Work of the Early Fathers — Arrival of the
Benedictines — Diocese of St. Cloud — the Vicariate — the Right Reverend
Bishops — Diocesan Officials — Present Status — Statistics — Institutions — By
Reverend Alexius Hoffmann, 0. S. B.
A history of Stearns county would be incomplete withoiat some account
of the part taken in the development of this section of the state of Minne-
sota by the Catholic settlers of the county, whose children form the majority
of its inhabitants. There was but one white settler within the limits of the
county before 1850 — Gen. S. B. Lowry, who established an Indian trading
post called Winnebago in the present town of Brockway about 1849. (Hist.
Upper Miss. Val. 370.)
At what precise date the first catholic settler arrived may never be ascer-
tained, but there is reason to believe that the first priest who visited this
region — it was not called Stearns county before 1855 — was the Rev. Francis
de Vivaldi, who had been a canon at Ventimiglia in Italy and had come to the
United States with Bishop Cretin of St. Paul in 1851. In 1848-49 the Winne-
bago Indians had been placed on a reservation at or near Long Prairie, Todd
county, where they remained for six years. Bishop Cretin, whose jurisdic-
tion as bishop of St. Paul covered the entire territory of Minnesota, in 1851
sent Rev. de Vivaldi as missionary to this reservation. He remained with
the tribe for three years, luitil the Indians were removed to Blue Earth
county, whither he accompanied them. He may be remembered by some of
the pioneers of St. Cloud.
The influx of German Catholic settlers from Iowa and other states in
1854-55 was due chiefly to the efforts of the Rev. Francis X. Pierz (properly
Pirec), then Indian missionary at Crow Wing, who believed that Stearns
county, and the country west of the Mississippi generally, was desirable coun-
try for thrifty settlers and set forth his views in several German Catholic
journals. This typical pioneer of the Gospel had an eye not only for the
spiritual, but also for the material welfare of the settlers, — he was a skilful
farmer and horticulturists. He wrote in 1855: "In a short notice to the
'Wahrheitsfreund, ' a German Catholic newspaper published at Cincinnati,
March 4, 1854, I informed the Germans that Minnesota is an ideal place for
a home and that they can secure good lands in a short time. In consequence
of my invitation, about fifty families have already arrived and settled in my
Sauk River Mission." In the same year he published what may
be called a prospectus describing the manifold advantages offered by
the territory — its geographical location, the condition of the soil, the
kinds of wood to be found, the water supply, climate, industries, settlements,
rivers and countless lakes. Although he does not mention St. Cloud, he says :
"More than fifty families have come in consequence of my invitation and
have taken claims on both sides of the Sauk river. * * * i have opened
my new church (a log chapel) in Sauk Rapids for services and hope I shall
be able to open a school, with sisters as teachers, next year. On the other
bank of the Mississippi, on the Sauk river, a new church is in course of con-
struction on St. Joseph's prairie, and a site has already been selected for a
third on the left bank of the stream." The last church referred to, seems to
be that on Jacobs' prairie, between Cold Spring and St. Joseph.
The first German settlers arrived in 1854. One of the earliest was J. W.
Tenvoorde, who came from Evansville, Indiana, in the interest of a proposed
colony of emigrants from that place, in the summer of that year. His report
was evidently satisfactory, for he returned to Minnesota in the foUoAving
summer with several families from Indiana. The first German Catholic who
took up a permanent residence in the county was Anton Edelbrock. He came
to St. Cloud in the summer of 1854 and was followed in the next year by
J. W. Tenvoorde, Joseph Edelbrock, and in 1856 by John M. and Henry
Roseuberger and others. Many of the immigrants went farther west than
St. Cloud — to St. Joseph, St. Augiista and St. Wendel (in the western part
of the township of St. Augusta).
The very first Catholic settler was, as far as has been ascertained, James
Keough, a native of the county of Wexford, Ireland. He had come to Min-
nesota in 1849 and after living a few years at Sauk Rapids, in 1853 removed
to the west bank of the Mississippi river and "built a house on the Sauk
river in the present township of St. Cloud; this probably was the first farm
house built in Stearns county." (Hist. Upper Miss. Val. 456.)
Scarcely had the first settler selected their homesteads, when Father
Pierz came to pay them a visit. When and where he officiated for the first
time is a matter of dispute. That the first services were held in the house
of Joseph Edelbrock in the summer of 1855 may be regarded as accurate when
applied to the city of St. Cloud. When this very question was discussed many
years ago, the first Catholic settler, James Keough, stated in the St. Cloud
"Times," that after he had built a house on the western bank of the Missis-
sippi about 1853, Father Pierz had celebrated mass there and came over to
see the settlers once a month; and that subsequently he had officiated at the
house of John Schwarz. In a biographical sketch of one of the earliest resi-
dents of St. Cloud, the late Xavier Braun, who died at St. Cloud Feb. 29,
1904, we read: "Mr. Bravin assisted at the first mass ever said in what is
now St. Cloud, the services being performed under a large tree on what sub-
sequently became a part of the grounds of St. John's Seminary (south of
St. Cloud). The priest who officiated at that first mass was Rev. Father
Pierce (Pierz)." — St. Cloud Times, February 29, 1904. No year is given.
Mr. Braun came to Stearns county in 1854.
Father Pierz did not make his residence among the new comers ; his visits
were periodical ; he was officially a missionary among the Chippewa Indians
and* his headquarters were at Crow Wing, about fifty miles north of St. Cloud.
After the German settlers began to arrive. Bishop Cretin placed them under
the spiritual care of this venerable missionary — he was seventy years of age
at this time — until German priests could be supplied. Father Pierz had already
spent twenty years among the Indians in the Northwest and had entered the
Minnesota Mission in 1852. This was the man sent to minister to the German
Catholics scattered over the prairies and in the woods of Stearns county from
St. Cloud to Lake Henry. He made most of his visits on foot, with a knap-
sack on his back containing all that was necessary for church services. His
influence upon the settlers must have been decisive, and they looked up to
him with reverence. Today a number of congregations proudly claim him as
their founder — St. Cloud, St. Joseph, St. James, St. Augusta, Lake Henry,
Richmond and others. His ministrations among the Germans in Stearns
county covered a period of about two years (1854-56), after which he was
free to devote himself exclusively to the Indians. In 1870 his sight began to
fail ; three years later he permanently withdrew from the mission, returned
to Europe and died at the Franciscan monastery in Laybach, in the province
of Krain, January 22, 1880, at the age of 95 years. On May 20, 1885, the
Catholics of St. Cloud celebi-ated the thirtieth anniversary of his first visit
to St. Cloud.
Father Pierz's immediate successors in the missionary field were Bene-
dictine Fathers whom Bishop Cretin invited from St. Vincent's Abbey in
Pennsylvania. The Bishop of St. Paul had, perhaps at the suggestion of
Father Pierz, applied to the Ludwigs Missions-Verein of Munich, Bavaria,
for priests for the German settlers in Minnesota, and had been referred to
the abbot of St. Vincent's Abbey, the late Arehabbot Boniface Wimmer. The
latter, writing to the director of that association on June 9, 1856, says: "Your
letter to Bishop Cretin of St. Paul has induced him to invite the Benedictines
into his diocese. He earnestly requested me to send him several Fathers."
The first Benedictine Fathers sent in response to this request were Fathers
Demetrius di Marogna, Bruno Riss and Cornelius Wittmann, who stepped on
Minnesota soil for the first time on May 2, 1856. Bishop Cretin offered them
several places in the territory, and they selected Sauk Rapids and the mis-
sions on the other side of the river. They reached Sauk Rapids on May 20,
and visited St. Cloud for the first time on the following day. A feAV weeks
later they took up their abode on a lonely spot about two miles south of St.
Cloud and from this missionary center began to visit the settlements scat-
tered throughout the county. Father Demetrius organized a congregation
at St. Augusta, Father Cornelius at St. Cloud, and Father Bruno at St. Joseph.
The last step towards permanent organization was a series of mission services
conducted early in August, 1856, by Rev. Francis Weninger, S. J. Although
the settlers, none of whom were wealthy, were sorely tried by the grasshopper
invasions of 1856 and 1857, they did not lose heart ; they had learned content-
ment and resignation. As a result, every settlement organized in those days
is still on its feet, quietly prospering, and every one of them clusters about
a central edifice, the church with its spire pointing heavenward, the landmark
of a Catholic community.
In the development of ecclesiastical life in a Western Catholic settle-
ment, we may distinguish four stages: (1) At first private houses — in almost
all instances log cabins — served as churches; the missionaries would travel
from one settlement on foot or on an ox-cart, carrying the necessary altar
furniture and vestments in a valise, and shared the humble lodgings of the
farmers, content with the little they had to offer; (2) when a sufficiently
large number of settlers could conveniently meet at a certain place, a church
was built there ; that is to say, a long cabin about 30 feet long and 15 feet
wide, to be used exclusively for that purpose; (3) in course of time the log
church made way for the frame church, usually a long building with windows
with pointed arches and a modest steeple over the main door ; a coat of white
paint made it visible at a great distance ; sometimes the sacristy was fitted
up as a lodging place for the priest when he came to visit the congregation;
(4) the frame church was followed by the brick or stone church, generally
flanked by a parsonage built of the same materials. Some of the congrega-
tions never had log churches; v. g., St. Cloud, Cold Spring, Farming and
Freeport; a few still have frame churches. The first church built of brick
was St. Mary's of St. Cloud (1863-66), and the first built of stone — granite
boulders — that at St. Joseph (1871).
At first the number of small settlements far exceeded the number of
priests; consequently there were few places with resident pastors. St. Cloud
and St. Joseph were the earliest missionary centres; from the former the
priests visited the settlers in the townships of St. Augusta and Luxemburg;
from the latter those in the township of Wakefield and other townships. At
both these places here were resident priests, sometimes two or three, between
1856 and 1860. In 1870 there were only three places with resident priests
in the county: St. Cloud, St. Joseph and Richmond, in 1880, thirteen; in
1890, eighteen; in 1900, thirty, and at present forty.
The great majority of the Catholics of Stearns county are Germans or
of German descent ; the Austrians, or more specifically Krainers, are strongest
in the townships of Brockway and Krain, where they have two churches ; the
Poles also have two churches, and the English-speaking Catholics have four
churches, including the pro-cathedral at St. Cloud.
The following localities have churches at the present time : 1, St. Cloud,
Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Angels; 2, St. Cloud, Church of the Immaculate
Conception ; 3, St. Cloud, Church of St. John Cantius ; 4, Albany, Church of the
Seven Dolors ; 5, Avon, Church of St. Benedict ; 6, Belgrade, Church of St.
Francis de Sales ; 7, Brockway, Church of St. Stephen ; 8, Cold Springs, Church
of St. Boniface, 9, Collegeville, Church of St. John the Baptist; 10, Farming,
Church of St. Catherine; 11, Freeport, Church of the Sacred Heart; 12, Hold-
ingford. Church of St. Mary; 13, Lake George, Church of SS. Peter and Paul;
14, Lake Henry, Church of St. Margaret; 15, Luxemburg, Church of St. Weu-
delin; 16, Meire Grove, Church of St. John the Baptist; 17, Melrose, Church
of St. Boniface ; 18, Melrose, Church of St. Patrick ; 19, New Munich, Church
of the Immaculate Conception ; 20, Opole, Church of Our Lady of Mount Car-
mel; 21, Padua, Church of St. Anthony; 22, Pearl Lake, Church of St. Law-
rence ; 23, Richmond, Church of SS. Peter and Paul ; 24, Roscoe, Church of
St. Agnes; 25, St. Ann, Church of the Immaculate Conception; 26, St. An-
thony, Church of St. Anthony; 27, St. Augusta, Church of Mary Help of
Christians; 28, St. James' Church in the town of Wakefield; 29, St. Joseph,
Church of St. Joseph; 30, St. Martin, Church of St. Martin; 31, St. Nicholas,
Church of St. Nicholas ; 32, St. Rose, Church of St. Rose ; 33, Sauk Centre,
Church of St. Paul; 34, Sauk Centre, Church of Our Lady of Angels; 35,
Spring Hill, Church of St. Michael; 36, Maples (mission), Church of St. Co-
lumbkille; 37, Rockville (mission). Church of the Immaculate Conception; 38,
Holdingford (mission). Church of St. Hedwig; 39, Brooten (mission) church;
40, St. Joseph, Church of St. Benedict's Convent.
Beginnings are proverbially difficult. If the settlers were at times con-
fronted with difficulties, the life of their pastors was not all comfort. It was a
hardship for the people to be deprived of spiritual ministrations for months,
but it was not less trying for a young missionary to undertake fatiguing
journeys over a wild country, to lodge in spare rooms and attics and to per-
form the arduous duties of a priest on a Sunday with nothing to eat before
a late hour in the afternoon. The ox-cart was a very welcome conveyance
in the absence of a better; the pastor's horse and buggy were a familiar sight
two decades ago. The growing facilities of travel in our day have made the
life of the parish priest more comfortable than that of his predecessors; but
the responsibilities of the former have grown with the growth of the congre-
The development of Catholicity in Stearns county is a monument to the
deep faith and loyalty of the people who made these achievements possible.
In the midst of their poverty they found means to rear proud church edifices
and schools ; many of them donated parcels of land for the church or for the
cemetery, and others contributed to the furnishing and embellishment of
their church with altars, pulpit, statuary, organ, bells or vestments. Did
they feel the loss? Look at their contented faces, at their comfortable homes,
their broad fields. Like the other children of men, they go about their tem-
poral pursuits six days of the week, but when Sunday comes, they all assemble
in the great house they fondly call "our church," which their fathers or
themselves had built. Here they listen to the same message that gave peace
and contentment to those that went before them, and here they gather new
strength to live upright Christian lives and call down blessings from Him
by whose kind hand all blessings are bestowed.
The churches of Stearns county are conducted by secular priests and
by fathers, or priests of the Benedictine Order, belonging to St. John's Abbey
at CoUegeville, Minn. At present there are 47 priests in active service : 25
secular and 22 Benedictine ; of this number 8 are assistants and 2 chaplains.
Wherever the settlements are well developed, parochial schools have been
built at great expense. They are almost exelusivelj^ conducted by Sisters
of the Order of St. Benedict.
The same body of sisters conduct St. Raphael's Hospital in St. Cloud
and St. Joseph's Home for the Aged, outside of the city.
There are three religious communities in the county: St. John's Abbey
at CoUegeville, St. Benedict's Convent at St. Joseph, and a residence of Fran-
ciscan Sisters at CoUegeville.
There are two schools for higher education: St. John's University at
Collegeville, and St. Benedict's Academy at St. Joseph.
The Vicariate.
In 1854, when the first settlements were made in the county, the terri-
tory was under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Bishop of St. Paul. The
diocese of St. Paul was created July 19, 1850, and its first bishop. Right Rev.
Joseph Cretin, arrived in July, 1851. As there was no Catholic congregation
in Stearns county before 1855 and the bishop died February 22, 1857, it is not
probable that he ever paid an official visit to the county. His successor. Right
Rev. Thomas L. Grace (1859-1884, -fl897) visited the county repeatedly to
administer confirmation and to dedicate churches.
Northern Minnesota was cut off from the diocese by St. Paul February
12, 1875, and created a Vicariate Apostolic by Pope Pius IX. The designa-
tion "Northern Minnesota" applied to all that part of the state of Minnesota
lying north of the southern line of Travers, Stevens, Pope, Stearns, Sher-
burne, Isanti and Chisago counties, and that part of Dakota territory lying
east of the Missouri and "White Earth rivers and north of the southern line of
Burleigh, Logan, Lamoure and Richland counties — a district measuring about
600 miles from Grand Portage at its eastern extremity to the Fort Berthold
Indian Reservation at its western extremity, and about 250 miles from the
southern line of Stearns county to the International boundary line on the
At the time of the erection of the Vicariate it comprised the following
churches and pastors : Minnesota — St. Cloud, Church of the Immaculate Con-
ception, Rev. Alphonse Kuisle, O. S. B. ; St. Joseph, Church of St. Joseph, Rev.
Severin Gross, 0. S. B. ; Richmond, Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Rev. An
sehar Frauendorfer, O. S. B.; New Munich, Church of the Immaculate Con-
ception, Rev. Cornelius Wittmann, 0. S. B. ; St Augusta, Church of Mary Help
of Christians, Rev. Benedict Haindl, O. S. B. ; Luxemburg, Church of St.
"Wendelin, Rev. Ignatius "Wesseling, 0. S. B. (who resided at St. Augusta) ;
Cold Spring P. 0., Church of St. James, Rev. Vincent Schiffrer, 0. S. B.,
who also attended St. Nicholas; Leedston P. 0., Church of St. Martin, Rev.
Simplicius Wimmer, O. S. B. ; Meyer's Grove, Church of St. John, Rev. Burk-
hardt, O. S. B. ; Rush City, Chisago county, Rev. William Wilkins, who also
visited Taylor's Falls and other stations; Brainerd, Church of St. Francis,
Rev. Charles Dougherty; Millerville, Church of the Seven Dolors, Rev. E. P.
Schneider; Belle Prairie, Rev. Joseph Buh, who also visited Little Falls, Rich
Prairie and other stations ; St. Joseph 's Church, Otter Tail county, Rev. James
Hilbert; Duluth, Rev. J. B. Genin, 0. M. I., who visited a number of missions,
including Moorhead on the western boundary of the state ; Long Prairie, Rev.
John Schenk; White Earth Reservation, Rev. Ignatius Tomazin, missionary,
who visited variovis Indian settlements, such as Red Lake, Leech Lake, Cass
Lake, etc., Dakota territory; St. Joseph's church (in the northeastern corner
of Dakota territory) Rev. J. B. Lafloch, O. M. I. ; Pembina, Rev. F. Simonet,
O. M. I. ; Fort Totten, Eev. L. Bonin. The churches at Bismarck and James-
town were occasionally visited by the priest stationed at Diiluth.
In Minnesota there were three religions houses : The Abbey of St. Louis-
on-the-Lake (now called St. John's), to which belonged 27 priests, most of
whom were employed in missionary work; St. Benedict's Convent at St.
Joseph ; a house of Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, at Belle Prairie.
In Dakota there was a house of Sisters of Charity (Grey Nuns), who con-
ducted a school for the Indians at Devil's Lake Agency, Fort Totten.
A report sent to the Catholic Directory for the year 1876 gives the fol-
lowing statistics : Secular priests, 8 ; priests of religious orders, 21 ; total
number of priests, 29 ; churches, 42 ; stations, 36 ; religious orders of men, 2 ;
religious orders of women, 3; college, 1; Catholic population, white, 14,000;
Indians and half-breeds, 2,500; total population, 16,500.
Bishop Rupert Seidenbusch, 0. S. B. The first Vicar Apostolic who pre-
sider over the Vicariate of Northern Minnesota was Right Rev. Rupert Seiden-
busch, 0. S. B. He was born in the city of Munich, Bavaria, October 13,
1830; came to the United States; became a member of the Benedictine abbey
of St. Vincent in Pennsylvania and was ordained a priest June 22, 1853.
For several years he served as a parish priest in Pennsylvania; from 1857-
1862 he was pastor in Newark, N. J., where he built St. Mary 's church ; from
1862-1865 he was Prior of St. Vincent's Abbey. On December 12, 1866, the
Benedictine Fathers in Minnesota who had formed what was commonly known
as the St. Cloud Priory, elected him as their first Abbot. He received the
abbatial benediction at the hands of Bishop Carrel of Covington at St. Vin-
cent's Abbey on May 30, 1867, and at once left for the West.
In the eighth year of his abbotship he was summoned to shoulder the
burden of the Apostolic Vicariate, being then in the forty-fifth year of his
age. He was appointed by Pope Pius IX on February 12, 1875; Avas conse-
crated in St. Mary's church, at St. Cloud, on May 30, 1875 — the consecrating
prelate being Rt. Rev. Michael Heiss, Bishop of La Crosse, assisted by Rt.
Rev. Joseph Dwenger, Bishop of Fort Wayne, and Rt. Rev. Louis Fink,
O. S. B., titular bishop of Eucarpia and Vicar Apostolic, of Kansas. An
apostolic vicariate is a temporary arrangement only, analogous to a territory
in the Union ; its chief administrative authority is appointed by the Pope and
is directly subject to him. Bishop Seidenbusch was officially styled the Bishop
of Halia (or Aila) in Lesser Armenia and retained the title to the day of his
Shortly before his consecration he had resigned the office of abbot and
had taken up his residence in St. Cloud. From 1875-1876 he resided at the
parsonage of St. Mary's church, and used that church temporarily as a pro-
cathedral. In 1876 he purchased the fine brick residence of Joseph Broker
near the corner of Sixth avenue and Third street North, which he occupied
together with his secretary, and which is to this day the residence of the
rector of the pro-cathedral. He publicly administered confirmation for the
first time at St. Mary's church, in St. Cloud, on June 13, 1875, to 194 candi-
dates, and on July 4 of the same year dedicated the church of St. Wendelin
in the town of St. Augusta. On August 10 of the same year he conferred the
holy order of priesthood for the first time ; the candidates being : Revs.
Ignatius Wesseling, 0. S. B., Bonaventure Schloeter, 0. S. B., E. P. Schneider
and Patrick J. Lynch. These ordinations took place at St. John's College.
His first confirmation tour carried him into parts of Minnesota, where
the sacrament had never been administered. He was at Duluth, Brainerd,
White Earth, Moorhead and Pembina near the international boundary in
August, 1875; at Fort Totten, Jamestown and Wahpeton, Dakota territory,
in September. The month of October found him at Washington, D. C, in
the interest of the Indians; at the end of the same month he was administer-
ing confirmation at Bismarck on the banks of the Missouri. After spending
the summer of 1877 in Europe, he resumed the visitation of the vicariate in
Stearns and adjacent counties; in September, 1878, he was again at Bismarck
and Fort Totten, selected a site for a church at Fargo, was in Duluth on
November 1 and again at Bismarck two weeks later.
A part of his burden was taken from him when the Vicariate Apostolic
of Dakota, including the entire territory, was created in 1879 and Rt. Rev.
Martin Marty, 0. S. B., who was to be the second bishop of St. Cloud, was en-
trusted with the government of this vast district on February 1, 1880. Bishop
Seidenbusch now devoted himself to the development of northern Minnesota.
At his accession there were as many as 50 missions and stations: the 24 mis-
sions had churches or chapels, but no resident priest. In some instances, as in
the case of Bismarck, the priest came all the way from Duluth, a distance of
400 miles. It was important for the bishop to provide clergy for the Vicari-
ate, not only to minister to the white settlers but also to the Indians. The
Benedictine Fathers assumed charge of the White Earth reservation in No-
vember, 1878, and the Father first in charge is there still — Rev. Aloysius Her-
manutz, 0. S. B.
In 1884 he built the Pro-cathedral of the Holy Angels, at St. Cloud, and
shortly after, the parochial school, which stands opposite the church. In the
same year (1884) he attended the Third Plenary council at Baltimore. Year
for year the bishop continued to make the rounds of the young parishes in
the upper part of the state, from the lakes to the Red river of the north, con-
fining himself strictly to his episcopal duties. About 1885 his health began
to fail and physicians advised him to spend the winters of 1885-1886 and
1886-1887 in the mild climate of southern California. After another visit
to Europe in 1887-1888, he set out on an official tour of the northeastern
extremity of the Vicariate, the north shore of Lake Superior, where he vis-
ited the Indian settlements at Grand Marais and Grand Portage.
On October 19, 1888, he submitted his resignation, which was accepted
by the Holy See, November 15, of the same year. After his withdrawal he
spent a short time at St. John's Abbey; but the winters proved too severe
and he preferred the southern climate during the cold season, always return-
ing to Minnesota for the summer. The last winter of his life was spent at
Savannah, Georgia, where he occupied apartments at St. Joseph's infirmary
during the winter of 1894-1895. About the middle of May he proposed to re-
turn to Minnesota; while making a brief stay at Richmond, Virginia, he was
overcome by the heat on Pentecost Sunday, June 2, and died early the next
morning. His remains were taken to St. John's Abbey, at Collegeville, the
first scene of his labors in the West, and interred in the cemetery of the
monastery. A granite column marks his resting place.
Bishop Seidenbusch had received an excellent education which, supple-
mented by experience as pastor of a church in a large Eastern city and as
superior, during a very trying period, of one of the largest religious communi-
ties of the country — St. Vincent's Abbey, in Pennsylvania — thoroughly
equipped him for the work which was assigned to him in Minnesota. He was
modest, and unassuming ; had no desire to be prominent, and was seldom seen
at any gathering, but those of a religious character. Beneath his occasionally
brusque and blunt manner was a soul full of kindliness and good nature.
The late Bishop Marty, who delivered the funeral oration at the burial
of Bishop Seidenbusch and had known him for years, paid this tribute to his
character and work: "I never saw a man more unselfish, more loving, more
humble, more patient, more forgiving and more like Him, who has said of
Himself: 'Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart,' than the late
lamented Bishop. He was the very model of that charity which is so beauti-
fully described by St. Paul in his first Epistle to the Corinthians. No man
possessed those attributes of charity in a more intense degree than Bishop
Seidenbusch. And therefore young men from all parts of the country gath-
ered around him at his cathedral, which he built himself, and from their
number he chose missionaries, instruments for the salvation of the people
of the Northwest, whose numbers were increasing from year to year. The
Bishop was the chief instrument in the hands of Divine Providence to bring
about the progress of Catholicity in northern Minnesota, to lay the foundation
for an edifice which is to endure. He was assisted by the priests, by his
brethren (the Benedictines), by the people, but he led with that spirit with
which he was inspired, that charity without which there can be no success;
and therefore our hearts are filled with gratitude towards our common bene-
factor. ' '
Statistics for 1889. After his resignation, Bishop Seidenbusch continued
to exercise episcopal functions in the Vicariate until its status was changed
by its erection into a Diocese in September, 1889.
The following figures will show the value of his services to religion in
the northern part of the state during the thirteen years of his administration :
Churches, 96; with resident pastors, 58; priests, 75; secular, 37; regular,
38 ; stations, 18 ; chapels, 15 ; college and seminary, 1 ; academy, 1 ; parochial
schools, 10; school children, 1,200; orphan asylums, 2; population, 54,200;
white, 52,000 ; Indian, 2,200.
Three Benedictine Fathers labored on the White Earth and Red Lake
Indian reservations; and the Indians along the north shore of Lake Superior
and at Fond du Lac were in charge of the Jesuit Fathers from Fort William,
Canada, and of the Franciscan Fathers of Superior, Wis.
Three religious orders were represented: the Benedictines (St. John's
Abbey, at Collegeville, and St. Benedict's convent, at St. Joseph) ; the Fran-
cisean sisters had a house at Belle Prairie and the Sisters of Mercy, at Mor-
ris. The sisters of these communities devoted themselves to religious, educa-
tional and charitable work. The Benedictine sisters conducted an orphan asy-
lum at St. Joseph, and hospitals at St. Cloud and at Duluth. Industrial
schools for Indian boys and girls were located at Collegeville and at St.
Stearns county at this time had eighteen churches with resident pastors:
the Pro-cathedral and St. Mary's, in St. Cloud; Albany, Cold Spring, Col-
legeville, Lake Henry, St. Martin, Luxemburg, Meire Grove, Melrose, New
Munich, Richmond, Sauk Centre (2), Spring Hill, St. Augusta, St. Joseph and
St. Nicholas. The missions were: Avon, St. Anne, Farming, Freeport, Hold-
ingford, Kimball Prairie, Krain, Logering, Maples, Pearl Lake, Raymond, St.
James and Brockway.
Bishop Otto Zardetti. Very Rev. Dr. Otto Zardetti, who had been chosen
to be the first bishop of St. Cloud, was born at Rorschach, in the canton of
St. Gall in Switzerland, January 24, 1847, educated in the famous Jesuit
college of Stella Matutina, at Feldkirch, and at the university of Innsbruck,
in Tyrol, where he spent five years. During one of the vacations he made a
visit to the home of his ancestors in Milan, Italy. His name and his paternal
ancestors were Italian, but there was nothing in his features to suggest the
presence of Lombard blood. "While still in deacon's orders, in 1869, he ac-
companied Bishop Greith, of St. Gall, to the Vatican council and was pres-
ent at two public sessions of that body. Here, too, he met for the first time
the Benedictine Father, who was to be his successor in the see of St. Cloud —
the Rev. Martin Marty, O. S. B.
After Easter, 1870, he returned to Innsbruck and successfully passed the
examinations for degrees. On August 21, of the same year, he was ordained
a priest by Bishop Greith, of St. Gall. (Note — These data are taken from an
autobiographical sketch of Dr. Zardetti in his publication "The Diocese of
St. Cloud," January, 1892. Reuss, in his cyclopedia of the Catholic Hier-
archy, p. Ill, says that Dr. Zardetti was ordained August 21, 1870, by Bishop
Riccabona, and claims to have all the data from the Bishop himself. As a
matter of fact, he was ordained deacon and sub-deacon by the aforesaid pre-
late at Trent during the "pentecostal holidays," 1867, and received the or-
der of priesthood from Bishop Greith. — A. H.) On December 21 of the same
year, the degree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon him by the Univer-
sity of Innsbruck, "he being the first native of Switzerland to receive this
honor there." (Diocese of St. Cloud, January, 1892.) In 1871 he was ap-
pointed professor of rhetoric in the seminary of St. George, near St. Gall, and
his fame as a pulpit orator gave him access to every pulpit of his native land.
Bishop Greith, in the spring of 1874, appointed him librarian of the cele-
brated cathedral library of St. Gall, "hoping thus to bind him more tightly
to his native land and diocese." But the American fever (as he calls it) had
already taken its hold on his mind and it was strengthened by Dr. Mess-
mer's departure for America — and by his eager study of American history
and current English literature. "While librarian at St. Gall's, he traveled
for several months in England, visiting, among other places, the universities
of Cambridge and Oxford. In 1873 he was created an honorary canon of St.
Maurice's, and at the age of twenty -nine, canon of St. Gall's. But all of these
honors and his growing reputation could not keep him from following the
call of the "West and, accordingly, in May, 1880, he came for a visit to this
land of his dreams." Four months later he was again in Switzerland, unde-
cided whether he should devote the rest of his life to the service of the
church in the United States, or continue in the splendid career upon which
he had entered.
An invitation from the archbishop of Milwaukee, to fill the chair of dog-
matic theology at St. Francis seminary induced him to cut short his delibera-
tions and to accept the offer. In November, 1881, he entered upon his duties
as a professor at Milwaukee. Five years later. Bishop Martj^, then Vicar
Apostolic of Dakota, invited him to accept the office of Vicar General, a posi-
tion which he filled from the summer of 1887 to the time of his appointment
to the episcopal see of St. Cloud. He was traveling in Europe when he was
appointed, October 3, 1889.
He received episcopal consecration on October 20, 1889, at the ancient
abbey of Einsiedeln in Switzerland, the consecrating prelate was the late
Archbishop William Hickley Gross, of Oregon, who was assisted by Bishops
Augustine Egger, of St. Gall, and Leonard Haas, of Basle. Shortly after, he
crossed the Atlantic and made his entrance into his episcopal city November
21, 1889.
His administration, which lasted a little over four years, was one of un-
ceasing activity in every direction. He found that the number of priests
was far from adequate to minister to the wants of the rapidly growing Catho-
lic population. A number of young secular priests entered the diocese and
were assigned positions as pastors at churches that had hitherto been with-
out a resident priest. At the end of 1889 thirty-four churches had resident
priests ; there were 70 priests in the diocese (including those engaged in
teaching at St. John's university) ; about 40 stations without churches, 6
chapels, 2 hospitals, and an orphan asylum. The Catholic population was
estimated at 30,000. He at once appointed a vicar general in the person of
the late Manager Joseph P. Bauer, a board of five consultors, examiners,
deans and such other officers as constitute a bishop's official staff or family.
The rectory aside of the pro-cathedral was too small for the Bishop and his
clergy. He personally drew the plans for a more spacious and suitable resi-
dence, a brick structure two stories high, with a mansard roof. Work was
begun in the summer of 1890 and on the first anniversary of his consecration
he took possession of his new quarters. The building is joined with the rec-
tory of the pro-cathredral and faces Seventh avenue. In the same year he
ordered the decoration of the pro-cathedral.
Anxious to keep in touch with all the priests of the diocese he estab-
lished an official organ, "The Diocese of St. Cloud," a four-page sheet, which
was published at St. Cloud every month from January, 1891, to March, 1894.
It contained communications and instructions to the clergy, a short record
of diocesan events, ecclesiastical documents and valuable historical notes re-
ferring to the early history of the diocese.
Bishop Zardetti was a warm defender of the parochial school and rec-
ommended the establishment of such institutions wherever it was possible.
His attitude towards the educational question drew him into the public
prints on several occasions.
He was renowned as a pulpit orator and was on numerous occasions
invited to grace festivals and conventions with the elegance of his oratory.
His discourse at the opening of the congress of German Catholic societies
at Buffalo, in September, 1891, has become historic.
Late in March, 1894, he was notified of his election to the archiepiscopal
see of Bucharest, in Roumania. He accepted the appointment; on April 10
he ceased to be bishop of St. Cloud, but continued to administer the affairs of
the diocese. Several weeks later he resigned the administratorship, which
was entrusted to Manager Bauer. On May 16, 1894, the late Bishop left St.
Cloud never to see it again.
Archbishop Zardetti took possession of his Roumanian see on November
21, 1894, after having received the pallium, which is the badge of the archi-
episcopal office, in Rome on October 10 of the same year. In his new diocese
he labored with as much energy as at St. Cloud, but had to contend with so
many adverse circumstances that he resigned in the following year. He re-
turned to Rome in the fall of 1896. Pope Leo XH, who had already appointed
him titular archbishop of Mocissus, also made him a canon of the basilica of
St. John Lateran and a consultor of two Roman congregations, that for the
affairs of bishops and regulars, and that of extraordinary ecclesiastical affairs.
His excellent services merited for him the appointment of assistant at the
Papal throne in 1899. About this time his health, which had never been
robust, was in a very precarious condition and he seemed to realize that his
days were numbered. He had hoped to see America and, particularly, St.
Cloud once more, but death put an end to all such hopes on May 10, 1902, in
the city of Rome. His remains were interred in the Cistercian Abbey of
Mehrerau, near Bregenz, Vorarlberg.
Bishop Zardetti was not only a distinguished pulpit orator, but he also
wielded a refined and scholarly pen. He is the author of the following works :
(1) Zehn Bilder aus Sued England, 1877; (2) Pius der Grosse, 1878; (3)
Restauration der Wallfahrtskirche zum hi. Kreuz, 1879 ; (4) Leben der Ehrw.
Sophie Magdalena Barat, 1880; (5) Requies S. Galli, 1881; (6) Special Devo-
tion to the Holy Ghost, 1888; (7) Die Bischofsweihe, 1889; (8) Die Priester-
weihe, 1889; (9) Westlich, 1897. (This book was written and published after
Dr. Zardetti had resigned the see of Bucharest, and contains a description of
a journey across the American continent, including the National Park.)
Bishop Martin Marty. After the departure of Archbishop Zardetti the
see of St. Cloud remained vacant for nine months, until it was given its sec-
ond bishop in the person of the Right Rev. Martin Marty, who came to his
work equipped with the experience of a bishop and of a missionary, but suf-
fering from the effects of overwork and of hardships endured in his former
fields of labor.
Bishop Marty was born at Schwyz in Switzerland, January 12, 1834. He
became a monk of the Benedictine Order at Einsiedeln in his native land
and pronounced the final vows as a religious May 20, 1855. His ordination
to the priesthood took place at Einsiedeln September 14, 1856.
The monks of this famous monastery had been invited by the late Bishop
de St. Palais, of Vinceunes, Indiana, to establish a house in his diocese. A
small colony arrived in this country in 1854 ; a second followed in 1860, led
by Father Martin Marty. When St. Meinrad's Priory was organized in Indi-
ana, May 1, 1865, he was appointed its first prior. Five years later the monas-
tery was raised to the rank of an abbey and Prior Martin was chosen as its
first abbot. He was solemnly blessed and installed in office on May 21, 1871,
by Bishop St. Palais. A year later he began to build a new monastery and a
church for St. Meinrad's.
About this time his attention was directed to the needs of the Indians
in Dakota territory. He visited the Indian settlements in person, learned
the language and grew so deeply attached to this work that he resigned his
office as abbot and devoted himself exclusively to the Indian missions. "It
was a line of work fraught with countless difficulties, but the kindliness of
his disposition qualified him as a preacher of the Gospel and, what was of no
small importance, as a peacemaker, when the Indians brooding over real
or imaginary wrongs showed themselves hostile to the United States Govern-
ment. On his return to St. Meinrad's, he compiled a Sioux grammar and
dictionary, by means of which he taught several priests and twelve Sisters
of Charity to speak the language. He soon attained great influence over the
savages; he was trusted by them so thoroughly that he went twice into the
camp of Chief Sitting Bull at a time when the Indians had sworn death to
every white man, and he did much towards protecting settlers. He acted thus
under the authority of the United States Government. It was in 1877 that
Abbot Marty, with eight Indians and two interpreters, left Standing Rock
agency and journeyed to Canada, whither Sitting Bull, whose hostilities were
causing much annoyance to the Government, had fled. It was important that
his friendship be gained. The Abbot caused his presence to be announced
and shortly the dreaded chief appeared at the head of a hundred mounted
savages and welcomed him. "You come, indeed (said the chief), from Amer-
ica, but you are a priest, and therefore we bid you welcome. The priest
wi'ongs no one, and therefore we will grant him meat and shelter and listen
to his words." He eventually succeeded in inducing the fugitives to return
to the reservation and to conduct themselves more peacefully. (From obituary
by the writer of the present article.)
In 1879 the territory of Dakota was created a vicariate apostolic and
Abbot Marty was appointed first vicar apostolic. He received episcopal con-
secration as titular bishop of Tiberias at Ferdinand, Indiana, February 1,
1880, the consecrating prelate being Bishop Francis Silas Chatard, of Vin-
cennes, assisted by Bishop Rupert Seidenbusch, Vicar Apostolic, of northern
Minnesota, and Abbot Innocent "Wolf, 0. S, B., of St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchi-
son, Kansas. During the next few years he had no church, no fixed residence ;
sometimes he was at Yankton; sometimes at Standing Rock or Jamestown.
In 1884 he made Yankton his headquarters and remained there until the
diocese of Sioux Falls was created and he was elected its first bishop Decem-
ber 16, 1889. He had governed this diocese five years, when he was trans-
ferred to St. Cloud.
When he was installed in office at St. Cloud on March 12, 1895, by Most
Rev. John Ireland, archbishop of St. Paul, in the presence of all the bishops
of the province of St. Paul — to which the diocese of St. Cloud belongs, he
found a well organized diocese, a devoted clergy and loyal people. During
the twenty months of his government of this see he impressed and edified all
by his simplicity, devotion to duty and charity. In June, 1895, he delivered
a feeling oration at the burial of his predecessor in the northern mission field,
Bishop Rupert Seidenbusch. In spite of his poor health he performed all
the burdensome duties incident to the episcopal office, visiting the congrega-
tions to administer confirmation, to bless corner-stones for churches, preside at
ecclesiastical celebrations, etc. He confirmed for the last time at St. Wendelin's
church, Luxemburg, September 15, 1896, when he broke down completely.
On September 19, 1896, the diocese was bereaved for a second time. The
obsequies took place September 23 and the remains were temporarily interred
in Calvary cemetery, at St. Cloud.
In his earlier days, the deceased had displayed literary activity of no
mean order, but his missionary work subsequently engrossed his attention to
the exclusion of all other activities. Besides the aids for the study of the
Sioux language mentioned above, he wrote: (1) Cantuarium Romanum. (The
Ordinary of the Mass, with organ accompaniment by the author), 1869; (2)
Dr. Johann Martin Henni, Erster Bischof und Erzbischof von Milwaukee,
1888; (3) Der hi. Benedikt und sein Orden (published anonymously), 1874.
At the end of the year 1896 the diocese of St. Cloud contained 45 secular
priests, 35 Benedictine priests ; 55 churches with a resident priest ; 30 missions
with churches, 12 chapels, and the Catholic population was estimated at
During the vacancy of the see, Manager Joseph P. Bauer was, for a second
time, its administrator.
Bishop James Trobec. The third bishop of St. Cloud, the Right Rev.
James Trobec, was born in southern Austria, in the province of Krain, in
the village of Billichgratz, July 10, 1838, of parents who made their living off
a small farm and perhaps never even dreamed that this child of the hills
should ever wield a bishop's crosier in distant America sixty years later. After
attending the schools of his native village, he entered the third class of
the normal school at Laybach, the capital of the province, and subsequently
graduated from the gymnasium of that city. He then entered the ecclesi-
astical seminary at the same place, studied theology for some time and early
in 1864 left his home with several class-mates to consecrate himself to the
American mission. After a voyage of forty days in a sailing vessel, he ar-
rived at New York, April 4, 1864, and at once entered St. Vincent's seminary,
at Beatty, Pennsylvania, where he finished his studies in 1865. In August of
that year, he was in Minnesota and on September 8 was ordained a priest
by Bishop Thomas L. Grace, at St. Paul. Immediately after his ordination he
was appointed assistant at Belle Prairie, Morrison county, where his cc ^ -
man. Father Pirz, had organized a congregation composed of French and
Indians, several years before. But for his knowledge of German, Father
Trobec might have remained at Belle Prairie and eventually become an
Indian missionary — he had a fair knowledge of French, which was a very
useful accomplishment in those days. As it was, he was transferred to "Wa-
basha in 1866. A congregation had been organized there by the late Father
Tissot in 1858.
Father Trobec entered upon his new charge, St. Felix's, as the congre-
gation at Wabasha was called, in October, 1866. "At the beginning of his
pastorate his charge included Wabasha, West Albany, Pell (now called Oak-
wood), Highland, Snake Creek and Minneiska. After three years of unceas-
ing toil and for the purpose of giving the parishes of Lake City and Wabasha
more regular services, such as those growing missions sorely needed, a resi-
dent pastor was appointed for St. Mary's parish of Lake City, in the year
1869, with West Albany attached thereto as a mission. . . . During the
first year of his pastorate he succeeded in building churches in several of
his missions. In 1867 he built the church of Minneiska and later on enlarged
the church of Highland." (Jub. St. Fel. Parish, 1908.)
For more than five years he lived on the ground floor of the church ; in
1872 he built a parsonage aside of the church and turned the lower floor of
the latter into school rooms for a parochial school. Two years later he be-
gan to replace the old frame church by a more substantial edifice of brick,
which was dedicated July 18, 1875. Its cost was about $20,000. By far the
largest contribution to the building fund was made by the pastor himself,
who contributed $3,500; and we are told he paid about $1,500 towards the
enlargement of the school building. St. Felix's was decorated at a cost
of about $1,400 in the summer of 1887 and on October 2 of the same year
Father Trobec, after serving for more than two decades at Wabasha, was
called to St. Paul.
The task set before him here was the organization of the St. Agnes
parish composed of a great number of German families, chiefly of the labor-
ing class. From October, 1887 to August 15, 1888, services were held in the
neighboring church of St. Adelbert. In November, 1887, work was begun
on a spacious school building, the upper floor of which served as a church
for nearly ten years. In April, 1897, the congregation resolved to build a
church, and as the parishioners were not wealthy people, it was deemed ad-
visable to proceed slowly. Hence only a basement was decided upon for the
present ; the superstructure to be reared at some more favorable time. Work
was begun April 20, 1897, but three months later, July 28, Father Trobec was
notified that he had been appointed bishop of St. Cloud.
His consecration took place in the old cathedral at St. Paul on the feast
of St. Matthew, September 21, 1897, the consecrator being Archbishop John
Ireland, of St. Paul, assisted by Archbishop F. X. Katzer, of Milwaukee, and
Bishop John Vertin, of Marquette. One week later he was installed in his
see in the presence of all the bishops of the province of St. Paul, and of a gath-
ering of clergy and laity as it is rarely the privilege of St. Cloud to witness.
Nearly seventeen years have passed since that memorable day. The
venerable Bishop's life has been one of unceasing, quiet labor, in the interests
of his flock. Twice he visited Rome to report on the condition of his diocese
— in 1900 and in 1909. He has visited every part of his diocese several times
and studied the needs of the smallest mission. His administration will be
memorable for the great number of churches and schools built or rebuilt in
more substantial form. Owing to age and infirmity Bishop Trobec resigned
last summer and retired as titular bishop of Lycopolis, but continues to gov-
ern the diocese as administrator until his successor has been appointed.
Diocesan Officials.
The staff, or official family of the Vicar Apostolic was very small. There
was a bishop's council since 1878, composed of Abbot Alexius Edelbrock,
O. S. B., Rev. Joseph Buh, and Rev. Severin Gross, 0. S. B. A fourth member
was added in 1886 in the person of Rev. F. X. A. Stemper.
The first vicar general was the late Very Rev. Severin Gross, 0. S. B.,
who held the office from 1882-1888 (+December 3, 1893) ; his successor was
Rev. F. X. A. Stemper, who had been the Bishop's secretary since 1883. When
the vicariate became extinct, he left Minnesota and is at present stationed in
the diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Since the erection of the diocese there have been only two vicar generals :
Manager Joseph P. Bauer was born July 30, 1842, at Niederbronn, Alsace.
His father was a Protestant, and brought up his son in his own faith ; but the
boy eventually became a convert to Catholicity, the faith of his mother. At
the age of eighteen he left his home for Algiers, Africa, intending to devote
himself to the African mission as so many of his countrymen were doing.
After finishing his theology at the mission seminary, he was ordained a priest
June 29, 1865, by Bishop Pavy and served in the missions for fifteen years
as a member of the congregation of the Peres Blancs, or White Fathers, as
they are called on account of their garb. In 1867 he had occasion to travel
through Austria, France and Italy, soliciting alms for the famine-stricken
Africans. The African climate did not agree with him and he found himself
compelled to renounce his earlier ambition. In 1880 he left Africa and en-
tered the diocese of London, Ontario, where he served for seven years and
established a college at Stony Point. This venture did not prove successful
and he came to the United States in 1887. The late Bishop Marty appointed
him pastor of Jefferson, South Dakota, where he remained until Bishop Zar-
detti selected him for his vicar general late in 1889. Father Bauer arrived in
St. Cloud December 13 of the same year.
Failing eye-sight compelled him to seek for some relief in his manifold
duties; in July, 1893, he was appointed pastor of the church at St. Augusta,
but at the Bishop's request retained the offices of vicar general and chancel-
lor of the diocese. On April 15, 1894, he was invested with the insignia of
a domestic prelate to His Holiness Leo XIII. When Archbishop Zardetti left
St. Cloud for his Roumanian see May 16, 1894, Monsignor Bauer was ap-
pointed administrator of the diocese, pending the appointment of a new
bishop. Bishop Martin Marty retained him as vicar general. After that pre-
late's death, September, 1896, he again became administrator of the see, until
the arrival of Bishop James Trobec. While pastor of St. Augusta he suffered
a stroke of paralysis in April, 1898, from which he never fully recovered. He
died at St. Raphael's hospital, St. Cloud, November 20, 1899, and was buried
in Calvary cemetery.
Manager Edward J. Nagl, the second vicar general of the diocese of St.
Cloud, was born at Landskron, in Bohemia, November 19, 1849. Leaving his
native land in 1868, he came to the United States, continued his ecclesiastical
studies at St. Vincent's seminary, Beatty, Pa., and finished them at St. John's
seminary at CoUegeville. On September 29, 1876, he was ordained a priest
at St. Cloud, by Bishop Rupert Seiderbusch. He is the first priest ordained
for the Vicariate of northern Minnesota. For the next seventeen years he was
stationed at North Prairie, from which place he also visited Elmdale, Brock-
way and Swan River. At North Prairie he built a church and a parsonage ;
also at Brockway ; and churches at the other two missions. In 1893 he was
transferred to Pierz, where he built a parochial school. Bishop Zardetti in
1893 appointed him his vicar general for the Polish parishes of the diocese.
Bishop Trobec appointed him vicar general for the whole diocese in March,
1898 ; transferred him from Pierz to St. Augusta in the same year, and on
September 29, 1902, the twenty-fifth anniversary of Father Nagl's ordination,
invested him with the insignia of a domestic prelate to Pope Pius X. He with-
drew from active parish service and is at present chaplain and spiritual
director in the convent of the Franciscan Sisters at Little Falls, but still oc-
cupies the position of vicar general.
Other Officials.
The bishop is supported in the administration of the diocese by a number
of officials and boards :
1. The board of consultors advise the bishop in matters of importance
and have a voice in the election of a bishop for the see. The following have
held the office of cousultor since the organization of the diocese in 1889 :
Right Rev. Mgr. Joseph P. Bauer, 1890-1898; Right Rev. Mgr. Edward J.
Nagl, 1890 to date; Rev. Gregory Steil, 0. S. B., 1893-1903; Rev. Gregory
Goebel, 1893-1901; Rev. Ignatius Tomazin, 1898-1904, and 1909 to date; Rev.
William Lange, 1898-1904, and 1909 to date ; Right Rev. Mgr. Bernard Rich-
ter, 1902 to date ; Rev. William Eversmann, 0. S. B., 1904-1908 ; Rev. John G.
Stiegler, 1905 to date ; Rev. Arthur Lamothe, 1905-1912 ; Rev. John A. Kitow-
ski, 1905 to date ; Very Rev. Herman Bergmann, O. S. B., 1911 to date.
2. Deans: Right Rev. Edward J. Nagl, 1890-1893; Rev. Valentine
Stimmler, O. S. B., 1890-1892 ; Rev. William Lange, 1890-1892, and 1905-1907 ;
Rev. Ignatius Tomazin, 1893-1901 ; Rev. Ludger Ehrens, 0. S. B., 1893-1899,
and 1902-1903 ; Right Rev. Bernard Richter, 1895-1901 ; Rev. John G. Stiegler,
1902-1904; Rev. Arthur Lamothe, 1902-1904; Rev. Gregory Steil, 1904-1908;
Rev. William Eversmann, O. S. B., 1908; Rev. Gregory Goebel, 1890-1912;
Rev. August Gospodar, 1902 to date ; Rev. P. J. Altendorf, 1905 to date ; Rev.
Edward Jones, 1905 to date; Rev. Meinulph Stukenkemper, O. S. B., 1909
to date.
3. Examiners of the Clergy : Right Rev. Abbot Bernard Loonikar, 0.
S. B., 1890-1894 ; Right Rev. Joseph P. Bauer, 1890-1897 ; Right Rev. Edward
J. Nagl, 1890-1897 ; Rev. Arthur Lainothe, 1898-1904. The present board con-
sists of Rev. Francis Mershman, 0. S. B., D. D., and the board of consultors.
4. Procurator Fiscalis, i. e., the official diocesan prosecutor: Right Rev.
Edward Nagl, 1891-1897 ; Rev. George Gaskell, 1898-1900 ; Rev. Edward Jones,
1901 to date.
5. Defensor Matrimonii, i. e., defender of the matrimonial tie in suits
in which the nullity or validity of the bond is involved : Rev. Gregory Steil,
0. S. B., 1890-1892; Rev. Arthur Lamothe, 1893-1894; Rev. Conrad Glatz-
meier, 0. S. B., 1895-1903 ; Rev. Francis Mershman, 0. S. B., D. D., 1904 to date.
6. The following, among others, have held the office of secretary to
the bishop: Revs. Arthur Lamothe, 1889; John Wernich, 1895 and 1896;
Rev. John J. Kicken, 1900; Rev. George Arenth, 1903-1905; Rev. Matthias
Hoffmann, 1907; Rev. William Scheiner, 1908; Rev. Joseph M. Buscher,
1909 ; Rev. Joseph Willenbrink, 1910.
7. Diocesan School Board for regulation of parochial schools: Rev.
Wolfgang Steinkogler, O. S. B., 1891-1892; Rev. Aloys Raster, 1891-1900
Rev. Timothy Vaeth, O. S. B., 1893 ; Rev. Gregory Steil, 0. S. B., 1900-1903
Rev. Peter Gans, 1904-1907; Rev. William Eversmann, 0. S. B., 1904-1907
Right Rev. Bernard Richter, 1891-1897, and 1902 to date; Rev. J. P. Alten-
dorf, 1901 to date; Rev. Edward Jones, 1895 to date; Rev. Anthony Arzt,
1902 to date ; Rev. Francis Welp, 1902 to date ; Very Rev. Alfred Mayer, 0.
S. B., 1908 to date.
8. Consultors regarding the removal of pastors: 1910-1912; Rev. S.
Szuszynski, 1910 to date.
9. Vigilance committee : Rev. Francis Merschman, 0. S. B., Rev. August
Gospodar, Rev. J. P. Altendorf, Rev. Alexius Hoffmann, 0. S. B. — all appointed
in 1910.
Administrator: Right Rev. James Trobec, D. D., residing at St. Cloud,
Vicar General : Right Rev. Mgr. Edward J. Nagl, Little Falls, Minn.
Consultors: the Vicar General, ex officio; Very Rev. Herman Bergman,
0. S. B. ; Rev. John G. Stiegler, Right Rev. Mgr. Bernard Richter, Rev. Wil-
liam Lange, Rev. J. A. Kitowski.
Procurator Fiscalis: Rev. Edward Jones.
Examiners of the Clergy : Rev Francis Mershman, 0. S. B., and the con-
Deans : Rev. August Gospodar, Rev. J. P. Altendorf, Rev. Edward Jones,
Rev. Meinulph Stukenkemper, O. S. B.
Diocesan School Board : Right Rev. Mgr. Bernard Richter, Rev. Edward
Jones, Very Rev. Alfred Mayer, 0. S. B., Rev. J. P. Altendorf, Rev. Anthony
Arzt, Rev. Francis Welp.
Defensor Matrimonii: Rev. Francis Mershman, 0. S. B.
Censors : Very Rev. Alfred Mayer, O. S. B., Rev. Leo Gans, J. C. D.
Vigilance Committee: Rev. Francis Mersham, 0. S. B., Rev August
Gospodar, Rev. J. P. Altendorf, Rev. Alexius Hoffmann, 0. S. B.
Stearns County.
St. Cloud — Pro-cathedral of the Holy Angels: Rev. Leo Cans, J. C. D.,
pastor; Rev. Charles Mayer, and Rev. Joseph Kilian, assistants. Church of
the Immaculate Conception: Rev. Gerard Spielmann, 0. S. B., pastor; Revs.
Vincent Sehiffrer, Alto Walter, and Hildebrand Eickhoff, 0. S. B., assistants.
St. Joseph's Home: Rev. Willibrord Mahowald, 0. S. B., chaplain. St.
Raphael's Hospital: Rev. Joseph Mayrhofer, chaplain. Church of St. John
Cantius : Rev. Vincent Wotzka, pastor.
Albany — Church of the Seven Dolors, Rev. Andrew Straub, 0. S. B., pas-
tor; Rev. Adelbert Unruhe, 0. S. B., assistant.
Arban — Sacred Heart church, attended from Holdingford.
Avon — St. Benedict's church. Rev. Leonard Kapsner, 0. S. B.
Belgrade — St. Francis de Sales church, Rev. F. S. Hawelka.
Brockway — St. Stephen's church. Rev. John Trobec.
Cold Spring — St. Boniface church. Rev. Maurus Ferdinand, O. S. B.
Collegeville— Church of St. John the Baptist, Rt. Rev. Peter Engel, 0. S. B.
Eden Valley — Church of the Assumption, Rev. N. J. A. Peiffer.
Farming — St. Catherine's church. Rev. Philip Bahner, O. S. B.
Freeport — Church of the Sacred Heart, Rev. Meinrad Seifermann, O. S. B.
Holdingford — St. Mary's church. Rev. Eugene Scheuer.
Holdingford — St. Hedwig's church. Rev. Raymond Golkowski.
Lake George — Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Rev. Norbert Groth.
Lake Henry — Church of St. Margaret, Rev. William Lange.
Maples — Church of St. Columbkille, attended from Opole.
Meire Grove — Church of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Martin Sehmitt,
O. S. B.
Melrose — Church of St. Boniface, Right Mgr. Bernard Richter, pastor;
Rev. Sebastian Schirmers, assistant.
Melrose — Church of St. Patrick, Rev. Joseph Killian.
New Munich — Church of the Immacidate Conception, Rev. Luke Fink,
O. S. B.
Opole — Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Rev. Paul Brenny.
Padua — Church of St. Anthony, Rev. John Fuss.
Pearl Lake — Church of the Holy Cross, Rev. Henry Leuthner.
Richmond — Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Rev. Gregory Steil, 0. S. B.,
pastor; Rev. Bede Mayenberger, 0. S. B., assistant.
Roscoe — Church of St. Agnes, Rev. Benno Ferstl, 0. S. B.
St Ann, town of Avon — Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rev. John
A. Kitowski.
St. Anthony, town of Krain — Church of St. Anthony, Rev. Ignatius
St. Augusta — Church of Mary Help of Christians, Rev. James Walcher.
St. James— Town of Wakefield, Rev. Julius Locnikar, 0. S. B.
St. Joseph — Church of St. Joseph, Rev. Ludger Ehrens, O. S. B.
St. Joseph — St. Benedict's convent and academy. Rev. Henry Borgerd-
ing, 0. S. B., chaplain.
St. Martin — Church of St. Martin, Rev. Meinulph Stukenkemper, O. S. B.
St. Nicholas, town of Luxemburg — Church of St. Nicholas, Rev. Gebhard
St. Rose, town of Millwood — Church of St. Rose, Rev. Agatho Gehret,
0. S. B.
St. Wendelin, town of St. Augusta — Church of St. Wendelin, Rev. Hu-
bert Gunderman.
Sauk Centre — Church of St. Paul, Rev. Anthony Arzt.
Sauk Centre — Church of Our Lady of Angels, Rev. Frederik Hinnenkamp.
Spring Hill— Church of St. Michael, Rev. Charles Pfeiffer.
Morrison County.
Belle Prairie — Church of the Holy Family, Rev. Michael Barras.
Bowlus — Church of St. Stanislaus, Rev. Joseph Janski.
Buckman — Church of St. Michael, Rev. John Brender.
Flensburg — Church of the Sacred Heart, Rev. Peter Krol.
Lastrop — Church of St. John Nepomucene, Rev. Herman J. Klein.
Little Falls — Church of St. Francis Xavier, Rev. Arthur Lamothe.
Little Falls — Church of the Sacred Heart, Rev. J. P. Altendorf.
Little Falls — Church of St. Adalbert, Rev. T. Renkosiak.
North Prairie — Church of the Holy Cross, Rev. S. Szuszynski.
Pierz — Church of St. Joseph, Rev. John G. Stiegler, pastor; Rev. Victor
Siegler, assistant.
Platte — Church of the Holy Cross, Rev. John Tokarz (pro tem.).
Royalton — Church of the Holy Trinity, Rev. August Plaehta.
Ramey — Church of St. John Nepomucene, Rev. Peter Wollnik, O. S. B.
Swan River — Church of St. Stanislaus, Rev. August Gospodar.
Douglas County.
Alexandria — St. Mary's church, Rev. Francis Welp.
Belle River — Church of St. Nicholas, Rev. Emil Steinach.
Millerville — Church of the Seven Dolors, Rev. Ignatius Wippich.
Osakis — Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rev. Joseph Wissendorf.
Ottertail County.
Bluffton— Church of St. John the Baptist, Rev. Frederick Wiechmann.
Butler — Church of the Holy Cross, Rev. John Keyers, 0. S. C.
Effington — Church of the Sacred Heart, Rev. John Sand.
Elizabeth— Church of St. Elizabeth, Rev. John B. Wilkes.
Fergus Falls — Church of St. Otto, Rev. George Ranch.
Perham — Church of St. Henry, Rev. A. Schaut.
Perham — Church of St. Stanislaus, Rev. S. B. Kuzniak.
St. Joseph — Church of St. Joseph, Rev. Vincent Weigand.
St. Lawrence — Church of St. Lawrence, Rev. Joseph Ambauen.
Wilkin County.
Breckenridge — Church of the Presentation, Rev. William Gumper.
Kent — Church of St. Thomas, Rev. Matthias Butala.
Todd County.
Browerville — Church of St. Joseph, Rev. John Guzdek.
Browerville — Church of St. Peter, Rev. Matthias Billmayer.
Long Prairie — Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Rev. Francis
Staples — Church of the Sacred Heart, Rev. Francis Zitur.
Ward Springs — Church of St. Matthew, Rev. Herman Schmitz (pro tern.).
West Union — Church of St. Alexius, Rev. William Scheiner.
Traverse County.
Brown's Valley — Church of St. Anthony, Rev. C. Thiebaut.
Collis — Church of St. Patrick, Rev. Lambert Haupt.
Dumont — Church of St. Peter, Rev. John A. Schritz.
Tintah — Church of St. Gall, Rev. Matthias Hoffmann.
Stevens County.
Chokio — St. Mary's church, Rev. Isidore Hengarten.
Donnelly — Church of St. Theresa, Rev. C. L. Gruenenwald.
Morris — Church of the Assumption, Rev. Edward Jones, pastor ; Rev. John
Fearson, assistant.
Sherburne County.
Clear Lake — St. Mark's church. Rev. Michael Seherer.
Benton County.
Duelm — Church of St. Lawrence, Rev. John Musial.
Foley — Church of St. Bridget, Rev. Paul Kuich.
Gilman — Church of St. Adalbert, Rev. J. Dudek.
Mayhew — Church of the Annunciation, Rev. Joseph M. Buscher.
Rice — Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rev. Joseph Stephan.
St. Patrick's— Church of St. Patrick.
Pope County.
Villard — Church of St. Bartholomew, Rev. Francis Dvorak.
Wadena County.
Verndale — Church of St. Frederick, Rev. H. Yzermans, 0. S. C.
Wadena — Church of St. Ann, Rev. Francis Lenger.
MiUe Lacs County.
Onemia — Church of the Holy Cross, Rev. John van der Hoist, 0. S. C.
Princeton — Church of St. Edward, Rev. Joseph Willenbrink.
1. St. John's Abbey of the Order of St. Benedict, Collegeville, Minn.,
Right Rev. Peter Engel, abbot; Very Rev. Herman Bergmann, prior; Very
Rev. Michael Ott, sub-prior ; Rev. Athanasius Meyer, master of novices ; Fath-
ers Cornelius Wittman, Francis Mershman, Stanislaus Preiser, John Katzner,
Placidus "Wingerter, Alexius Hoffmann, Isidore Siegler, Benedict Schmit,
Kilian Heid, James Hansen, Raphael Knapp, Fridolin Tembreull, Innocent
Gertken, Paul Neussendorfer, Herbert Buerscheinger, Hilary Doerfler, Severin
Gertken, Daniel Bangart, David Yuenger, Polycarp Hansen, Joseph Kreuter,
Norbert Gertken, "Wilfrid Partika, Alphonse Sausen, Edwin Sieben, Lambert
Weckvrerth, Sebastian Sis ; 19 clerics, 6 novices and 30 lay -brothers.
2. St. John's College (legal title: St. John's University), in connection
with St. John's Abbey. Right Rev. Peter Engel, 0. S. B., Ph. D., president;
Very Rev. Kilian Heid, 0. S. B., rector ; Rev. Benedict Schmit, O. S B., direc-
tor of studies. The above named Fathers of the Abbey constitute the corps
of professors.
3. St. Benedict's Convent of Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict, at St.
Joseph, Stearns county — Mother Cecilia Kapsner, 0. S. B., prioress.
4. St. Benedict's Academy in connection with St. Benedict's Convent.
5. Boarding School for Small Boys, conducted at St. Joseph by the Sis-
ters of St. Benedict's Convent.
6. Convent of the Immaculate Conception: mother-house and novitiate
of the Franciscan Sisters, at Little Falls. Mother Mary Elizabeth, superior.
7. St. Gabriel's Hospital, at Little Falls; conducted by the Franciscan
8. St. Otto's Orphan Asylum, conducted at Little Falls by the Francis-
can Sisters.
9. St. James' Hospital, conducted by the Franciscan Sisters at Perham.
10. Academy, conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis, at Belle Prairie.
11. St. Francis Hospital, conducted by the Franciscan Sisters at Breck-
enridge ; connected with the hospital is a training school for nurses.
12. Convent of the Franciscan Sisters at Collegeville.
13. St. Raphael's Hospital, St. Cloud, conducted by Benedictine Sisters
from St. Joseph.
14. St. Joseph's Home for the Aged, St. Cloud, conducted by the Bene-
dictine Sisters.
Statistics. Priests, secular, 83 ; priests, regular, 55 ; churches with resi-
dent pastors, 90 ; missions, 29 ; chapels, 12 ; college, 1 ; students, 450 ; diocesan
students, 15; academies, 3; students, 238; parochial schools, 22; orphan asy-
lum, 1; orphans, 100; hospitals, 4; baptisms (1913), 2,447; deaths, 617; Catho-
lic population, about 65,500.
Story of the Organization, Growth and Progress of the Parishes — Devout
Fathers Who Have Led a Worthy People Into the Higher Ways of Life
— Privation and Sacrifice — Notable Results — Structures Around Which
Have Centered Many of the Activities of the County — By the Rev. Alexius
Hoffmann, 0. S. B.
According to the Federal census of 1910 the population of Stearns county
was 47,733, only three counties in the state exceeding this number. The vast
majority are Catholics of different nationalities, chiefly German, Irish, Slo-
venian and Polish.
The pastors of all the congregations are appointed by the bishop, who
resides in St. Cloud. Whenever a community is sufficiently numerous and
able to support a priest, a resident clergyman is appointed. In other eases
the locality is visited by some priest in charge of a church. Localities having
a church without a resident priest are called "missions;" there are very few
such places in Stearns county at present.
The data for the sketches that follow were collected from parish regis-
ters, reports of pastors, files of the "Nordstern, " "Times" and "Journal-
Press" of St. Cloud, of "Der Wanderer," of St. Paul, of "The Diocese of St.
Cloud, ' ' by Bishop Zardetti, a manuscript account of the work of the benedic-
tines in the missions from 1856 to 1875 by Abbot Alexius Edelbrock, and other
sources. It is not claimed that the present sketches are complete in every
particular; perhaps this effort will be an inducement for local pastors to
fill in what is wanting and thus prepare the way for a more comprehensive
history of the churches. This is the first time that a historical sketch of all
the Catholic churches of the county is attempted and this fact will explain in-
accuracies and omissions on the part of one who has not had an opportunity
to study the records of every parish.
The writer takes occasion to thank the reverend clergy who have kindly
supplied him with material, and also the editor of this history for this oppor-
tunity to offer the people of our state and particularly of our county the story,
at least in outline, of what has been achieved within sixty years by a God-
fearing people and a devoted clergy.
Church of the Seven Dolors. From 1863 to 1868 the few German Catho-
lic settler at Two Rivers or Schwinghammer's, as this locality was originallj^
called, attended divine service at St. Joseph, which was twelve miles distant.
The earliest settlers, who arrived in 1863, were John Schwinghammer, and
Isidore and Paul Obermiller; they established themselves on sections 22 and
23 of the township of Albany, along the old Breckenridge stage route. The
first priest who visited the settlement was Father Benedict Haindl, from the
abbey of St. Louis on the lake ; a congregation was organized September 23,
1868, and was known as the Two River mission. From that time to 1872
the little congregation assembled once a month to attend services conducted
by one of the Fathers of the abbey. In 1870 the log cabin which served as a
church and stood on the land of Isidore Obermiller chose for its titular the
Blessed Virgin Mary, under the title of the Seven Dolors.
When the railroad line was constructed through the township in 1872,
the congregation resolved to remove the church to a site near the station
somewhat more than a mile north of the original location. Joseph Zeis donated
twenty acres of land for the purpose and in the same year a frame church,
30 by 60, was built here, only a few rods south of the railroad track. Sev-
eral years later it was considerably enlarged and dedicated in 1876 by Bishop
The present cemetery was laid out in 1875; it is east of the parsonage.
In 1883 the first parsonage was built and Father Gregory Steil became the
first resident pastor. At that time the parish was in a state of turmoil over
the school question; the outcome was that a parochial school was established
near the church. This school was temporarily discontinued in 1888.
In 1889 an addition 60 by 65 feet was built to the church, but in a few
years even this space was too small. In the spring of 1899 work was begun
on a new and larger church. Its dimensions are 60 by 150, and the transept
measures 84 feet. The contract for the masonry was let to Paul Koschiol, of
St. Cloud, and for the carpentry to Wenzel Wolke, of Pierz. It is heated with
steam, lighted by electricity, has a large pipe-organ and stained-glass win-
dows. It was dedicated by Bishop Trobec on August 4, 1900.
The parochial school was re-organized in the fall of 1904, shortly before
Father Conrad Glatzmaier left the parish. In 1910 the old frame school build-
ing was replaced by a two-story brick structure. A new parsonage was built
of brick in 1912.
Pastors : The Benedictine Fathers Benedict Haindl, 1867-68 ; Wolfgang
Northman, 1871-75 ; Panvratius Maehren, January to June, 1875 ; Cornelius
Wittmann, June to December, 1875 ; Anthony Capser, November, 1875, to Sep-
tember, 1876 ; Stanislaus Preiser, September, 1876 to May, 1877 ; Vincent
Schiffrer, May, 1877, to January, 1880; Simplicius Wimmer, 1880-1883; An-
thony Capser, January to November 26, 1883 ; Gregory Steil, first resident
pastor, November, 1883, to February 1, 1885; Othmar Erren, May, 1885, to
April, 1888; Conrad Glatzmaier, August 10, 1888, to September, 1904; the
present pastor. Father Andrew Straub, since September 16, 1904. The pastor
has had as resident assistants, Fathers Alto Walter, from August, 1909, to
September 1, 1914; Adelbert Unruhe, since September 1, 1914.
The principal society in the parish is the St. Joseph society, organized
March 19, 1889, by Father Conrad Glatzmaier. Present membership, 140, of
which number 82 have joined the state association. President, Joseph Bier;
vice-president, John A. Merz; financial secretary, Martin Dindorf; recording
secretary, Henry Briol; treasurer, George M. Schaefer.
Church of the Sacred Heart. A small congregation was organized in
section 27 of the towoiship of Holding, in what was known as Young's settle-
ment in April, 1873, by Rev. Joseph Vill, O. S. B., of St. John's Abbey, and
visited once a month from the Abbey. The first mass was celebrated in
the house of Sebastian Wiedmann ; here, too, the first child, Charles, son
of Michael and Margaret Hartung, was baptized by Father Cornelius Witt-
mann, O. S. B., pastor of St. Joseph. A small church was built of logs in the
winter of 1874-75. As all the land was still subject to the homestead laws,
none could be donated to the church. However, Francis Young promised ten
acres, Denis Wiedmann and William Luckeroth, four acres and $25 each.
When the township was surveyed it was found that the church was in section
27, and not, as was supposed in section 28. The land upon which the church
stood was then leased of the owner.
The second church, 26 by 50, log and frame, was built in 1887 and dedi-
cated in October of the same year. The present church, the cost of which was
about $5,000, was dedicated by Bishop Trobec, November 16, 1904.
In 1893, there were 45 families in the parish; the present number is 40,
all Germans. Arban has never had a resident priest. After the withdrawal
of the Benedictines from Holdingford, Arban was attended by the secular
priest stationed there. (See Holdingford.)
The following Benedictine Fathers visited Holding, or Arban, as it is
now called, from 1873: Fathers Joseph Vill, 1873-1875; Aloys Hermanutz,
1875-1878; Alphonse Kuisle, to 1879; Simplicius Wimmer, to 1880; Vincent
Schiffrer, to 1882; George Scherer, to 1883; Vincent Schiffrer, 1883-1887;
Martin Schmitt, 1888 ; Stanislaus Preiser and others to 1890 ; Anthony Capser,
Society: St. Joseph Society, organized 1913 by the present pastor Rev.
E. Scheuer, with a membership of 40. President, August Heitzraann ; vice-
president, Aloys Meyer; treasurer, Henry Young.
St. Benedict's Church. This church is located in the village of Avon, in
the township of the same name. Before 1858 Spunk lake and vicinity was
inhabited exclusively by Indians and half-breeds. The name of the lake was
derived from that of an Indian chief called Spunk, who lived here. When
in the early seventies a railroad line was built through this region, a station
was established at this point and named Avon. In 1858 two brothers, Nicholas
and John Keppers, penetrated this part of the Indian bush and were the first
white settlers of this place. They were soon followed by two other brothers,
Nicholas S. and Theodore Keppers, and a number of other Catholic Germans.
Early in the sixties a log school-house was built. The settlers went to St.
Joseph, which was seven miles distant, for church services. In 1869 several
of the settlers applied to St. Louis (now St. John's) Abbey for a priest, to
conduct services for them at Avon. The abbot. Right Rev. Rupert Seidenbusch,
appointed Prior Benedict Haindl, 0. S. B., to visit the place once a month
from the abbey. Services were at first held in the log sehoolhouse. In 1872
Prior Benedict was followed as rector by Rev. Ulric Northman, who a few
months later was replaced by his brother, Rev. Wolfgang Northman. He was
succeeded in 1875 by Rev. Pancratius Maehren, and in 1876 by Rev. Cornelius
Wittmann, who suggested the erection of a church. The foundation was laid by
his successor, Rev. Aloysius Hermanutz, the same year, but the church was not
built before 1879 under the rectorship of Rev. Simplieius Wimmer.
This church is a frame structure 76 by 34, with a steeple 84 feet high.
The cost was about $2,500. It was dedicated on October 26, 1879, by Bishop
Rupert Seidenbusch. The parish continued to be visited by priests from St.
John's Abbey, which is five miles distant. Since 1881 the following Benedic-
tine Fathers visited Avon regularly : Fathers Martin Schmitt, from 1881-1884 ;
Thomas Borgerding, from June, 1884, to October, 1886; Jerome Heider, to
August, 1890; Gerard Spielmann, to February, 1891, when he was succeeded
by Father Simplieius Wimmer. After the latter 's retirement in November,
1894, it was visited by several other fathers for short periods, among them,
Fathers Oswald Baran and Anthony Capser.
From 1895-1900 the parish was in charge of secular priests: Rev. J. P.
Altendorf visited it from Gates for a year ; Rev. Richard Zoller visited it from
Melrose, 1896-97, and lived at Avon during the next two years.
In October, 1900, the Benedictine Fathers resumed charge : Father Sim-
plieius Wimmer, who ministered once or twice in October was succeeded in
the course of the same month by Father Otto Weisser, who built the present
parsonage and resided in the village. His successor was Father Ludger
Ehrens, from September 10, 1906, until September 20 of the following year,
when he was succeeded by Father Vincent Schiffrer, who was pastor until
April 11, 1909. Father Leonard Kapsner, the present pastor, succeeded Father
Vincent. During his rectorship a brick school was built.
The congregation consists of 85 families, mostly Germans. 120 children
receive religious instruction.
The principal church organization is the St. Benedict's Society, which
was organized January 27, 1907, with a membership of 30. Present member-
ship, 48. President, Frederic Meyer ; vice-president, Nicholas Schirmers ; finan-
cial secretary, Frank Schmidt; recording secretary, John Merdan; treasurer,
W. Keppers.
Church of St. Francis de Sales. This church is located in the village of
Belgrade on the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Sault Ste. Marie Railway line, on
the western boundary of Crow river township in the southwestern part of the
county. Originally the few Catholic settlers here attended St. Michael's church
at Spring Hill, ten miles distant. In 1890 a small frame church was built at
Belgrade under direction of Father Paul Rettenmaier, 0. S. B., then pastor
of Spring Hill. It was dedicated on September 14, of the same year, by Father
Paul and was called church of St. Francis de Sales. One of the leading mem-
bers at the time of organization was Christopher Borgerding. The grounds
on which the church was erected were donated by Henry Kalkmann of Mel-
rose. For several years the place continued to be attended by the priest sta-
tioned at Spring Hill. In 1896 the church was enlarged to twice its original
Pastors: After Father Paul's withdrawal from Spring Hill in Septem-
ber, 1890, he was followed by Father George Scheffold, 0. S. B., who also vis-
ited Belgrade until June, 1891. His successor, Rev. C. A. Gunkel, visited it
until 1893, when Rev. Isidore Hengarten became the first resident priest be-
ginning with January 1. His successors were : Rev. Anthony Arzt, at present
at. Sauk Centre, 1894; Rev. Ignatius Lager, 1894-98; Rev. Joseph Mayrhofer,
1899-February, 1903 ; Rev. Fr. Dvorak, 1903-1911. The present pastor is Rev.
F. S. Hawelka.
Church of St. Stephen. This congregation was first visited by Rev. Joseph
Buh, pastor of Belle Prairie in 1869. Organization was effected on February
22, 1870, and work at a church begun. The building was a log and frame
structure 60 by 30, and with the fixtures was worth about $3,000 ; it was dedi-
cated April 23, 1871. Father Buh continued to visit the mission until 1875,
when the Fathers of St. Louis Abbey took charge of it. Father Severin
Gross, 0. S. B., while pastor of St. Joseph, visited Brockway several times,
April, 1875, and March, 1876 ; he was followed by Rev. Vincent Schiffrer, O. S.
B., from March, 1876-1888, and by Father Cyril Zupan, 0. S. B., from 1888-
1893. After this time it was visited by Rev. Ignatius Tomazin, who resided at
Belle River for one or two years.
In 1897, the Rev. Joseph Knafelc was temporarily installed as the first
resident priest; he was succeeded in November, 1901, by the present pastor.
Rev. John Trobec.
A parsonage was built in 1894 — a frame building with brick veneer; the
cost was about $2,000. A new church, costing more than $20,000, was built in
1904 ; the foundation walls were built by members of the congregation and the
brick superstructure by contractor Charles Kropp. It was dedicated October 25,
1904, by Bishop Trobec. In January, 1905, a high altar was bought worth
$700, and four bells in 1908. The most recent improvement to the church was
the installation of a $2,000 pipe organ, which was used for the first time on
Easter Monday of the present year.
The present number of families is 76, of which 61 are Slovenian, 15 Ger-
man— almost all farmers.
Societies: Holy Rosary Society for young ladies; a society for married
women; St. Stephen's society for men, St. Aloysius and a Court of Catholic
Order of Foresters.
Church of St. Boniface. The congregation was organized in 1877 with a
number of families which were members of the St. James church in the town-
ship of Wakefield, in which Cold Spring is also situated. A parsonage and a
basement for a church were built in 1878 ; the basement was dedicated on
November of the same year by the late Abbot Alexius Edelbrock. Six years
later a handsome brick church was built on the existing foundation, and, with
authorization from Bishop Rupert Seidenbush, dedicated by Rev. Meinulph
Steukenkemper, 0. S. B., June 18, 1885. Its dimensions are 110 by 50 ; the cost
was about $20,000. The parsonage was enlarged twice by different pastors.
On February 1, 1904, the congregation was incorporated.
Pastors : The Benedictine Fathers — Leo Winter, who conducted the or-
ganization of the parish, February 2, 1878, to April, 1880; Benedict Haindl,
April, 1880, to February 1, 1883 ; Ambrose Lethert, February, 1883, to January
1, 1886 ; Ludger Ehrens, 1886, to September, 1892 ; Paulin Wiesner, September,
1892, to January, 1899; Stephen Koefler, January, 1899, to August, 1906; the
present pastor, Father Maurus Ferdinand, since August 30, 1896.
Societies: St. Joseph Society, organized 1884 with a membership of 35,-
reorganized by Rev. Ludger Ehrens. Officers at present : President, Nicholas
Backes; vice-president, John Kinzer; secretary, Michael Kummer; treasurer,
Joseph Luek ; members, 72. Forty members have joined the state association.
St. Ann's Society: President, Mrs. Mary Dreis; secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth
Sauer; treasurer, Mrs. Theresa Krier. 150 members.
The number of families in 1891 was 110; in 1908 about 200.
Before 1867 there was no place of worship within the limits of the present
township of Collegeville ; the few farmers living there at the time, were mem-
bers of the congregation of St. Joseph. In 1867 the Abbey of St. Louis-on-
the Lake (now St. John's) was organized on section 1 of the present town-
ship of Collegeville and the farmers who lived in the vicinity attended services
in the small frame chapel used by the monastic community and the students of
the college.
As their number grew, they felt the need of regular pastoration. In con-
sequence Rt. Rev. Alexius Edelbrock called a meeting of the heads of families
on December 12, 1875; a petition was drawn up, signed by 18 persons and
forwarded to Bishop Rvipert Seidenbusch, requesting his approbation for
the erection of a new parish, to be conducted by the Benedictine Fathers at
the abbey. The petition was granted and Very Rev. Clement Staub, O. S. B.,
then prior of the Abbey, was appointed rector in January, 1876.
The congregation has no church of its own ; all the services are held in
the abbey church of St. John's Abbey. At present the congregation consists
of about 60 families, active members of the parish. With few exceptions they
are Germans, many of the older members having immigrated from Europe.
The German language is used exclusively in preacliing and instructing.
Pastors: Fathers Clement Staub, January to November, 1876; Bernard
Locnikar, November, 1876, to February, 1878 ; Gregory Steil, February, 1878,
to September, 1882 ; Alfred Mayer, September, 1882, to February, 1886 ; Ulric
Northman, March, 1886, to March, 1887; Isidore Siegler, April, 1887, to Sep-
tember, 1890; Severin Gross, September, 1890, to September, 1893; Pancratius
Maehren, September, 1893, to February, 1895; Peter Engel, February, to Au-
gust, 1895; Alphonse Kuisle, August, 1895, to September, 1904; Gregory Steil,
September, 1904, to September, 1909; Conrad Glatzmeier, September, 1909, to
August, 1910; Rt. Rev. Peter Engel, August, 1910.
There are three societies: St. Benedict's Society, organized February 11,
1900. In July, 1902, the society founded a circulating library, which now eon-
tains 400 volumes. Since August, 1905, it is affiliated to the State Benevolent
Association. Membership, 53. Officers: President, Ludwig Hartig; vice-
president, John Theisen; financial secretary, Joseph M. Gillitzer; recoi'ding
secretary, Aloys Lenarz ; treasurer, Simon Gretsch.
Church of the Assumption. At Eden Valley, a village that lies partly in
Stearns and partly in Meeker county, a congregation was organized in the be-
ginning of 1894 by Rev. Joseph Bastian, then pastor of St. Nicholas Church in
Luxemburg township. He held the first services here on March 10, 1894. At first
a hall Avas hired for church purposes, and fitted out with the furniture of the
Logering Church, which had been discontinued. Regular services were held on
alternate Sundays until December, 1894. In the course of the same year work
was begun on a church on the Stearns county side. It was a brick building and
its dimensions were 70 by 42. On December 4, 1894, it was dedicated by the pas-
tor, with permission of the administrator of the diocese, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph
P. Bauer. Toward the end of October, 1895, the congregation was placed in
charge of the Rev. A. Kastigar, the priest stationed at Watkins, in Meeker
In 1901 a parochial school was built, and blessed by the Bishop January
1, 1902. During the latter year the English speaking members of the parish
withdrew and built a church on the Meeker county side of the village.
The parsonage is a frame building.
First resident pastor: Rev. N. J. Al. Peiffer, since 1899.
Society: St. Joseph Society, organized by the pastor, Rev. Kastigar,
March 17, 1896. Present membership, 85. Officers: President, Michael Nist-
ler; vice-president, Matthias Thielen; recording secretary, Michael Ruhland;
financial secretary, William Arnold ; treasurer, George Ruhland.
Church of St. Catherine. St. Catherine's church is near the northern line
of section 32 in the township of Farming. Although the township was settled
as early as 1858, the growth of its population was too slow to necessitate the
building of a church; the settlers attended church at either Richmond or St.
A congregation was organized by Rev. Anselm Sauthner, 0. S. B., then
pastor of Richmond, on March 29, 1879. Michael Bock, a member of the
new congregation, donated twenty acres of land for the church. The first
church was built in 1880, but destroyed by a tornado the same year. It was
at once rebuilt at a cost of $2,400 and dedicated in November, 1881. It was a
frame structure 86 by 32. Services were held in it by a priest from Richmond
or from Cold Spring since June 6, 1881 ; the Benedictine Fathers Stanislaus
Preiser, November 1, 1881-September 23, 1883 ; Willibrord Mahowald, Septem-
ber to November, 1883 ; Anthony Capser, November, 1883, to August 12, 1885 ;
Leo Winter, to July 14, 1886 ; Stephen Koefler, to August, 1887 ; Alfred Mayer,
to August, 1888 ; Lawrence Steinkogler, to September, 1891 ; Clement Dimpfl,
to February, 1894.
The first parsonage was built in 1894 and since that year the congregation
has had a resident priest : Fathers Vincent Schiffrer, from February, 1894, to
July 9, 1901 ; his successor. Father Pancratius Maehren, died after a brief ill-
ness March 11, 1904 ; Willibrord Mahowald from March, 1904, to April, 1909 ;
Meinrad Seifermann, from April, 1909, to April, 1912. He was succeeded by
the present pastor, Father Philip Bahner, 0. S. B.
The second church caught fire February 16, 1903, and burned to the
ground in a short time. The fire was owing to a defective chimney. Together
with all appurtenances the building at the time was worth $5,000, and it was
insured for $3,000. A new and larger church was begun at once ; it was dedi-
cated by Bishop James Trobec on December 15, 1904.
According to the last parochial census taken in 1907 the total number of
parishioners was 420.
The following societies are flourishing in the congregation : St. Joseph 's
Society, founded 1881; St. Catherine's Society for married women; St. Rose
Society for young ladies; St. Aloysius Society for young men. It is a fact
worthy of mention that the societies support a circulating library of about 200
Church of the Sacred Heart. For many years the Catholic settlers of the
town of Oak were members of the parish of New Munich in the same town.
In January, 1881, the cluster of Catholics, almost all Germans, then living at
Freeport, which is a station on the Great Northern Railway a few miles east
of Melrose, requested the church authorities to send them a priest. Father
Simplicius Wimmer, 0. S. B., was the first missionary rector, and attended
the place from St. John's Abbey. Under his supervision a small frame church
was built during the following year. It stood near the site of the present
church; its dimensions were 72 by 36; cost about $4,000. From January,
1883, services were held every Sunday. During the pastorate of Father Pan-
cratius Maehren the frame church was replaced by a fine structure of brick,
costing more than $30,000 ; its seating capacity was above a thousand ; its
main altar was worth $2,000. The building was begun in 1896 ; the first serv-
ices were held in it on Christmas day, 1898, and it was dedicated by Bishop
Trobec on October 5, 1899. Its dimensions were 154 by 66. Five years later,
on October 12, 1904, the church was totally destroyed by fire.
Without much delay it was resolved to build the third church, on the
site of the one that had burnt. It is built in the Gothic style, of white brick,
and is by far the most conspicuous and elegant building in the place. On
Pentecost Monday, May 16, 1910, it was consecrated by Bishop Trobec. Dur-
ing the winter of 1912-1913 it was decorated, and a large pipe-organ was set
up in it in 1913.
A small parsonage was built in 1890 at a cost of $1,500. This was replaced
by the present two-story edifice in 1902.
Pastors : The following priests attended Freeport from St. John's Abbey:
Fathers Simplicius Wimmer, January, 1881, to November, 1882; Francis Mersh-
man, to May 28, 1887; Alfred Mayer, to August, 1887; Stephen Koefler, to
April, 1888; Ulric Northman, to January 14, 1890 (+ at the Abbey January
21, 1890) ; Oswald Baran, to August, 1890. The following Fathers belonging
to the abbey have been resident pastors: Fathers Stephen Koefler, August,
1890, to September, 1893 ; Anthony Capser, September, 1893, to September,
1894; Jerome Heider, to March, 1895; Pancratius Maehren, who built the first
brick (veneer) church, to July, 1901; Ambrose Lethert, July, 1901, to August,
1906; Stephen Koefler, August, 1906, to March, 1912; the present pastor,
Father Meinrad Seifermann, since March, 1912.
Societies : : St. Joseph Societj^ organized February, 1883 ; the Sacred
Heart Benevolent Society, organized by the pastor. Father Pancratius Maehren.
St. Maiy's Church. St. Mary's church is in the village of Holdingford, in
section 17 of the township of Holding. The Catholics here were first visited
by Father Xavier White, O. S. B. (+1891), of St. John's Abbey, in 1884 and
a congregation was organized under his direction on October 20, 1885. He
visited the mission from the Abbey imtil October, 1890; during this period
the first church, a frame building 28 by 40 was erected, and dedicated July
18, 1886. In 1898 it received an addition of 24 feet to its length and a steeple.
In 1892 the parish consisted of 50 families, or about 160 communicants.
Pastors : Father Xavier "White, O. S. B., 1884 to October, 1890 ; Father
Anthony Capser, 0. S. B., 1891 to 1893. At this time the Benedictine Fathers
withdrew. Secular priests: Revs. John Jaspers, from July, 1893, to 1895;
Erail Steinach, 1895 to 1896; John B. Brender, 1896-1898; William Wilkens,
1898 to 1901 ; Ignatius Wippich, from September to November, 1901 ; Mathias
Butala, 1902; Julius Lemmer, from February, 1903, to May 1, 1913; Rev.
Eugene Scheuer, the present pastor, since July, 1913.
Society: St. Joseph Society, organized by the present pastor in 1913.
President : Gerard Abeln ; vice-president, Theodore Muyres ; treasurer, Charles
Eiden. Membership, 40.
St. Hedwig's Church. This church in the town of Holding was built by
a number of Polish settlers. It is a brick structure, for which the cornerstone
was laid by Bishop Trobec, October 19, 1910. It was first used for worship
by Rev. P. Brenny, who was then in charge of the congregation, on January 1,
1912. In the fall of that year Rev. Raymond Golkowski was appointed tem-
porary pastor. The present pastor is Reverend Kroll.
Church of St. Anthony. The Austrian settlers in the tovniship of Krain
were visited as early as 1869 by Prior Benedict Haindl, 0. S. B., of St. Louis
Abbey ; he is said to have held services there several times between May, 1869,
and May, 1872. He was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Buh, who, in turn, was suc-
ceeded in 1873 by Father Bernard (later Abbot) Locnikar. At his suggestion
the people built a log and frame church, costing about $1,500, which was dedi-
eated June 14, 1874. In August, 1877, Father Vincent Schiffrer, 0. S. B., was
appointed as successor to Father Bernard, and continued to attend the place
until 1888. His successor was Father Cyril Zupan, 0. S. B., from April, 1888,
to 1893, when the Benedictines were replaced by secular priests.
Pastors since 1893 : Revs. Ignatius Lager, February to October, 1893 ;
William Gumper, who attended from Long Prairie, to August 1, 1894; John
B. Brender, also from Long Prairie, to 1895. The first resident pastor was
Rev. Joseph P. Altendorf, September, 1895, to October, 1896 ; he was followed
by Revs. Charles Pfeiffer, 1896, to December, 1900; Joseph A. Stephan, Janu-
ary, 1901, to April, 1910; M. N. Brommenschenkel, 1910-1911; the present pas-
tor is Rev. Ignatius Tomazin, since August, 1911.
The present church was built in 1900 by Rev. Charles Pfeiffer, and fur-
nished by his successor.
In 1876 the number of families was 24 ; in 1908, 120.
Societies: St. Anthony's Society, organized June 13, 1887, with 29 mem-
bers ; present membership, 64. Officers : President, Henry "Welters ; treasurer,
Herman Vorgert ; secretary, John Knops.
A Benevolent Society organized 1898. President, Henry Welters; secre-
tary, Joseph Menth.
Church of SS. Peter and Paul. Although one of the oldest settlements in
the county, Lake George was without a church for many years. The present
church is situated near the east line of section 21 in Lake George township.
The Catholic settlers in these parts were visited by Benedictine Fathers from
St. Joseph between 1857 and 1859, and subsequently were attached to the
parish of Spring Hill. The first steps toward organization were taken in
December, 1889, when a delegation waited upon Bishop Zardetti at St. Cloud
and were permitted to proceed. In 1891 the first frame church was built, and
dedicated in honor of SS. Peter and Paul by Monsignor Joseph P. Bauer, July
12, 1892. At first services were held once a month by Rev. Charles A. Gunkel,
the pastor of Spring Hill. Subsequently it was visited by the priest stationed
at Belgrade. On November 1, 1896, Rev. Hubert Gundermann was appointed
the first resident pastor. He was followed in August, 1897, by the present
pastor. Rev. Norbert Groth.
The first Catholic settler (1856) was Gerard Stalberger, and the second
John Felling. The first marriage in the town was that of Gerard Stalberger
and Anna Mayer, in 1857. Their eldest child was also the first birth in the
town, in the fall of 1859, and was also the first death, the infant dying at the
age of three months. (Hist. Upper Miss. Vail. p. 424.)
Number of families in 1890, 50 ; in 1908, 60.
Church of St. Margaret. St. Margaret's Church stands in section 14 of
the township of Lake Henry. According to the statement of an early settler
the first mass was celebrated in the house of Xavier Poepping by Rev. Francis
Pirz in 1855. For several years the settlement was visited by priests from St.
Cloud and St. Joseph. Later the Catholics of the township were members of
either the church at Spring Hill or of that at St. Martin.
In the winter of 1880 a number of settlers in Lake Henry met at the house
of George Kraemer to discuss the organization of a separate parish. It was
due chiefly to the untiring efl'orts of Michael Kraemer that permission was
secured to build a church and form a congregation. The first church was a
frame structure, 36 by 50, and its cost was about $1,500. It was begun in
the spring of 1882 and dedicated July 20, of the same year, by Bishop Seiden-
busch. The sum of $325 was expended for furnishing the church, of this $250
was the gift of Michael Kraemer, the founder. In 1884, under the pastorate
of Rev. Anthony Capser, the church was extended 12 feet and a steeple 75
feet high was built at an expense of $1,500.
The first parsonage was built in 1887 at a cost of about $1,700.
Number of families in 1913, 63 ; 375 souls, all Germans.
Pastors : The Benedictine Fathers — Stanislaus Preiser, who resided at
St. Martin, 1881-83; Anthony Capser, 1883-1885; Leo Winter, who at first
visited from Farming, but was appointed resident pastor, July 1, 1886, and
remained until 1894, when the Benedictines withdrew. Secular priests: Revs.
William Lange, 1894-1899; Isidore Hengarten, 1899-1901; John Gratz, 1901-
1903; Joseph Mayrhofer, February, 1903, to September, 1910; the present
pastor, Rev. William Lange, since September, 1910.
Church of St. Wendelin. The settlement called Luxemburg is in the west-
ern part of the township of St. Augusta, and about eight miles from St. Cloud.
A congregation was organized April 11, 1859, by Father Clement Staub, who
on this day for the first time officiated in the house of Henry Reding. It was
also the only time that Father Clement officiated in the settlement. He called
a meeting of the settlers, at which a place for a church, and also a titular for
it were selected. The first church was a frame building. From this time the
mission was visited from St. Augusta. The visiting fathers lodged with Red-
ing, Diedrich and Moos families. For some years services were held only once
a month. (Notes of Abbot A. Edelbrock.) The first church was 24 by 35 and
was built on section 19 in the township of St. Augusta.
Father Valentine Stimmler drew the plans and supervised the erection of
the present church. Its dimensions are 58 by 112, and the material used is
granite boulders. "In the spring of 1872 work was commenced and the corner
stone was laid by Abbot Seidenbush, July 28, 1872. The walls were raised
about 6 feet that year when funds ran out. Operations were resumed in the
spring, 1873, and that year the church was completed, except the tower and
plastering. On Christmas day Father Valentine celebrated the first mass in
it. In the spring of 1874 the church was plastered." (St. Cloud Times, Octo-
ber 20, 1897.) It was dedicated by Bishop Seidenbusch July 4, 1875. The
tower was finished in 1888.
The present parsonage was built in 1875 by the first resident pastor,
Father Ignatius Wesseling, at a cost of about $2,400.
St. Wendelin 's was visited by priests from St. Cloud and St. Augusta until
1875. From 1858-1870 it was visited by Fathers Benedict Haindl, Anschar
Frauendorfer, Cornelius Wittmann and other Benedictine Fathers from the
abbey (now St. John's). Until 1909 the respective pastors also attended the
mission of Pearl Lake.
Number of families in 1913, 64.
Pastors since 1871 : The Benedictine Fathers — Valentine Stimmler, March,
1871, to November, 1875; Ignatius Wesseling, the first resident priest, No-
vember, 1875, to October, 1877 ; Willibrord Mahowald, to 1878 ; Meinulph Stu-
kenkemper, 1879-1880 ; Pancratius Maehren, February, 1881 to May 26, 1882 ;
Andrew Straub, to February 1, 1883; Benedict Haindl, to January 13, 1885;
Louis Salzeder, May, 1886, to February 20, 1888; Stephen Koefler, August,
1888, to May 22, 1889; Wolfgang Steinkogler, to August, 1892; Paul Eetten-
maier, to April, 1894, when the Benedictines retired. Secular priests: Revs.
Isidore Hengarten, 1894-1896 ; John Wernich, 1896 to May, 1908 ; the present
pastor. Rev. Hubert Gundermann, since May 28, 1908.
The principal society in the parish is the St. Wendelin Benevolent Society,
organized November 3, 1895, by the pastor. Rev. I. Hengarten. Original mem-
bership, 18 ; present membership, 38. President, Henry Hansen ; vice-president,
Stephen Schaefer; secretary, John B. Otto; treasurer, Paul Bach.
Church, of St. Nicholas. Fifty years ago the settlers living in the town-
ship of Luxemburg attended divine service at either Richmond, Jacob 's Prairie
or at St. Wendel in the township of St. Augusta. A number of Catholic set-
tlers came here first in 1855. Father Clement Staub, 0. S. B., who was sta-
tioned at St. Joseph, visited the settlement in 1857 or 1858 and said mass for
the first time in the house of John Theisen. Subsequently Fathers Bruno Riss
and Matthew Stuerenberg officiated in a school house. In 1866 the number of
families had grown so great that it was necessary to build a church. The
late Nicholas Schmit, a member of the congregation, donated forty acres of
land for the church, on condition that it be called the church of St. Nicholas.
It was built near the northern line of section two, about three miles south of
Cold Spring. From the year 1866, when the church was built, till 1881, the
mission was visited by priests from St. James or from Richmond. A parsonage
was built in 1881 and since that time the parish has had a resident pastor.
About 1888 the church was no longer large enough for the congregation
and the erection of a new church was discussed ; the numerous parishioners
who lived in the southern sections of the township insisted that it be built
in the center, while others favored the original site for which land had been
donated. As the episcopal see of St. Cloud was at the time vacant, the ques-
tion remained undecided until the arrival of Bishop Zardetti, who sustained
the view of the majority and authorized the building of a new church about
three and a half miles farther south. As a result a number of families living
in the northern sections joined the Cold Spring congregation.
The contract for building the new church was let September 8, 1890, to
John Heimann of St. Cloud ; it was to be a frame church, and to be at some
later date veneered with brick. The dimensions were 52 by 149 and the cost
$8,275. Bishop Zardetti dedicated it in 1891. The Benedictine Fathers, who
had served for thirty-five years, withdrew in September, 1892, when a secular
priest, Rev. Joseph Bastiau, was placed in charge. He had the church ve-
neered with brick at a cost of $3,880. The church was incorporated in 1895.
On May 24 of the present year it was destroyed by fire.
Pastors : The Benedictine Fathers — Clement Staub, Bruno Riss and Mat-
thew Stuerenberg, who visited the mission from St. Joseph from 1857-66;
Anschar Frauendorfer, from Richmond, 1866-71 ; Joseph Vill, from the abbey,
to 1872 ; Simplicius Wimmer, July to September, 1873 ; Vincent Schiffrer, from
Jacob's Prairie, 1873-77; Leo Winter, 187 to November, 1879; Joseph Vill,
resident, to July, 1882 ; Conrad Glatzmaier, May 3, 1883, to January 22, 1885 ;
Paul Rettenmaier, to August, 1885; Simplicius Wimmer, 1885, to September,
1890 ; Jerome Heider, to March, 1892. Secular Priests — Revs. Joseph Bastian,
from August 14, 1892, to February, 1895; Anthony Arzt, 1895-1896; Isidore
Hengarten, May, 1896, to Decembei', 1897; John B. Brender, January to Au-
gust, 1898; Nicholas Peiffer, from St. Cloud, August to December, 1898;
Thomas Fassbind, January 1, 1899, to the day of his death, February 17, 1911 ;
Herman J. Klein, from March, 1911, to June, 1914; the present rector. Rev.
Gebhard SchoUenberger, since June of the present year.
The principal society connected with the church is the St. Nicholas So-
ciety, organized Dee. 6, 1892, with 35 members. Present membership, 100, of
which 38 have joined the state association. President, John Theisen; vice-
president. Mat. Biessener; secretary, Peter Schwartz; treasurer, Theodore
Church of St. Columbkille. In the northwestern part of the township of
St. Wendel there was a little settlement of Irish Catholics as early as 1867.
They requested the abbot of St. Louis-on-the-Lake, some eight miles distant,
to send them a priest, and were so fortunate as to secure one that perfectly
understood their language and their needs, Father Augustine Bums, 0. S. B.,
The place was visited once a month at first, and more frequently later on by
Benedictines until 1890, when it was attended from Brockway, by the priest
residing there. Subsequently it was in charge of the secular priest stationed
at Avon or at Holdingford.
The following Benedictine Fathers attended the mission : Fathers Au-
gustine Burns, 1867-1870; Wolfgang Northman, 1870-1873; Ulric Northman,
1873-1876; Francis Mershman, February, 1876, to September, 1879; Anthony
Capser, 1879, to November 26, 1883 ; Xavier White, January 27, 1884, to March,
In 1906 a resident priest was appointed in the person of Rev. Michael Cau-
ley, who died May 22, 1910. He was temporarily succeeded by Father Benno
Ferstl, 0. S. B., from June to August of the same year. The place has not had
a resident priest since.
The first church was built in 1877, on section 6 ; it was a frame building
50 by 36.
Church of St. John the Baptist. The village takes its name from one of
the earliest Catholic settlers in the township of Grove, Henry Meyer. The first
Catholic settlers came in 1857. During the first year they were so far from a
church that they met at the house of Henry Meyer on Sundays where they
recited prayers and listened to devout readings by one of their number. Upon
Mr. Meyer's invitation Father Clement Staub, 0. S. B., for the first time visited
the settlement in the fall of 1858 and celebrated mass on a carpenter's work
bench fitted up as an altar, in the house of Henry Schaefer. After Father
Clement Father Bruno Riss, 0. S. B., visited the place several times. His suc-
cessor, Father Matthew Stuerenberg, 0. S. B., (1862-1864) built the first church
near the lake in 1864. The church property — ten acres — was donated by Henry
and Herman Meyer.
The log church soon proved too small for the growing parish, and in
1871, Father Anschar Frauendorfer, who visited the mission from 1864-1872,
built a frame church 80 by 30 near the present cemetery. From 1872-1874 the
pastor was Father Meinulph Stukenkemper, who attended twice a month from
New Munich, five miles distant. During all this time the Fathers, when they
came to the settlement for services, were hospitably entertained at the house
of Henry Meyer. Father Simplicius Wimmer in 1874 built a small frame par-
sonage and in the fall of that year the parish received its first resident pastor,
Father Burkard Bauernschubert, who in 1875 retvirned to Europe, where he
died several years ago. His successor was Father Wolfgang Northman, who
from this point also attended Sauk Centre and Rooney's Settlement. His
useful career was cut short by his sudden death on February 8, 1